Iulia's Comments

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At 5:50am on December 13, 2008, Robert said…
Hi Iulia,
As for the action items to make our world better... So far today I have been working on a few big ones. I am getting so close!
Thanks for asking... I will tell you as soon as I get someting accomplished. Working hard through the holidays, pray for me!!! :-) Hugs, Robert
At 11:27am on December 12, 2008, Robert said…
Wow, that is fun to hear about the snow!!! We might actually get snow here, not really at my elevation, at least not any that would stay for long. NOAA is saying at least an inch of rain is possible in the valley and 1 to 2 feet of snow above 4000 feet. Should be some fun photo-opps. I loved your description of feeling like a kid! Snow makes me feel like a kid always! Did it last long... more than a few hours? long enough to build a Frosty? LOL ~R
At 2:05am on December 10, 2008, Robert said…

Hi Iulia, How are you? Is it warm there? It is cold in the desert. What kind of work do you do? Just curious. Here's a real question,... What is the most important thing in life to you..? The most important way to be, philosphy, action, intention or anything.?? The answer is not due until Monday, lol!! Hope you are very happy and warm! Unity, Robert
At 7:20am on December 4, 2008, Robert said…
OK Iulia, for the record your name is i u l i a right? That is what I thought it was... hope that is correct. How are you doing there in Houston? Having fun?
Hope so! Peace, Robert
At 5:32am on December 3, 2008, mirela said…
Hi Lili,

Ce faci? Nice, interesant...ai dreptate. Trimite si tu ceva daca esti on.
At 2:53pm on December 2, 2008, Loylang said…
Hi Lulia,
Thank you for your nice comment. The Photos I took from my sculptures and work, and I make CG computer graphic too. I'm 30 years now in N.Y.C., Seoul and Tokyo and through my work I go to many Countries to make Sculptures there or exhibit. I would like to know of you too. I had an exhib. in Houston in 83, a long time ago. I visited all the Canyon's in US, was great to see.
Enjoy this Image, 5 Metals Relief with colored spotlight, Canyon

At 10:11am on December 2, 2008, PAVEL said…
Draga Iulia, sorry pt ultimul mesaj...tin la tine mult pt ca esti romanca in primul rand si sa stii ca Dumnezeu are un plan cu noi romanii...poate ti separe curios...si mie mi-a parut tare curios cand eram in Belgia in 93, si unde antrenam copii la tenis eu fiind antrenor din 84...si cum ziceam , in una din zile upa ce am intrat in biseica de lang casa unde stateam in Gent, in timp ce-mi faceam rugaciunea, aud pe Maica Domnului, care era cu Domnul Iisus in brate in marime naturala, sculptata in piatra, ca-mi zice ,;CE MAI CAUTI AICI, MISIUNEA TA ESTE IN ROMANIA !!!..eu imi pusesm in minte inainte de a pleca in Belgia ca o sa stau acolo doar sa-mi pot cumpara o casa din ce castig, si cum atunci la momentul acela castigasem destul, am inteles mesajul Maicii Domnului...dar mi-a luat totusi cateva luni ca sa pot intrerupe relatia cu iubita mea belgiana, care-ti seamana foarte mult, si care dorea f mult sa ma casatoresc cu ea, ...in tara fiind divortat si lasand totul fostei sotii, a trebuit sa plec sa o iau de la capat..eram tare fericit , respectat, castigasem 2 turnee de tenis, campion al Belgiei, 2 cluburu private la care lucram, ce mai tot ce mi-am dorit, dar atunci am primit al 2-lea mesaj, ..NOI TE-AM AJUTAT SA-TI IMPLINESTI DORINTA CEA BUNA, ACUM TREBUIE SA TE INTORCI...si asa in februarie 94 , m-am intors, in 96 m-am casatorit, in 2007 am primit al 5-lea copil de la Dumnezeu, iar in 2008 de Pasti, minunea cu ingerii, care mi-au amintit toate reperele vietii, dar mai ales ce se va intampla cu romanii in viitor , dupa planul lui Dumnezeu...daca vrei sa stii despre Nibiru , mai multe cireste pe youtube , ca asa ne-au spus ingerii, cand am intrebat si noi..savantii aceia au fost inspirati de ingeri sa descopere aceasta cometa care in emisfera sudica se vede cu ochiul liber...te iubesc draga mea , intoarce-te acasa te rog !...vreau atat de mult sa te salvez , de nu-ti inchipui...atat doar iti spun , mesajul asta...DACA AR FI MAINE EVENIMENTUL, DIN AMERICA DE NORD NU VA SCAPA NIMENI CU VIATA !!... au zis ingerii aseara...fii binecuvantata
At 8:17am on December 2, 2008, Jeff said…
Wow! My thesis advisor wrote a book about him (On Eco by Gary Radford)...then one day Eco came upon the book in an NYC bookstore and called Gary and left a message on his machine, wound up inviting him to a posh literary party in Greenwich Village. He seems like a really nice man in addition to being brilliant. I love Name of the Rose, Foucault's Pendulum, Travels in Hyper-Reality..... Oh, Iulia, we're going to be such good friends! (sorry, I get a bit dramatic when I connect with people)
At 7:47am on December 2, 2008, Jeff said…
Oh, man....Umberto Eco!!! You've claimed me!!!!!
At 7:24am on December 2, 2008, Robert said…
Iulia, Yes I have traveled overseas and will again soon! Some places are more safe than others for me as a US Citizen. How long since you were here in LA? Do you miss Romania? Great to see you! Peace and Unity!
At 7:13am on December 2, 2008, Jeff said…
I'm really enjoying it. Very diverse and interesting group. What are your main interests, Iulia?
At 6:14am on December 2, 2008, Jeff said…
Nice meeting you. Looking forward to getting to know each other on iPeace.
At 5:57am on December 2, 2008, Robert said…

