I was wondering if anyone had any thoughts about how to achieve world peace and what is meant by world peace. Is it about respecting everybodys right to their own way of going about things? or maybe it's about tollerance of others beliefs and just to be really controversial could world peace come about through violence ie (and this is not what I think it is only to start a discussion) if the nazi's had put into place the final solution and eradicated everyone they didn't like after the initial period of living in a world akin to Orwells 1984 would things of settled and become more relaxed and with no other systems and religeons would they have succeded in getting world peace.

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Hello Everybody,

That new day is dawning, that everlasting day of paradise in the transformation of man from "Perfected Man" (with the expanded self-recognition of the highest human personality who possesses the capacity to realize that he is the fullness of the Universal in Individual form) to "Spiritual Man" (the Full and Complete expression of that focus which is the Universal in Individual form as the very Life that we Live). Our Humanness has come to bare, and it is time that we take up the responsibility for what it is that we truly ARE and begin to SHINE it forth upon all of the World. We cannot change unfavorable conditions by beating upon those unfavorable conditions, no; only by shifting our consciousness from "Victim Status" to "Self-Empowered Distributors of the Creative Essence" can any real change be affected. It is time that we begin to create the new paradigm. A paradigm of Peace and Prosperity (not in dollars, but in Spirituality), of Love and Joy for all -- and I do mean ALL. For if even one is left out then it is not a True Utopia. The errant notion that we need to be "fixed" has been the underlying theme of all the religions and this notion holds us in a self-imposed bondage. We do not need to be "fixed"; we need to wake up and accept the Truth - and that is that we and we alone control our destiny, and future evolution. There isn't some outside force or being that is going to "fix" everything or rescue us. It is up to us to simply shift our consciousness from the nightmare to the Life of our dreams - to change the scenario from a tragedy to a Love Story.

I am asking you to make up a list of the qualities that comprise your concept of Utopia. You can be as vague as you wish or as specific as you wish, but the more specific you can be the easier it will be for you to envision these qualities as reality. You can amend and edit your list as you see fit as there will almost assuredly be things that will change in focus or come to light as you work through this process. Refine your list until you are happy with it's contents, and remember this is not a contest to see who can come up with the most complete or elaborate or insightful list, it is simply to satisfy ones self as to their personal idea of Utopia. Once we have these lists compiled into a form that we find pleasing, I want us to both read and imagine them as reality each morning when we rise, and each evening when we retire - and also to get together and compare notes to share insights and ideas - Individuals to Group, and Group to Individuals. Ultimately I would like to see this become a cooperative effort wherein we all benefit from each others inputs as well as being significant contributors in each of our unique Individualness'. These "Messages" are a great place to share our ideas and express our collective Utopias together. If you would prefer to keep your list personal, that's fine as well. I just thought that a collaborative effort would be beneficial. This way each of us might gain an insight or two from the others, and as well each might just contribute an insight that is unique to them that the rest can benefit from.

The circumstances, situations and events spontaneously provided by nature and "Sleeping Man" have served only to produce a version of society geared toward the suppression and servitude of Mankind. Leaving very little room for the process of true self-expression, and this room is being made smaller and smaller every day by those whom profit by things remaining in this state of servitude. Now is the time to fill the place occupied by that "Personal Factor", that namely of an intelligence that sees beyond the present limited manifestation of the Laws into their real essence, and the means by which they can be evoked into forms of expression, usefulness, and beauty. The Laws of the Universe remain absolute; it is our understanding and employment of them that must change in order to bring about the shift in the Global Consciousness toward the Life that we would prefer to experience. This is not just a "pipe-dream" - it is the responsibility of the Individual - Nature will provide the materials, and the food, but it will not build the paradise for us nor cook the meal for us - That, we must do ourselves. Sadly the bulk of the "New Thought Movement" isn't actually geared toward freeing your creative center, instead it is spinning you into focusing on "me, me, me". I want a better job, I want as bigger house, a nicer car - material things that by their very nature feed the state of separateness that keeps us in this bondage in the first place. We must rise above our current lust for personal possessions and material acquisitions to a global sense of Unity and Harmony. Trust me, the Universal will deliver abundance beyond our wildest dreams as a Unit or big family (independent of racial or national lines) when we, as an expression of the Universal in the Individual, regain our balance in the flow of the Life Essence.

