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On this Human Rights Day, it is my hope that we will all act on our collective responsibility to uphold the rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration. We can only honour the towering vision of that inspiring document when its principles are fully applied everywhere, for everyone."
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

We must work for the full implementation of human rights on the ground in a way that affects and improves the lives of the men, women and children who are all entitled, regardless of their race, sex, religion, nationality, property or birth, to realization of each and every right set forth in the Universal Declaratio.
High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navanethem Pillay

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Compassion for the Taliban's Child Soldiers

Started by Suzette Piparo Nov 19, 2009. 0 Replies

Please help us in attaining the peace

Started by Muhammad Khurshid Apr 16, 2009. 0 Replies

If we really want to see true changes in the world

Started by Beatriz Pereira. Last reply by Beatriz Pereira Apr 14, 2009. 1 Reply

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Comment by Tree Thunderchild on January 8, 2009 at 9:47am
to"theresnopeaceintheworld" I shall pray for you as you ask, but the help you may receive may not be in the form you may expect. How it comes to you is not up to me but the creator.
Regarding pointing out others faults, this is a habit that comes from the time humans left Eden. And has been passed from one generation to the next. Deception, has many more generations experience with humans than you likely have with the deception.
I come from wilderness where the animals who live there know me not, yet know me for who I am even before they have met me and are friends (most, it is a thing of free will and individual) .

How do I say this in human......?
Ummm,,, when you live WITH the earth and life here....
Lets say there are in my area 100 berry bushes.
Each time I go to them and eat the fruits, something happens, I have an effect.
Most humans I see in the garden wilderness, take the biggest fattest and sweetest fruits they can find, and leave behind the smaller ones and shriveled up and sour ones on the bushes. This same habit they do when they come to hunt, seeking to take the best and pride themselves even on doing so!
But, they do not live there.
I have for most of my lifetime.
So when I pick the fruits, I pick the smallest ones, the shriveled up ones, the sour ones, and I leave the big fat juicy ones.
In this way each year, those, are the ones which go to seed. THOSE are the ones that make the berries for my next harvest, and each year my ability to live there IMPROVES.

Humans.... Take the best fruits of the Tree in the Garden.
Claiming they are wise, and wealthy because of it.

My friends..... I accept them at their worst and seek to return to them their best, to help provide that environment to grow stronger in themselves.
I do not seek poison. It is not those who say "I am sick, what is wrong with me" who I avoid, it is those who never ask that question of themselves. And I do not seek to ask that of them because I do not seek to focus on what is WRONG with them but what is RIGHT with them, that is my job, they are likely very aware of their own problems and seeking to be a constant reminder of them does nothing to help SOLVE them.
I have no need to point out another's problem, if I have a solution I can offer to them then what point is pointing out their problems?
I see no wisdom in pointing out what is wrong with another, wisdom, is in seeing it, not saying anything beyond, "hey have you tried this "other" way?"
If I point out that a person has a flat tire, does that make me smart?
Or does offering to help them?

I say this, because you came here, and ask for help, and I am seeking to do so, but, in exchange if I may have done anything that has helped you, please then go in your life even if you are in need, and see who else it is you can help?
Seek to give not just receive? Then others take more interest and desire in helping you, because what they do for you is like planting a seed in this world that will grow, rather than planting a seed in stone that will not, or where it is only you who grows strong at their expense, and we have a world with many people seeking to be in control over large numbers of other people already trying to do that same thing, of taking without giving.
Me I live in poverty, and I give of myself all that I can, to try and help this world be a better place for all to live in. The better the world is, the better off I am. Yet while I have little and give all, I ask nothing in return, and have many offer me things in their abundance, because they know it is like planting a seed and the stronger I may grow, the stronger I am able to help the rest of the world.
"theresnopeaceintheworld" ? If you lack peace peace go to my page, add as friend, and let us email one another. I have peace.
I will share mine with you. As I will to any who have forgotten what it is, even if that is all I have to offer, I extend it to you, in the hope I may leave this world better than I found it. And in doing so, have peace with myself when I leave this world.
Because that is more important than just my one life, or any 'thing' I may ever think I could own.
I offer you peace, and also love theresnopeaceinthisworld
And if you please come to my page, add as friend, we can continue there?
I am seeking to understand this confusing issue in Gaza, which as with many in this world, would not wish to interact, without having understanding of what I am interacting WITH before I do so.
Its confusion, seems to protect it well, from any intervention in bringing it to peace.
Comment by theresnopeaceintheworld on January 8, 2009 at 8:39am
im a human, i have rights. i have mental illnesses and no support. i have to do everything by myself, and when i tell people stuff they dont like to hear (their faults), they dispose of me. because thats the way people like me get treated. im trying to convict a person who raped me, the counselors dont support me, the institutions pick on me (he's a teacher) my family doesnt support me. no one can help me. please pray that god sends someone to help me because this is important to me. please. a human being.
Comment by sasko on January 7, 2009 at 1:43pm
Security Council meets on Gaza fighting, Ban renews ceasefire call
6 January 2009 – The Security Council convened on the Israel-Hamas conflict in Gaza this evening, with Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon warning that today’s deadly Israeli shelling of United Nations schools where hundreds of Gazans had sought refuge made a ceasefire more urgent than ever.
“Three UNRWA [UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East] schools, set up by the United Nations as places of refuge for civilians fleeing the fighting, have been hit in adjacent Israeli strikes,” Mr. Ban told the Council at the start of the session, noting that the third strike at a school in Jabalia refugee camp killed dozens of civilians.

