Re: Twelve messages of Archangel Michael from the equinox to the summer solstice

June 7, 2009

I am Michael, Prince and Regent of the Celestial Militia. Liked well Maitres and children of the Light, we welcome you within this 7th effusion which constitutes the 7th grace, the 7th star. The 6th and the 7th stars join together, within the central pivot of 12 stars, the total influence and the total revelation of the union of the Father/Mother within the dance of the universe, within the dance of the lives, the movement of the life and the propagation of the light by the will of the Father/Mother reunited. In this moment you yourself start to live the effusion of the 7th grace and the 6th grace joined together. Thus, the Source, the Father and the Mother, the Holy Trinity present within all the traditions, in all the religions and in all dimensions within the multi-universes, forms the tri-Unit appearing in you. This tri-Unit seals in you the return within the axis of the world, within the axis of the Truth, the Unit and the perfection. This alchemy comes together and is realized in the heart of your being by the vibration and the dance of the heart.

By the vibration and power of the Light within your being, you reconnect, as of today, the totality of the sense of the universes, the totality of the sense of your lives, your goals, your ways, your incarnations and your Lights. This reunification of the tri-Unit within your being makes you the Carriers, the Transmitters and Anchorers of the Light within this dimension. The Conclave, as well as the Virgin Mary (as named) stabilize in you, from now on, the power of the Love, the power of the Light and the power of the Truth. Realize along with the alignment with the axis of the world, the axis of the worlds, you participate in the creation of the worlds and you permit, by your Presence and your radiation the anchoring of it, within the new reality, the new dimension.

Like I have said, I come to deconstruct what does not belong to the tri-Unit, what does not belong to the project and to the plan of the Light, within worlds of obscurity which you have traversed and which you agreed to transcend and to raise. This starts now. The full power of the Conclave, the full Marian power, will appear on this Earth as from your summer solstice.

The warnings that I have given you, not to attach importance to the phenomena external to your interior will take on all their relief then. You should never lose sight of the axis of the world, the will of the Father/Mother united within the Source. You become part of the play and the dance of the Source by your irradiating Presence within your density. The carriers of the Light and the transmitters of the Light become the incarnated Light. The first effusion of the tri-Unit within your Truth.

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We produce, with you, within your Interior Temple, the power and the grace of the Light, the power and the grace of the Love. You become, as what Christ said in his incarnation, the Way, the Truth and the Life. No more external Shade can come to disturb the oath which you fulfill, in you, to make you recover your very authentic spiritual lineage.

I wish to point out that the number of human beings that you are, from now on, is more than sufficient to enable you to establish the foundations of a new world. That will be accomplished under your eyes by the power and the majesty of the Light, by the power and the majesty of the Father and the Mother who are revealed, in you, in order that you became, finally, the dignified Son that you always were. You thus realize, within your density, within your incarnation, the power of the grace because you will become, in the coming weeks, the incarnated grace. There cannot be obstacles within this new found tri-Unit. The domain of the Shade has no more place. This one recedes in front of your majesty. The revelation of the Unit, through the tri-Unit, permits the activation in you of the resonance, the connection and fusion of your various spiritual lines which appear, little by little, to your conscience.

The external disagreements (wherever they are located on this world) linked to the dissolution, of the Shade, linked to the dissolution of what is not the Light, will not be able to affect you in your conscience, your Truth. You will be guided, in an infallible way, by the Light, as to your conduct, as to your decisions, as to your to become [your future], as to your travels. The axis of the world, realized by the awakening of the 7th grace, corresponds to what a number of movements, a number of religions have called the faith. But a faith which knows, a faith which sees, a faith which includes/understands, a faith which is active. That starts, in you, as from today. Effusion of the tri-Unit.

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The axis of the world is built in you. You find your center and your axis. You are aligned. You are blessed. You are the godsend [the blessing]. During the next 24 hours, the initialization that we performed today, in this country, from the time slot of 12 to 13:00, will be realized as Truth within yourself. It belongs to you to cultivate this grace, to enable it to grow, to manifest and be entirely active within your density. The only challenge of your lives is on this level and nowhere elsewhere. You must cease, in a formal way, the struggle, the combat and all that makes the grace not able grow in you. Leaving the grace to grow in you is permitted, is needed, is facilitated by the effusion which we carry out. Effusion of the grace.

