Pascale's Comments

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At 1:21pm on February 3, 2010, Yoram Getzler said…
Shalom and Greetings, I have no idea of which video you are not happy with. OH, now that I have seen it, I too object and feel uncomfortable with the sentiments expressed by the woman; if indeed the purpose is to stimulate and facilate reconciliation and friendly relations between peoples.

I really enjoyed the photos you are sharing.
Where is this lovely place?
At 11:00am on February 3, 2010, Pascale said…
Michael I would like you take off this video of my page. For this website ipeace is a place to express love and understanding of everything happen in the world. I do not want to argue. Who I am to say this sentence about Israel. This kind of argue close the open mind.
How I can listen the suffring if I start to say certitude about things. Where is the space for the other one to express his feeling. I wish you a good thoughts to everybody that is my way of living. I hope you understand what I mean and send the best.
At 6:51am on February 3, 2010, Michael C. Dewey said…
At 10:37pm on January 19, 2010, Rèmy said…
Très heureux de toutes ces bonnes nouvelles Pascale, je ne fais que passer très rapidement pour te répondre, mais je t'écrirai plus longuement dans qq jours.
Bises amicales - Porte toi bien et à très bientôt.
At 9:23pm on January 18, 2010, Clicia Pavan said…

At 9:07pm on January 18, 2010, Clicia Pavan said…
Come join our Group
Gaia Mother Earth,thanks
This is the first group that I opened
I hope you enjoy
I wish you much peace and love
At 7:19pm on November 16, 2009, Rene Wadlow said…
16-18 Novembre: Les Défis de la Faim
René Wadlow

Les Citoyens du Monde saluent le Sommet mondial sur la Sécurité alimentaire qui se tiendra du 16 au 18 novembre à Rome afin de s’attaquer aux causes de la crise alimentaire actuelle, ainsi que pour la mise en œuvre pleine et entière de « l’Alimentation en tant que Droit de l’Homme ». Les Citoyens du Monde souhaitent souligner qu’il existe un large consensus en faveur de mesures radicales nécessaires pour résoudre l’actuelle crise alimentaire mondiale et que de telles mesures devront être prises à plusieurs niveaux afin d’associer les initiatives individuelles des fermiers au niveau local aux politiques gouvernementales adoptées au niveau de l’Etat, ainsi qu’aux mesures prises au niveau supranational des régions, comme c’est le cas dans l’Union Européenne et l’Union Africaine, et enfin, à des actions au niveau mondial qui soient mieux coordonnées au sein du système de l’ONU.

Aujourd’hui, la coopération est de rigueur entre les différentes agences de la famille onusienne, les gouvernements des Etats, les organisations non-gouvernementales (ONG) et les millions de producteurs de denrées dans le monde afin de réagir à la crise alimentaire. Comme l’a dit Josette Sheeran, Directrice Générale du Programme Alimentaire Mondial (PAM), « La marche rapide de la famine continue de déchaîner une crise humanitaire gigantesque. Le monde doit serrer les rangs afin de veiller à ce que les besoins les plus urgents soient satisfaits tandis que des solutions à plus long terme sont envisagées. » Il faut des mesures rapides et urgentes afin de venir en aide aux populations souffrant de pénurie alimentaire et de malnutrition du fait de prix d’achat trop élevés, d’une distribution inéquitable et de situations de violence. Une telle action sur le court terme appelle un supplément de financement pour le PAM et le déblocage des réserves alimentaires nationales. Néanmoins, c’est sur les questions structurelles et de plus longue haleine que nous devons nous concentrer. Le monde a maintenant besoin d’une Politique Alimentaire Mondiale et d’un Plan d’Action clair à l’avenant.

Lord John Boyd Orr, qui fut le premier Directeur Général de l’Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’Alimentation et l’Agriculture (FAO), avait mis l’accent sur la sécurité alimentaire mondiale dans son appel pour un Conseil Mondial de l’Alimentation lancé lors de l’un des premiers sommets de la FAO à Copenhague en 1946. Il proposait qu’un Conseil Mondial de l’Alimentation soit créé afin de stabiliser les prix en détenant des réserves-tampon et de régler les crises alimentaires les plus urgentes. Quand les gouvernements refusèrent ce projet, il démissionna de la FAO pour se consacrer uniquement au mouvement Citoyen du Monde et œuvrer contre la course aux armements naissante entre l’Est et l’Ouest, laquelle avait pour effet de littéralement « ôter le pain de la bouche des pauvres ». (1)

Toutefois, la sécurité alimentaire a trop souvent été réduite à un agrégat de problèmes à l’échelle nationale. Or, s’en tenir à la formulation de plans nationaux n’est clairement pas ce qu’il faut faire. Ce qu’il faut, c’est un plan mondial d’action avec une attention spéciale portée au rôle que l’ONU et les institutions régionales ont à jouer si la faim doit être réduite de manière substantielle. Il est clair que certains organismes régionaux, tels que l’Union Européenne, jouent déjà un rôle important dans la définition des politiques agricoles en termes tant de production que d’exportation. Peut-être viendra-t-il un jour où l’Union Africaine jouera elle aussi un rôle crucial dans la définition des politiques, dans l’observation institutionnelle et dans la coordination de l’agriculture.

