I say, let's keep up our spirits, not too many grim details.
Leah wrote me a lovely note down below, about her difficult past, but kindly asking how much do we want to hear.......
Read below, Leah D

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It seems to me that we all go through bad times and then get over it. Something remains, or else, what compassion would we even have inside ourselves. We get hurt and we can't really get over it totally.
But we go on
And then the pain goes away. But then...something else happens and the pain returns!
Am working on something but will return with stories of my own later
stay well Roby

"When The Heart is Disconnected"

When water alone is the only true
wetness..That is the only thing that..
One seeks to satiates ones thirst..

When the soon static coldness..Of
one single heart.Is allowed by one's
choice..To become fully disconnected..

There truly is no meaning nor feeling..
In this life one can embrace..That is
quite so capable..of being any worst..

For when there is no one..In this life to
love..No one to open yourself up to..
Let your heart life seek ways to share..

No house could ever become..So sad a
temple or refuge such as this..A cold
unfeeling monument to no Love..No Joy
to feel free..To express nor compare..

When one embittered heart withdraws..
From the family of humanity..While
soon erecting new hate fences..From
nothing but ones own..Clumsy drama
life misery..Utter sadness failure and

Inhabiting a place..No one of sane mind
wishes to dwell..One has no true need..
To be held hostage..By ones feelings
once visited and held imprisoned there..

For this place none should desire..Nor
seek entry nor try ever..To return to..Such
a place..Even when given some new need..

For no greater purpose..Can cause one
to have better reason..Than to even try
to attempt this repair..To satiate one's self
from this foul food..Of angst misery and
non human like greed..

Designed to be alive in no right purpose..
To forever restrict what wisdom..One is
soon by life given..Reason..or allowed to
once again..Be with others to soon share..

To be set free while one resides..in the
abysmal lack of true comfort..Soon found
only in such a miserable chair..

A place with no sense no clarity soon
found..When existing within the forlorn
walls..While sojourning or lingering there..

When one heart truly decides to stand..So
utterly disconnected..By or from the hearts
of others..Choosing unwisely to remain on
its own..

While only remaining an island attached to
itself..In such a manner..Desirous to reside
in the prison of shadows..So sad and all

Welcoming no new light no love and
allowing..No true peace to reside nor be
free to feed oneself..No thing so new to
be soon shown..

To give of oneself to others to so share..
From a heart now firmly made..Of such
uncommon and truly miserable stone..

When the heart is disconnected..and
no one is truly is ever at home..In the
center of the soul..

When the music of life is so suddenly
turned of..Featuring no new beautiful
rhythmic melody.. or pure harmony to
dance..To feel soon connected to..Do
engage..Take such delight from..Share
it's true radiance and behold..

When I see a heart so disconnected
As the one that used to beat with..No
known purpose found yet within me..

When I soon found a way..To become
once again engaged and reconnected..
To all that is so beautiful in everything
that is alive..So compelling to know
and reacquaint myself..to grow into and

I soon began to truly feel once again..
That I too could now begin to think a
new..To breathe be..feel alive and see..

When all hearts once dissected..Shed
away..All that is of no true value..To be
once again reconnected..

No longer inclusive of all the many fears..
That can reside with no real true
purpose..While carefully hiding them
selves away in thee..

For this shall become the first true day..
We can all begin to soon rejoice..As we
become..Joined together as..One truly
new universal vessel of Life..reemerges

Beating with One Heart One Soul..One
New Light Filled Family of Humanity..
So alive..Vital and vibrating so peacefully..
and finally becoming truly..So wonder filled
wise and free..

As we each can become so filled with
such a new found Joy..That shall truly
have no new known end..Neither in you
nor ever again within me..

Authored by Daton O. Fullard
Excerpted from "The African Journals"
Vol I "Things I would say to you If I could"
Copyright 2009 ©

Dedicated To My Wonderful Friend
Mrs. Stephanie Seymour..

