Cia Khakaura's Comments

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At 3:36pm on April 14, 2012, Kibuuka Sulait said…


Hope your doing fine?Well it has been a long time without communicating to you.

I would love to inform you that am in an organisation called africa united talents expression ,we are dealing in many activities and firstly we call our selves brothers and sisters and this can give people a clear picture that when we call our selves like that, we are already aquired peace into us.As you can visit our website for more information about this log on We are with lessprivilaged youth and children and our motto is together for a better future.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Kibuuka Sulait.

At 1:04am on April 13, 2011, Apolonia said…
At 1:08am on June 15, 2010, Eva said…

iPeace is deleted from David Califa the end of June. Here you can find a new home.

You are cordially invited.

Warm regards, Eva
At 8:56am on April 2, 2010, Samuel Rodriguez said…
Rise, shine and make your mornings brighter...
Because every day there's something new to celebrate!!!

Easter Comments
Easter Comments
| Swimwear Sale

With a WARM HUG !!!
Samuel Rodriguez

At 6:02am on October 10, 2009, Floyd Boykin Jr. said…

My name is Floyd Boykin Jr. and this is my lead single and video to my new album EARTHOLOGY. It is a very positive and uplifting project featuring Malcolm-Jamal Warner, Maya Azucena, Tantra-Zawadi, Marc Marcel, Al Caldwell and many more. I really could use your support on this record, so if you like this video, please log on to
to sample the project and possibly buy the single or the album. Thank you for your support. Keep it positive. Also available on iTunes.
- Floyd

At 9:04pm on October 4, 2009, Samuel Rodriguez said…
Wishing you an inspiring new week and...

MySpace Layouts & MySpace Comments
At 6:23pm on March 3, 2009, CanadianPrincess said…
I loved reading your profile. I feel inner peace is critical and we need to all be giving our energy at the same vibration. Your music is awesome and I enjoyed your blog. You go girl! Peace out, CP
At 4:20am on February 26, 2009, Rashad said…
I was trying to add u in my friends list but I could not may be due to slow internet speed
At 4:03am on February 26, 2009, Rashad said…
It's nice to know you, Best regards, Love, hugs, light and peace.
Rashad Javed
Chairman : Hope development organization.
At 1:53pm on February 23, 2009, sweet said…

