The golden rule of conduct, therefore, is mutual toleration Differences of opinion should never mean hostility
Mahatma Gandhi

This is a rural pakistan ... region of agriculture and simple people ... Without resources
Unusually heavy monsoon rains triggered floods That Began in late July and Affect Already 17 million people, about one tenth of the population, According to UN estimates. Some 1.600 people Died Said the UN, and only 1 million of the Approximately 6 million needy people received shelter of desumanda very serious and the condition of the people of rural
Pakistani Refugees Suffering from an unknown disease. Many people are Suffering from diseases That Are Quickly spreading because of poor sanitation in the country .... UNICEF is helping, But the number of homeless is very big ... Have and still the problems of conflict in the country That leaves the comunitaria help reach the exiled
God bless
Much love and peace

‎26/08/2010 - 4:31 a.m. - http: / / / bbc /
The officer, who asked not to be named, told the BBC that the Taliban planned to "carry out attacks against foreign nationals participating in these efforts in humanitarian oper...ations in Pakistan."
He also said that "ministers of the federal government in Islamabad" are under threat.
This is the first U.S. government warning about the threat of Taliban in Pakistan since the beginning of the flooding. Last week, the Pakistani government had warned that the tragedy in the country can strengthen insurgent groups like the Taliban.
On Tuesday, the Pakistani Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani said that Pakistan is facing "the worst public disaster in its history."
The UN estimates that 1.6 million people were affected by diseases related to poor water quality, such as cholera, diarrhea and dysentery.
"Only on the last day, more than 100 000 people became ill and needed some treatment," said the BBC spokesman for the World Health Organization
A high-ranking military of the United States said the Taliban in Pakistan is planning to attack foreigners who help in humanitarian aid to those affected by floods in the country.
The officer, who asked not to be named, told the BBC that the Taliban planned to "carry out attacks against foreign nationals participating in these efforts in humanitarian operations in Pakistan."
He also said that "ministers of the federal government in Islamabad" are under threat.
This is the first U.S. government warning about the threat of Taliban in Pakistan since the beginning of the flooding. Last week, the Pakistani government had warned that the tragedy in the country can strengthen insurgent groups like the Taliban.
God protect our brothers in Pakistan, protect the children, the elderly, sick and weak people ... Namaste

‎26/08/2010 - 1:23 a.m. UN seeks more aid for the floods in Pakistan
Islamabad (Pakistan)
On Tuesday, the United Nations (UN) said that access to 800 000 people can only be done through the air and asked for 40 additional helicopters to the i...nternational community to aid in the delivery of humanitarian aid.
"These unprecedented floods have also unprecedented logistical challenges, something that requires an extraordinary effort by the international community," said John Holmes, the Emergency Relief Coordinator of the UN, in a prepared statement.
Reinforcing its request for more helicopters, the UN cited the destruction of access roads and bridges in northern Pakistan, particularly in the Swat Valley in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa in the region of Gilgit-Baltistan and part of Kashmir administered by Pakistan. The flooding also isolated people in the provinces of Punjab and Sindh, according to the World Food Program, a UN agency specialized in the delivery of food aid for areas affected by crises.
God protect our brothers in Pakistan, the same red blood that flows in the veins of these brothers ... It runs in your vein ... we are all equal before God ..

We can shut our consciousness, but we can not get rid of it.
all forms of repression, including the authoritarian power that is
until the actual legal structure of the state, coming after a
democratic, humanist and solidarity will strengthen not only the
individual and society at large.


No use to develop a country if its people continue, oblivious to the weak and unprotected. Solidarity is learned, is built from childhood through the experiences we have with each other.

It is not normal that someone does not get touched or motive to help when faced with the injustices that occur on your side. It is shameful for man to observe the situation that came to civilization,
where hunger kills millions worldwide, while elsewhere many die from
diseases caused by overweight.
This is just one example of the disparity between economic progress and democracy.
Symbol of solidarity

Think peace only as the absence of war means condemning the war. "Peace is the result of a long and arduous battle, won when evil is defeated for good," says John Paul II's Message for World Day of Peace - 2005.
"Peace is an asset to be promoted with good." Who stands there, quiet, hoping that peace fall from the sky, will meet in the middle of the battle, because evil is active and occupies the site vacated by "good." One of the dominant notes of our time - but it was always thus, with greater or lesser extent - is, without doubt violence and no one needs to do deep analysis to be convinced.

