Channelling From Merlin by Whitefeather 22/5/09

The Alchemy of Ascension
I come again to speak with you, dear one, I know you are feeling this deep within you, hold faith to what I tell you and know that you feel the burden of all humanity ,and that this is not solely your own pain. Please also pass this on to others as I wish the world to know of the Alchemy of Ascension, for this is for both male and female alike.
The energies of the masculine and the feminine are changing. For long years your world has been in the grip of the masculine dominance, the masculine has reached its peak, just as your Sun will soon reach its peak, and like your Sun, the masculine powers will begin a downward spiral. Men are fearing this and rebelling, some women do to, men feel their loss of power, women fear their growing power. As the masculine and feminine powers meet at this crossing point of each ones rise or fall, your fears become magnified and each are clutching our in different ways, but it is seen most vividly in your relationships.
The males of your world must learn to relinquish the need for control and women must learn how to accept power and in so doing, transmute negativity through the act of compassion. Holding power is not about dominance over another, as has been the masculine way, holding power is about working towards a greater good through healing, sharing, loving and compassion for each other.
It sounds so simple, and truly it is, remember, transmutation is alchemy in action.
The ancient wisdoms and teachings of the feminine principal kept your world in balance for many eons, achieved through an understanding of Nature, of the world around you and your interaction and impact on the world around you, of the natural rhythms and cycles of life, natural health and wellbeing, of beauty and use of intuition. But then the masculine began to feel threatened by this power, this beauty way of being and so they rebelled and repressed women and the ancient and sacred ways, and so man came to dominate women and all life, stamping down feminine energy so they could feed their ego’s and become superior. This domination and superiority has brought your world to the chaos it is now in and so it is time for the feminine to return.
There are those upon the Earth at this time that are awakened to the memories of those sacred, feminine times, not just women who are leading the way in spirituality, but some men too who can feel the need for the feminine within themselves. The flame of Love has been kept quietly burning in their hearts and souls and now it burns brighter and brighter, stronger and stronger as they remember more and more of their own sacred past lives as Priests and Priestesses of the Divine Mother Goddess and they are again shining their wisdom and knowledge. Yes dear ones, I know many of the women are suffering abusive relationships at this time, also the men who are finding their feminine are finding it harder to be accepted in the masculine world of the material and it pains them to be different from their peers. But trust you are each where you should be at this time. Remember dear ones, it is not about one being better than another, it is simply the natural procession of evolution. Just as it is natural for your Sun to rise and fall again each sacred Solstice. Yet look at how the Moon, the ancient embodiment of feminine wisdom, look how She continues Her role month after month, regardless of the Sun’s power or apparent weakness, the Moon remains the constant in the Heavens despite Her changing faces on Her unending journey.
Women, I call out to you to be like the Moon, be strong, steady and constant in your Love and beauty, allow yourselves to trust in your own divine knowledge, wisdom and guidance. Women, you hold so much sacred power within you and the time has come to awaken many sacred teachings from deep within you for the benefit of the world at this time.
Atlantis shall rise again, but not as you may think, in a physical temple or island from out of the sea, but through the power of the feminine and the wisdom that is awakening within them, for you are all needed to help the world evolve at this time. Look to your Indigo and Crystal Children, Look to your Grandmothers, Elders and Wise Women, for they hold the net of light that an empower all peoples to love and accept the feminine principal.
Men, I hear you saying “And what of us ? Are we to be ruled by women now ? “. This saddens me. I have been called the greatest mage to ever have lived, (hmmp! He smiles and shakes his head), yet I am not one person, I am not an historical figure, I am an energy that resides within all of you, I may seem masculine in my appearance, but I am feminine in my soul. And here dear ones, is my Alchemical Key, it is why I endure beyond time and space, eon after eon even though my name may change many times to suit the timing.
Each man alive has the feminine within him and can choose to operate in feminine energy of Love and acceptance, compassion and receptiveness. Each woman alive has the masculine within her and can be a strong warrior, provider and protector. In truth, despite your physical appearances, you are each both feminine and masculine. Which you choose to allow domination to, is the energy you will emit. Too many of you, both male and female, have been emitting masculine energy and so your world has become unbalanced because of this.
NOW is the time to redress this unbalance and return the feminine energy to its rightful place. Do not look to what type of physical carriage you inhabit, the sexuality of your body is of no significance, for it is the rising of the feminine energy within each of you that will bring the peace you desire to your hearts and to your world.
Children of the Earth, remember who you are, not the illusion of a struggling humanity that you think you are, for you are all androgynous beings of the universe, you all hold the power of both feminine and masculine within you, do not loose sight of this as you gaze only at your physical appearance, forget which sex it is that you are and become the immortal, eternal beings that you are. Awaken the mysteries of the feminine buried deep in your psyche, deep in your souls. Release the ancient wisdom and knowledge held there. Become who you truly are, for when you reach and hold and share that knowledge, that wisdom, that feminine knowingness, then you act as a beacon for others to find you and come to you so that you can help awaken them also. Your feminine being within yourself reaches out eve n to those you will never see or meet, yet will touch them at soul level, reawakening within them the ancient sacredness of the feminine. Without this awakening there can be no rebalancing.
It is time to change your perceptions of what it means to be male or female, for in both your are neither yet are both. It is time to bring the sacredness back into your world, both personal and global, by embracing the feminine qualities within you no matter what your gender may appear to be.
To accept the feminine you must be willing to create change whilst remaining constant. Remember, the Moon is constant despite Her changing faces, because you do not see something does not mean it is not there. Because you look male, does not mean there is no feminine there. The Sun is not constant, it comes to power and declines again, to rise again another time. Now is the time for your Earthly masculinity to diminish and the constant of the feminine to rise. Once the feminine is embraced you will begin to see the changes you all desire to see, but these changes must begin within each of your first. You are not abandoning masculinity, you are merely acknowledging cycles of natural rhythms, allowing the masculine to rest and be healed by the power of the feminine.
Embrace the feminine, the ancient wisdoms, the new energies that are offered to you, have the willingness to create sacredness and spirituality for it will invite healing and celebration, excitement and new experiences, challenges and new ways of doing, achieving and being. Let your life become a joyous journey of discovery and wonder as you become the feminine.
In this way when the time comes for the masculine to again rise, it will do so in balance and harmony with the feminine.
Dear ones, Love all aspects of your lives, embrace changes, create, yes create, woman are the creators of life, they hold the seed, without the masculine the seed cannot germinate, yet it is the feminine that nurtures and brings the seed to fruition, and so it shall be with the feminine energy. Allow it to flood your life, your planet, let it nurture your inner being, the future balance of your Earth.
Blessings of the Feminine dear ones, Merlin.

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