At 1:52pm on February 23, 2009, sweet said…
قال صلى الله عليه وسلم : { الدال على الخير كفاعله } [ رواه مسلم ].
قال صلى الله عليه وسلم : { من دعا إلى هُدى كان له من الأجر مثل أجور من تبعه، لا ينقص ذلك من أجورهم شيئاً .. } [ رواه مسلم ].
شبكة NBC الأمريكية: عشرون الف شخص يعتنقون الإسلام سنويا في امريكا :
NBC NEWS:20000 americans Convert To ISLAM Each Year! :
قسيس أمريكي سابق يكشف اعتناق قساوسة كثيرين للإسلام :
Yusuf Estes - Priests and Preachers accepting Islam :
الفنزويليون يدخلون في دين الله أفواجا :
Many Latinos Convert Daily To ISLAM .. Live From Venezuela! :
الكثير من الألمان يعتنقون الإسلام يوميا :
Every day many Germans convert to ISLAM :
التلفزيون الهولندي : الإسلام أسرع الديانات انتشارا بين الشباب الألماني :
Holland TV:ISLAM fastest spreading Faith among Youth Germans :
آلاف الدنماركيين يدخلون الإسلام :
Thousands of Danish convert to Islam :
تقرير تلفزيوني : آلاف اللاتينيين يعتنقون الإسلام :
TV Report Thousands Hispanics Converting To ISLAM :
عالم ألماني وزوجته يعتنقون الإسلام :
German Scientist & his wife,clinic assistant convert 2 islam :
عالم أوربي يعتنق الإسلام :
European Scientist converts to Islam :
الدكتور البريطاني ويبر يعتنق الإسلام :
Dr. Ian Weber from England converts to Islam :
طالب علوم يعتنق الإسلام في أمريكا :
science students turn to islam :
تقرير تلفزيوني : النصارى في فرنسا يعتنقون الإسلام :
TV_Report: Christians Convert To ISLAM in France :
المسلمون في تكساس : قصص للمسلمين الجدد في تكساس :
Turning Muslim in Texas - People reverting to Islam in Texas :
امريكية تحولت للإسلام بعد أسابيع من 11 سبتمبر :
Angela Collins - Muslim Convert weeks after 9/11 Incident :
أسترالية تعتنق الإسلام :
NEW MUSLIM Woman from austrailia CONVERT :
قصة مسلم امريكي جديد :
The Choice - A Story of New American Muslim Convert :
ايرلندي يعتنق الإسلام :
Irish and "loving Islam" Convert to Islam :
يهودي يعتنق الإسلام :
Jewish To Islam convert :
مسلم يروي التغيرات التي حصلت له بعد شهرين من إسلامه :
لماذا اعتنقوا الإسلام :
Why do they accept the Islam :
135 امريكي يعتنقون الإسلام في وقت واحد :
135 Convert to Islam :
مسلمة جديدة تعتنق الإسلام في كندا :
Convert to Islam from Canada :
براين يروي قصته من المسيحية الى الإسلام :
Revert to Islam - Brian From Christianity (Convert to Islam) ... :
العديد من العوائل النصرانية واليهودية يعتنقون الإسلام :
Many Jew and Christian Families Convert To ISLAM :
قسيس كاثوليكي بريطاني يعتنق الإسلام :
British Catholic Priest Converted To ISLAM :
يوناني يعتنق الإسلام :
Greece Men Convert to Islam :
هندوسي يعتنق الإسلام :
Convert to Islam from Hinduism :
نصرانية تعتنق الإسلام :
Christian Convert to Islam :
22 استرالي واسترالية يعتنقون الإسلام بعد محاضرة :
Twenty two/22 Brothers and sisters convert to (Islam) ..... :
امرأتين من بريطانيا يعتنقون الإسلام :
Two british Women of different colours convert to Islam :
الماني يعتنق الإسلام :
German convert to Islam :
ثلاثة فرنسيات يعتنقون الإسلام :
Three French Sisters Convert To ISLAM :
الصحفية ريدلي تعتنق الإسلام :
Sister Yvonne Ridley Becomes Muslim Islam Video :
لماذا اعتنقت هذه الألمانية الإسلام :
WHY Christians German Lady convert to ISLAM, SEE VIDEO :
الماني تعتنق الإسلام
Germany Convert To ISLAM :
لماذا اعتنق جيرومي الإسلام ؟
Jerome - How I wrestled my way to Islam :
قصة الماني اعتنق الإسلام :
The story of a German convert to Islam :
عبدالسلام يعتنق الإسلام :
Revert to Islam - Abdus Salam (Convert to Islam) ... :
الأمريكية مريم تعتنق الإسلام :
Revert to Islam - Maryam Noor (Convert From Christianity) .... :
المان يعتنقون الإسلام في التلفزيون الألماني :
Germans convert to Islam on german TV :
تقرير تلفزيوني عن مسلمين جدد :
TV Report Rechtsanwalt konvertiert zum ISLAM :
قسيس يعتنق الإسلام :
Jolene: A Southern Baptist Converts to Islam :
محمد مصعب يروي قصته في اعتناق الإسلام :
Revert to Islam - Muahmmad Musab (Convert From Christianity) .... :
يوسف علي يروي قصة اعتناقه الإسلام :
Revert to Islam - Yusuf Ali (Convert to Islam) ... :
كيف اعتنقت ميلينا الأسلام :
How Melina came to Islam :
عبدالله لبان يروي قصة اعتناقه للإسلام :
Revert to Islam - Abdullah Laban (Convert to Islam) ... :
اللاتينيين يتركون الكنيسة ويعتنقون الإسلام :
TV Report Latinos Leaving The Church And Turning To ISLAM :
وليام شبيل و25 من عائلته يعتنقون الإسلام :
William Chappelle and 25 members of his family embrace Islam :
الإسلام في هولندا :
Islam In Netherlands :
6 ألمان يعتنقون الإسلام :
6 German convert to Islam - 2007 - LIVE :
كارولين تتحول الى الإسلام :
Caroline convert from christianity to islam :
أمرأة يابانية تتحول الى الإسلام :
Japanese Women Turning To ISLAM. :
مسلمة امريكية جديدة تتكلم عن الحجاب :
American converted Muslim Woman speaking about the Veil :
الدكتورة ريتشاردسون يتحول الى الإسلام في أمريكا :
Dia Richardson converted to Islam in USA :
ألمانية نصرانية تتحول الى الإسلام :
German christ convert to ISLAM :
مسلمة جديدة تتكلم عن الإسلام من لندن :
New Muslim Lady .. Live from London :
أمرأة هولندية تتحول الى الإسلام :
Dutch Women Turning To ISLAM in Holland :
أمرأة من جنوب ألمانيا تتحول الى الإسلام :
New Sister From South Germany :
كيف تتحول الى الإسلام :
How to Convert to Islam :
اربع مسلمون جدد من اربع مناطق مختلفة من العالم :
4 New Muslims from 4 Corners of the World :
جيني : كيف تحولت الى الإسلام ؟
Jenny - How I came to Islam :
كات ستيفينس يتحول الى يوسف إسلام :
Cat Stevens becomes Yusuf Islam :

