Consciousness is not the same as conscience. (ConSciencia NO ES Concienca). It’s important to distinguish the difference between these two words in Spanish.

Your conscience tells you right from wrong. Your consciousness is everything that you are aware of.


In His NEW MESSAGE, Christ explains what our earthly consciousness is in the following way.

“Earthly Consciousness is a fabric you spin with your thoughts and feelings. If only you had heightened perceptions, you would see it as a kind of dense fog. This is released into the air around you. When it is not ignited with the powerful drive of desire, intention, purpose, it lies around you like so much waste. But when your thoughts and feelings unite in thought patterns of desire, or intention or purpose, you have created a life- form. That life-form is a blue-print, an electrical outline of your intention and the corresponding magnetic field of emotion draws particles of energy together to bring this driving intention into visible manifestation.”

Christ , in his New Message, dedicates a page to explaining what Consciousness is and the part it plays in our lives.

“I WANT TO SPEAK TO YOU ABOUT THE TRUE NATURE OF CONSCIOUSNESS - of the difference between UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS, Divine Consciousness, and human consciousness. You truly need to understand these differences to enable you to live spiritually pro-active lives within your world... Which is what I have come to help you do.

CONSCIOUSNESS Transcendent and human consciousness!

Consciousness is now a word used widely, even lightly, but is not fully understood by many dear seekers of Truth.

You have drawn your being from Universal Consciousness split into Divine Consciousness at the time of the Big Bang. (See Letter 5)

This is the perfect Consciousness of Loving Intelligence and Intelligent Love. IT is IMPULSES. These IMPULSES are the very basic energy, the MAINSPRING of all existence. This Consciousness is indeed within you, surrounds you, transcends you and can lift you in ever higher strata of spiritual ecstasy and ephemeral perception. This Consciousness is what many call God.

It is within you and transcends you.

But what humankind must fully realise is: that it is of such a high frequency of vibration, ......so spiritually refined in meaning.......that it cannot be drawn into your own human consciousness to make Itself known to you, until you begin to overcome your ego and ascend in spiritual perception of Truth.

Your ego is the barrier to Super Consciousness.

Only the most systematic and persistent daily attempt to cleanse your consciousness of ego thoughts and behaviour, will make it possible for Divine Consciousness to SEEP into your human consciousness bringing you new insight and perceptions. Illumined by new insight and perceptions, your thoughts, words, actions will begin to change.

When you SEE things differently, you will begin to ACT differently.

Your human consciousness is imperfect. It is fabricated out of selfish egotistical drives. Let not your ego resist this valid statement. You are in no way to be blamed for this, because the ego is divinely created in order to separate Divine Consciousness into individual people. You need the Ego. It defends you and it draws to you what you need to survive BUT it can overwhelmingly force an individual into behaviour which is sick psychologically. You know that Ego is the impulse behind all the crime in the world.

I would have you know it impels people into such deep-seated narcissism and self-interest that anyone trying to arouse in such a mind any empathy or sympathy, is sadly blocked. No matter what topic may be raised, inevitably, such egotistical, narcissistic people draw the topic back to themselves, how it affects them, how it concerns them exclusively, positively or negatively. Absorbed self-interest is like a thick dense fabric of consciousness energies sealing off the minds of people of every strata of society in every part of the world.

The degree of narcissism varies. I have come expressly to make you aware of it because such narcissistic people cannot live in harmony with other people as they are incapable of hearing the messages from others. This, as much as your crime, causes your misery on earth.

Here is a parable for you. Behold the little child playing in a sticky mud pit, making pies, covering itself with mud, enjoying every minute. Mother comes, exhorting child to come and bath and get ready to go to a party. The child fiercely resists, crying. Eventually, mother has her way and the child, freshly groomed with hair shining and clad in smart party clothes enters the hall where the party is being held. It stares in astonishment.

The glorious lights! The brilliant shrubs and flowers! The tables loaded with delicacies, cakes and jellies. And all the presents and games and fun the other children are having. The heart of this child is filled with radiant joy. Laughter begins to well-up and fill its entire being. This is so much better than its mud pit! All the washing and the scrubbing was worth it. How glad the child is that it listened”.

So we see the urgent need to master the ego which, repeatedly causes people to insist on having their own way, following their own plans, demanding a certain husband, car house or career - yet, all the while, if they would only surrender their ego to Divine Consciousness and would humbly beg IT to reveal the perfect solution, they would soon discover it was waiting there for them all the time - but their ego desires and activities had blinded them and kept them LOCKED up in the very circumstances or situations they were wanting to avoid or no longer want.

Yes, we desperately need to purify our consciousness - receive Divine Consciousness to assist us in building a new ERA of LOVE & PEACE in the world and within ourselves.

We think we can change the world without first changing and purifying and spiritualising the core of our personality. But this is not possible. The only way to change our external world and help others to change also, is FIRST to overcome the ego and enter into the radiance of Divine Consciousness. There is no other way.


In a personal message, the Recorder explains:

“When I retire and go out in consciousness to make contact with the Divine or Christ, and, after a time of meditation, I open my eyes again I can see what I believe to be my consciousness. It looks solid , meaning that I cannot see through it, it is sometimes white and sometimes a beige colour. My bedroom is almost completely dark but curtains allow a very dim filter of light to come in from lamps outside my window. I can just see shapes and outlines. When I extend my hands to touch the fog, they completely disappear within it and I can play with it exactly as if it were fog. It breaks up into large pieces of cloud-like stuff. The other night there was a lot of white fog around me – it seemed to be slightly luminescent .'"

In our next send-out, we shall continue to read about CHRIST’S EXPERIENCE in the Desert – what he felt, saw, realised and perceived during his six weeks' of Enlightenment there

www.christsway.co.za (English, French, Italian, Dutch)

www.caminodecristo.com (Spanish)

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