Une politique alimentaire mondiale pour le bien-être de tous exige un examen minutieux des institutions mondiales et des méthodes habituelles de production et de commerce. Comme l’écrivait Stringfellow Barr dans son ouvrage publié en 1952, Citizens of the World, « Puisque le milliard d’individus qui ont faim au sein de la communauté mondiale pensent que nous pouvons tous manger si nous mettons notre maison commune en ordre, ils pensent aussi qu’il est injuste que certains meurent parce que c’est trop fastidieux de créer les conditions nécessaires à leur vie. » (2)

1) Pour un bon aperçu de la proposition de Lord John Boyd Orr pour un Conseil Mondial de l’Alimentation, ainsi que des activités des Citoyens du Monde qui ont suivi celui-ci, l’on peut lire les mémoires de l’un de ses successeurs à la tête de la FAO, B. R. Sen, Towards a Newer World (Dublin: Tycooly Publishing, 1982, 341pp).

2) Stringfellow Barr, Citizens of the World (New York: Doubleday, 1952, 285 p.)

René Wadlow est le Représentant en Chef auprès de l’Office des Nations Unies à Genève de l’Association des Citoyens du Monde.
At 5:23am on May 28, 2009, Rèmy said…
Salut Pascale, heureux d'avoir de tes bonnes nouvelles.

Pourrais-tu accepter ou demander à "Tanéon" (désormais administrateur de IPeace francophones" de devenir ton ami ? Ceci nous facilitera les échanges avec le groupe.
Prends connaissance par la même occasion du message déposé en bas de page de "Tanéon" et n'hésite pas à laisser un petit message pour marquer ton passage sur cette page.

J'essaye pour l'instant et pour qq jours encore (manque te temps) de me dépatouiller avec les petits soucis informatiques....Bouhhhh !....Je suis loin d'être un spécialiste en la matière ....Ah ah ah ..!

A tout bientôt.
At 1:03am on January 4, 2009, Beatrice LATEUR LACROIX said…
Merci de m'avopir inviotée à être ton amie, ce que j'accepte avec joie.
Je te souhaite une merveilleuse année 2009.
Love and peace
At 2:14am on December 31, 2008, Dimitris said…
I've read you are where? Time to come will be the most significant to all human Kind and I do believe there is a lot of work for the true seekers. Humanity suffers a lot of pain, injustice, poverty but mostly of viable examples of a new living. A living of a willing love. Our time is now...and this is we are doing to many places around the globe. Light has been increased and people turn to spiritual people asking for light?
Like the light of Crete sky, like the smile of the people. I'm so gland receiving your message and I ensure many co-workers will welcome you in Crete and Greece another time. I wish you a Healthy, Spiritual, Loving 2009
Your friend
At 1:16pm on December 4, 2008, Danielle said…
Bonjour Pascal,
Je vous avais demander votre amitié mais je n'ai pas eu de nouvelles de vous? Vous êtes toujours en vous le voulez bien.
Je vous souhaite une bonne journée...lumineuse (pas par le temps!!) pleins d'ondes positives.
Paix et Amour.

At 11:02am on December 4, 2008, Devanayagi Parameswaran said…
Salutations my divine Pascale

Welcome to the Living Goddess Tradition page in iPeace. Thank you very much for accepting my invitation to be my friend, I am grateful that we can now share friendship. We hope that we can be supportive in your spiritual journey.

For Peace to prevail again both woman and man must seriously re-evaluate the position of women in contemporary societies. In the early times there has been a society based around a Goddess Religion. Societies of the time were peaceful, agrarian lifestyle. As such, we must first work toward removing gender imbalance, which is still glaringly obvious in modern society.

In all of this, for peace to prevail, women must be worshiped as a Goddess, as she too is part of the Great Mother Goddess, thus making her worthy of being worshiped. When society was based around a Goddess Religion, women were worshiped as Goddesses.

The important of the Goddess as a symbol of motherhood has to be felt and understood. All being ever been born or ever to be born will experience its mother as “numinous” (suffused with a feeling of Divinity). A women’s love must be absolutely free from selfishness, otherwise it does not produce proper motherhood, as the mother influences the future generation. If the fire has no flame it cannot give light, and smoke comes out of it, which is troublesome for the future generation. Such is selfish love.