اصغر مسلم جديد في بريطانيا :
Islam Youngest Muslim Reverts in The World- in England :
عبد الرحيم غرين يتحول الى الإسلام :
Why Abdul Raheem Green Came to Islam :
روبرت يتحول الى الإسلام :
Robert converts to Islam :
قصة تحول مؤثرة الى الإسلام :
Islam : Best and inspirational Revert Story :
قصة تحول كريستال الى الإسلام :
Revert to Islam - Sister Crystal (Convert From Christianity) ... :
مسلمة جديدة أسبانية تتكلم عن حقوق المرأة في الإسلام
Spanish Woman talks about Woman rights in Islam :

ارجوا من جميع الاخوان والاخوات المساهمة في نشرة في المنتديات والقروبات
وارسالة لمن يعرفون من غير المسلمين فقد تكون رسالتك هذه سبب في اسلام احدهم
فإن الدعوة إلى الله عز وجل من أفضل القربات إليه ، قال تعالى : ( وَمَنْ أَحْسَنُ قَوْلا مِمَّنْ دَعَا إِلَى اللَّهِ وَعَمِلَ صَالِحًا وَقَالَ إِنَّنِي مِنْ الْمُسْلِمِينَ )

ويقول نبينا محمد عليه الصلاة والسلام : ( لأن يهدي الله بك رجلاً واحداً خير لك من حمر النعم )

وهذه نسخة من الرسالة بعد إزالة العناوين العربية

ليسهل نشرها في المنتديات والقروبات الأجنبية

Why do they accept the Islam ?

NBC NEWS:20000 americans Convert To ISLAM Each Year! :

Yusuf Estes - Priests and Preachers accepting Islam :

Many Latinos Convert Daily To ISLAM .. Live From Venezuela! :

Every day many Germans convert to ISLAM :

Holland TV:ISLAM fastest spreading Faith among Youth Germans :

Thousands of Danish convert to Islam :

TV Report Thousands Hispanics Converting To ISLAM :

German Scientist & his wife,clinic assistant convert 2 islam :

European Scientist converts to Islam :

Dr. Ian Weber from England converts to Islam :

science students turn to islam :

TV_Report: Christians Convert To ISLAM in France :

Turning Muslim in Texas - People reverting to Islam in Texas :

Angela Collins - Muslim Convert weeks after 9/11 Incident :

NEW MUSLIM Woman from austrailia CONVERT :

The Choice - A Story of New American Muslim Convert :

Irish and "loving Islam" Convert to Islam :

Jewish To Islam convert :
nabal wrote on Feb 19
Feb 15, '09 12:03 PM
for everyone
(3) Real Happiness and Inner Peace

Real happiness and peace can be found in submitting to the commands of the Creator and the Sustainer of this world. God has said in the Quran:

Truly, in remembering God do hearts find rest. (Quran, 13:28)

