When I came to earth two thousand years ago

“The only biological aspect of my birth that is truly relevant to your understanding is the human DNA change which occurred at that time. That change has been resounding through the centuries like the Master key of a tuning fork, affecting every new generation of children. DNA is the physical carrier of love; therefore it conforms to whatever quality of love is presented to it. The energetic transmission of this higher love is a frequency within the Sacred Heart given by the Creator, to be extended from one to another, generation to generation.

When I came to earth two thousand years ago, I was not essentially different from you, except that I had never known separation from my Divine Origin, and I had never known myself as anything but the love that I am, nor had I ever created fictions about myself. It was necessary that I be conceived by one whose purity could receive and support the DNA changes that were necessary for my life. My mother was indeed a special woman, prepared by God for the role she was to play. Were it not for the power of the Holy Spirit and her childlike innocence, my conception would not have been possible. During my life, the nature of my conception was never discussed, and there would have been no scientific understanding capable of explaining what really happened. Many believed that something out of the ordinary had come to pass, and there were only a few concepts capable of expressing those beliefs. There was a miraculous aspect to my conception, but it was not scientifically improbable either. However, I am not willing to reveal everything about my Mother’s sacred privacy. To whomever such knowledge is rightfully appropriate, I am sure she will reveal whatever needs to be known.

As for me, there was a problem which had to be overcome. In organic life, DNA is constructed to conduct the complex and mysterious functions of love. Human DNA is constructed to handle and to conduct very high levels of love function. As you accelerate those love functions, your DNA will change accordingly. In my case, using human DNA produced in a state of separation would have been like putting rocket fuel into a Volkswagen. I simply could not have been joined with such a body, and my time to experience separation had not yet come. From the time of my conception, to the cross, I prepared myself for the separation which I had agreed to experience. Following my conception, my mother’s pregnancy was a normal one, and my development from childhood through adolescence proceeded in the usual way. In my youth I traveled widely tending my uncle’s trading business. I went as far as the island now called England to the foothills of the Himalayan Mountains. This is provided me with many rich experiences and adventures. It was also important for me to have a complete human experience in order to prepare for my ministry and the culmination of my life.

The point of my sacrifice on the cross does not lie so much in the fact that I died for you as that I intentionally experienced separation through a heart of encompassing unconditional love. This act completed and fulfilled the new blueprint for humanity, spiritually and physically. It took years of preparation and much dedication to bring that about. Death means nothing to me, for I am utterly assured of my immortality and the pain of death could have been cancelled in a moment by my love. My gift to mankind was the separation that I chose to experience. Uniformly without exception, the separations of man have occurred because of man’s loss of love. Separation, judgment, and pain were all fused if the through the absence of love. However, by equating a powerful act of love with the experience of separation, that accomplishment would make it easier for anyone to find love from within a state of separation, which is the lot of most people.

Thereby, I separated as an act of love, so that love and separation might be reconciled. Neither judgment nor separation could henceforth limit the power of love within you. The long estrangement from God could be ended. No longer would GOD be viewed
Only as an external Deity, but now the presence of Divine Love could be felt in every cell of your body and the heart of your being regardless of what conditions you had created.

Many have died for you. Many have given their lives for a brother, for freedom, all for mankind in honor of cherished principles. Many saints have died for you. Countless people have suffered for you. But no one else transmuted separation for you! I separated in the spirit of love, that love might be joined even with separation, and thereby the fact of separation would be reduced to mere in illusion. The event of my separation was the most extreme grief I have never known in my entire existence. While on the cross, I momentarily experience full release even from God as I received unto myself all the separations of the world.

The miracle evoked by my death was the cancellation of separation by equating it with love instead of judgment. The miracle of my resurrection is not so much that my body was made whole as that mankind was made whole through reunion with its Creator. Thereby, separation was transmuted to an illusion. This transfiguration Is now available to anyone who accepts love as his natural state. Whenever anything is achieved by one, it is then available for all! You may perpetuate the illusion of separation if you choose, or you may accept the gift. My gift was given freely to anyone who wishes to regard the change of potential which now exists for mankind.

