Becoming Unstuck
Ascended Master, Serapis Bey’s Weekly Message ~ February 07 – 14, 2014

Received by Julie Miller
February 07, 2014


Being more structured, organized and consistent are all enormously encouraged for each of you to hone and further develop, understand dear ones over time what can occur is that you may become a little rigid in your ways of thinking and being, which in turn creates a more inflexible you. The dear souls that are considered rigid are those who like to control all and everything that is around them. Inflexibility unfortunately is a natural part of the human nature, to become stuck in one’s ways and it can be very difficult to become unstuck. How do dear souls become inflexible is because they have rules to live by and they have expectations and assumptions that everyone is to also live by the same rules and easily become frustrated – many dear souls that like to control others are often frustrated or easily irritated. Having rigid expectations on how things are to be is only going to cause disaster and disappointment.


Throughout your journey dear ones; it is essential to remember the importance of becoming inwardly free, and knowing of your Self from the inside, raising your consciousness to a higher and more profound sense of knowing that in turn does change your personality…it frees you from rigidity and gifts you with more flexibility in your thoughts and how to carry out your thoughts in a less controlling manner. Sometimes it is necessary dear ones in order for you to grow; you need to go against one of your natural habits that has created stagnation. Your personality and way of being is bound to change, even if the change is minuscule.


Any time you exercise inner work, change becomes a by-product. Let us remind you dear ones, bringing in all the wonderful changes into your life does not mean changing your personality is to become your goal, your goal is to become better, wiser, more knowing, more loving, more compassionate, and more connected than you were yesterday. The learning of you and the world around you is a never-ending process, and each time you add love you strengthen your inner resolve. The more you purposely choose to work on your inner self for the highest of good that is of benefit to yourself and to others, your ego goes down a notch or two. In time dear ones, you will learn to embrace the healing effects of strengthening your inner world and you will bring forth this new energy and light and share it with the world through your unconditional love and acceptance of others, without rigidity or the need to control others – instead what you will have restored unity.


For the many dear souls that are rigid and inflexible in their ways, they demonstrate an imbalance in their structure and organization where they express inconsistency and they often tend to flow with indifferences and opinions that are biased. It is essential for your personal and spiritual growth to become more flexible in your thinking and way of living, to be more spontaneous, to welcome differences of opinion and to learn by them instead of oppose them all the time.


To help yourself or someone you know to become more flexible, it is important for them to try new things – to be introduced into new concepts and ideas. Their heart will draw them towards what would be best for them. This new concept or idea could even be a new food, maybe a different scent; new can be anything because it is new. What new does is open the mind to unexpected experiences and delights.


If you are always doing the same thing every day, where routine becomes dull, we encourage you to mix things up a little. Add a little variety to your routine – this could be something as easy as taking a different route going to work, or shopping at a different store, rather than the one you always go to. Show your Self that you are more than capable of doing things different and when you do nothing terrible will happen.


To break the habit of being inflexible, try to relax and allow others to help out once in a while. You don’t always have to be in control – allowing others to do things without your opinion on how things should be done is a great learning curve for all that is involved. It demonstrates trust and respect to those you are allowing to help you. As you become accustomed to going with the flow once in a while, we also encourage you to become more observant of your choice of words. Look out for words like, “I can’t,” or “I shouldn’t,” or “it isn’t right.” These words and others like them are your own signals that you are about to move into a more inflexible manner. Trying using words such as, “let’s see, “let’s find out together,” or maybe “what do you think?” What this does dear ones is permit consideration for other ideas to come to you from other sources as well as demonstrates an openness of mind instead of rigidness.


Practice, like the saying goes makes perfect or at least better. Practice your thinking muscle and become more flexible with your thoughts and feelings. Just as you stretch to begin your day, stretch your mind to new possibilities that have the potential of opening new doorways to new adventures, experiences and deeper learning of yourself and of the world around you. We encourage each of you to challenge yourself to becoming more spontaneous and to permit new to enter your life, instead of seeing through one shade of the rainbow you will see nothing but brilliant colours and newness wherever you go. The more you practice being more open and flexible with yourself and with others, the easier this way of being becomes and you will be able to integrate this fundamental change into every area of your life each and every day.


And so it is…


I AM Ascended Master, Serapis Bey through Julie Miller 

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