
Dear people of iPEACE: We must try to send messages to our government

who is actually giving alot of our tax dollars to support Isreal. Do any of you know what they have done over there???? If anyone is a 'facebook' member - check out the video's I have of what is going on
with the Isreali soldiers and the terror and killing of women and children - the innoncent victims of this 'stupid and senceless WAR'!!!

This is found on my Profile Page (A REAL PROFILE PAGE)...

The Women and Children (as I've said before - many times) - should have been removed from the country and let the men fight it out. Women are
needed to take care of their children and what the children see - will have a devasting impact on them for the rest of their lives. Is it any
wonder WAR never ends???
Beacuse Generation after Generation of grown up 'children' will fight as
they have witnessed. "IT IS FOR THE CAUSE" AND IS THAT WHAT WE WANT????

It has to stop with our governments - CANADIAN and THE UNITED STATES; Etc. They have to stay out of it with "OUR TAX MONEY" - and their stupid promises.


When Politics is involved - it is bad news...


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IAN: No click on the red sguares and they are video's. Anyway, I did write to you and the internet went off line - because I'm having trouble
with a phone or two. God only knows why but my internet is wireless and
it was great at first until I started having trouble with the phones. The
wireless will give the internet to 3 or 4 computer in the same house.
Amazing!! And I do Not have dial up - that is aincient now.
Anyhow, the troops were the (and Canada too) to find the weapons of "Mass desturction" (That Bush constantly talked) and find Suddam. Mass
graves were dug up and They were every where. Forensic specialists were
sent in to try and identify the loved ones for the people still alive. they did not find any nucular weapons but burried inside so peoples homes
were heavy duty artillary weapons. The man hunt was on for Suddam. In the mean time - a lot of Soldier's were looking for Bin Laden; in Afganistan. He sent tapes admitting to being behind the 9/11 disaster!!! They got tips from the locals that he may be hiding in the caves in the mountains. So off they went searching caves both Canadians and Americans. They searched every cave and all they found was traces that
Bin Laden and his followers had been there. Pictures were taken. But it took months to go through the rough terrain. Some believe he made it over the mountains and is hiding in Pakistan. Some beleive he is dead. But voice tapes have arrived; but they have to be verified by voice prints of other tapes with him in them!!!
After Suddam was found in his own home Town hidden under ground. He was captured and brought back to America as a murder - War Crimes they call it!!! Then Soldier's were suppose to be "Peace Keepers" while a new Polital party was formed - But of coures, fighting broke out. The people weren't use to being free - although, they did destroy Suddams Stature and destroyed his home - Palace and took anything they got their hands on. I don't imagine the Soldier's stood in their way - what for - after years of being under "His (Rule) as a tyrannt"!!! But there was gun fire and big shelling because of the disagreement over who would form a Government in Iraq. And also that is when the oil wells were seized and
fenced in and heavily guarded. And , of course, that's when the oil was scarce and gasoline prices rose all over the world. So that is all for tonight! Talk to you soon, Ian. Don't forget to watch those videos - they are great!!! (Red x' in white boxes). Bye for now. FROM YOUR FRIEND: LYNN SHEDLER
There are many things we can do for Peace in our every day life. But to make a global change we need to get together.

What about if we start with something like this?

