On this page we will share stories, pictures and moments we experience with the trees. join us and come and tell their story ---- Tree that marked the infancy or other time of life,

On this page we will share stories, pictures and moments we experience with the trees.
join us and come and tell their story
Tree that marked the infancy or other time of life,
reminiscent of a friend or relative,
an experience with the trees that was very important and special
a tree that was on his way and called his attention

En esta página se va a compartir historias, fotos y momentos que la experiencia con los árboles. Únete a nosotros y venga
a contar su historia ----
El árbol que marcó la infancia o en otro momento de la vida,
recuerda a un amigo o familiar,
una experiencia con los árboles que era muy importante y especial
un árbol que estaba en su camino y le llamó la atención

Clicia Pavan
Old mulberry branches flexible, so tender and delicate ...
 I traveler,under your branches---I rested
I placed in you my secrets ...
Shed many tears your feet ...
And you shut me relief ...
 Mulberry, your branches shaded happiness!
 your red fruit ...sigh my lips!
For your kiss, blackberries
I tell you before God!
You were beautiful mulberry
So many years  see no...your yellowed leaves---
 mulberry where to find rest or shade, on the road of life?
I'll be back more tired, the weather has passed me by.
Taking my dreams. Beautiful friend,my spring!
Refuge of my evening!
Your shadow is appearing to me in dreams in the morning!

Mulberry Medicinal Properties: laxative, expectorant, refreshing and emollient. Laxative simple: eat the fruits
washed thing in the morning.
Good for sore throats and
Do mouthwash and gargle with the
juice of fresh fruits.
Fighting diabetes: infused with 10 g
of leaves in 100 ml of water.
Home use: tree that attracts birds, especially hummingbirds, which nest among the foliage. Also grown in terms of their leaves,
feeding silkworm silk.

Culinary use: The fruits are used in syrups, jellies, liqueurs and pies. Syrup: crush the fruit for juice,
filter and put on low heat, add sugar in proportion to double the weight of the
to thicken the consistency of syrup and store in sterilized bottles and

Mulberry Propiedades medicinales: laxante, expectorante, refrescante y emoliente. Simple Laxante: comer los frutos lavados cosa en la mañana. Bueno para los dolores de
garganta y boca.
Hacer enjuagues bucales y gargarismos
con el jugo de frutas frescas.
La lucha contra la diabetes: infusión
con 10 g de hojas en 100 ml de agua.
Uso doméstico: árbol que atrae a las aves, especialmente colibríes, que anidan entre el follaje. También ha crecido en términos de sus
hojas, alimentación de gusanos de seda de seda.

Uso culinario: Los frutos son utilizados en jarabes, jaleas, licores y pasteles. Jarabe: aplastar a la fruta para el
jugo, el filtro y poner a fuego lento, agregar el azúcar en proporción al doble
del peso del jugo.
Deja para espesar la consistencia de
jarabe y guardar en frascos esterilizados y

Clicia Pavan

Ramas de morera Old flexible, tan tierna y delicada ...
Yo viajero, bajo sus ramas --- descansé
He colocado en mis secretos ...
Derramar muchas lágrimas sus pies ...

Y te callas me ayuda ...
Mulberry, las ramas felicidad sombra!
su fruta roja ... suspiro de mis labios!
Por su beso, moras
Te digo delante de Dios!
Que eras hermosa morera

Tantos años no ven ... sus hojas amarillentas ---
de morera donde encontrar el reposo o la sombra, en el camino de la vida?
Vuelvo más cansado, el tiempo ha pasado a mí.
Teniendo en mis sueños. Amigo maravilloso, mi
Refugio de mi noche!
Su sombra es que me aparece en sueños en la mañana!

Mi hermoso árbol en el borde de la carretera, el sol desapareció
No hay posibilidad ... Debido a su amor se ha hecho poco, si
¿Qué puedo dar?
A menos que mis versos de un poeta que ama tanto!


