Our Friends in CHRIST, here you have the 3rd part of the Nature of the Creative Power.

The 3rd part of the Nature of the Creative Power.

CHRIST says:

All of this realization lifted me to the heights of rapture, elation and sublime ecstasy, so that I was scarcely able to bear it. I felt my body must dissolve with the expansion of Power within me. I was irradiated with LIGHT and could see IT all around me illuminating the desert scene.

My heart sang in praises. How wonderful and beautiful was the Loving Creative Power which worked in, through and for us, unceasingly!

What a MIRACLE was creation!

I cried out loud:

‘YOU are the SOURCE of all BEING, both creator and also manifested within and through the created: there is nothing in the entire universe which is apart or separate from the limitless, eternal infinity of DIVINE LIFE, Creative Power Consciousness - that you are, - how then is it possible that mankind is so sinful - and why do people suffer disease, misery and poverty? Tell me, o loving loving ‘Father’ Creative Power, because I have been heavily burdened with the pain of their miserable lives.”

RECORDER writes:

As Christ dictated these words, I, too felt his joy and elation. These are words which must not be read only, they must be absorbed deep into the mind to understand what a tremendously heightened state of infinite consciousness he had entered.

In his recollections of that time, he has now left contemplation of the earthly and human state and was ascending into the sublime, the spiritual, the higher levels of creative force which are the reality behind the visible realm.

Although Jesus, at that moment, realised that he was not speaking to a person, to a God on High, but to the Creative Power out of which all has been drawn and taken on form and shape, he also knew that he was being heard and understood and that he would be enlightened even as he asked to be. All of this was what I understood as I took down Christ's dictation.

So many people have felt utterly bereft when they have faced the fact that there is no GOD on high in individual form to listen to their prayers but the truth is that there is no spot or place where the DIVINE, our SOURCE of BEING is absent and it is fully AWARE , receptive, responsive even as humans are in their human consciousness. In fact, they can only be the receptive, responsive beings they are because they have drawn their consciousness from Divine Consciousness.

People say that at critical times in their lives, they hear a Voice - and the Voice speaks truly. It is the Voice of our Source, meeting our need when we most need it.

And so did the Voice respond to Jesus and show him how it was that the world could have been created by such a loving creator - and yet humans themselves could be so limited and unhappy in their lives.

Christ has re-told this so beautifully. Dwell on every word and try to understand, visualise, picture the meaning of each sentence and so reach a true understanding yourself of why people are not the happy, outgoing, healthy, abundantly provided for individuals, our Divine Source of Being intended for us.

CHRIST continues: Then I was shown the reality of the ‘earthly condition’ of all living things.

I felt immense excitement because, at last, I would be able to understand how it was that such a loving Divine ‘Creative Power’ could allow Its creation to endure such misery.

I was shown that every living thing in creation should be radiantly healthy, cared for, nourished, protected, healed, maintained in peace and plenty, prospered within an orderly society of ‘beings’ extending only love to each other.

(However, at the moment of creation, two BASIC IMPULSES came into being, ensuring individuality, and it was these which controlled mankind’s consciousness.

These IMPULSES were explained to me in detail but this knowledge is reserved for a future Letter when you will be better able to understand it.).................................

I was shown the following vivid vision.

First of all, I saw a new-born babe as ‘light’, a life-form of ‘Creative Power’.

As the baby grew into childhood, then manhood, I saw the pure LIGHT of the ‘Creative Power’ gradually dimmed and then obscured altogether in him, by a dense wrapping of chains and thongs.

I questioned the meaning of the vision and there came to my mind a clear understanding which may be expressed in the following words:

“From birth to death, - people believe and insist that their five senses of sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste, correctly predicate the ‘reality’ of themselves and the universe around them. Therefore, because they draw their mind power direct from Divine ‘Creative Power’, it is done to them according to their beliefs.

Each thong represents a person’s habitual thoughts, responses to people and events, prejudices, hates, animosities, anxieties, sorrows, all of which bind him down and shut out the Light from his inner vision drawn from the ‘Creative Power’. Thus he enters into darkness but does not know it. He believes he is growing up and becoming mature in the ways of the world which will enable him to forge ahead and make ‘good’ - become successful - the aim of most people on earth.

In fact, the more mature he becomes and versed in worldly ways, the more densely do his chains and thongs imprison him within the grip of the twin IMPULSES of ‘Bonding-Rejection’.

Furthermore, each chain is forged out of selfish and deceitful desires, greed, aggression, violence and rape. These chains hang heavy around him and burden the psyche, which is the ‘creative consciousness power’ deep within him. Chain and thong will bind him tighter with every passing year until he realizes what he is doing to himself and sincerely repents each thong and chain and makes due restitution to others whom he has harmed.

With this vision I learnt a most valuable aspect of existence. Man himself is born with all the potential to make a beautiful life for himself but he, himself, by indulging his selfish desires and hatreds, creates a prison of misery for himself from which there was no escape until such times as he realizes the TRUTH OF EXISTENCE.

All the problems of harsh existence lay within the thought processes of man himself!

Only people’s ‘consciousness forms’, their thoughts, words, feelings, actions created a dense barrier between their consciousness and the Universal Creative Consciousness interpenetrating the universe in every leaf, tree, insect, bird, animal and human being.

I was also shown the LAWS OF EXISTENCE controlling the human ability to create new circumstances and environment, relationships, achievement or failure, prosperity or poverty.

Whatever man profoundly BELIEVES himself to be, good or bad, that will he become.

Whatever man FEARS others will do to him, so will they do.

Whatever man HOPES that others will do to him, he must first do to them, since he is then creating a ‘consciousness pattern’ which will return to bless him to the extent he has blest others.

Whatever disease man DREADS so will he become prey to it for he will have created a ‘consciousness pattern’ of the very thing he least wants to experience.

Whatever is sent forth from man’s mind and heart - returns to him in due course in some form or another, but remember that like always breeds like. Strongly emotional thoughts are ‘consciousness seeds’ planted within a man’s own orbit of consciousness. These will grow, bearing a like harvest for his reaping.

These are the fruits of free will.

There is no way that man may escape what he thinks, says or does - for he is born of the Divine Creative Consciousness power and is likewise creative in his imagining.

Those who long for good for themselves must first give it to others. Let their very existence be a blessing to others.

When such people are in harmony with all others, they are then perfectly attuned to the universal creative consciousness power

and they are brought into the flow of the Father ‘nature ’which is growth, protection, nourishment (physical, mental, spiritual) healing, fulfillment of need, within a system of law and order.

Recorder concludes:

Here you have nearly all the hidden secrets of creation. Those who have believed them entirely and have set out to live according to the Principles of Existence, find that gradually, their lives change bringing them their deepest desires as they have become more and more loving, perceptive, and generous in their thoughts and actions.

(c) copyright 2007 the Recorder. All rights reserved.

http://www.christsway.com (English)

http://www.caminodecristo.com (Spanish)

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