Peace on Earth to all humans of good will.
where do i sign up?...seriously
Laura J Webb: This is Lynn Shedler - You already have signed up!! You're on the site and you'll stay on this Site. I would like to ask you - if it's O.K. with you; if we could be FRIENDS. All you have to do is accept and You'll get me faster. Please send a message and let me know; O.K.
Minerva: I got an email saying you wanted to talk on the subject of "All talk - no Action." Well - I can't find your message. Sorry. Talk to you later:
unfourtunatelly my vote doesn't count ( i vote ) and no one listens to me...i am disabled and i feel helpless...i am not allowed to raise my children, because of my disability...everytime i try to do or say something i am stopped or silenced...i can do nothing as only one person...i have no money or influence...i pray knowing that God can do something where i cannot. i feel helpless...i cry out and people ridicule me. either because i cannot spell or because i am a christian...i am dyslexic...and when i spoke out they took my children...even though they say i did nothing wrong...where is my freedom. i live in this "free " country...america...the common people must unite or the elite will always controll us...we need to hold each others hands and peacefully protest the horrors in our own countries...we can sit around and talk about doing something but unless we actually organise and Do something this hell will continue...i am willing to take a stand and peacefully protest...but who will stand with me...ppl will laugh and kick me down if i stand alone...the american government kidnapped my two children...and sold one of them..he was adopted...i want world peace, i want a better world for my children..i brought them into this world ...nieve to it's evils...will someone stand with me to protest the war? i don't know what els to do.
You do not stand alone.
I am practically homeless Laura, my children taken from me also, I sold my home, to move out of that state, fearing what eventually took place, my son started getting serious about suicide and finally let him go to come to me, and getting him off all thier drugs and brainwashing, is what caused me to become homeless.
I'm on dialup and cannot watch those videos, I am disabled and cannot work a regular job, but I dont get food stamps or other government 'assistance'... I do not blame my government (I am also an American) but the people who have gotten into those positions (social services, judges etc).
They still have one of my children, who was told his father is dead.... they would not after 2 and half years allow me to tell this child over the phone, his own father loves him......(but insist they care about him???)
I do not blame my government, but those in those positions, who abuse it, confusing intimidation with respect.
I saw how they sought to use my children to traumatize me, then claim the trauma was 'who I was' and their excuse for taking them, however I knew already what they were trying to do and it confused them it did not work.
I stand as an American, I pay attention not only to the troubles of my own people but those abroad and the effect of this country upon them, and in seeking to understand I have learned more than I wanted to.
Much of what is going on was set into motion decades ago, and those who set these things in motion are not even alive anymore!
The power behind the deception including to our presidents of the past, is GONE, but the wheels set in motion still turning... this makes things easier to put a stop to, and I do believe Obama is the type who also is trying all he can to do this.
I seek whatever power I have as a "consumer" as other posters have noted here, not to buy from companies that are behind financial gain by much turmoil and wars.... "the war machine".
What we see now, was largely influenced by a man named Howard Huges.
He died decades ago.
Those who run the companies he started, still profit from these wars.
Generations have been 'playing this game' yet those generations, no longer walk this earth, and some of those who are here are trying to take their place!
But they lack the insanity that started all of this, so we do, now, have more ability than ever before, to put a stop to what is going on.
Protests alone will not do it, speak your peace to others, if they do not listen find those who will, but dont stop bringing these things (including your children) to light!
Even if not on the news, do so, no matter what means as an average person, that you CAN.
We KEEP at it, and KEEP at it, and never give up!

We the people, need not be holding hands, to be united.
And united we STAND up against this abuse, these crimes against ALL of humanity!
But do not be silent other than to protecting your self from persecution by the law, for your voice does not carry so well if behind bars. Speak your peace, even if quietly, and only to those who listen, they, in turn spread it farther than you can.
But we do this as THE PEOPLE.
The millions of us who are, only one person!
People laughed at me, all that did was make me sit down and find WAYS to say things in ways that could see effected "their" lives, not just mine. And more and more, listen.
But I wont give up, even after my last child is free, even after the last bullet has been fired in war,
to keep fighting, to keep this from ever happening AGAIN!

Peace will rule this world.
WE the people, of EARTH, are demanding it.
And we will not give up!
this message has been brought to you by wind power.
I've been fighting with my life (how I live) over 35 years, to change what I buy.
I cant pay for a tank of gas without thinking of someone, with a rifle, fighting over the stuff nor for wild areas being destroyed as our childrens resources are sold from under them!
and be at peace.
So I walk, I ride a horse, I use a dog team, MOST of my 50+ years!
And I keep hearing people say "but I'm only one person I dont make a difference" "I cant change"
dont you think these people are saying just exactly what they want?

We have no control?

Sorry but we (the people of the world) of peace, outnumber those of aggression millions to one!
But we keep saying, I'm only one person, I'm powerless..........

Well not this one!
this is laura's loving husband---Thunderchild, thank you for your kind words and thoughts for my wife---God knows she needs all of them she can get. Secondly, while for some of us your lifestyle may not be an option, let me assure you that I admire you for sticking to your beliefs and doing what you feel to be the only right thing. Do NOT let anyone run you down for being backwards, or anything of that nature, just because you are not as technologically advanced as some. After all, look at the Amish, they live their whole lives without high speed internet (although new Amish DO use a computer sometimes for the whole town, as well as own a vehicle and possibly a phone--I met some Amish on a bus trip from Iowa to Texas who had one phone that they all shared). The Amish seem to be happy, well adjusted men and women who love their kids and support their families--so what is wrong with that.

I have no doubt that you do love your kids--the government does not care about children(and i dont give a CRAP if the government reads this which I know they will)--all Uncle Sam and his 50 bloated, fat, ugly nephews care about is MONEY---the state gets x dollars for every child they "save"( translate STEAL) and then the government gets to control the lives of those kids to eventually get THEIR money. As the only quote i EVER agreed with from the evil Limbaugh goes(and I am a CONSERVATIVE and i hate Limbaugh)--"Follow the trail of money, it always leads to the truth".

Thank you again for your kindness and friendship for my wife, and KEEP your faith man

Thank you John,
I think the problem, runs deeper than just the surface of taking our children.
It is more I think about the desire of those who want to control, to convince those of us (we the people) we have NONE !
My voice alone wont work if I seek defense for the injustice done to me (though it is even a greater injustice done to my CHILDREN!)
But my voice is more heard by others when I stand up for ANOTHER, besides myself, and use myself as an example.

