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On this Human Rights Day, it is my hope that we will all act on our collective responsibility to uphold the rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration. We can only honour the towering vision of that inspiring document when its principles are fully applied everywhere, for everyone."
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

We must work for the full implementation of human rights on the ground in a way that affects and improves the lives of the men, women and children who are all entitled, regardless of their race, sex, religion, nationality, property or birth, to realization of each and every right set forth in the Universal Declaratio.
High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navanethem Pillay

Discussion Forum

Compassion for the Taliban's Child Soldiers

Started by Suzette Piparo Nov 19, 2009. 0 Replies

Please help us in attaining the peace

Started by Muhammad Khurshid Apr 16, 2009. 0 Replies

If we really want to see true changes in the world

Started by Beatriz Pereira. Last reply by Beatriz Pereira Apr 14, 2009. 1 Reply

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Comment by Roro Faraj on January 4, 2009 at 6:08pm
How would you feel if you had to live under occupation, walled in, separated from loved ones, treated like cockroaches, robbed of most of your resources, unable to feel safe, always fearing the next checkpoint and the soldier sneering down at you just hoping for a chance to throw you in prison or shoot you??? How would you feel as you listen to your parents tell you stories of how beautiful life was on top of that hill when she was a child while you look longingly at it covered with a gorgeous Israeli settlement connected by a super highway that you are not allowed to see or touch? How would you feel if you knew that your family's land and freedom were stolen from them? How would you feel knowing that there was once a zoo, a park, a movie theater and now there is nothing for the children to do and yet you know just over that concrete wall new settlers from all over the world are enjoying a wonderful life at your expense? How woud you feel?
Comment by Roro Faraj on January 4, 2009 at 6:02pm
Comment by Roro Faraj on January 4, 2009 at 6:01pm
Tear down the walls of apartheid!

Comment by Roro Faraj on January 4, 2009 at 6:00pm
The indigenious people of Palestine deserve to live freely in their own land.
Comment by Roro Faraj on January 4, 2009 at 5:59pm

I stand with Palestine.

Until Israel, the Quartet (the United States, the European Union, Russia and the United Nations) admit that ethnic cleansing is wrong and Israel gives the Palestinian people back their stolen property, dignity and freedom can peace begin.
Comment by luisella valeri on January 3, 2009 at 10:42pm
Future generations are depending on our actions today.

In expressing great concern at the serious
escalation of violence in the Middle East, Save the Children
is preparing to intervene in aid of children and
their families, providing food, medicine
to hospitals in Gaza and calling for an immediate cease -

The situation is catastrophic: many children killed, yet
most of those injured, while thousands of children must
is facing shortage or lack of food, water
drinking water, medical care, electricity, with
the impossibility of going to school with conditions
hygiene very precarious.

It 'absolutely necessary that all parties concerned
commit to the highest levels to put an end to
ongoing violence that are having a devastating impact
especially on the lives of children who make up 50%
the people of Gaza.

In particular, Save the Children notes that:

- Tens of thousands of children in Gaza City have access
to drinking water only once a week for a few

- Hospitals are collapsing and many children have not
access to care and essential medicines;

- More than half the children of Gaza need food;

- Child malnutrition is increasing due to
small stocks or unavailability of bread, milk,
fruits and vegetables;

- Thousands of children were forced to leave
Comment by matahari on January 3, 2009 at 8:06pm

Palestina, antes de la ocupación sionista estaba densamente poblada por palestinos, los cuales tenían la propiedad de las tierras y vivían en sus hogares, aldeas, pueblos o ciudades hasta que, por medio de masacres, terror y amenazas, fueron alejados de ellas, con el objetivo de realizar una limpieza étnica total en la zona.
Entre otros acontecimientos, la Nakba marca la expulsión forzada y el despojo de 750.000 palestinos de sus hogares de origen y la destrucción de 418 pueblos en 1948. Tuvo como consecuencia la erradicación de la identidad, la cultura y la vida palestina.