Hi Iulia, The photos are from where I live. Palm Springs, California. I have another friend from Houston on Ipeace. Met her on here. Kelly Frances is her name. Very good person! Hope that you are warm and happy and feeling peacful! Peace and Unity! ~Robert :-)
At 1:23am on December 2, 2008, Heimo Grimm said…

Hello Lulia! A warm welcome to the community of IPeace and thank you for the friend add. I am very pleased to be your friend! It is nice to see you here among my friends from all over the world. I wish you all the love, peace and light you can imagine. May the sun always shine brightly in your heart and may our common dream of worldwide peace become true. I am sure you will soon have many like minded friends here and hope you will enjoy sharing with all these wonderful people. Blessings, all good wishes and a welcome hug xo coming to you to Texas with this little dove as an ambassador of peace from your Austrian friend Heimo.
At 11:40pm on December 1, 2008, moatira said…
Am citit deja ce ti-a scris dar nu stiu ce i-ai scris tu de ti-a raspuns astfel;in fine,daca nu e sectant,as cere sa explice mai mult sa intelegem;nu as vrea sa schimb dogmele bisericii pe altele;ce inseamna la el fapte rele? si,dupa ce ma lamuresc daca inteleg la ce se refera,abia apoi pot sa emit o parere;nu am eu timp ca as intra cu el in vorba;ma tot gandeam daca site-ul asta e doar asa sa ne spunem pasurile sau se si face ceva,cat de mic dar organizat ca sa aiba putere.
At 9:13pm on December 1, 2008, moatira said…
hallo,te-am gasit!
At 8:29pm on December 1, 2008, PAVEL said…
Draga Iulia, imi pare rau...daca stiam inainte , ingerii o puteau vindeca...este un fleac pt ei...despre tine pot spune ca nu e in regula...adica pt faptul ca ti-ai pierdut ingerul pazitor, esti dispusa la tot felul de pericole...te rog sa mergi cat mai repede la un preot sa te spovedesti, asta e mesajul pt tine...ingerii plang ca nu i-ai mai dorit in preajma, atat cei inspiratori cat si cei pazitori si vindecatori...stii ca ai avut raze sfinte de vindecare pana in momentul cand faptele tale rele au depasit pe cele bune ?.. sa stii ca asa cum ei te iubesc, si eu o fac , de accea vreau sa te intorci din drumul ;;material;; , si sa te gandesti la suflet mai mult...si fratele meu din Canada a patit la fel, si a fost tare greu sa se intoarca, ca era deja posedat de duhurile rele, dar rugandu-ne , si mergand sora mea acolo , l-a dus la biserica si a recunoscut la spovedanie, ca a lucrat duminica , ca nu a mai mers la biserica, ca nu s-a mai rugat, ca a precurvit, ca a pierdut timpul in zadar, etc...te rog adu-ti aminte de Dumnezeu, si cat de rabdator este , ca sa te intorci...dupa ce sufletul s-a imbolnavit, normal ca si trupul o va face, si in functie de pacate , boala poate fi chiar fatala...INTOARCE-TE DRAGA MEA, ASTA E MISIUNEA CE TREBUIE SA O INDEPLINESC CU TINE...TE IUBESC
At 7:32pm on December 1, 2008, Nash said…
Peace to you as well -:)
At 12:09pm on December 1, 2008, PAVEL said…
Te rog draga Iulia sa ne cauti oricand vrei, ingerii au si tie sa-ti comunice mesaje f importante care te ajuta sa te pregatesti pt MAREA SCHIMBARE, can domnul iisus coboara in vechea lui tara de altadata, DACIA, in care a trait , si care se numeste dealtfel Gradina MAICII DOMNULUI...TE ASTEPTAM SA-TI ARATAM LOCURILE UNDE A TRAIT IISUS...sa fii binecuvantata...daca ai o urgenta , cum ar fi cineva apropiat care are o boala incurabila , te rog sa suni la tel. 0743315866... ingerii ne-au comunicat ca de fapt asta este misiunea noastra , sa chemam anumiti ingeri care sa vindece cu razele lor anumite persoane , si astfel toti cei ce vad, sa se intoarca din pacate, spovedindu-se, si curati ffind sufleteste sa poata fi rapiti in cer, asa cum scrie in Apocalipsa, inainte de catastrofe...sa fii binecuvantata
At 6:37am on December 1, 2008, Robert said…
I love your face!!! Respectfully! ~Robert

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