Many of us are unprepared for life’s challenges. Often, we tend to crack under its pressures. We cannot put an end to life’s challenges. We have no control over the outer universe. We cannot say for certain that we can prevent anything from happening in and around our lives. But we can face these challenges without being incapacitated by a sense of despair.
Why do we FEAR…….? Fear arises from doubt and from the UNKNOWN. When we have doubts about something It opens the door to fear. When we doubt ourselves, we fear making a wrong decision or mistake. If we doubt our abilities, we fear that we will fail in doing something we really want. When we doubt whether an outcome will turn out right or not, we fear the consequences. If we doubt the existence of a supreme controlling power, we live in fear of chance occurrences and accidents.
UNTRUTH also leads to fear. If we tell a lie, we live in fear of being caught. We create an intricate web of lies to cover our first lie. The number of lies become so great that it becomes hard to track what we said to whom and when. Rather than end the lie by telling the truth, we spend weeks, months, even years spinning yarns to cover up the initial lie. Fear grips us anytime anyone even comes close to knowing the truth, for then we will be exposed and must pay for the consequences.
We fear being weak. The young boy on the school playground fears the bully. At work the employee fears the employer. We may feel weak and powerless to speak up against injustices because those in power may retaliate and punish us for doing so.
Each one of us is fearful about some aspect of life. Behind all these fears is the fear that is at the core, the fear of the UNKNOWN .
Living in truth frees us from all these fears. The SOUL”s existence is TRUTH. Once we realize this, truth will govern our lives and FREE us from FEAR.

feared being alone
Until I learned to like Myself .

I feared failure
Until I realized that I only Fail when I don't try .

I feared success
Until I realized That I had to try In order to be happy With myself.

I feared people's opinions
Until I learned that People would have opinions About me anyway.

I feared rejection
Until I learned to Have faith in myself.

I feared pain
Until I learned that it's necessary For growth.

I feared the truth
Until I saw the Ugliness in lies.

I feared life
Until I experienced Its beauty .

I feared death
Until I realized that it's Not an end, but a beginning .

I feared my destiny,
Until I realized that I had the power to change My life.

I feared hate
Until I saw that it Was nothing more than Ignorance.

I feared love
Until it touched my heart, Making the darkness fade Into endless sunny days.

I feared ridicule
Until I learned how To laugh at myself.

I feared growing old
Until I realized that I gained wisdom every day.

I feared the future
Until I realized that Life just kept getting Better.

I feared the past
Until I realized that It could no longer hurt me .

I feared the dark
Until I saw the beauty Of the starlight.

I feared the light
Until I learned that the Truth would give me Strength.

I feared change,
Until I saw that Even the most beautiful butterfly Had to undergo a metamorphose is Before it could fly

Fear is dispelled in the light of understanding, of love. You do not get rid of fear, destroy it or run from it. None of these will take it away. Only understanding of the fear will transform fear. When you run away from fear, you are simply denying your own power and responsibility and ensuring that you remain stuck. On the other side of fear is your own denied power. Understand that fear is magnified resistance. Shrink the resistance and you return to a state of peace, surrender, harmony, joy and empowerment.
Our whole bodies are nothing more than the outward expression of our thought. Education teaches us we should have a cold or fever when we are drenched in the rain, so we have a cold or fever. We are told that something we ate is indigestible, and so we are immediately assailed with pains. We see another yawn, and we have the impulse to yawn as well. In the same way, when we hear of sickness all around us and visualize it in our own minds with fear, we too have it. Sickness doesn't come, we create it.

The fear of these things brings them about through the mental suggestion sent to our subconscious minds. We have been educated in a medical age to think that most diseases are infectious or contagious. So the mere sight of a diseased person makes most of us withdraw into ourselves like a turtle within its shell. We fear that we shall catch it, when one of the greatest dangers of disease is the very fear of it. There are people in the midst of contagious disease without catching any because they fear not.

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