Who says I won't Post on Her Site
here.15,000 Stories this is one of My
thank you Daton, dear friend
I will have to read this over and over....
and over
and over
it contains a lot
thanks for taking your time and expressing yourself as you always do in poetry, so beautifully

Stephanie (Mrs. S. Seymour)
Oh Stephanie Dear,
Where to start? I could write a book or 10 on this subject! Actually people have been telling me since I was 18 that I should.
Even more have suggested that I should over the last 4 yrs or so..well I am not a writer. I can write little short stories,not well but as you know I have here on your group. Probably would absolutely have to hire someone to help me to write a book ?
I decided that if my life storie(s) could help others to deal with terrible life experiences & ways to come out of it not only alive but thrive,well perhaps I would.
Sorry for being absent here for so long. I have come by with some story ideas many times over the last few months,but I did not write them because were to full of pain & sorrow and just didn't seem to fit in with all the topics and people do not care to stop in and read heart wrenching tales of sorrow. So, instead I have been writing in the "We can not Always Shine" group and a few others where it is ok to not always shine.
Coming by here today and seeing this discussion topic did give me a place to tell a bit of my stories of difficult times.
So thank you Stephanie! I do wish to know however, just how "difficult" of survival stories are welcomed? As I do not wish to cause anyone sadness. I am a survivor,of many many things. I am currently dealing with very serious life difficulties, no tale of how I have survived it,as the story, so far has no ending in sight..not yet.
To be continued....
L E A H !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why are you so sensitive to people? Because you asked a very polite and sensitive question
"Just HOW difficult" of survival stories are welcomed? As I do not wish to cause anyone sadness."
THAT dear Leah was an extremely kind thing to write, and I am glad you did!!!

let me think.....
perhaps, perhaps, perhaps the answer is this (just writing off the top of my head)

Everyone has difficulties. If THEY don't have them, they KNOW of someone who has them. Often that person is close to them, or their sensitivity so acute, that the other person's problems become their own, meaning that they themselves suffer from the OTHER person's difficulty.

We all go through things. Some very minor things. Some people go through a lot, even from being very young, and then never getting over it. Others go through things that we say "How does that person deal with life after all those terrible things?"
Perhaps THAT is what this group was meant to be -- a place to tell about the things but how you got out of it.
I don't think people want to hear of the grim details of problems, unfortunately we have all had something and many are waiting for the bad to happen but STILL NEED to stay above it all with a good attitude.
I know, with my personal problems, I need to stay on a high, and don't want to be pushed down, because I know my emotional limits.
That doesn't mean I can't hear the details, I just don't really want to.
And most people, I believe, don't really need or want to hear the grim details from one another. It is just something that pulls people down. and we all need to be brought UP.
You were very sensitive to ask, and I put myself out on a limb to say as much as I did. I didn't beat around the bush (very American sentence, if anyone is reading who doesn't understand it means I didn't say something different about the subject, I went right to it!)
Leah, if you could, deal generally with the story, without bringing too much sadness....letting us know it is there, the danger, the difficulty, the fear the hurt, the pain...but please not many details.
Once here someone told of very sad things and I told him please not to.
I haven't brought up such things in my own life.
I hope you understand
I hope I am respected for this thought, my point of view...
a smile
from Steph
In answer to your question Steph,
Well I am a sensitive & at least always try to be a polite person. Life has taught me from experiences to be,well myself. I am who I am. I do not try to pretend to be anything different, or hide behind a mask on the internet or in my life or present self as anyone I am not. Thank You for your compliment,as I took your words to me as compliment :-)
I also very much appreciate your honesty. Is what I wanted and as long as I have known you expected nothing less. I understand & of course respect your candid reply Steph, is much appreciated :-)
I asked my question because of everything you wrote in reply. I know there are many kind,caring sensitive souls here on ipeace. I generally don't write the "grim details" in to much vivid reality. However,some people still have felt sad, in the little details I did write/share in reply to those that have asked me to.
I am the type of person that does not like the general question of "How are you doing" unless a person really wants the truth. Most really just want and expect the usual polite " I'm fine, how are you?" or " Great thanks for asking" Well, I tell people who don't know me yet or those that do, don't ask me a question if you don't want an honest answer to it .lol
This is just me,being me. I don't ask anyone "how are you" if I don't want to know the truth. People use this question like a general "hello" I guess I'm not one of those people ..never have been.
Life does have it's ups and downs,good days and bad days. We all have our own issues to deal with.
Some, more than others. Your reply did answer what I wanted to know. So, I think I will stay with the
"We Can Not Always Shine" group for sharing/writing my "difficult" stories, and I will write/share the up side of life with you all here in this group.
Most here don't want to read any stories of the painful realities from life's difficulties, to bring them down, or to cause sadness, I do understand and respect this.
Peace & Love my friend..and
a smile too
Leah, sensitive soul (and that IS a compliment!)
I started this group when the Gaza war started....you were not on it yet. It seemd to work then! It was a place to get away to...
the group has changed, naturally
other wars have started, other writers have left
it's just me sometimes, and sometimes with the birds lol....see, I am learning...didn't even know what lol was!!!!!????????
Thanks for understanding...
I got an email today from someone I know and it was coming from such a terribly biased angle, so negative about a certain religion, that I may even write a blog about it...to get response. It put me down a lot!!! Here I am trying to get the different nations together and this one was trying to pull them apart!!!!!!!!!!!
Must go
dinner did not burn
but have some calls to make
thanks for understanding and I am glad you can have a group to feel you can express yourself and it fits in fine for all
and do come here too...I like your presence, asnd your sensitivity
ThanK you Steph :-)))
Yes, I think you should write the blog! I see way to much on ipeace about faiths and religion that tears apart each other,rather than honoring our differences and diversity.
I recently read the fist discussion on chosen faiths & religion where EVERYONE was respectful.
I wrote that I found this to be very refreshing as every thread,discussion,blog previously read here on ipeace in regards to religion,at some point,became arguments and turned mean,nasty & pushy of each others "opinions"
I think using that email would be an excellent blog. Another discussion by my friend Gwendolyn,about Tolerance in chosen faiths, also was quite respectful,mostly. It was originally written as a blog but this week or so she changed it to a discussion. I usually stay away from blogs & discussions about Religion and faith,but in both I left comments just to say how much I enjoyed the respect in differing opinions.
I would enjoy reading your blog Steph,as I enjoy your writings and thoughts.
and a smile for you x
PS. I will come here to write when I feel inspired to do so.
Also, I very much loved and enjoyed reading your kind compliments & to know that you enjoy my presence and my sensitivity here..:-))
awww *blush* Devi Sista' so sweet. hey- I thought your grandfather was your "hero" :-)
but eh, I'll take the compliment ..as i definately could use one(or two) just now..ty very much dear friend..
(should be getting ready to go out B U T....)
I started to write the blog and am torn between many feelings I have
1. My main thought is to NOT help to pull different cultures away from each other
2. I don't want to cause a fuss with this "friend"
3. I like "friends" to have very similar moral thoughts about the world
4. I like sensitive people
5. I dislike people who try to get me to see it "their way"....especially if their way is a way that seems immoral to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
6. I don't want to offend people of this particular belief or any belief....if people believe and we don't agree, let's TALK not CONDEMN
7. etc
Must get ready...still reflecting on it all. I will write something but trying to understand which direction it should start from and which direction it MAY end up in!!!!!!!!!!