Mientras que los israelíes están exhortados a recordar el día 15 de mayo y a señalar los 60 años de la creación e independencia de Israel con celebraciones, los palestinos están siendo animados a olvidar su pasado y su lazo histórico con su patria. Les piden admitir los mitos tradicionales sionistas que describieron la tierra de Palestina como una tierra vacía antes de la llegada de los colonos sionistas. Se espera que acepemos la idea de que la creación del estado de Israel ni alteró ni desorganizó las vidas de los habitantes palestinos autóctonos sobre esta tierra de Palestina.
Nos dicen que la construcción del Muro del Apartheid sobre los territorios palestinos, las incursiones militares reiteradas en Cisjordania y en la Franja de Gaza, la expansión de las colonias ilegales en los territorios ocupados (en violación de la ley internacional), el desplazamiento de los palestinos por confiscación de sus D.N.I. y el castigo colectivo infligido a los civiles palestinos nos repiten pues que todo esto es justificable y que son actos "moderados".
Nos presionan para que ignoremos la situación actual de colonización y ocupación militar y para que nos centremos más bien sobre las tentativas desequilibradas hacia la paz y la reconciliación que se preocupan por la seguridad de Israel antes que por la soberanía palestina y el cumplimiento de los derechos humanos, incluido su derecho al retorno ratificado por Naciones Unidas.
La creación del estado de Israel no puede celebrarse sin enterrar en el olvido los hechos históricos siguientes:
- la creación del estado fue posible sólo en detrimento de la población autóctona; su creación ha estado legitimada por cuentos sionistas racistas que describían a los palestinos con las palabras del dirigente sionista Moshe Smilansky tales como "semi-salvajes" incapaces de autogobernarse.
- Israel persigue una limpieza étnica de los palestinos a través de la expulsión, la matanza y el terrorismo de estado.
- la democracia israelí privilegia a sus ciudadanos judíos y discrimine a los palestinos;
- Israel amputa económicamente y políticamente a los palestinos de Cisjordania y de Franja de Gaza. Y finalmente que Israel continúa empleando políticas legislativas racistas y exclusivas que impiden a los 7 millones de palestinos que viven en la diáspora de regresar en su patria.
En todo el mundo los palestinos marcarán el 60 aniversario de la creación de Israel acordándose de estos hechos históricos dolorosos. Recordarán los nombres de los pueblos que han sido destruidos, registrarán los nombres de los que han sido matados y llorarán la pérdida de derecho inherente a una vida digna en su país. Denunciarán los esfuerzos que pretenderán negar los abusos israelíes hacia los Derechos Humanos palestinos y se opondrán a las tentativas que pretenderán callar las críticas a Israel asociando deliberadamente antisionismo con antisemitismo.

Reconocerán las contribuciones y los sacrificios de los palestinos que viven bajo ocupación militar israelí y los que languidecen en los campos de refugiados. Hablarán abiertamente de crímenes presentes y continuos de Israel en Cisjordania y en la Franja de Gaza. Cuándo 1.4 millones de hombres, de mujeres y de niños son privados de agua, de electricidad y de cuidados médicos, sometidos a ataques militares brutales, ¿cómo podemos ignorar el dolor y el sufrimiento que la formación del estado de Israel les infligió a los palestinos?

Ya tenemos aquí mas actos "moderados" de los israelies, quizás sean los últimos pues todo apunta a que no quedará ningún palestino vivo que lo pueda contar.

Comment by Kuesta on January 2, 2009 at 12:25am
Peace and Justice for The New Year 2009.
Comment by luisella valeri on December 31, 2008 at 6:53pm

Comment by sasko on December 31, 2008 at 1:02am
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
Statement on continued escalation in and around Gaza
am deeply alarmed by the current escalation of violence in and around Gaza. This is unacceptable.

I have been repeatedly condemning the rocket attacks by Hamas militants against Israel. While recognizing Israel's right to defend itself, I have also condemned the excessive use of force by Israel in Gaza. The suffering caused to civilian populations as a result of the large-scale violence and destruction that have taken place over the past few days has saddened me profoundly.

The frightening nature of what is happening on the ground, in particular its effects on children -- who are more than half of the population -- troubles me greatly. I have continuously stressed the need for strict observance of international humanitarian law.

I am also pained at the death, injury and damage to United Nations personnel and premises as well as to others associated with our programmes.

All this must stop. Both Israel and Hamas must halt their acts of violence and take all necessary measures to avoid civilian casualties. A ceasefire must be declared immediately. They must also curb their inflammatory rhetoric.

Only then can dialogue start.

I think regional and international partners have not done enough. They should do more. They should use all possible means to end the violence and encourage political dialogue, emphasizing peaceful ways of resolving differences.

Arab Foreign Ministers are going to meet soon in emergency session. I urge them to act swiftly and decisively to bring an early end to this impasse. At the same time, other world leaders must also step up efforts to support a longer term resolution of the issue.

During the past few days, I have spoken to the principals of the Quartet, to regional leaders including Prime Minister Olmert, Foreign Minister Livni, President Abbas, President Mubarak, President Assad, Prime Minister Siniora, Prime Minister Erdogan and Secretary-General of the League of Arab States, Amre Moussa, and to a number of other leaders, in order to underscore the need to restore calm in full. I shall continue these efforts personally as well as through my envoys in the field.

I reiterate my call that unhindered access should be ensured for the delivery of humanitarian assistance. The United Nations, through the United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process [UNSCO], United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East [UNRWA] and other agencies on the ground have been in continuous contact with all relevant authorities and mobilizing themselves to provide much needed assistance and alleviate civilian suffering.

I expect all parties to fully heed my call. In particular, Israel must keep opening all border crossings necessary for the continued provision of humanitarian supplies. Israeli Government leaders have given me a guarantee that such supplies and personnel would be allowed entry into Gaza. This cooperation must continue on a rolling basis in the coming days.

My colleagues, John Holmes, Under-Secretary-General of OCHA [Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs] in New York, and Karen Abu Zayd, Commissioner General of UNRWA and Maxwell Gaylard, Humanitarian Coordinator, UNSCO, through video links, can provide a further update on the humanitarian situation and our work in the area.

Thank you for your support.

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