So join me in ascending the chronic state of "victimhood" now shared by the majority of mankind into our birthright as limitless distributors of the Creative Power on the plane of the Particular into the expansive nature of the Life-In-Itself. Let us give rise to a new collective vision of Love, Peace, Joy and Happiness for every aspect, every Life-form, Plant and pebble of Manifested experience here in 3rd Dimensional expression. We cannot simply sit back and wait for nature to correct itself, or for some external omnipotent deity to step up and re-balance the world. We must realize that the World is perfect, and begin to see the perfection we wish within it. We must step up and continue the never-ending process of Creation at the Personal Level - It is time to quit giving our power away and to take full responsibility for our experiences. No-one else can live for us, no-one else can grow for us, and no-one else can evolve for us. It is a personal thing and the time has come to begin Living rather than simply existing.

Perfect Health and Clarity of Mind,

Love, Peace, Joy and Happiness to each of you and yours as you see it in yourself,

-- Victor

Here is a sample list I compiled for your convenience and reference.


Through Deliberate Intention and the Law of Attraction which will lead us into Harmony with the Law of Allowance, as a group, we can Create / Manifest a New Paradigm of Human Experience and free ourselves from the cyclic repetition of victimhood, and replace it with Self-Empowerment, as we birth the Expansive and Creational Future of Mankind in Harmony with Divine order, the Laws of the Universe, and every living thing; achieving an evolvement within creation as a constantly changing cooperative process of knowledge and experience toward wisdom.

This allows for consideration of the power held within the simplicity of redirecting purposeful intention through placing the attention on what is desired rather than what appears to be happening. This changes the point of control from the observed to the observer which allows for the empowerment of the individual observers, and further demonstrates the power of cooperation through unified commitment to a common goal. We are the future - HERE and NOW.

Topics on Utopia:

<+> Everybody will be happy in their own way, experiencing and exploring and expressing all that is in themselves on the journey of their unfoldment.
<+> Individuality will be encouraged as well as unique new dreams and desires for new and different experiences leading to ever-expanding horizons.
<+> Love will be the fundamental underlying essence of ALL relations between ALL living things.
<+> Children will live and grow in a global family of Love and Acceptance.
<+> Truth and Wisdom will be the foundations of experience and interaction and will guide our thoughts toward a greater sense of being and to a greater unfoldment of self.
<+> Responsibility for the individual will reside within the individual; this acceptance of responsibility by the individual will assure the collective harmony of the whole.
<+> Each person will act with respect for others and the environment both locally and globally.
<+> The ONLY Laws that will govern will be the Natural Laws of the Universe.
<+> There will be ONLY Health and Vitality for all.
<+> There will be free exchange without need for money or any medium of currency.
<+> There will be complete availability of ALL things for ALL individuals.
<+> Through absence of need, there will be NO crime of any sort.
<+> NO centralized Government will be unnecessary. In fact NO government at all will be "necessary".
<+> Representatives for community voices can be assembled for the purposes of communicating collective information from one group to another, but will possess no "political" power over anyone, and will simply act as an interface.
<+> Education will revolve around the true nature of our being and incorporate "facts and figures" only to the degree that they actually serve a positive purpose to the evolution and betterment of all. None will be left behind.
<+> Landscapes will flourish with Life and an abundant wealth of vegetation.
<+> Physical transportation will take on a form in compliance with the true nature of our being, and will utilize the inherent powers now dormant in mankind.
<+> Any and all experience will be available to the individual no matter how bazaar or unusual it may appear to others on the surface of its definition.
<+> No thoughts of fear, hatred, violence or injustice will occupy the minds of man.
<+> There will be many various groups of specialized interest toward certain forms of experience facilitating its members to the fullest level of all experience within their interests.
<+> Anyone can move from one group to any other in order to experience one or all of the experiences available through the (moved to) group.
<+> New groups can be formed to incorporate any new experience envisioned by anyone at any time. If we can dream it we can do it.
<+> Any technologies will be unobtrusive and transparent and will NOT be the source of any controlling restriction of any kind.
How about we start our every day with the quote: Let peace start with me.
That means that we are setting our thoughts to be and stay in peace, in every day small activities: When we drive and someone passes aggressively, when the kids have fight and we try to stop them, when someone says somrthing totally unkind to us, when we have an argument with our spouse.
The Bible quotes: "Blessed be the peacemakers" and that means to carry thoughts of peace about all and everything, think peace about ourself and others.
'LET PEACE START WITH ME" is extremely powerful and effective way for anyone that wants to become a true peacemaker.
Yes, i love the simplicity of this Makari
and peace certainly does start within.

And, having read this, i'm not sure anything else needs to be added.