Humanity will end the violence only through nonviolence, "Nonviolence does not mean passivity, but the struggle against injustice, change the attitudes of those who are responsible for the breach of the peace, liberation of the oppressed as both the oppressor. One aspect of non-violence is non-cooperation, whose goal is to form the consciences of people to take their support and adherence to unfair situations, an unjust system, opening their eyes on other possibilidades.Gandhi

Podemos cerrar nuestra conciencia, pero no podemos deshacernos de él. Combatir todas las formas de represión, incluido el poder autoritario es decir,
hasta la propia estructura jurídica del Estado, por detrás de una
sociedad democrática, humanista y solidario fortalecerá no sólo el
individuo y la sociedad en general.

No utilizar para desarrollar un país si su gente sigue, ajeno a los débiles y desprotegidos. La solidaridad se aprende, se construye desde la infancia a través de las experiencias que tenemos con los demás.

No es normal que alguien no se tocan o motivo para ayudar al enfrentarse a las injusticias que ocurren en su lado. Es una vergüenza para el hombre para observar la situación que llegó a la
civilización, donde el hambre mata a millones en todo el mundo,
mientras que en otros muchos mueren de enfermedades causadas por el
Esto es sólo un ejemplo de la disparidad entre el progreso económico y la democracia.

Símbolo de la solidaridad

Piensa en la paz solamente como la ausencia de guerra significa condenar a la guerra. "La
paz es el resultado de una batalla larga y ardua, ganó cuando el mal es
derrotado para siempre", dice el Mensaje de Juan Pablo II para la
Jornada Mundial de la Paz - 2005.

"La paz es un bien que se promueve con el bien." ¿Quién está allí, tranquila, con la esperanza de paz que caen del cielo, se
reunirán en el centro de la batalla, porque el mal está activa y ocupa
el lugar dejado vacante por "bueno".

Una de las notas dominantes de nuestro tiempo - pero siempre fue así, con
mayor o menor grado - es, sin duda, la violencia y nadie tiene que
hacer un análisis profundo para convencerse.

humanidad acabará con la violencia sólo a través de la no violencia,
"La no violencia no significa pasividad, pero la lucha contra la
injusticia, cambiar las actitudes de aquellos que son responsables de
la alteración de la paz, la liberación de los oprimidos ya que tanto el
opresor. Uno de los aspectos de la no
es la falta de cooperación, cuyo objetivo es formar la conciencia de la
gente a tomar su apoyo y adhesión a situaciones injustas, un sistema
injusto, abriendo sus ojos en otros possibilidades.Gandhi
Cuando estamos en armonía con el planeta
Estamos en paz con Dios
La paz es cuidar, amar y dejar vivir l. .. ive
Es el regalo de Dios para ti!
Sonríe la vida es bella
Vivir en armonía con ustedes y el mundo
Si cada uno de nosotros tomar conciencia
Que la vida de nuestro planeta
Depende de cómo lo manejamos.
El mundo será mejor para nosotros y nuestros hijos
Vida, la Naturaleza y de la armonía
Es Dios en el corazón
India, un centro mundial de la paz y el progreso "
Por: India, un centro mundial de la paz y el progreso

Solidarity is the ability to share the sufferings of others.
It is the primordial state of being enlightened; is not seen as something
to be constructed or managed, but as existing in the pure hearts since
the beginning of time.

La solidaridad es la capacidad de compartir los sufrimientos de los demás.
Es el estado primordial de ser iluminados, no es visto como algo a ser
construidos o administrados, sino como existente en los corazones puros
desde el principio del tiempo.

Thinking of solidarity, we create this reality.
Thinking about the universal brotherhood of human beings, bringing light to the spiritual growth that will bring the Divine Unity to our world.

