If 12,000 + peace lovers are here together to promote peace, are we going to get anywhere really?
Is it similar to the logic of "non-smokers" meeting to promote no-smoking?
In order to know how to create peace, don't we have to know how a supporter of war THINKS , just as a group of non-smokers needs to know what it means to be a smoker?

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Dear Ruach, one of my "first friends" here on iPeace.
Good one.
FAST one.
But I am really thinking about this lately.
And the easiest way is to compare this to other things, like the smoking.
Or other situations such as animal lovers.
Let's say they all get together and talk about how they found, bought, didn't discard their dogs during the summer. They love their dog or cat, care for them, would never harm them.
OUT THERE people are mistreating, letting loose in the countryside (Italians do this at vacation time), hurting animals.
If the animal lovers are all together, where and when will the change take place? If a dog hater was in the group, wouldn't it be necessary to really understand what goes on in his head, so as to be able to "get" to that group of people? Couldn't more progress be made?
It's a silly comparison, but easily seen by people in cities that haven't directly known war, been to war, had family killed in a war, been a soldier, etc.
Yours was a BRILLIANT reply.
PERHAPS an alcoholic goes to the pub and IS able to convert drinkers - it depends on his skill in dealing with people, the interest of the other drinkers to change.
It's the kind of logic that perhaps one can refer to the simpliest situations. But, once again, these kinds of questions and many regarding such a topic as "peace", perhaps for their simplicitiy, are the really difficult ones to answer.
To the above messages
thanks - it is something that will be my "inner question of the week, or month".
I appreciate hearing your thoughts. I agree with them all.
The idealism that peace people may seem to portray (talking to a close friend lately who referred to peace makers as being idealists) may make a realistic solution, one written down on paper (and one that in politics, the public is waiting to hear) difficult to actually achieve. Things like peace, love, goodness, happiness cannot easily be solved on paper.
Ruach, still have to see the video, and Robert, your final comment about the social contact and advertising here may yes, be exceeding the real reason we joined in the first place.
The following example of something quite different but with a similar philosophy impressed me.
I had heard that a group of the top people in the film field got together (in the 50's I believe) to make a super film.
Best director, writer, producer, actors, everything. The film was a flop. When they finally put some less qualified people on the staff, they got enough input that was inspiring and different enough to make the film turn out to be a huge success: yes, they needed that person to get things moving.
Just a thought.
you are quite a speaker, a writer, a thinker. It's a good thing there are two of you (in your photo, you are twins, right?)
all these deep thoughts must be re-read, and not when I am not only checking my mail, but looking at my photos, and now must fly out like many to do their "normal life" . One wishes to have all the time in the world to just be here and solve things and discover things. And the further we read on, the more things come to mind.
Thanks to the others as well and I hope that more people get back to this discussion or to your next one, Ru that I see you diligently started above.
Happy shopping - and if you don't find what you are looking for, give money. It's easier.
Well many many things needed to be looked at here. One thing being that if there is a war, many times there will be victims and if there is preemptive war then yes, people should have the right to defend themselves. But war is not something any justified country will inflict without being attacked first. I know it's almost laughable but international law forbids preemptive strike. I only wrote to somebody earlier saying untill we enforce international law for war crimes everyone who engages in war will be one of two things, either the good guys or terrorists. That guy throwing his shoe at George Bush was almost a protest of Ghandi like effect. Within hours people in Iraq were throwing shoes at soldiers instead of bombs. War might not be needed , but defence is always needed. Thats why countries who are neutral have armies. For protection, But going to war for no reason other then protection is not only illegal, but imoral aswell. And will never get any respect from me.
Hello Stephanie, it is a good question, and Ruach answered so well I felt I had nothing to add; war is indeed in all of us, everything out there has its place in here.

Just to add a little, because this is one way in which we can heal the world, within ourselves we seek the place of this or that conflict out there, asking the soul to show us the feelings and the place within so we can hold it in our heart, love and heal it within, and that which is healed within is healed in all the universe. In Hawaii they do it and have done since time before memory.