“These attacks by Israeli military forces which endanger UN facilities acting as places of refuge are totally unacceptable, and should not be repeated. Equally unacceptable are any actions by Hamas militants which endanger the Palestinian civilian population. Today’s events underscore the dangers inherent in the continuation and escalation of this conflict. I call once again for an immediate ceasefire.”

He said had stressed to United States President George W. Bush in a meeting earlier today the importance of acting immediately, as he had in meetings with Arab leaders, including Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, noting that he had repeatedly condemned indiscriminate rocket attacks by Hamas into Israel and the excessive use of force by Israel with the stated aim of bringing an end to such attacks and a change in the security conditions in Southern Israel.

The Secretary-General added that he intended to travel to Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory next week as well as to regional capitals. “But I do not believe we can wait until then to end the violence. We must achieve that now,” he declared.

According to the Palestinian Ministry of Health and media sources, over 570 Palestinians have already been killed, and over 2,700 have been injured with Israel’s offensive moving into its 12th day.

“In the midst of this fighting, the civilian population of Gaza faces a humanitarian crisis,” Mr. Ban said. “Entire families have perished in the violence, including women and children, UN staff, and medical workers. There are no shelters for the vast majority of the civilian population. Food and fuel supplies are insufficient. A million people have no electricity. A quarter of a million have no running water.

“The only answer is an end to the violence. Whatever the rationale of the combatants, only an end to violence and a political way forward, can deliver long-term security and peace.”

He welcomed today’s initiative by Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and French President Nicolas Sarkozy for an immediate ceasefire, with the opening of safe corridors for relief into Gaza, and an invitation to Israelis and Palestinians to meet to discuss how to avoid a resumption of fighting, including securing borders and lifting the blockade of Gaza, which Israel says Hamas rocket and other attacks have forced it to impose.

“Third parties will need to provide assistance, both on the ground and in terms of diplomatic support, to supervise and safeguard all the various elements of a ceasefire. Gaza’s enormous social relief and reconstruction needs will need to be addressed,” Mr. Ban said, calling on all Member States to respond promptly and generously to UNRWA’s appeal for funds.

And he stressed the urgent need to achieve Palestinian unity and the reunification of Gaza with the West Bank within the framework of the legitimate Palestinian Authority. Hamas, which does not recognize Israel’s right to exist nor the international two-state plan for Israel and Palestine to live side by side in peace, seized control of Gaza from the Authority last year.

Following Mr. Ban, President Abbas appealed to the 15-member Council to stop the “new catastrophe” at the hands of “the Israeli machine of destruction” now befalling the Palestinian people. “The massacre in the UNRWA school at the Jabaliya camp is new proof of the heinous crime committed against our people,” he said, calling for a full cessation of “Israeli aggression” so that political dialogue could resume.

“Any procrastination can only deepen the tragedy,” he added, stressing that an international force was needed to end the “unjust siege” of Gaza by opening all crossings, calling for a mutual and complete ceasefire, and voicing support for the plan proposed by Presidents Mubarak and Sarkozy.

“Put an end to this genocide and destruction,” he concluded. “Do not allow for the killing of one more Palestinian child. Do not let one more Palestinian mother cry for her children. Do not allow it. Put an end to the massacre of my people, let my people live and let my people be free.”

Speaking next, Israeli Ambassador Gabriela Shalev noted that 8,000 rockets and mortars had been aimed against Israel from Gaza over the past eight years. “No state would permit such attacks on its citizens, nor should it,” she said, adding that Hamas was vehemently opposed to peace negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians.

“Hamas has no interest in making peace with the enemy; for Hamas peace is the enemy. Its only interest is in establishing a regime of tyranny for Gazans and of terror for Israelis,” she stressed, charging that Hamas uses civilians as shields, hides its missiles and terrorist bases in homes, hospitals and mosques, and “as we saw earlier today, deliberately launches attacks from in and around schools and densely populated areas – with tragic results…

“This conflict will end not when terrorism is appeased or accommodated but when the international community stands determined and united against it,” she said.