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Liked well Maitres of the Light I am made the spokesperson of the Conclave, as of the Virgin Mary (to whom we have given all of your radiation) in order to congratulate you and encourage you to live what you live. The Truth is in that and nowhere else. The projections of your consciences to the outside will cease gradually. You will learn, in the weeks which come, to live within the grace, within the Unit, within the Truth. Within this grace exists no tension, no conflict. It is on the level of this state that is found the space for resolution of the Shade, your Shades and the Shades cultivated by certain beings within this planet. That is your combat for the Light, your combat for the Peace.

All together, we thank you, you who join us in more and more numbers, increasingly valiant and strong, within this splendid transformation of the Light. Be thanked. Be certain, as well, that as the deconstruction of this world increases Marie will turn to each one of you individually. No one is able to be misled by this voice even the ones who, for the moment, do not participate in this work of the Light.

Each one of you, wherever on this planet, whatever the sense of service (towards the Shade or the Light), will recognize instantly, without any doubt, the vibration of the Divine Mother. Marie will personally announce a certain number of events to be fulfilled, the moment is come. This announcement will seal, in a definitive way, your reunion with the Light. No one will be able to confuse this announcement with another thing because the response will be heard in the heart and not in the head.

Henceforth, within this density, you yourself being the axis of the world, you will have an increasingly large capacity to function, to live by the Light and for the Light. This is a total reversal of the paradigm, a reversal of all that made your lives until now. In this sense, we recommend to you, us, Conclave, as well as the Divine Marie, more and more, to abandon to the Will of the Light, the Will of the Source, the will of the Unit. It is in this abandonment that resides, whatever are the exterior circumstances of your lives, the reality of the Joy, the reality of the Presence, the reality of I Am. Within this Truth, your way within this density will not be able to meet obstacles. Effusion of the Source.

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Liked well children of the grace and the Truth, your role, from now on, consists in establishing this Truth more and more, expressing it in a quiet way, in the world, through the world. Wherever you are, whatever your place within the universe and this life, you are all equal before the Light. Your role is to irradiate, literally, this vibration, this new density where the Unit is no longer faced with something other than itself. There is therefore a total and complete reunification of what you are within other dimensions. This revelation comes with a greater facility, for you, to rise to the world of the Light, the world of the vibration and the world of the Essence of the Form. At the most you will let this Light penetrate your environment completely, at the most your way will seem clear, seem easy, despite the disorder of the world.

The Virgin Mary, the Conclave, urges you to turn more and more towards the interior, not to retire within this interior, but to draw from the Light, the conscience that you need to put into each step, into each of your relations, each of the things that you do. In this way the light is revealed in the world. In this way the joined Father and the Mother speaks to you and teaches you.

Once again, we thank the multitude of human beings who join us and who join you within this work, within this Truth. The work of the Light is the most grand of the graces that a human being can live. There is not, within this duality, an event which can put you in the Joy and the Truth as much as what you live at the moment. You are those who roused. You are those who awoke, in the way that we awoke you and roused you. This is done in the Joy. Only the deconstruction is not the Joy but you are the Joy within the deconstruction. You are the Joy within this density if you become, yourself, what we propose to you: the axis of the world, the tri-Unit reunified within your Interior Temple, within your conscience. You must act by virtue of the world, the action not being, here, an action imprinted with duality or reaction but rather, by virtue of what you made, an action of grace, an action of Truth. Effusion of the radiation of the ultra-violet.

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Liked well Maitres of the Light, children of the Source, you must look over this world and let the Light act in you to give you the directives for your way, for your life. You must welcome what comes. You must welcome the grace. You must live within this grace and within this world. Your actions will be from now on guided, if you accept it, by our guidance and our radiance, by the ultra-violet, by the Holy Spirit and by the Source. Little by little, in the weeks ahead , you will go further and anchor the axis of the world in you, you will become more conscious of what the Source is, of its role, within this density. We humbly ask you to subject yourself to the Truth of the Light, to abandon yourself to the Source and the radiation of the One Light. Your force, your survival, can come only from there and nowhere else. By abandoning yourself to the Source, your way will be clear, your way will be saved, whatever, once again, the deconstructions of this world.

The faith [conviction] must become your rampart, which it is really. Realizing the axis of the world, the vibration of your DNA changes completely, the vibration of your cells, the vibration of your physical body, is engorged literally with the Light of the Source and reveals a deeply different physiology. Your needs will become different. Your functioning will become different on all the levels. This represents the beginnings of what you will live later, called dimensional translation or ascension. The intellect, the reason, must handover the place, totally to the intelligence of Love, to the intelligence of the grace. Effusion of the Source.