It is a big job though, few of us can hold the issues of all the world and find them all within and heal them all, rather it is a "one at a time" process, water dripping on a stone, the brushing of the silk scarf wearing away the mountain, but now there is more urgency and more scarves are needed.

You can call this an "inner activism", and I am one such, and I know that it makes a difference.

We can all do this, and maybe many of us already do, but I also recognise that each of us is uniquely different, and each will find their own path to love and peace, and to contributing to universal love and peace, and so I don't assume that anyone else wants to do what I do, unless they ask.

With love from Bill
This might not be directly biased on the e mail i got, I have become more aware of what i need to do peace wise for my self,people tend to put labels on me for a number of reasons, So when they do that,i stand up for my self and let them know i get where they are coming from,i am not what they see me as,show them my world and say i am a peaceful respectful person.Now i am trying to move from my over noise neighbor hood,due to the two clubs down the street,the people that come back from the clubs have made our neighborhood very unquiet and loud, I am looking forward to being in a quiet new area soon.

Sur notre terre, ici et maintenant, il y a la guerre et la violence, et les choses paraissent bien sombres.
Mais, en même temps, dans le calme et la tranquilité, il se passe quelque chose d’insaisissable.
Une révolution intérieure prend place et certains êtres sont appelés vers une plus grande lumière.
C’est une révolution silencieuse

On the surface of the world right now there is war and violence and things seem dark.
But calmly and quietly, at the same time, something else is happening underground.
An inner revolution is taking place and certain individuals are being called to a higher light .
It is a silent revolution.

De l’intérieur vers l’extérieur. Du dessous vers le dessus.
C’est une opération globale…..
Une conspiration spirituelle.
Chaque nation sur la planète a des cellules dormantes
Vous ne nous verrez pas à la télévision;
Rien nous concernant dans les journaux, ni à la radio.

From the inside out. From the ground up.
This is a Global operation...
A spiritual conspiracy.
There are sleeper cells in every nation on the planet.
You won't see us on the T.V.
You won't read about us in the newspaper
You won't hear about us on the radio

Nous ne recherchons pas la gloire.
Nous ne portons aucun uniforme.
Nous apparaissons sous toutes les formes, tailles, couleurs et styles.
La plupart d’entre nous travaillent dans l’anonymat.
Nous agissons dans l’ombre, sans hâte, dans chaque pays et culture de notre monde, villages et grandes villes, montagnes et vallées, fermes et bourgs, tribus et îles lointaines.

We don't seek any glory
We don't wear any uniform
We come in all shapes and sizes, colors and styles
Most of us work anonymously
We are quietly working behind the scenes in every country and culture of the world,
cities big and small, mountains and valleys, in farms and villages, tribes and remote islands

Vous pouvez passer à côté de nous sans même nous remarquer.
Nous allons secretement.
Nous restons dans l’ombre.
Peu importe à qui reviendra la gloire, mais que le travail soit fait.
S’il nous arrive de repérer l’un d’entre nous dans la rue, nous lui adressons calmement un petit signe, et passons notre chemin.
La plupart d’entre nous disent avoir un métier normal pendant la journée, mais c’est la nuit, derrière le rideau baissé, que nous travaillons vraiment.

You could pass by one of us on the street and not even notice
We go undercover
We remain behind the scenes
It is of no concern to us who takes the final credit
But simply that the work gets done
Occasionally we spot each other in the street, we give a quiet nod and continue on our way
During the day many of us pretend we have normal jobs
But behind the false storefront at night is where the real work takes a place

Certains nous appellent l’ »Armée des Eveillés » ;
Peu à peu, nous créons un monde nouveau par le pouvoir de nos esprits, de nos cœurs.
Nous suivons, avec passion et joie nos ordres de l’Intelligence Centrale Spirituelle.
Nous largons en douceur, dans le secret, des bombes d’amour lorsque personne ne regarde…
Mots gentils
Méditations et prières
Activisme social
Actes de gentillesse aléatoires
Chacun d’entre nous s’exprime à sa façon unique, avec ses dons et ses talents personnels uniques.

