Heal Starting NOW Via Trusting Your DNA!

By Raven Cohan
An article I read during the winter of '09 in a Yahoo Group that was about strategies for the 'Sick Season' told me that 'We are all human'. It basically had positive moments, but it tended to go toward a feeling that humans are trapped in dealing with germs as if they were muggers lurking around every corner. I propose to share with you my truth: Rarely do I get sick! Once in a great while, (about 7 to 10 years), I can get a flue that lingers for a week or two. Therefore I don’t buy into statistical averages cited in any media that as many as ten colds a year are normal for kids and four per year for myself as an adult. The secret to my staying healthy more often than these statistics tell me is normal may be because I do wash my hands often enough. I eat right, exercise wonderfully and therefore I don’t fear any sick person who might cough in my face. I write this article with the point being to remind you that your immune system is... key word... YOURS. It is under your controls and guidance.

I have learned that I need to talk regularly to my body. I certainly do not tell my DNA and stem cells to go ahead and lie down and take any sick days. Your DNA would really love you to tell them that you don't have to give in easily to anyone else's view of Normal Statistics. The DNA in your cells wants you to tell them how healthy you are. However, if you are like most people, you tend to tell yourself that you are vulnerable to illness and therefore your responsive cells are going to agree with you. You are the master of your cells.

It happens that the morning I began writing this article, I had had a sore throat for three nights in a row. Before I went to bed, each of those nights, I did physical, mental, emotional, energetic and spiritual rituals that I will mention. I did not lie down in bed quivering with the thought, 'Oh that inevitable cold that everyone is getting is chasing me now!!!' There was not one 'Poor me, there's nothing to be done' type of surrender voicing itself in my head. Each morning I woke up without any trace of a step-one symptom. I was back to feeling healthy. I went through a new day feeling fine. Yet, the next two mornings I boomer-ranged back to the vulnerable symptoms.

Certain times in your life you do have emotional, physical, mental, energetic and spiritual drains coming at you that you must look at and you can deal with if you learn some complementary medicine techniques. In those times your immune system needs extra help. I am not saying to NEVER consult a doctor of Western Medicine. There are miraculous machines that scan your body. There are operations to repair countless damages you have brought on through your habits and mind sets. Through the onslaught of commercials for the drugs that flood the market that ask you to ask your doctor about this and that formula you might easily resort to that more well known route. If your middle name happens to be, 'pill popper', consider what I am writing in this article. here! Trust a new way to possibly feel better sooner than you have been lead to believe with out prescriptions from a doctor.

When a sore throat and tiredness comes back and seems relentless, I don't ever expect a progression through symptoms that will put me on my back in bed for a week or more. (And I certainly do not give any power whatsoever to the hyped-up media's fear-mongering about any Flue from swines or birds...etc!) I don't consciously or even subconsciously welcome a well deserved rest from my life where I will enjoy family members waiting on me as mom did when I was a kid. (Fun Vacations are a much better way to take a rest when I am at my best, healthy self.) I don't invite in the feeling that others love me more when I am vulnerable. There is nothing wrong with being vulnerable, yet I don't have to be physically, emotionally or mentally ill to enable myself to be vulnerable at times and allow some one to take care of me. You might need that at times, but I am telling you that I don't have that modus operendi as part of a response to simple and even more challenging symptoms. These words are not set out to give you a case of what is termed, 'New Age Guilt'. Please get inspired. Read enough information that will convince you that you can learn to tap into your healing abilities just as strongly as I have come to materialize such wellness in my normal, everyday life.

Back to what happened to get me better completely after three days of cold symptoms: The third night of recurring symptoms is when I had replaced my toothbrush and continued doing some physical remedies like taking Loquat Syrup I get from the Chinese grocery store, taking a Wellness Capsule I get from the health food store and putting eucalyptus oil on my throat and a scarf over it all night after breathing in it's properties in steam. I also layed in bed and did mental-energetic-spiritual qigong in the form of alchemical formulas that balance my emotions as well as my energetic centers and acupuncture routes. After three days of recurring symptoms I kicked that regression where each evening I recreated the night coughs. That Fourth morning I was my normal, healthy self.

My normal routine is to do over an hour of morning practices daily. I teach my morning class six times per week for an hour. I share self-help techniques I've learned through Ancient Chinese understandings. Being able to teach others is one of the ways I find I retain my own health better than just doing it for myself. I catch up with extra sleep once weekly so I take that one morning off. When life is extra topsy-turvy, I get up out of bed during the night and do extra practices in another room away from my husband to not disturb him. No tossing and turning for me!

I am not saying that my ways of dealing are the only ways an individual should learn to cope. There are many ways; hundreds and thousands of ways to do it, but you must find your own way and practice while you are healthy and not just when you are sick. You might be working more than one shift and have a truly stressful life. You can take a few minutes each hour to do some of the things I have mentioned. A few times a week you can get in a class from someone whose teachings appeal to you and you can practice what you have learned to become a better self-healer.

Stop spreading the negative mantras that you have no recourse to a cold, flu or even a life-threatening illness. Unless you really want those days in bed suffering, train yourself to be the empowered energetic self-healer who is connected to the one Healing Source, no matter how you name him/her/it. I like to believe you have to 'put out your hands'. to 'catch a cold' in the same way as catching a ball. Step aside! Don't be guilty, make excuses, or feel sorry. Train your immune system daily. And if you do 'come down' with something, know right away that it is temporary. (Notice the phrase, 'come down'... That is a clue to your subconscious that you better get back up again, don't you think?)

I have come to the understandings of biologist Bruce Lipton, whose website can be found via search engines on the internet. I find there is comfort in the research he offers and the history he shows supporting a 'new paradigm of thought' being popularized that has been around for thousands of years. Although his website doesn't at this time offer as many free articles as it used to, you can glean from it some of the theories that have enhanced by previous studies on the subject (since the 1960's), of why our minds are now proven to control our cells and therefore our genes. It is no longer Pollyannaism of 'mind over matter'-type wishful thinking. So much research is now available and is proving that we are best NOT cowering in fear of germs or even of inheriting a disease from our parents and other genealogically-close relatives. It is the fears and cowering attitude itself that informs your cells that you are vulnerable and opens the genes to your thought language which is proven again and again as the major key to bringing on disorders of the body, mind, emotions, spirit and energy. Your thoughts are precious and need to be guided with your good intention by developing your subconscious understandings of this truth: Your DNA does support and materialize just about everything you believe.

The pharmaceutical world and medical establishment makes very much money on human frailties that are exacerbated by keeping from you the now well researched knowledge of your human ability to change your mind and change your cells. If people don't train to discard fears... sorry to say it, but those above mentioned industries will still be the ones who are keeping you fearful instead of you yourself providing the education you need to transform your limiting beliefs and therefore your very own DNA.

The above information will help you to understand that negative mantras must be ousted from your habitual way of speaking to yourself. Now that extensive research continuously increases about the ability our DNA has to be transformed by our language, we can benefit greatly. Research and find information on some of the studies being done all over the world. Start understanding that YOU are in Charge when you feel symptoms of sickness.

Raven Cohan is certified to teach Universal Tao/ Healing Tao courses by her teacher Mantak Chia since 1983. These classes offer hundreds of ways to approach your best healthy self. She is presently writing a book on her take of this system of Chinese Healing techniques.

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