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We add, us, Conclave, that the more you take part in these Weddings, the more the Earth will lighten for the best. Thus, we encourage you to radiate this Light on the whole of your brothers, without asking questions, without imposing anything, simply to suggest. As I specified it at the time of my last intervention with the last effusion, it is by your example that you will contaminate [change or make radioactive], that you will irradiate this Light as much as possible.

The movement which has begun here now for 7 weeks will still continue and increase, week by week. The vibration of the Source penetrates the whole of creation within this density and not only, of course, the humans. The Earth herself begins to respond to the impulse of these Weddings by a more intense vibration coming from her crystalline core, also appearing by the amplification of the conscience of the beings living inside the Earth, them also, participating in the rise of the One conscience towards becoming pure Light. Like I said, we have given the seals and the vibrations of our presence and of our radiance to Marie. This one now has all the power necessary, and the opening of the channels within the human beings, in order to be able, very soon, to carry out the announcement of Marie.

You must, in the same way, within your life, receive what is presented to you in a light manner because it is the Light which acts for you. The circumstances of your lives, whatever they are, are resonances of the Light, resonances of the Truth. If some among you live phenomena described as painful include/understand well that that is to permit the total demonstration of the Light in them and, ultimately, that is what will happen. The faith [conviction] must grow. Confidence in the Light must be established, in an irremediable and definite way, within your conscience. Effusion of the radiation of the ultra-violet.

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By the realization of this 7th grace the ultra-violet penetrates, now and from now on, throughout your cells, allowing the mutation and the waking up necessary in the whole of your inheritance of DNA. The vibratory and atomic transmutation of your constituent atoms is now able to start. Your structure, your form, evolves towards a form of greater adequacy for the will of the tri-Unit, for the will of the Source. Do not linger, through this vibration which transmutes you, with the eliminations which can occur. Accompany them without resistance. They are not durable imbalances but rather the elimination of what must be eliminated. The only balsam to put on these resistances is to receive more Light within your structures. The transformed body, once it will have eliminated a certain number of oppositions and resistances which you call diseases, will become impermeable to all vibration of the Shade, conveyed both by drugs called vaccines as by any mental influence that someone would want to impose upon you. Effusion of the grace.

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Liked well children of the Light, when I speak to you of receiving the Light that applies also to receiving all that is presented to you with the same love and the same Light. By the principle that I have expressed, no Shade, if you continue to receive the Light, will be able to reach you as Shade. The Light that you emit, the power of the vibration and the mutation which you live, will transmute this Shadow and will dissolve it. You never need to fear. You never need to dread. The Light is all powerful. The transmutation that you live is the Truth, is reality. Do not be alarmed at the feelings of heat, of cold, of vibration which your bodies will begin to live in an intense way. That results from the action of the Light and the Source, of the action of the Father/Mother, even within your physical structures.

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Liked well Maitres of the Light, I would stop there and today these words in these few sentences: we have, us, Conclave, to thank all the human beings who take part in the effort of the Light, in the effort towards the dimensional translation.

We bless you individually and collectively. The work of the grace (between 12 noon and 13 hours, per hour of your clock) will increase during this week. This moment of grace, you are asked to live in total conscience, whatever are your external activities. You must be conscious and thankful for the grace that the Source gives you, within these dislocated worlds where you live. To receive and give thanks.

The action to receive corresponds to a thanks. Just as you have received these effusions of the ultra-violet, and will continue to do it, we receive you, us also, within the Light, within the dance of the grace and the dance of the Truth. The transmutation of your physical bodies is a real-life Truth lived even within your density. It is not so much a subtle phenomenon but rather a reality, tangible, visible and perceptible. At best you will receive the axis of the world, at best you will eliminate what must be eliminated. At best you will develop the acceptance and the service of the Light, the acceptance and the service of your brothers and sisters, the acceptance and the service of the whole of creation within this density, at the best you will go, at the best you will conduct yourself, at best you will be in the Joy. We bless you and leave you to live the tri-Unit, now, in silence, until the end of your 72 terrestrial minutes. Be blessed. We love you.

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As with my practice, the Conclave informs me that the date of next overflowing is located on Sunday June 14 at 18:00. We continue the effusion.

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