Some call us the « Conscious Army »
We are slowly creating a new world with the power of our minds and hearts
We follow, with passion and joy
Our orders from the Central Spiritual Intelligence
We are dropping soft, secret love bombs when no one is looking
Kind words
Meditation and prayer
Social activism
Random acts of kindness
We each express ourselves in our own unique ways with our own unique gifts and talents

« Soyez le changement que vous voulez voir dans le monde » est la devise qui emplit nos cœurs.
Nous savons que c’est la seule façon de faire la transformation.
Nous savons, avec humilité et tranquillité, avoir le pouvoir combiné de tous les océans
Notre travail est aussi lent et méticuleux que celui nécessité par la formation de montagnes. Invisible au premier coup d’œil, pourtant grâce à lui, des plaques tectoniques entières seront déplacées dans les siècles à venir.

'Be the change you want to see in the world'
That is the motto that fills our hearts
We know it is the only way real transformation takes place
We know that quietly and humbly we have the power of all the oceans combined
Our work is slow and meticulous
Like formation of mountains
It is not even visible at first glance
And yet with it entire tectonic plates shall be moved in the
centuries to come

L’amour est la religion nouvelle du 21 ème siècle.

Love is the new religion of the 21st century

Point n’est besoin d’être une personne bien élevée ni d’avoir des connaissances exceptionnelles pour le comprendre. Cela vient de l’intelligence du cœur scellée dans la vibration évolutive éternelle de tout être humain.
« Soyez le changement que vous voulez voir dans le monde » ;
Personne ne peut le faire à votre place.

You don't have to be a highly educated person
Or have any exceptional knowledge to understand it
It comes from the intelligence of the heart
Embedded in the timeless evolutionary pulse of all human beings
« Be the change you want to see in the world »
Nobody else can do it for you

En ce moment, nous recrutons ;
Peut-être nous rejoindrez-vous,
Ou l’avez-vous déjà fait….
Vous êtes tous les bienvenus….
La porte est ouverte.

We are now recruiting
Perhaps you will join us
Or already have....
All are welcome...
The door is open
hello Genevieve, it is so! thank you for your beautiful words here, everywhere I go in the world I notice this, more and more people in their hearts quietly loving and listening to know where to be next and what to bring there, to love people, to love places, to love all life, the birds, the trees, the flowers, the mountains, the waters, the skies; to create that one-ness with all creation, to become one with all there is.

I am with you! and Heikki too

It is a small step from being one with the All to knowing that within you too is the All, like a hologram, the message is there in you, like universal DNA, you are an essence of all there is.

You don't need to know the details consciously, just accept the idea that within you is all there is, and then it is an intention, an intention to bring love where love is missing, to someone somewhere who needs you now. Ask for this place in you that connects with, or represents in you, this being (human or other) who needs your love. Feel what comes, hold it in love in your great heart, no need to know what is there, better not to ask or question, it shifts your love. At the same time, or next, seek to know the place in your body where this has been held, and take your love there, apologise that love has been denied, and promise love forever, and hold this place too in your loving heart. When a sense of fulfillment comes, or of completion, open yourself to the universe like a flower, and radiate this healed-ness to whoever or whatever is involved, again, no need to know, just be love and do it.

Try it anyway, the more often the better, maybe as part of your daily meditations, it takes you to a good place of deep awareness from which it is easy enough to slip into inner peace.

With love from Bill
I agree with you. Every human being has wounds of some sort (our wars within). If we heal our own wounds we have more to offer to others. We are less defensive and more loving.
Well, sounds interesting! Go ahead, U sure have an idea already, please share it with us!
Beautifully written - it gave me chills reading it. Thanks

Simple, meaningful - the important thing also is to get the message loud and clear to the children who will then go out into the world with our valuable peaceful thoughts. Thanks Bob Stephanie


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