Pensando en la solidaridad, creamos esta realidad.
Pensando en la fraternidad universal de los seres humanos, con lo que la luz para el crecimiento espiritual que traerá la Unidad Divina a nuestro

The things that unite us surpass all those that separate us.
Share the same planet, the same land,
The same sky and the same hopes and visions.
When you see the virtues in others I am able to light
Their hearts with the flame of love and erase all
Traces of incomprehension.
So grows the interpersonal solidarity.
The peace of every day. (Brahma Kumaris)


Flowers for an Angel's Emi
Emi's Poems----

The rarest flower of all,
Is one that stands so tall.
Its nectar is sweet harmony
So sweet, even sweeter than honey.
Its roots cling upon humanity
So elegant, yet it knows no vanity.
Its petals are covered with dew drops of love
It is truly a gift from above.
This flower is none other
Than Peace, the flower that holds us together.
Emi's Poems----

People aren't happy,
They're homeless and hungry,

Worst of all is that no one is free.

Families are shattered,
In this big bloody battle.

Good people loose jobs,
And are replaced by slobs.

No female is safe,
Because she is a subject to rape.

People are murdered throughout the nation,
Because of this, mostly orphans make up the population.

There is no respect and there is no pride,
The only thing there is, is GENOCIDE.

I believe it's time to put this to an end,
For there are lives to defend.

There are billions of voices in the world
Some very loud and some barely heard.
But it does not matter how loud a voice is
What matters is what the voice says.
So, if one voice says one word,
And this voice is heard,
It could make a huge difference.
And if not heard, it needs persistence.
So, lift your voice and say a word.
Say it again until it is heard.
For it does not matter how loud a voice is
What matters is what the voice says.



Fraternidad, entendimiento, acuerdo, conformidad, armonía, avenencia, unidad, unanimidad, paz, consenso ,asenso, cordialidad, concierto, convenio, pacto, amistad, simpatía, concordancia, coincidencia, compañerismo, familiaridad,
confianza, camaradería, adhesión, respaldo, reciprocidad, inteligencia,
conciliación, comprensión, indulgencia, tolerancia


Fraternity, understanding, agreement, conformity, harmony, compromise, unity, consensus, peace, consensus, consent, cordiality, concert, convention, compact, friendship, sympathy, consistency, coincidence, camaraderie, familiarity, trust,
camaraderie, commitment, backup reciprocity, understanding, reconciliation,
understanding, forgiveness, tolerance.

[esta foto es solo una parte de la serie.No se entienden igual en solitario]
[This photo is only a part of the series.It doesn´t means the same in solitary]



Fearless Aung San Suu Kyi
Una heroína de nuestro tiempo
Condenado a reclusión
Por la junta militar birmana
Cuando su pueblo, todos los aclamados
Su elección como Jefe de Estado
Para guiarlos como personas libres
En un Estado verdaderamente democrático.

El tiempo es muy rápido haciendo clic en
A medida que el mundo finalmente se despierta
Para el poder del mal de los hombres
Armadas para servir a la nación
Pero tienen en realidad
El tiempo es muy rápido haciendo clic en
A medida que el mundo finalmente se despierta
Para el poder del mal de los hombres
Armadas para servir a la nación
Pero tienen en realidad
La confianza traicionada y el honor

Tienen que necesito que me digan
El suyo no es gobernar
Sin embargo, para escuchar y obedecer
Soplo sin "o de la elección
La voz de la única
Elegidos por el pueblo
Y eso es San Suu Kyi
El herione de nuestros tiempos.
Por: Víctor Karunairajan
Fearless Aung San Suu Kyi
A heroine of our times
Condemned to confinement
By the Burmese Miltary junta
When her people, all acclaimed
Her as elected Head of State
To lead them as Free People
In a truly democratic state.

