Love has manny ways but true love has only one path, if you know this path you know what true love is. How sad it is for humanity who sees love as an object of lust, they are the onse who are lost to the true meaning of love.

Do not explain the
background of their seas. "Rumi


Djalal Rûmi ad-Din was born in September 1207, where today's Afghanistan. Rumi is considered the greatest Persian poet of all time. His vast work, comprising 70 000 verses, is compared by scholars to the greatness of Shakespeare, Dante and Beethoven.
Rumi speaks of love, but love this small and fleeting relationships that we witness today. The work of Rumi speaks of a greater love. A love bigger than Earth, deeper than the ocean, warmer than the blood that flows in all veins. Rumi speaks of a spiritual love, a love that transcends time, life and death.
For Rumi's life has meaning only for those who know love. Only he who loves knows the immense joy and deep sorrow. Whoever loves is a prisoner of love and master. Only one who loves can expose yourself to noon without burning.
Rumi lived a greater love. Blessed is Rumi, he inspires our lives and free our hearts.

Open to all forms "
Ib'n Arabi
(Sufi Poet, s. XII)
My heart is open to all forms:
is a pasture for gazelles,
is a cloister for Christian monks,
a temple for idols
the Kaaba of the pilgrim,
the tablets of the Torah,
and the book of Quran
We acknowledge the religion of love,
and whatever direction they move their ways;
the direction of Love
is my religion and my faith.

There is a soul inside your soul. Search this Soul.
There is a jewel in the mountains of the body. Search this gem mine Oh, Sufi, passing!
Search inside, if you can, not out

In love, there is no high nor low
misconduct or good,
neither leader nor follower or devotee
there is only indifference, tolerance and delivery

Rumi's Drunk With Love, by Rana Farhan(Persian Jazz/Blues Singer)

Djalal Rumi ad-Din nació en septiembre de 1207, cuando el Afganistán de hoy. Rumi es considerado el mayor poeta persa de todos los tiempos. Su vasta obra, que incluye 70 000 versos, es comparado por los estudiosos de la grandeza de Shakespeare, Dante y Beethoven.
Rumi habla del amor, pero el amor de este pequeño y relaciones fugaces que somos testigos hoy en día. La obra de Rumi habla de un amor más grande. Un amor más grande que la Tierra, más profundo que el océano, más caliente que la sangre que fluye en todas las venas. Rumi habla de un amor espiritual, un amor que trasciende el tiempo, la vida y la muerte.
Porque la vida de Rumi sólo tiene sentido para los que saben amar. Sólo el que ama sabe la inmensa alegría y profunda tristeza. El que ama es un prisionero del amor y señor. Sólo uno que ama, puede exponerse a mediodía sin quemarse.
Rumi vivió un amor más grande. ¡Bendito el Rumi, inspira nuestras vidas y liberar a nuestros corazones.
muito amor y la paz
Abierto a todas las formas "
Ib'n Arabi
(Poeta sufí, s. XII)
Mi corazón está abierto a todas las formas:
es un pasto para las gacelas,
es un claustro de monjes cristianos,
un templo para los ídolos
la Kaaba del peregrino,
las tablas de la Torá,
y el libro del Corán
Reconocemos la religión del amor,
y cualquiera que sea la dirección que se mueven sus caminos;
la dirección del Amor
es mi religión y mi fe.
No hay un alma dentro de tu alma. Búsqueda en esta Alma.
No es una joya en las montañas del cuerpo. Búsqueda en esta mina de piedras preciosas Oh, pasando sufí,!
Buscar en el interior, si puedes, no por

En el amor, no hay alto ni bajo
mala conducta o buenas,
ni líder ni seguidor o devoto
sólo existe la indiferencia, la tolerancia y la entrega

Love is one of the most important themes in the work of Rumi object of his poems rich and plain. For him, love is "the astrolabe of the mysteries of God":

For more that describe or explain yourself love,
when we fall in love us ashamed of our words.
The explanation clarifies the language for most things,
But love is not explained more clearly.
When the sentence was quick to write,
Upon arriving at the theme of love, broke in two.
When the discourse touched on the issue of love,
The penalty came down and tore the paper up.
To explain it, the reason soon balks, like an ass in mire;
Nothing but Love itself can explain the love and lovers
El amor es uno de los temas más importantes en la obra de Rumi objeto de sus poemas rico y llano. Para él, el amor es "el astrolabio de los misterios de Dios":