I would much rather the gift be promoted than the giver. In savoring the blessing of the gift, the receiver will eventually seek out the giver. That point is difficult for many of my friends and followers to accept, for they are protective of my glory. It is sad that the gift has been shunned by so many, simply because it was poorly understood, or because the giver was thrust upon them. I would rather it be the other way around—that the gift be understood and be received by all universally. It was freely and unconditionally given. There is no other way the gift could have been real.

Selective salvation only for those who are faithful to the church, was not claimed by me nor taught by my Apostles. What we taught was repentance, which is the beginning of personal salvation. Even the true meaning of the repentance has been misconstrued by many to be an act of self-depreciation and homage to what others believe to be true. That is patently wrong. Repentance is merely ‘turning around’ from adventures of life to establish reunion with the Source of life. Repentance certainly is crumbling to the ego, and from the ego’s perspective it can feel quite diminishing. But the result is a sparkling, radiant, sense of personal dignity in knowing you who really are. What happens on the other side of repentance is absolutely unique for each individual, and so they can be known conformity imposed upon it. The earth and humanity will be renewed and reborn once all at a time! Do not ever underestimate the impact of your words, actions, life, and love on each individual you encounter.

My resurrection offered to all souls a new opportunity for resurrection, even those in a state of the separation. However, a soul is reborn by his own election to allow it, not automatically by my actions or compliance to doctrine! Moreover, spiritual restitution is not a one-time epiphany, but an ongoing acceptance of God’s grace as a way of life. There are those whose personal experience with repentance and rebirth it has been so profound they could not imagine any different experience for another. Whole denominations of the belief have been built around a strong personal epiphanies. To share conviction is admirable, but there is a great mistake in not seeing that even splendid biases cannot be enforced on others. A congregation of enforced belief cannot redeem a life that has not chosen to see the truth for itself. Free will is always a critical point of redemption or peril. It was man’s choice to judge, to separate, and to miscreate himself. Now, it is for each one to recognize that error and to seek his own return to the true original self through love.

As I have told you many times, you are not bound by the laws of cause and effect in the same way that it holds sway over the structure and material existence. Unified, single-minded equilibrium governs all physical form and results in immediate and just reactions without consent. Just as surely, there are consequences to human behavior. However, by the Creator’s love and wisdom, all souls have been given free will over the nature of their consequences. Your redemption is always by God’s grace and by your choice.

What I did for humankind was, indeed, a gift like no other. I made it possible for you to reclaim and inner knowledge of the love that you are and to restore a personal relationship with God. Separation is now a shark without teeth—an illusion that can be penetrated by anyone who seeks to know the truth. Nevertheless, that shark might as well have teeth for anyone who remains frightened on the shore and imprisoned by his own judgment and self-creation. Such a person will continue to fear spiritual reconnection through his own hatred.

The problem with the human condition which provoked the necessity of my gift is that free will had been virtually destroyed by the dysfunctional cycle of judgment into which man had fallen. In every generation, there were a few devoted and virtuous souls who returned in full consciousness to God, though alas this was not possible for most of humankind. They left a great legacy of clarity and compassion for future emulation. Even so, the perilous condition prevailed.

The realization of love restored can come in a thousand ways… a peaceful heart, a dance step in your walk, a child’s kiss, or a glistening spring morning. What it universally means is that the love of God is present. If love appears to vanish for a while do not worry; it only seems that way, so that you will seek it again. Love is a mystery – the greatest mystery of the universe. Love is your true self, which springs forth from God, the indefinable everlasting fountain of existence. There is no explaining what or who will ignite the fire of love within you. There is no explaining how you, in turn, may light the fire of another. How many times in a group of three travellers did you start out preferring the company of one, and then discover that another was your true friend?

Love is a gift, a miracle, a mystery. You are led to its threshold by your affinities, by your inclinations, and by the yearnings of your heart, although its power and presentation is by grace, not by expectation, demand, or requirement. Love is the ultimate paradox, for it is the lamb that is also the lion. Love is the ultimate power, which resides in surrender.”


Taken from the book, Love Without End by Glenda Green, to whom Jesus appeared between 1991-1992.

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