But what i was about to do, in response to Victor's suggestion, was to add here the values from our organisation - which we actually spent quite some time writing and simplifying. These are the values which we believe, if the whole world shared, would make for a peaceful world.
So the following values and code of ethics was written recently by a group of women and is shared by an ever-increasing number of women who are joining us. I felt this might be a starting point - in terms of visualisation, shared positive intent etc.
though, as i say, not sure anything really needs to be added to the beautiful simplicity of Makari's lovely statemtent.

To cooperate not compete.
To respect the potential within each person... including ourselves.
To communicate consciously, openly, honestly and responsibly.
To respect the natural environment.
To celebrate the beauty of diversity
To work with love, gratitude and awareness.

Enough people thinking, feeling, being and doing differently on a regular basis - will change everything...

and this is our code of ethics:

Maintaining the utmost respect for all human life and for the natural environment.
Practicing honesty, integrity and trustworthiness.
Conducting business or trade with love, gratitude, empathy and awareness.
Communicating consciously, honestly and responsibly.
Emphasising cooperation in preference to competition.
Carrying out business and enterprise in a sustainable way.*
Not permitting considerations of age, disease or disability, creed, ethnic origin, gender, nationality, race, sexual orientation, social standing or any other factor to affect our attitude towards any person.

(* Sustainable: - Meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
Thanks so much for posting the video, Ruach.
I haven't got headphones yet and my partner is sitting next to me doing some detailed computer coding work(!) so i look forward very much indeed to watching and listening to this. I heard the first few seconds and will very much enjoy the rest of it, later on today.
Blessings and peace,
Hey Robert, thanx for the video of the Warumpi Band, out of all the replys I have had since I started this discussion that has to be the most simplistic message I have had.

Thanx, Neil
"Things should be made as simple as possible, but not any simpler." / Albert Einstein.

Q1: If the message is simple (to which I agree), how come the following action of it has not created peace yet?

Q2: Words are simple, but follow the words are harder - how come?

Q3: The underlying root causes that are intertwined in a very complex structure all interdependent of each other that gives us places on the earth experiencing WAR and CONFLICT - how can we find a solution to actually REACH world peace?

I share with you a slide;



From War to Peace - category three!


To all those who want this World a better, safer and prosperous place to live in, at least for the coming generation, on stunning victory of BHO as 44th Presidendent of the USA - sole super power of the world!

Why? He said, "Change," "Peace" and "Hope".

Here I would also like to mention from the most misunderstood source of guidance and wisdom, "The Islamic Beachings":

Prophet of Islam said, "If you tomorrow is not better than yesterday, you are in LOSS"! Does this also not speak of Change, peace, hope and even 'self accountability'? But those who live to exploit others never cared, neither are caring nor will care, ever!

OHB's victory is in fact the DEFEAT of minlitary mindset, so far we have seen in power on those catapulted on the helm have notably been corporals (hitler, reza shah I et al), subalterns (both Bush and Mush share one thing - both dared to have been AWOL); the military minds are alway trained to kill or get killed!

Regan and Mrs Thechar apparently had no roots connected in military-industrial complex; and Obama has been a teacher in a prestegious University! His thoughts and performance are certainly source of Hope, so far. Let's hope, we are not hoping against the Hope!

Kindest regards. Sadiq
Great conversation and thanks to Anders for the mention of Cultural Fusion!

I think many have hit the multiple points to be addressed and they all point towards the need for multilateral solutions that can take a system thinking approach. Starting with the individual it is much easier to work our way up through various systems, and in many cases creating new ones.

Many of our existing systems do work to do what they were intended to do, not in word as in Mission Statement, but in underlying intention- genuine motivations. What I have found in my experience was I was wanting the systems I encountered to function differently to deliver a different result. But that ignored the investment that many many people had in that and related systems.

My experience has been that not only is there resistance to change, there is resistance to acceptance. The levels of change needed to achieve peace, to me seem so radical that I doubt most people would make the transition were it not for the crumbling of the old. Because if the old ways were working what would be the motivation, the urgency to change? And for still more people, the quest may well continue to try and fashion solutions from the tatters of what we have known- tick tock, tick tock.... it only takes a handful of people to create new systems so that when larger numbers of people realize that is what is needed they exist for them to turn to, improve upon and benefit from.....

Cultural Fusion has evolved out of my own understanding and experiences of what works to make genuine connections that move ideas forward and translate into committed action, what works to bring out the best in people, and acceptance of ourselves because that is needed to make acceptance of others a reality.