BOY...these brains sure do hold a lot of thoughts don't they!!!!!!!!!!!! Gets pretty messy in there sometimes!

ps this cake was creatd by my talented daughter (hmmmm wonder where she got THAT from!?) §She is making another one of these for a luncheon tomorrow.....have a bit of this yummy one....isn't it the perfect (watch out now for this "feminist" remark....a MASCULINE cake? It was for my husband on his bday!
I understand completely your list :-) as I too am thinking about a discussion/blog that I feel strongly that needs to be out in the ipeace cyber space that is causing a great deal of division,negativity,nastiness and very mean things going on here. So,how to go about writing what unites not divides us without offending,anyone? or is it ever possible to go about writing blogs/discussions that no one ever can find offensive? Even if done so as carefully,politely as possiblre but sstill speak one's mind? I am beginning to wonder,ponder on this more each day.
hmmm, well no matter how good intentions may be some will always find something they are offended by. especially if they are "looking for" a fight. As witnessed on many places by many people last few months. As much as I've tried to stay out of it all, like you ,I tend to speak up & say what I think. I ALWAYS do so as politely as I know how.
Recent experiences has shown me that even so, others misread or interpret words as they chose too.
So,do what ever you think best on this Steph..as am sure you will.
oh,and thanks for sharing of the cake:-) your daughter IS quite talented. Happy Belated Birthday to your Hubby too.
Yes These and MY brains do hold A LOT of thoughts, mine are in way to many different places on and about way to many things,questions that remain unanswered,,such is life & the human brain. Well, at least most of them anyway,lol
Some could use a bit more substance and positive thoughts..yes I am pondering on many things lately,questioning what I have held dear to my core beliefs. Like why- do people use their own issues in life to hurt others? To lash out in anger,resonating their own fears pain & problems and put upon another person or people? I guess if we could answer this clearly then we would be a step closer to Peace on Earth..just a thought. One of many running around in my brain...


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