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professor angelicus Just in case... I want you to know I loved your story!
what was said in my last 'story' is not about this group.
I love this group, and have NO problems here with it in the least,
if anything it is one of the more beautiful places by each who are here,
I have found anyplace online.
No less than with your last story,

there is beautiful magic here!
Tree, Its like the Buneul movie Exterminating Angel where no one can leave the party. They say they want to go but they can't seem to get out of the house. And we don't want you to leave. Listen carefully to your heart and be true. You have shared so much and I admire the wisdom of your ways. Thank you.
This is such a great group here. I promised a story but the one I have is not quite ready too much of a journal piece yet I think.
Just to let you know that you mean enough to me to show you a little of Spain (Barcelona) where I am for another few days, here are a few pics taken yesterday.
There is a wonderful festivitiy that has to do with books and roses - it took place yesterday, and there were swarms of people looking at books, authors autographing their novels, and a couple of young people dressed in "rose costumes" giving out flyers.
The name of the festivity is San Jordi, taking place on the 23rd of April.
The idea is that men and boys give a rose to a loved one, and the women buy a book for the men or boys! The city was just swarming, and the photography was difficult due to so many people in the way. I had not gotten a rose until the evening, when, at a dinner for my husband's work, the organizer showed up with roses for we ladies!
This is a photo of where we ate (at the marina) three doggies, and at the bookfair.

There will be a lot to read and talk about (in all ways) when I get back....
Keep things running smoothly gang, and want to see the house straightened when I get back!


a rose for my story group!! All the way from Barcelona, Spain!
cool pics Steph!
For a more complete and edited version of In the Bones you can go to my blog. Sorry didn't want to pull it and rework it too much here. Plus I need to go count houses and map them. You know gps is not what it should be . this could be a good thing... I certainly have learned that it isnt a method of precision. Maybe its a planet wobble or something but I can say that in one area it was a more than 50 ft off.'
Gaudi . ....looking forward to more cool pics :). You are having fun.
Thanks Robby xxx
sorry clay and robby thought that I left a message a while ago, but then I thought I left a story a while ago as well. Dogs are certainly sensitive. Love that rythym robby. Way to go Tree. Those potholes are brutal on dirt roads in the spring believe me I am assessing every little lane I ride down to avoid bottoming out. quite often I just hike down em. I am going to have to print that poem off and read it out loud. I have seen pictures of barcelona but not like this. Great view thanks steph
Amit I love your tales.
Now back to the mapping . One area was a bit off. the old map spot had a house in the middle of a deep ravine. I did find a cool seat by a hidden quarry pond edged with balsam and birch as I explored a gravel path. Came back for lighter clothes and lunch
Hey thanks for the smiles Steph and Michael. Sheesh I probably know that band of your brothers. Having spent the 70's in Massachusetts. To top it off a couple of members of Arrowsmith are living in my ancesteral home town now. WOO HOO
your comments and stories always give me a smile, but a smile from the smiles I had way back when...! (not telling you how long ago THAT was!)
sharing things from long ago is special....but the word special makes me smile too. someone I know says they know a woman who always says "That is SO......SPECIAL!!" about EVERYTHING!!
Anyhow, you have a lot of grinta as they say in Italian meaning, lots of gumption? Is that English, I forgot!
Keep up the comments, keep up your spirit!
Aw thanks Steph. I am going away for a couple of days and leaving the pup back at the tree house... dorm. He is a good boy but I don't want him to have to sit in the car a lot plus I am not sure every where that I will be going and he might not be welcome some places. Oh sheesh he is talking me into taking him. That pup.
I have not read all of the stories of late but I have read Violette's latest, while it is disturbing we all must realise that this sort of thing does go on, it is not just in X rates movies, in fact they are tame compared to the real world quite often.

Sometimes we learn more from sorrow than we do from joy. It is usually the people who have gone through the hardest times that have the most compassion and empathy I have found, those who sail through life seldom have an once of either.


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