Love and wisdom create harmony between man and woman; but these being absent, harmony ceases to exist. Without harmony, one cannot have peace. Ardh-narishwara, hermaphroditic deity incorporating male (Shiva) and female (Shakti) qualities, symbolic of the bipolarity of the human body. In The Living Goddess Tradition, the right side of the body considered male and the left side female. This is true for both men and women. Love can only exist, when one connects with one’s soul, and then realize the God (male), Goddess (female) within. Men’s fascination with women as a source of life, has been known from the beginning of time, yet men in modern society, due to his rushed life have forget the art of worshiping a woman as his Goddess, for his betterment. Woman on the other hand are busy to make their mark in the world, have forget that they are the life giving essence, the same essence as the Great Goddess of Creation, Para-Sakthi.

Let us together find peace within and then world peace.
It is indeed a great pleasure hearing from you. To know more about our work please visit the following pages listed below.
We have set-up three social networks to help balance the gender imbalance.

1. The Living Goddess Tradition:
The Living Goddess Tradition is very much alive in India, and it time to take this very way of life to the West. In the past 2,000 years, Christians, Judaism, and Muslims, and most recently the Communists, conspired to wipe out our memories clean of tens of thousands of years of Goddess spirituality, and thus women lost their sacredness. It is time for women to reclaim their sacredness, and to worship all women again as the Living Goddess. Mother Earth has to become the domain of the Mother Goddess, only then will peace and harmonious living prevail as it was before the monotheist religions

2. The Mahavidya School (Children of India)
We like to create a safe, loving environment for the next generation of Mothers to gain the tools and confidence to bless their communities with the Grace and Love of the Divine Mother, as Living Goddesses. For when a Mother is divine the home is heaven. When she is not, all hell breaks loose!

3. Shri Param Eswaran and Para-Tan Sound Healing.
"Para-Tan sound healing a part of Tantra, used by Tantrika to attain emotional freedom, regain self-esteem, eliminate issues of grief and anger, and prevent themselves from becoming victims of prostate cancer for men, breast cancer and ovarian cancer for women, chronic fatigue, depression, menstrual disorder, anxiety, sexual blocks and other emotionally related illness

Hope to see you at our network, giving me the opportunity for me to share with you my vision.

May the Divine Mother cradle you in Her Love and Light


Sri Devanayagi Parameswaran

"Love is like the fire; it glow is devotion, its flame is wisdom, its smoke is attachment, and its ashes detachment. When love’s fire produces its flame it illuminates the soul".( Hazrat Inyat Khan)
At 5:26pm on November 29, 2008, amit agarwal said…
do u know why god give us problems
At 5:08pm on November 29, 2008, amit agarwal said…
Eckhart Tolle’s teachings help me in this regard.

Questioner: “Nobody’s life is entirely free of pain and sorrow. Isn’t it a question of learning to live with them rather than trying to avoid them?”

Eckhart Tolle: ““The greater part of human suffering is unnecessary. It is self-created as long as the unobserved mind runs your life. The suffering that you create is always some form of non-acceptance, some form of unconscious resistance to what is. On the level of thought, the resistance is some form of judgment. On the emotional level, it is some form of negativity. The intensity of the suffering depends upon the degree of resistance to the present moment, which in turn depends upon how strongly you are identified with your mind. The mind constantly seeks to deny the Now and to escape from it. The more you are identified with your mind, the more will you suffer. The more you are able to honor and accept the Now, the more will you be free of pain, suffering and the egoistic mind.

Questioner: I can see the truth of what you are saying, but I still think that we must have a purpose on our life's journey; otherwise we just drift, and purpose means future, doesn't it? How to reconcile that with living in the present?

Eckhart Tolle:

"When you are on a journey, it is certainly helpful to know where you are going or at least the general direction in which you are moving, but don't forget: the only thing that is ultimately real about your journey is the step you are taking at this moment. That's all there ever is. Your life's journey has an outer and an inner purpose. The outer purpose is to arrive at your goal or destination, to accomplish what you set out to do, to achieve this or that which of course implies future. But if your destination, or the steps you are going to take in the future, take up so much of your attention that they become more important to you than the step you are taking now, then you completely miss the journey's inner purpose, which has nothing to do with where you are going or what you are doing, but everything to do with how you do what you do. It has nothing to do with future but everything to do with the quality of your consciousness at this moment. Your outer journey may contain a million steps; your inner journey only has one: the step you are taking right now. As you become more deeply aware of this one step, you realize that it already contains within itself all the other steps as well as the destination. This one step becomes transformed into an expression of great beauty and quality. It will have taken you into Being, and the primordial power of Being will flow through it. This is both the purpose and the fulfillment of your inner journey, the journey into yourself."

This is exactly what you are doing, Supreetha, and what I also aspire towards, when we, as you so beautifully put it…

“Keep doing Sadhana even while doing our daily work.... keep thinking of Him the Supreme.. every breath ....