On the other hand, the one who turns away from the Quran will have a life of hardship in this world. God has said:

But whoever turns away from the Quran,1 he will have a hard life, and We will raise him up blind on the Day of Judgment. (Quran, 20:124)

This may explain why some people commit suicide while they enjoy the material comfort money can buy. For example, look at Cat Stevens (now Yusuf Islam), formerly a famous pop singer who used to earn sometimes more than $150,000 a night. After he converted to Islam, he found true happiness and peace, which he had not found in material success.2

Next: Forgiveness for All Previous Sins



(1) i.e. neither believes in the Quran nor acts on its orders. Back from footnote (1)

(2) The present mailing address of Cat Stevens (Yusuf Islam), in case you would like to ask him about his feelings after he converted to Islam, is: 2 Digswell Street, London N7 8JX, United Kingdom. Back from footnote (2)

Prev: زواج
Next: Some Basic Islamic Beliefs
meitson wrote on Feb 19
met malam suster..! ketemu lagi nich... nanya ya,suster tugas dimana...?
trims salam hangat..
At 6:56am on January 14, 2009, Anthony (Tony) Janflone said…
Cia, Thank you for the note. Sorry to hear that you can't play your piano. I'll pray that you can. Try one finger at a time. I've endured many injuries to my hands. I play every day and have my entire career. Glad you liked the tune.
I'll post more later. That was done in 1998. Hope to finish other recording projects.
All the very best to you always.
WYWL. Tony
At 5:58am on January 14, 2009, Pia Maria Norris said…

At 10:56am on January 11, 2009, Mitsuyoshi Mark said…
"May you surrender to your Self, and may the peace that passes understanding fill your hearts and minds forever." - Cia Khakaura

I loved this essay Cia. I think I could study these ideas for a long time. What a wonderful teacher! Thank you so much for your friendship.

You mentioned having lived on the Big Island. I love it there! We have some land in Kaloko where my uncle grows protea. If you miss it, then I hope you can come back some day. Whereabouts were you located?

Aloha Cia. Thanks again. Hugs, Mark
At 7:39pm on January 4, 2009, Eau Douce said…
Aloha Cia
I thank you for sharing your GrandMother Wisdom
Beautiful PHD
Profound Honorable Declaration
feels good to my heart
I invite you for a Spiral of Cooperation with the Galactic GrandMothers Council honoring Water

I would be honored to be your friend
In Lak'ech i Am Another Yourself
At 4:27am on December 26, 2008, Pia Maria Norris said…
Dear Cia,

Thank you for your kind words... I am honored to be your friend and very much look forward to staying in touch.

I started practicing Falun Dafa (also known as Falun Gong) when living in Sweden about 9 years ago. It is practiced in over 60 countries across the world, also in Mexico :-). You can find a lot of information about the exercises and teachings on the website and you can from there download the introductory book "Falun Gong", and also the main book "Zhuan Falun" for free. There are local volunteers persons all over the world that can help and teach you the exercises and meditation.

For information about Falun Dafa:

To download the books for free:

To find local volunteer contact persons:

Let me know if you have any questions or need help in finding someone in your area in case you can not find it on the website....

I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year filled with Peace and Blessings! I look forward to hearing from you hopefully soon again.

Warm regards,

At 6:53am on December 25, 2008, Floyd Boykin Jr. said…
Greetings and happy holidays.

Just stopping by, hoping that you would check out my new music video. It's about domestic violence and other forms of abuse. Let me know what you think. Peace and blessings.

At 5:12am on December 25, 2008, Hamit GÜRSOY said…
Dear CIA;
Thanks a lot for your message;
I'm working as EU&LLP Projects coordinator.
This is for schools&for institutions.
In reality, I'm expert teacher of French.


At 4:27am on December 25, 2008, Hamit GÜRSOY said…
Hello Dear CIA;
Greetings from Turkey
At 8:40pm on December 21, 2008, Samuel Rodriguez said…
Hello! Cia Khakaura
Happy Christmas!!! Happy New Year!!!
Peace, Love, Health, Joy and Harmony for you and your family!!!
Samuel Rodriguez

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