Por más que describir o explicar amas a ti mismo,
cuando caemos en nosotros el amor vergüenza de nuestras palabras.
La explicación aclara el idioma de la mayoría de las cosas,
Pero el amor no se explica con más claridad.
Cuando la sentencia se apresuró a escribir,
Al llegar al tema del amor, se partió en dos.
Cuando el discurso se refirió a la cuestión del amor,
La pena bajó y arrancó el papel hacia arriba.
Para explicarlo, la razón se resiste pronto, como un culo en el barro;
Nada más que amor se puede explicar el amor y los amantes

Seek not here the words,
Search them elsewhere.
Sing to me in the silence of the heart
And i will rise from the earth to hear
Your winning song.
No busques aquí las palabras,
Buscar en otros lugares.
Háblame en el silencio del corazón
Y me levantaré de la tierra para oír
Su canción ganadora.

 Women in Classical Persian

Artemisia I of Halicarnassius
Grand Admiral Artemis (Achaemnid Dynasty Era), Commander in Chief of the Persian Navy. You can see the spirit of Cyrus in the sky at the background of the painting. Artemisia is one of my all times favorite Iranian Military commanders. Soon I will publish her full updated biography in IPC. Artemisia was not just another Iranian Military Commander, yet she is a living legend and a role model for Persian Women.

Roxanna (very bright and beautiful)
Princess of Achaemenid, daughter of Darius the Third.

Apranik's famous White Horse
 Commander Apranik of Sassanid Army, Great Persian Patriot and Nationalist
 Apranik's Female Adjutantess Sepahbod

In the rain that wets my body
In the soft touch of wind

In perfume ins my body
the longing for your kisses

In music I listen quietly
I see the stars in the sky

sadness in my eyes
On the day that dawns

the silence of prayer
see you my love.

I see my longing
Crying in the arms
And I say softly with tears
I love you
Clicia Pavan

The reflection cast from good friends is needed
until you become, without the aid of any reflector,
a drawer of water from the Sea.
Know that the reflection is at first just imitation,
but when it continues to recur,
it turns into direct realization of truth.
Until it has become realization,
don't part from the friends who guide you-
don't break away from the shell
if the raindrop hasn't yet become a pearl.

Shrine of Jalaluddin Rumi, Konya

Love is from the infinite, and will remain until eternity.
The seeker of love escapes the chains of birth and death.
Tomorrow, when resurrection comes,
The heart that is not in love will fail the test.

I have phrases and whole pages memorized,
but nothing can be told of love.
You must wait until you and I
are living together.
In the conversation we'll have
then...be patient...then.

El amor es de lo infinito, y se mantendrá hasta la eternidad.
El buscador de amor se escapa de las cadenas de nacimiento y la muerte.
Mañana, cuando viene la resurrección,
El corazón que no está en el amor no pasará la prueba.

He frases y páginas enteras memorizado,
pero nada se puede decir del amor.
Usted debe esperar hasta que usted y yo
están viviendo juntos.
En la conversación que tendrá
entonces ... tenga paciencia ... entonces.

Views: 12724

Replies to This Discussion

The Lament of the reed-flute is a symbol of the soul's sorrow
at being parted from the Divine Beloved.

The Pearl Carpet, a carpet of splendour is an elaborate embroidery of diamonds, pearls, rubies and emeralds.....
The reflection cast from good friends is needed
until you become, without the aid of any reflector,
a drawer of water from the Sea.
Know that the reflection is at first just imitation,
but when it continues to recur,
it turns into direct realization of truth.
Until it has become realization,
don't part from the friends who guide you-
don't break away from the shell
if the raindrop hasn't yet become a pearl.



If God said,


"Rumi, pay homage to everything that has helped you enter my arms."


there would not be one experience of my life,

not one thought, not one feeling,

not any act, I

would not






This is love: to fly toward a secret sky, to cause a hundred veils to fall each moment. First to let go of life. Finally, to take a step without feet. - Rumi

so beautiful. :)



Great lions can find peace in a cage.

But we should only do that

as a last resort.


So those bars I see that restrain your wings,

I guess you won't mind

if I pry them open.



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