As I breathe Him in and out this day, I will picture you doing the same, and we will be one in Him.

Hare Krishna!
At 1:39pm on November 16, 2008, Ali Afifi said…
Welcome Pascale and hope to share me my own social network if u like to know something new about Islam and Quran

At 5:19pm on November 11, 2008, meera said…
hi pascale
thats great you are leaving everything...

you can also go to India.. its a goodplace for learning...I spent many years in India
I have friends over there, but haven´t heard from them for a long time..
they have a beautiful place at the country side.. check Omanand
another friend is giving camps at present in India

good luck to you
all the best
you are doing good

At 3:06am on November 11, 2008, meera said…

dear Pascale
love meera

Your power over us becomes awesome.'

That is one of the basic fears, because WHENEVER YOU LOVE SOMEBODY, THE POWER OF THE OTHER BECOMES AWESOME. And THIS is no ordinary love; it is not love of the body, it is ultimate love.

ONCE YOU FALL IN LOVE WITH ME YOU ARE ALREADY DISAPPEARING. Fear grips you that 'What is going to happen?' -- are you going to dissolve completely? The temptation will arise to escape, the temptation will arise to say 'no' to me, the temptation will arise to defend yourself against me. But this is the paradox: IF YOU DEFEND YOURSELF AGAINST ME YOU ARE DESTROYING YOURSELF because then you will remain the old, the repetitive, the rotten. If you don't defend yourself against me, if you open the doors, in the beginning it may look destructive, but soon you will realize that the destruction was just a preparation to create something. Each creation needs to be begun by destruction, an equal amount of destruction is needed. And if I am going to create you, totally new, then I will have to destroy you totally.

RIGHT NOW, YOU ARE JUST A MECHANICAL THING. You go on repeating yourself, like a gramophone record which is stuck somewhere and goes on repeating the same line again and again and again. Just watch your life. Have you not become a gramophone record, stuck? -- and the needle goes on moving in the same groove -- and goes on repeating the same thing every day: the same anger, the same sex, the same jealousy, the same hatred, the same possessiveness, the same greed. Have you ever done anything new?

I was reading a limerick yesterday. I liked it.

There was a young man
who said,'Damn,
I have just realized that I am,
a being that moves
in predictable grooves.
Not even a bus, I'm a tram!'

Just watch yourself and you will find yourself not even a bus, but a tram: fixed grooves, well-trodden paths, repetitively. And you become more and more efficient in them. YOU COMPLETELY FORGET HOW TO LIVE -- as if you are being lived by a mechanical life; you are not living it because you are not conscious about it....

This is how things go on.... Your life cannot be a life of newness, of freshness, of morning. Your life is bound to be stale, stuffed with just repetitions; at the most an efficient mechanism, but no consciousness.

SO WHENEVER YOU ARE READY TO TAKE THE JOURNEY FOR THE UNKNOWN, the pilgrimage towards the divine, FEAR WILL ARISE -- fear of losing that which you have never had, fear of losing life. Life you have never had -- just a mechanical thing: the fear of losing a repetitive efficiency, the fear of losing your old pattern. It may be comfortable and convenient, but it is not alive.

There is nothing like death, because DEATH IS THE MOST COMFORTABLE STATE OF BEING, convenient. In a grave you will be perfectly comfortable and convenient, and there is no trouble. LIFE ALWAYS CREATES NEW TROUBLES. Those troubles are not really troubles. If you look rightly, they are challenges to grow.


Come Follow Yourself
Vol 4, Ch #2: Between Adam and Jesus
At 1:49pm on November 2, 2008, frédéric said…

bonjour Pascale, enchantée de te connaître , effectivement nous avons suivi les précieux enseignement du Dalai lama...ils me sont très précieux et m'aide a doner un sens à ma vie mais aussi ils répondent à des questions existentielles auxquelles je me vois mal ne pas approfondir cette recherche intérieur de connaissance et de sagesse... beaucoup de paix de bonheur et d'amour pour toi et ton entourage... @ bientôt
At 9:42pm on October 14, 2008, Pascale said…
bonjour Danielle, merci pour ton message et cette belle photo, il y quelques années j'ai visité ce temple...cela me ramène vers le passé. je t'envoie mes meilleures pensées de paix et d'amour.
At 9:21pm on October 14, 2008, Danielle said…
Bonjour Pascale,
J'avais demandé ton amitié...peut-être ne l'as-tu pas vu ou tout simplement tu n'en as pas envie.
Je veux juste te passer un petit bonjour en bonne Française que nous sommes et surtout te souhaiter, paix, joie et amour dans ta vie ainsi que pour tes proches et bien sûr c'est ce que nous souhaitons pour le monde entier.
Très amicalement, du Centre de la France (entre Vichy et Moulins)

Le Temple où je suis les enseignements Bouddhiques (Saône et Loire)

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