Time is clicking very fast
As the world finally wakes
To the evil might of men
Armed to serve the nation
But have in reality
Time is clicking very fast
As the world finally wakes
To the evil might of men
Armed to serve the nation
But have in reality
Betrayed trust and honour

They must need be told
Yours is not to govern
But to listen and obey
Withour murmur or choice
The voice of the only one
Elected by the people
And that is San Suu Kyi
The herione of our times.
By: Victor Karunairajan
Flowers for an Angel's Aung San Suu Kyi

Canadian Solidarity with Tamils
125 University Professors from all over Canada write to the government of Canada urging it to intervene to alleviate the suffering of Eelam Tamils and also express solidarity with the demand for the right to self-determination of the Tamil people in Sri Lanka.
 The government of Sri Lanka continues to justify its actions as necessary to achieve an imminent victory over “Tamil terrorism.” However, as long as the human rights of the Tamil minority are subject to systematic violation, the conflict will persist and the LTTE will garner support from Tamils in both  Sri Lanka and the diaspora, despite its proscription by various Western countries, including Canada.
Sri Lankan government has barred most humanitarian agencies, independent observers and journalists from the conflict zones. As a result there is a lack of timely information about the situation of the trapped civilians as well as severe shortfalls in humanitarian assistance.
 Peace for the Tamil people

The first step in a peace education is to walk with open eyes, do not refuse to face reality and how hard it is confusing and not wanting to "protect" children and adolescents in the size of the hard life. However, not enough to be able to see, analyze, understand, one must also be located in front of this reality, understanding the mechanisms that perpetuate exclusion and inequality and produce violence. As well as the efforts of many individuals, groups, organizations for create a different reality.
 peace, solidarity and justice. Let us remember Martin Luther King:
"We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools."

No utilizar para desarrollar un país si su gente sigue, ajeno a los débiles y desprotegidos. La solidaridad se aprende, se construye desde
la infancia a través de las experiencias que tenemos con los demás.
Dele su apoyo sólo a sí mismo es estar solo, pero nadie vive solo.
Vamos a dar un poco de nuestro tiempo, nuestro pan, a los que necesitan ayuda
No use to develop a country if its people continue, oblivious to the
weak and unprotected. Solidarity is learned, is built from childhood
through the experiences we have with each other. Be supportive only to
himself is to be lonely but no one lives alone.
Let's Give a Little of Our Time, Our bread, to Those Who Need help
God bless
Much love and peace

Image shows the actress Angelina Jolie (in black) during a visit to flood victims in Pakistan. Jolie is a goodwill ambassador for the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
Angelina Jolie arrived in Pakistan today to meet with people affected by floods and highlight the urgent need for continued assistance, "UNHCR said in
a statement.
The actress, according to the memo, will visit various communities affected Asian country,
where he will meet with relief workers involved in the tasks of
assistance to the homeless by heavy rains since late July.
This is the fourth visit to Pakistan since the actress who became a goodwill ambassador of the United Nations agency in 2001.
The worst floods in Pakistan's history killed more than 1,700 people so far, and affected 21 million people in all provinces.
Video UNHCR reported last week on YouTube, Angelina asked the cooperation of society to deliver humanitarian aid to Pakistan. Before, she had already announced a private donation of 100 000 dólares.Islamabad, 7 set (EFE) .-
The need for much greater support could not be more urgent. As the most urgent needs are being met, continued support will be needed
to help rebuild schools, restore infrastructure and restore protection
measures for children.
But first, we need to save lives.

UNICEF calls on the global donor community to help protect children from
Pakistan and to ensure that the floods that destroyed their homes also
do not destroy their future. "

More information:
Patrick McCormick
Press office of UNICEF in New York
Phone: 1 212 3267426

Earthquake tremors Japão a major triggers a tsunami in history, causes death and leaves a trail of destruction in Japan
Solidarity with our brothers in Japan, and countries hit by tsunami
Give comfort to the victims and their families

You are my strength, my courage
you are the beacon that lights
the darkness of my soul

You're my only truth
my haven
are the peace for my weary heart
You are the song of the Angels
the light  of the stars ...

