Butterflies indicate environmental quality
Butterflies are fairies in disguise. are the small inhabitants of Gaia
Butterflies are biological indicators. The variation of quantity and proportion of species may show whether the quality of the habitat is improving or worsening
The butterflies are present in all places and delight wherever they go,in various countries are called flying flowers?

That because of its beauty as colorful, certainly is familiar flowers, and because it is so colorful, the thing you will notice the butterflies are the colors, even the colorful clothing of the people hold the attention of these little creatures?
ue butterflies may have the minimum weight of 0.3 grams and the heaviest can weigh up to 3 grams, which is the case with most?
That was proven that some types of butterflies can get to measure up to 32 inches wing to wing, all in their wide variety of species?
That in total there are about 200 thousand species of butterflies, but only 120 thousand of these species have been scientifically proven

That unfortunately, and usually the beauty of the butterfly lasts only two weeks, and they often use these two weeks to play, and therefore, that so great is the variety and quantity of butterflies in the world?

Blue butterflies
another thousand colors
emerging in the air.
Colorful imagination,
are dreams of life
Passionate souls
Are bonds of affection
floating on high,
It's all magic,
Are mixtures of spirituality,
spread slightly
in our reality.
Are our thoughts

was a beautiful blue butterfly.
Was a young goddess,
nymph of nature! Flying from flower and flower ...
It was the illusion for the love!
Voas eager young daughter of heaven ...
Looking for what one achieves,
. flower light!
That illuminates the souls of poets!
The charm that makes me reborn
that gives me joy
The light of eternal love ...
that white and lonely,
lives in the stars.
The magic that as a dream
comes in the form of poetry.
Butterfly are the illusion
that my soul longs
fly to the stars
Clicia Pavan

Mariposas indican la calidad del medio ambiente
Las mariposas son las hadas disfrazadas. son los pequeños habitantes de Gaia
Las mariposas son indicadores biológicos. La variación de la cantidad y proporción de las especies puede mostrar si la calidad del hábitat es la mejora o empeoramiento de la

Las mariposas están presentes en todos los lugares y el placer donde quiera que vayan, en varios países se llaman de vuelo flores?
Que debido a su belleza, colorido, sin duda conoce las flores, y porque es muy colorido, lo notará las mariposas son los colores, incluso la ropa de colores de la gente mantener la atención de estas pequeñas criaturas?

mariposas puede tener el peso mínimo de 0,3 gramos y la más pesada puede llegar a pesar hasta 3 gramos, que es el caso de la mayoría?
Eso fue demostrado que algunos tipos de mariposas pueden llegar a medir hasta 32 pulgadas de ala a ala, todos en su gran variedad de especies?
Que en total hay alrededor de 200 mil especies de mariposas, pero sólo 120 mil de estas especies han sido científicamente comprobados

Mariposas azules
otro de mil colores
emergentes en el aire.
Colorida imaginación,
son los sueños de la vida
Almas apasionadas
Son los lazos de afecto
flotando en las alturas,
Todo es magia,
Son una mezcla de espiritualidad,
propagación ligeramente
en nuestra realidad.
Son nuestros pensamientos

Era una mariposa azul.
Era una diosa joven,
ninfa de la naturaleza! Que vuela de flor y flor ...
Era la ilusión por el amor!
Voas hija de jóvenes deseosos de los cielos ...
Buscando lo que uno logra,
. luz flor!
Que ilumina las almas de los poetas!
El encanto que me hace renacer
que me da alegría
La luz del amor eterno ...
flor de la esperanza-de -
que el blanco y solitario,
vive en las estrellas.
La magia que como un sueño
viene en forma de poesía.
La mariposa son la ilusión
que mi alma anhela
volar a las estrellas
Clicia Pavan

Danyel Gérard - Butterfly


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Tiny fairies


Due to its lightness and beauty multicolor, is the symbol of women in Japan, two butterflies symbolize marital happiness.
The symbolic meaning essential Butterfly is based, however, on its metamorphosis from egg to caterpillar and chrysalis, attached to the stiffness of death, winged insect with bright colors and facing the sunlight. Therefore, in antiquity it was a symbol of the soul (in Greek on the other, empty life and futility due to his short life and its fleeting beauty. Psychoanalytic interpretation of dreams In the butterfly appears often as a symbol of freedom and a new beginning.
Devido a sua leveza e a sua beleza multicolor, é o símbolo da mulher, no Japão; duas borboletas simbolizam a felicidade matrimonial.
O significado simbólico essencial da borboleta baseia-se, contudo, em sua metamorfose, de ovo para lagarta e de crisálida, presa à rigidez da morte, para inseto alado com cores brilhantes e voltado para a luz do sol. Por isso, na Antiguidade ela já era um símbolo da alma (em grego por outro, a vida vazia e a futilidade, devido a sua vida curta e a sua beleza passageira. Na interpretação psicanalítica dos sonhos a borboleta aparece muitas vezes como símbolo da liberdade e de um novo começo.


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