I DO believe in my country (someone needs to!) but NOT those who seek power, OVER the people! To them, I have NO respect whatsoever, why? Because thats what they are after!
Intimidation, and respect, are two VERY different things, and so many in power confuse the two.
I can intimidate someone, but that is not respect its FEAR.
Respect can only be EARNED. Its not even about what my beliefs are, its just the simple truth.

Expand that out of just the personal realm of family, friends, and into business and government!

There is huge power of the people, and part of that is not even in making statements, its about asking the right QUESTIONS.
Before election time, write (not type!) personal letters to those running for offices, as judges, and ALL levels of government, ASK them, will you clean up Social Services?
We can hold religious leaders (priests etc) accountable for committing sins against children,
WHY, is it, that I can find NO record, of anyone in Social Services held accountable if they WRONGFULLY take a child?
Religious leaders are not perfect but Social Service workers ARE??????????
Something is very very very wrong with that picture.

And they are destroying the SPIRIT of this country from the INSIDE by doing this!

I stopped fighting for my youngest child, to fight for others.
I had jumped through every single hoop they put me through, and my fighting in that way, took every single thing I had and it STILL was not good enough for them, I was DIRT in their eyes and treated that way!
Tell someone ANYONE they are WORTHLESS, is ABUSE!

It is not my government, its the PEOPLE in it, who are ABUSING it!
I dont want to waist my time, fighting, the WRONG ENEMY!

That is a critical part of this fight, is fighting the right enemy, or we never win.

Lynn I'll jump to your link here shortly,
but you are 100% correct!
And there was no LEADER going on in the 60's it was WE THE PEOPLE, making a stand and saying we have had ENOUGH!
It was not those in the war protesting it, it was those who were NOT in the war, fighting for its end.
By myself I can fight for myself and it means little, but when I fight for ANYOTHER? There is POWER in that! And a power they have learned to fear.

I fight with my life, how I live.
I spend 10 times as much in order to buy things from the poorest person I can, rather than give a dime to a multinational corporation with some multimillionaire sitting behind a desk counting money.
And the people below him, seek to climb higher by making him richer, and I'm willing to bet that multimillionaire may not have a CLUE how those people below him are screwing over everyone and anyone they can, to do that.
Some maybe, but I'm not willing to blame those at the top, for those greedy selfish SOB's who would stab their own country in the back to raise themselves up. In the name of their employer!
Even the oil companies here in Alaska (Exxon in this example), turn to the utility companies here running on petroleum, and ask them WHY, with the second largest tides in the world RIGHT HERE, they are doing NOTHING to develop them!
That is something worth thinking about when we think WHO is the enemy we are fighting here!

Take time, to learn who the enemy IS, so we dont fight the wrong ones!

And I will say it again, we do not need to hold hands to stand united!

And I had my wind generators in the air when I lived in town.
I have people come to my place asking for advice on how to get into wind power, asking me how much I charge to help them.
I'm dirt broke, and my answer to them is NOTHING, I do it for FREE.

Because I'm not out to help myself, I'm out to help MY COUNTRY, THE PEOPLE.

Based on my lowest score, they put me at the 7th highest IQ in the USA.
I'm not backwards, I'm FORWARDS.

My money does not go into the hands of the wealthy, those at the top, were all around me people are paying the highest utility rates in the nation, to "a handful of people" all collecting this $
It is spent buying from the poorest person I can find !

I fight, with HOW I LIVE.
I MAY not have made much difference, in my one lifetime (other than saving $480,000 in utilities alone in 35 years )....
Maybe my parking my car and walking, has not changed the whole world?
Maybe, it has only saved ONE persons life, from going to war over oil.
But that makes it WORTH IT.

I fight, without a sword.
I fight with my life, without surrendering it.

I have seen a shrew (smaller than a mouse) STAND UP, against a pack of 5 wolves.
It was not SIZE, and he fought ALONE, but his ATTITUDE alone, backed them ALL DOWN.

Well I got ATTITUDE!
JOHN: Were you referring to me - Lynn Shedler? I would do anything
to help you's out. I want her to be my friend so I can talk more and
getting her thinking more possitive to herself. Right now, she doesn't
and has kinda' been beaten to the ground by what has happened in her life. That is not good. So let me know and I can do something about it
O.K. Thank you for answering so quickly!! YOUR FRIEND: LYNN SHEDLER
I AGREE!!! I think the same way. I got rid of my car because of the gasoline and TAXES on repairs, etc. And so I walk or catch a ride with a
frined. We certainly didn't say that back in the 60's... We banded to gether and protested - peacefully - for Freedom of Rights; Freedom to Change and FOR THE VIETNAM WAR TO STOP.... We Won!! You are not Powerless and neither am I!! As soon as everyone gets through their Heads - we will - band together once more. Here is a Site for you to see:
http://www.ipeace.me/group/propeacenonviolent demonstration. Let me know


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