Who wast the word of faith
and the palm of hope
of an entire nation
You are my only certainty

You are my Father, my friend and brother ...
the faith that you are down in my heart

The Earth is a living planet and suffer with all that man is doing.
But nature is sovereign and has its defenses.
But the man can defend himself
the revolt of Gaia?
Floods, droughts, global warming, food shortages and water
Let's join hands
And make a
Grand Alliance ...
Love the Planet
Love Gaia our mother earth
Clicia Pavan
Temblores del terremoto Japão una de las principales desencadenantes de un tsunami en la historia, las causas de muerte y deja un rastro de destrucción en Japón
Solidaridad con nuestros hermanos en Japón, y los países damnificados por el tsunami
Dar consuelo a las víctimas y sus familias

Tú eres mi fuerza, mi valor
eres el faro que ilumina
la oscuridad de mi alma

Usted es mi única verdad
mi refugio
son la paz para mi corazón cansado
Usted es el canto de los Ángeles
A la luz de las estrellas ...

Quien fue la palabra de la fe
y la palma de la esperanza
de toda una nación
Tú eres mi única certeza

Tú eres mi Padre, mi amigo y hermano ...
la fe que está en mi corazón

La Tierra es un planeta vivo y sufrir con todo lo que el hombre está haciendo.
Pero la naturaleza es soberano y tiene sus defensas.
Pero el hombre puede defenderse
la revuelta de Gaia?
Las inundaciones, las sequías, el calentamiento global, la escasez de alimentos y agua
Unamos nuestras manos
Y hacer una
Gran Alianza ...
Amor al Planeta
Amor Gaia nuestra madre tierra
Clicia Pavan


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Roses to Gandhi, many roses
Man of peace, enlightened soul by God
30 January is celebrated as Martyr's Day on the occasion of the death anniversary of Mahatma

Roses to Gandhi, many roses
Man of peace, enlightened soul by God
30 January is celebrated as Martyr's Day on the occasion of the death anniversary of Mahatma

Let's all ask God for our brothers in Egypt
I lost God for world peace!

As a woman, as a writer, my rejection as a human being
women have been treated by security forces in Manipur state ... This is a black mark on India
May God enlighten and the law is changed ...
(The main requirement it was the overthrow of the Act (Special Powers) of the Armed Forces in 1958, which is often used to arrest villagers suspected of helping rebel groups are}
Clicia Pavan

NEW DELHI — Whenever Ojas Suniti Vijay performs the one-woman play “Le Mashale” (The Torchbearer), whether at a recent conference on peace in the insurgency-racked states of northeast India or at colleges in Delhi, the audience flinches at exactly the same point. This is where Ms. Ojas intones the line that declares how women have been treated by the security forces in Manipur State through a decades-long conflict marked by incidents of sexual abuse and rape: “Just a piece of flesh with two round breasts and a vagina.”

“Le Mashale” has gained a cult following over the past two years on India’s independent theater circuit, in large part for the woman it celebrates, Irom Sharmila — the Torchbearer whose story testifies to the courage women have shown in the face of the armed struggle for greater autonomy for the ethnically distinct northeast and an often controversial military occupation.

This month, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh celebrated what he called the “trend of declining violence and casualties” in the northeast. Several months earlier, another milestone was observed. Nov. 4, 2010, was the 10th anniversary of the start of Ms. Sharmila’s hunger strike in response to the killings of civilians by the military in the region. What was intended to be a fast to the death has continued through a decade of forced feedings.

Ms. Sharmila was 28 in November 2000, when the shooting of 10 civilians in the village of Malom rocked Manipur, a state with a long history of clashes between military forces and insurgents. A group of rebels had attacked a convoy of the Assam Rifles; the soldiers retaliated by opening fire on people at a bus stop.

Ms. Sharmila began her fast, a form of protest made popular in India by Gandhi during the struggle for independence from British rule. Her main demand was the repeal of the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act of 1958, which had often been used to detain local residents on the suspicion that they were aiding rebel groups. Reports of torture, disappearances and deaths were common, with women often being caught in the cross-fire between insurgents and the military. Long criticized by human rights groups, the act grants expanded powers to the armed forces to search, arrest and, under some circumstances, use lethal force against, civilians.

