The Philosophy and Practice of Universal Love

The Pali word metta is a multi-significant term meaning loving-kindness, friendliness, goodwill, benevolence, fellowship, amity, concord, inoffensiveness and non-violence. The Pali commentators define metta as the strong wish for the welfare and happiness of others (parahita-parasukha-kamana). Essentially metta is an altruistic attitude of love and friendliness as distinguished from mere amiability based on self-interest. Through metta one refuses to be offensive and renounces bitterness, resentment and animosity of every kind, developing instead a mind of friendliness, accommodativeness and benevolence which seeks the well-being and happiness of others. True metta is devoid of self-interest. It evokes within a warm-hearted feeling of fellowship, sympathy and love, which grows boundless with practice and overcomes all social, religious, racial, political and economic barriers. Metta is indeed a universal, unselfish and all-embracing love.

Metta makes one a pure font of well-being and safety for others. Just as a mother gives her own life to protect her child, so metta only gives and never wants anything in return. To promote one's own interest is a primordial motivation of human nature. When this urge is transformed into the desire to promote the interest and happiness of others, not only is the basic urge of self-seeking overcome, but the mind becomes universal by identifying its own interest with the interest of all. By making this change one also promotes one's own well-being in the best possible manner.

Metta is the protective and immensely patient attitude of a mother who forbears all difficulties for the sake of her child and ever protects it despite its misbehavior. Metta is also the attitude of a friend who wants to give one the best to further one's well-being. If these qualities of metta are sufficiently cultivated through metta-bhavana — the meditation on universal love — the result is the acquisition of a tremendous inner power which preserves, protects and heals both oneself and others.

Apart from its higher implications, today metta is a pragmatic necessity. In a world menaced by all kinds of destructiveness, metta in deed, word and thought is the only constructive means to bring concord, peace and mutual understanding. Indeed, metta is the supreme means, for it forms the fundamental tenet of all the higher religions as well as the basis for all benevolent activities intended to promote human well-being.

The present booklet aims at exploring various facets of metta both in theory and in practice. The examination of the doctrinal and ethical side of metta will proceed through a study of the popular Karaniya Metta Sutta, the Buddha's "Hymn of Universal Love." In connection with this theme we will also look at several other short texts dealing with metta. The explanation of metta-bhavana, the meditation on universal love, will give the practical directions for developing this type of contemplation as set forth in the main meditation texts of the Theravada Buddhist tradition, the Visuddhimagga, the Vimuttimagga and the Patisambhidamagga.

The Karaniya Metta Sutta (Hymn of Universal Love)

Karaniyam atthakusalena
Yan tam santam padam abhisamecca
Sakko uju ca suju ca
Suvaco c'assa mudu anatimani

Who seeks to promote his welfare,
Having glimpsed the state of perfect peace,
Should be able, honest and upright,
Gentle in speech, meek and not proud.

Santussako ca subharo ca
Appakicco ca sallahukavutti
Santindriyo ca nipako ca
Appagabbho kulesu ananugiddho

Contented, he ought to be easy to support,
Not over-busy, and simple in living.
Tranquil his senses, let him be prudent,
And not brazen, nor fawning on families.


Na ca khuddam samacare kinci
Yena viññu pare upavadeyyum
Sukhino va khemino hontu
Sabbe satta bhavantu sukhitatta

Also, he must refrain from any action
That gives the wise reason to reprove him.
(Then let him cultivate the thought:)
May all be well and secure,
May all beings be happy!

Ye keci panabhut'atthi
Tasa va thavara va anavasesa
Digha va ye mahanta va
Majjhima rassakanukathula

Whatever living creatures there be,
Without exception, weak or strong,
Long, huge or middle-sized,
Or short, minute or bulky,


Dittha va yeva adittha
Ye ca dure vasanti avidure
Bhuta va sambhavesi va
Sabbe satta bhavantu sukhitatta

Whether visible or invisible,
And those living far or near,
The born and those seeking birth,
May all beings be happy!


Na paro param nikubbetha
Natimaññetha katthacinam kanci
Byarosana patighasañña
Naññamaññassa dukkham iccheyya

Let none deceive or decry
His fellow anywhere;
Let none wish others harm
In resentment or in hate.


Mata yatha niyam puttam
Ayusa ekaputtam anurakkhe
Evampi sabbabhutesu
Manasam bhavaye aparimanam

Just as with her own life
A mother shields from hurt
Her own son, her only child,
Let all-embracing thoughts
For all beings be yours.

Mettañ ca sabba-lokasmim
Manasam bhavaye aparimanam
Uddham adho ca tiriyanca
Asambadham averam asapattam

Cultivate an all-embracing mind of love
For all throughout the universe,
In all its height, depth and breadth —
Love that is untroubled
And beyond hatred or enmity.