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It will be great
Thank you my friend
much love and peace

In 1900, horse drawn wagons climbed the mature apple tree-lined 1 mile long dirt path as pickers scoured the trees for sellable apples. The path climbed a north facing slope from the county road called Red Bridge, named after the old steel bridge that crosses the Blue River near where the Santa Fe trail left the Kansas City area on it’s southerly route.
The path through the orchard topped the hill headed south and followed the ridge one mile to another county road which came to be known as Longview Rd. One of the wealthiest men in the midwest, a lumberman named Robert Long owned over a thousand acres on Longview Rd. where he built his country home and horse farm.
The apple orchard fell into disrepair and in the 1920s, 1 acre or bigger lots were sold off for homes.
A large shingle oak tree near that path was large enough to save. Over the next 20 years as lots were sold and homes were built the tree was protected.
In the 1950s a young girl, living some blocks away in a poorer area, developed a habit of riding her bicycle down the tree-lined tunnel called Orchard Rd. She admired the houses and manicured lots and hedges and dreamed of her future. This was where the “rich” people lived.
That little girl moved away and became my lovely wife. In the first 25 years of our marriage, we had 27 addresses. I moved her and my two children too often. Then, after selling a business in a rural town, we decided to move back to Kansas City and we put our things into storage. After a few months of settling into my new business venture, my wife called me to say she’d “found our house.”
She took me to look at a beautiful house on Orchard Rd.. As we approached the property, I was immediately struck by the number of enormous deciduous trees arching over the street with crowns touching. On a hot day, the air was cool and rich feeling.
The largest tree, that shingle oak, sits in the front yard just 2 ft. from the edge of the blacktop. Its 9 1/2 foot circumference is magnificent and stately. Across the yard, sitting on one acre was an early ranch style home with a three car carriage house behind. Its stained trim, wood fireplace, 2 1/2 baths and real plaster walls make it a beautiful and quiet refuge from the rest of the world, though situated in the city.
Over 40 trees, mostly walnut, oak, maple, along the perimeter of it’s back yard and a manicured park-like empty lot across the street created an atmosphere that felt like living in the country. A dream of my wife’s from childhood became our dream home. We were drawn by the tree.
It’s my job now to build memories here for my seven grandchildren. Today, I sit on my old fashioned covered front porch in wicker and look out at blooming Hostas, at a mature Lady Eden climbing rose trellis up the side of the porch, and at old fashioned purple phlox spreading for 40 ft.. No car passes for half an hour. Song birds greet the morning as the sun lights the top branches of our towering shingle oak tree. I smile, take a fragrant breath, sip my coffee and greet another blessed day.

My friend, thanks for sharing with us, something so beautiful and true
His story! God and the angels bless your family and you
A dream of my wife, since childhood has become our dream house. We were attracted by the tree.
"It's my job now to build memories here to my grandchildren, seven. Today, I sit on my front porch covered in old-fashioned wicker and look out on flowering Hostas, a mature lady Eden trellis climbing up the side of the balcony, and in old-fashioned phlox purple spreading to 40 feet. No car passes through a half hour. Song Birds greet the morning as the sun illuminates the top branches of our oak tree towering tile. I smile, breathe fragrant, sip my coffee and greet another blessed day. "
clicia ,
very beautiful topic
i like it very much
Treeline Blue Pictures, Images and Photos

Thank you for your caring
very beautiful image
much love and peace

On this page we will share stories, pictures and moments we experience with the trees. join us and come and tell their story
Tree that marked the infancy or other time of life,
reminiscent of a friend or relative,
an experience with the trees that was very important and special
a tree that was on his way and called his attention
come and tell us your story
Many years ago while in Santa Cruz, I was resting against a big tree next to the river. As I rested, feeling the wind, listening to the water and looking at the tropical surroundings, I suddenly felt the life of the tree! I felt as though I was a part of it... like a branch sprouting flowers all over myself as though every limb was a branch of the tree. It was the strangest feeling like ants all over me, yet very peaceful and embracing...

Thank you for telling us your experience ...
"I felt like I was a part of it ... like a bunch of flowers sprouting all over me"
Much love and peace
Gaia is a lesson of life and love

If your dreams are in the clouds, do not worry because they are in place, now build the foundations "
The best things in life, can not be seen or even touched, but felt by heart
Clicia Pavan

Si tus sueños están en las nubes, no se preocupe porque están en su lugar, ahora construir los cimientos "
Las mejores cosas de la vida, no puede ser visto ni tocado siquiera, pero sentido por el corazón
Clicia Pavan
Demis Roussos - Quand je t'aime
Demis Roussos - Quand je t'aime
Demis Roussos "goodbye my love goodbye"
My Friend The Wind


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