Ms. Sharmila’s hunger strike to garner support for the act’s repeal put her in direct conflict with the Indian state. She spent much of the next decade in judicial custody for “attempt to suicide,” detained at hospitals in Delhi or Imphal and force-fed through nasal tubes.

Although her campaign at first attracted little attention, she has since become an emblem of resistance, her name invoked by authors like Mamang Dai and Arupa Kalita Patangia whenever the question of the insurgency, women’s rights or the repeal of the act comes up.

It was in 2004, after the killing and apparent rape of Thangjam Manorama by security forces, that Manipur saw its most startling protests — and that Ms. Sharmila emerged as an icon of public resistance. In July 2004, Ms. Manorama’s bullet-ridden body was found in a field near her village, after she had been picked up for questioning by members of the Assam Rifles.

That discovery was followed by one of the most remarkable demonstrations in the recent history of the northeast. Several elderly women stripped in front of the Assam Rifles headquarters, while carrying a banner that read: “Indian Army, Rape Us.”

One of the women, L. Gyaneshori, was quoted as saying, “The women of Manipur have been disrobed by the A.F.S.P.A.,” using the initials for the special powers act. “We are still naked.”

Last month, Ms. Sharmila announced that she would persist in her hunger strike until the government repeals the act.

Around the same time that women’s rights and peace advocates were observing the 10th anniversary of Ms. Sharmila’s fast, Binalakshmi Nepram was assessing other aspects of the damage inflicted by decades of strife.

“Violence against women has been on the rise due to the ongoing conflict,” said Ms. Nepram, who has lived and worked in Manipur and Delhi for the past decade. In 2007, she founded the Manipur Women Gun Survivors Network to assist victims of the violence against women that she says is routinely committed by the state and insurgency groups, or that arises from the proliferation of firearms that has accompanied the turmoil.

The impetus for Ms. Nepram was an incident in 2004. A 27-year-old man was dragged out of his car-battery workshop and killed by three unidentified gunmen. Ms. Nepram and others helped his 24-year-old widow rebuild her livelihood and life with the donation of a sewing machine, and the idea for the Survivors Network was born.

Through her work she has concluded that the involvement of women, in effecting social change and peace, is key.

“There can be no peace and no peace process without the active involvement of women, in villages as well as at the negotiating table,” she said.

Temsula Ao, who has written about the effects of violence in the northeast in a collection of short stories titled “These Hills Called Home,” agrees. “No one will give us peace,” she said. “We women have to take it for ourselves.”

Between the figure of a woman in a hospital bed, kept forcibly alive, and women like Ms. Nepram, seeking ways to counteract the violence, the women of this generation from the northeast are ready to fight for the peace they so badly want.
A version of this article appeared in print on February 9, 2011, in The International Herald Tribune.
NUEVA DELHI - Cuando Ojas Suniti Vijay realiza la obra de una sola mujer "Le Mashale" (portador de la antorcha), ya sea en una reciente conferencia sobre la paz en los estados sacudido por la insurgencia en el noreste de la India o en las universidades de Delhi, el público se estremece exactamente en el mismo punto. Aquí es donde la Sra. Ojas entona la línea que dice cómo las mujeres han sido tratados por las fuerzas de seguridad en Manipur Estado a través de un largo conflicto marcado por los incidentes de abuso sexual y la violación: "Sólo un pedazo de carne con dos pechos redondos y una vagina. "

"Le Mashale" ha ganado un culto en los últimos dos años en el circuito de teatro independiente de la India, en gran parte de la mujer se celebra, Irom Sharmila - portador de la antorcha cuya historia da testimonio de las mujeres el coraje demostrado en la cara de la lucha armada de una mayor autonomía para el noreste étnicamente distintos y una ocupación militar a menudo controvertidas.

Este mes, el Primer Ministro, Manmohan Singh, celebró lo que llamó la "tendencia de la disminución de la violencia y las muertes" en el noreste. Varios meses antes, otro hito fue observado. 04 de noviembre 2010, fue el 10 º aniversario del inicio de la huelga de hambre Sra. Sharmila en respuesta a los asesinatos de civiles por los militares en la región. ¿Cuál fue la intención de ser una forma rápida a la muerte ha continuado a través de una década de la alimentación forzada.