The Council session is to continue tomorrow.
Comment by Fintan on January 7, 2009 at 12:58pm
Well Linda, they said they gave Gaza back to the Palestinians 4 years ago, along with blockades and constant raids into Gaza.

There has been 30.000 rockets fired by Hamass in 8 years, and killed 20 people. That is untill this fight started. You see F-18 bombers and tanks and illegal weapons being used against the Palestinians. The rockets Hamass fire have no explosives in them They crash land most of the time on land that was illegally taken by settlements.

It seems double standards and hypocrisy is everywhere in these type of situations. The war on terror is being brought up. Didn't Saddam gas people that he occupied ? what's the difference ? These aren't arabs that just turned up and started firing rockets for no reason. Israel says all the Arabs know is force. Judging by Israels track record in the 1982 invasion of lebanon, it seems to be all the Israelis understand aswell.

And wasn't hamass voted in because nobody wanted Fattah controlling Gaza ? All these things get forgotten in such small amounts of time. I heard Israels spokes-people saying "Israel has never justified the deaths of civilians." September 1982 the refugee camps of Sabra and Shatilla nearlly two thousand unarmed civilians were killed by the very right wing christian philangists in Lebanon. Who in Israels own reports said they were working with them. This crime against humanity was watched till the end by Israeli soldiers.

So no, Israels actions are now being condemed all over the world apart from the obvious few people who would agree with them anyway. The will be told to stop but what good is that. They won't. And headlines yesterday "Obama breaks his silence on Gaza crisis" he said "The deaths of civilians upset me" well here's a big hand for Obama. You and me both buddy. But is that all ?

If any arab country did this there would be economic sanctions and talk about military force being used. But no of course not. Slap the terrorist logo on anyone and the whole world is meant to go along with it.In my last comment I brought up the point that Israel is saying "that is protecting western intrests from terror" Does that mean that one Hamass's "achme" rockets is going to fly to ireland and kill me ? Or Britain ? Or America ?
Comment by Fintan on January 7, 2009 at 4:07am
I think that Rúach and Margarita are on the same page for peace. Honestly, Hamass have criminal responsibility as much as Israel does. Has there been a mention of the two strikes in Gaza in November that secretly broke the ceeasefire on Israels behalf ? Of course it's not right for Hamass to be launching rockets into israel. No more is it right that the Israeli air force is raining white phospherous on Gaza, a chemical weapon.

There is a dissproportionate amount of force being used by Israel. While they claim they are "protecting western intrests from terror." That's very nice of them, but not in my name. If Hamass bombed a UN school full of refugees, and killed fourty civilians the story wouldn't change ? Is it a war crime ? Yes, because it would be as illegal and undignified as an army can get, especially one that claims "purity of arms."
Comment by Ron Dean 09 on January 6, 2009 at 8:27pm
Peace on Earth , so what does that mean ? Somethin about Human Rights

Somrthin about , how we set an example for the kids ?

Somethin about , watchin the sun come up , and facing the new day .

Somethin about venting our anger , an hurling it out there , to be seen .

Do we fight until everything dies , or do we pause a moment ,and
look at the effect of our actions ?

Family quarrels , are family quarrels , and will always be .

But what about the kids .

What moral ground do you stand on .

The birds are singing a new dawn , an I need sleep . Peace

Lighten up my friends , this world has grown to small to argue .

Look not into your own heart an mind , look into the faces of the children.

We'll quarrel tomorrow , unless , we decide to live in Peace .
Comment by Sandra Reis on January 6, 2009 at 6:20pm
My opinion is that are agressors in the both sides and also victims in the both sides, no matter you can call 'these sides'.
I agree with Rúach, and my prayers are for all, to agressors to change your acts and for victims, for an obvious reason

Light, love and PEACE
Comment by Hope on January 6, 2009 at 5:30pm
Margarita the image has been removed because it does not fall within iPeace guidelines. All in iPeace adhere to the same rules and guidelines.

Comment by Hope on January 6, 2009 at 5:14pm
Dear Margarita/Unai

I say these words for not one side or one fight - I say these words for all. iPeace is about peace worldwide. The posting of these images are not conducive to peace on either side or any war, and I ask you find another way to communicate your thoughts as these do not fall within ipeace guidelines.

Thanks for your co-operation

Comment by Ron Dean 09 on January 6, 2009 at 4:49pm
So what about our kids ? yours and mine

How shall they live ?

What gives you the right , to destine your childrens future ?
Your ancestors , gave you birth , to pass that on .

Look into a mirror , a piece of silver backed glass .

For the children , and everyone , resolve the conflict .
History , solve the riddle , about how was here first .

Show strength as an adult , an resolve the issue , about what came first .

For Peace and Prosperity with all my heart Ron

PS comments in other languages , are hard to understand

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