I think this discussion speaks to the social aspects of peace, but in truth (as Dawa and Robert point out as well) it seems that peace is also a deeply personal - soulfully intimate journey that we have the choice to make. But it is an experience that manifest because of consistent commitment to remain connected to that personal reality of inner peace...only then does it seem, can I meet you there, in the land where peace prevails.
See Project:what is peace?

In the Cultural Fusion Art as Philosophy (cf AaP) series we are exploring how to integrate these ideals into economic systems, art based solutions for businesses and communities, peer to peer models for bottom up innovation, production processes for these kind passion driven p2p networks- "management" without corporate/organizational hierarchy, self sustaining community intervention programs for those in need....

What are the new market opportunities that support these kind of ideas, in industries that do not yet exist as such but the indicators of their emergence are here? I believe that "personal fabrication", the changing face of organizing, the rise of protest art in the context of social media, the rise in value of intangible assets....See the development site for more info and please feel free to connect if this is of interest to you.

In terms of increasing the peace at all levels, I am learning about Radical Inclusion as a core component in building new systems...one being automation of global social responsibility as CRM (customer relationship management) Strategy.

William Pope L. used his "Black Factory" project to explore art as a context for a business that created "Opportunity" in a rather superficial "artsy" way. In Cultural Fusion I am exploring art as the context for delivering real opportunities via products and service that address the issues mentioned to make a better world a reality NOW, because we are actively participating in creating it.

Currently I am inviting people, especially artists, to contribute to a new video that puts Cultural Fusion art sponsorships into context and helps define the project "brand"....where we move beyond selling people on an image of what a company/product/thing is and instead invite them to explore/help define what it is.
Each person that is selected will contribute a video clip reading one to three slides from a power point presentation. If you are an artist, I'd love to see your work included in the background of your clip....each presenter will be credited in subtitle, as well as an article with links to Cultural Fusion member profiles. Contributors will also be featured in upcoming radio shows, interview or feature in Oci Novosti magazine - new project publication launching later this month. (let me know if you'd like to help with that I have a mock up I did when I first started working on the idea)

If you are or know of anyone that would be interested in participating please connect with me at the Cultural Fusion group network for next steps.

Thanks everyone for sharing and for the chance to share in return :-)

All the best!
How about this simple concept from the book by Marianne Williamson;The Gift of Change
"And now in our time and through our efforts, we too are called to a great
vision: to think the thoughts of a world at peace infused with total love.
For until we think the thoughts of peace, peace will not be ours. We will
not end war because we hate it so much; we will end it by loving peace so
much more."
Personally I pray and meditate daily for and on Peace imagining the planet surrounded by loving protective golden energy of pure love and peace. Sounds wacky? The world is awakening to the power of Intention and so when we have that intention and we focus on it.. each one of us can make the difference......We can each spare 2 minutes a day on this.....at the traffic lights, on the bus, while walking, waiting in a queue.... Just Do It... you'll find the peace within you and you will BE a more content person. Money back guarantee :)) love to all..................
I love this Wilma.
And thanks so much for the Marianne Williamson quote too.
I've not heard it before.. though i love Marianne's better-known poem so often quoted by Nelson Mandella.
It's not whacky, in my opinion any way(!), to pray for peace and to visualise it.
And a shared vision is so powerful!
I love this. Imagine all 10,000 iPeace members praying for peace together - a power not to be underestimated... :):):)
No, the next scapegoat is always found by a war mongering leader, and when there isnt an enemy, the illusion is created to control by fear, ie the Cultural Revolution... but we have the answers and they have been around, and signed up to for the past 60 years, the Human Rights Act, a beautitul concept, allowing personal religious and movement freedom, only at this time is still is just that, a concept, we need it to become a real understanding and it to be allowed to work. We need a higher peace council, amazing leaders some of whom have been identified by receiving the Nobel Peace prize, we need to peacefully demand and elect a governing world body. As for 1984, this is here and now in so many ways, Myanmar, China and in the western world also we are being manipulated by this mind control, should this film be revamped and shown? I think it should my friend is trying to make a modern version to include the original, but to show the reality of how current events are mirrored by George Orwell.
Love Peace and Light
No, I don't think so, we are all individuals and somewhere down the line somebody would have kicked up about their freedoms being removed (like in Orwells 1984) and it doesn't take much to start a revolution. What about starting with your own peace and spreading it amoung those close to you and starting the ripple movement with a vision to creating a wave of peace? Some things just take time, but in today's society where everything is so instant waiting is not suffered eagerly. You think?


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