La Sra. Sharmila fue de 28 en noviembre de 2000, cuando el asesinato de 10 civiles en la aldea de Malom sacudió Manipur, un estado con una larga historia de enfrentamientos entre las fuerzas militares y los insurgentes. Un grupo de rebeldes atacó un convoy de los Rifles de Assam, los soldados respondieron abriendo fuego contra la gente en una parada de autobús.

La Sra. Sharmila empezó su ayuno, una forma de protesta se hizo popular en la India de Gandhi durante la lucha por la independencia del dominio británico. Su principal demanda era la derogación de las Fuerzas Armadas (poderes especiales) Ley de 1958, que había sido a menudo se utiliza para detener a los residentes locales sobre la sospecha de que estaban ayudando a los grupos rebeldes. Informes de la tortura, las desapariciones y las muertes eran comunes, las mujeres a menudo están atrapados en el fuego cruzado entre los insurgentes y el ejército. Criticado desde hace tiempo por grupos de derechos humanos, la ley otorga mayores poderes a las fuerzas armadas de la búsqueda, detención y, en determinadas circunstancias, utilizar la fuerza letal contra los civiles.

huelga de hambre de la Sra. Sharmila para obtener apoyo para la derogación del acto la puso en conflicto directo con el estado indio. Pasó gran parte de la próxima década en custodia judicial por "intento de suicidio", detenidos en los hospitales de Nueva Delhi o Imphal y alimentados a la fuerza-a través de tubos nasales.

A pesar de su campaña en un principio atrajo la atención de poco, se ha convertido en un emblema de la resistencia, su nombre invocado por autores como Mamang Dai y Arupa Kalita Patangia cuando la cuestión de la insurgencia, los derechos de la mujer o la derogación de la ley aparece.

Fue en 2004, después de la violación y muerte aparente de Thangjam Manorama las fuerzas de seguridad, que Manipur vio sus protestas más sorprendente - y que la Sra. Sharmila convertido en un icono de la resistencia del público. En julio de 2004, el cuerpo acribillado a balazos la Sra. Manorama fue encontrado en un campo cerca de su pueblo, después de haber sido detenido para ser interrogado por miembros de los Rifles de Assam.

Este descubrimiento fue seguido por una de las manifestaciones más notables de la historia reciente del nordeste. Varias mujeres de edad avanzada desnudaron delante de la sede de Assam Rifles, en el ejercicio de una pancarta que decía: ". Ejército indio, Violación nosotros"

Una de las mujeres, L. Gyaneshori, fue citado diciendo, "Las mujeres de Manipur han sido reducidos al estado laical por el AFSPA", usando las iniciales de la Ley de poderes especiales. "Todavía estamos desnudos."

El mes pasado, la Sra. Sharmila anunció que persisten en su huelga de hambre hasta que el gobierno deroga la ley.

Por la misma época que los derechos de las mujeres y defensores de la paz estaban observando el 10 º aniversario de la Sra. rápida Sharmila, Binalakshmi Nepram fue evaluar otros aspectos de los daños causados por décadas de conflictos.

"La violencia contra las mujeres ha ido en aumento debido al conflicto en curso", dijo la Sra. Nepram, que ha vivido y trabajado en Manipur y Delhi en la última década. En 2007, fundó la Manipur mujeres pistola Red de Sobrevivientes de ayudar a las víctimas de la violencia contra la mujer que ella dice es habitualmente cometidos por el Estado y los grupos insurgentes, o que surge de la proliferación de armas de fuego que ha acompañado a las turbulencias.

El impulso de la Sra. Nepram fue un incidente en 2004. Un hombre de 27 años de edad, fue sacado de su taller de coches de batería y asesinado por tres hombres armados no identificados. La Sra. Nepram y otros ayudaron a su viuda de 24 años de edad, reconstruir su vida y la vida con la donación de una máquina de coser, y la idea de la Red de Sobrevivientes nació.