Titthañ caram nisinno va
Sayano va yavat'assa vigatamiddho
Etam satim adhittheyya
Brahmam etam viharam idhamahu

As you stand, walk, sit or lie,
So long as you are awake,
Pursue this awareness with your might:
It is deemed the Divine State here.


Ditthiñca anupagamma silava
Dassanena sampanno
Kamesu vineyya gedham
Na hi jatu gabbhaseyyam punar eti'ti

Holding no more to wrong beliefs,
With virtue and vision of the ultimate,
And having overcome all sensual desire,
Never in a womb is one born again.

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Replies to This Discussion

Beautiful verses.I request you to send us more for us to learn from you.
Thank you very much dear friends, for your curiosity and your thirst for knowledge.
I'm also like you,
I'm very thirsty for everything brings new wonderful breaktrougths to my life.

I will continue to post interesting words of wisdom for you and everyone's interested in knowing more, very soon.

Love, Light & Peace

A very beautiful and universally truthful practice and philosophy. Our Prophet said "Love for others what you love for yourself - you will then be a true Muslim." He encouraged people to be kind to everyone (regardless of their faith), live simply, be honest, modest, grateful ...
If only we all follow this wisdom and strive to become better people ourselves instead of finding fault with others, there would be few differences between us and we could all get along without hatred or hostilities.
Metta (Mettanisamsa) Sutta - Good Will

The 11 benefits from practicing Metta

"Monks, for one whose awareness-release through good will is cultivated, developed, pursued, handed the reins and taken as a basis, given a grounding, steadied, consolidated, and well-undertaken, eleven benefits can be expected. Which eleven?

"One sleeps easily, wakes easily, dreams no evil dreams. One is dear to human beings, dear to non-human beings. The devas protect one. Neither fire, poison, nor weapons can touch one. One's mind gains concentration quickly. One's complexion is bright. One dies unconfused and — if penetrating no higher — is headed for the Brahma worlds.

"These are the eleven benefits that can be expected for one whose awareness-release through good will is cultivated, developed, pursued, handed the reins and taken as a basis, given a grounding, steadied, consolidated, and well-undertaken."
Loving-Kindness Meditation - Peace-Joy

A guided meditation by Ven. Ayya Khema

Please put your attention on the breath for a few moments.

Look into your heart and see whether you find any troubles, worries, fears, dislikes, or desires, any plans, resentments, rejections, or opinions, which arouse anxiety, disquiet, dis-ease. If you find anything like that at all, let it float away like black clouds that are being disbursed by the wind in the sky.

Now look into your heart again and see the spaciousness, the openness, the purity of non-judgment and non-hate. Experience this open spacious purity, and then fill yourself from head to toe with peace and joy overflowing from your heart. Surround yourself with the warmth and care of love and compassion.

Please put your attention on the person nearest you in this room and let your heart reach out to him or her, sharing your peace and joy and giving your love and compassion as a gift.

Share the peace and joy you feel in your heart with everyone present, letting them flow to each person in the room. Then surround everyone with the warmth and care of your love and compassion.

Think of these people, who are near and dear to you. Share your peace and joy with them. Let the feeling flow into their hearts. Embrace them with your love and compassion, without expecting the same in return.

Remember all your good friends. Share your peace and joy with them, filling their hearts and minds with these feelings. Embrace them with love and compassion, letting them have the warmth and care from your heart.

Think of all the people who are part of your life, at work or when shopping; on your travels, or where you live. Share your peace and joy with them. Let your heart overflow into their hearts. Surround them with love and compassion. Make them equal to those that are near and dear to you.

Think of anyone in your life with whom you may have difficulties. Let peace and joy flow from your heart into that person's heart. Embrace him or her with love and compassion, letting that person have warmth and care as a gift from you.

Think of all the people whose lives are far more difficult than ours; in hospitals, in prisons, in refugee camps, fighting a war, blind, crippled, hungry, without friends, without medicine. Embrace them with your love and compassion, so that they may feel some peace, some joy, some hope. Let all the love and compassion you have, flow out, reaching out to as many people as you can.

Now return your attention to yourself. Feel only peace and joy in your heart, recognizing that everything else your heart may have containes has dispersed. Embrace yourself with love and compassion, with the warmth and care from your heart, feeling at ease, safe and secure.

May beings everywhere have peace and joy in their hearts.
With English translations.

Dear Angie,
you're very welcome...
I'm of service here...
I'm sharing what I had the chance to meet on my way, and which had an enormous impact on my growing in consciousness...

Love, Light, Joy, Peace and METTA



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