A través de su trabajo se ha concluido que la participación de las mujeres, para efectuar el cambio social y la paz, es la clave.

"No puede haber paz ni proceso de paz sin la participación activa de las mujeres, en los pueblos, así como en la mesa de negociaciones", dijo.

Temsula Ao, que ha escrito sobre los efectos de la violencia en el noreste en una colección de cuentos titulada "Estas colinas Called Home", está de acuerdo. "Nadie nos dará la paz", dijo. "Las mujeres tienen que tomar por nosotros mismos."

Entre la figura de una mujer en una cama de hospital, mantiene viva la fuerza, y las mujeres como la Sra. Nepram, buscando la manera de contrarrestar la violencia, las mujeres de esta generación del noreste están listos para luchar por la paz que tan mal quieres.
Una versión de este artículo apareció impreso el 9 de febrero de 2011, en The International Herald Tribune.
Como mujer, como escritora, mi rechazo como un ser humano
las mujeres han sido tratados por las fuerzas de seguridad en el estado de Manipur ... Este es un punto negro en la India
Que Dios ilumine y cambie la ley es ...
(El requisito principal era el derrocamiento de la Ley (de facultades especiales) de las Fuerzas Armadas en 1958, que a menudo se utiliza para detener a los pobladores sospechosos de ayudar a los grupos rebeldes están}
Clicia Pavan

Manipur’s human rights activist Irom Sharmila who has been on a fast-unto-death since November, 2000 seeking the repressive Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act repealed. She opposes the Act that gives draconian powers to the security forces and has repeatedly been used with brazen brutality in the Northeast. For five years, she has been imprisoned and force-fed by the State for her ‘crime’. Irom Sharmila’s lone battle against the government is a proof of the grit and determination of a woman
A violência contra as mulheres está crescendo devido à continuidade do conflito”,
Deus abençoe a você Irom Sharmila
Nova Déli (Índia)

My religion is based on truth and non-violence. Truth is my God. Non-violence is the means of realising Him.
Mahatma Gandhi

"A não-violência leva à maior ética, que é o objetivo de toda evolução. Até pararmos de prejudicar todos os outros seres vivos, ainda somos selvagens."
"Non-violence leads to the highest ethics, which is the goal of all evolution. Until we stop harming all other living beings, we are still savages. "

Light to the world
The man needs light to follow his path


I am Muslim! I am Hindu! And I'm Jewish! I am Christian! "
Mahatma Gandhi!

A candle for my brothers in Japan Victims  the tsunami

O primeiro-ministro do Japão, Naoto Kan, afirmou neste domingo que o país vive sua pior crise desde o final da Segunda Guerra Mundial, após o forte terremoto e o consequente tsunami que atingiram a nação na última sexta-feira.

Diante do quadro, Kan pediu união aos cidadãos. O primeiro-ministro afirmou que a situação é "preocupante", ao mesmo tempo em que mostrou sua gratidão e "respeito" pela calma com que a população japonesa enfrentou o terremoto --que atingiu 9 graus de magnitude, o pior de que se tem registro no país.
Prime Minister of Japan, Naoto Kan, said Sunday that the country faces its worst crisis since the end of World War II, after the massive earthquake and subsequent tsunami that hit the nation last Friday.

Facing the situation, Kan urged union citizens. The prime minister said the situation is "worrying," while they showed their gratitude and respect "for calm with which the Japanese people faced the earthquake - which stood at 9 degrees of magnitude, the worst that it has record in the country.
Mainichi Shimbun/ Reuters

Em meio a tragedia,um milagre da vida!
14.03.2011 - Equipes de resgate retiram bebê de quatro meses de escombros na cidade de Ishimaki, no norte do Japão, três dias após o terremoto e o tsunami terem atingido a costa do país
Amid tragedy, a miracle of life!
03/14/2011 - Rescuers remove baby from four months of rubble in the town of Ishimaki in northern Japan, three days after the earthquake and tsunami had reached the coast of the country


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