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Light_Angel's Page

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At 1:35pm on August 17, 2009, Clemens said…
Love is always present, in the world, in nature, in us. What changes is our realisation of it.
Sending you a hearty smile from nature, dear Light Angel.
love without end, Sandavala

At 11:11am on May 11, 2009, s <3 said…
At 7:47am on December 19, 2008, Sam said…

At 7:56am on November 30, 2008, Mahendra Ramalingam said…
A thoughtless state leads to JOY and PEACE.........

Namaste !
At 9:32pm on November 19, 2008, Rene Wadlow said…
I am pleased to send you an article on the need for reconciliation bridge-builders in areas of tensions and conflicts as in eastern Congo. Just as world citizens had pushed in the 1950s for the creation of UN Forces with soldiers specially prepared for peace-keeping service, so now we are again pushing for a new type of world civil servant. India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal have all contributed actively to military-peacekeeping forces. Perhaps these same countries can take a lead in forming reconciliation teams. Your support and advice would be most appreciated. With best wishes, Rene Wadlow

East Congo — Need for Reconciliation Bridge-Builders

Rene Wadlow

On bridges are stated the limits in tons

of the loads they can bear.

But I’ve never yet found one that can bear more

than we do.

Although we are not made of roman freestone,

nor of steel, nor of concrete.

From “Bridges” – Ondra Lysohorsky

Translated from the Lachian by Davis Gill.

Violence is growing in the eastern areas of the Democratic Republic of Congo, basically the administrative provinces of North and South Kivu. The violence could spread to the rest of the country as Angolan troops may come to the aid of the Central Government as they have in the past while Rwandan and Ugandan troops are said to be helping the opposing militia led by Laurent Nkunda. While Nkunda and his Congress for the Defense of the People (CNDP) say that they are only protecting the ethnic Tutsi living in Congo, Nkunda could emerge as a national opposition figure to President Joseph Kabila, who has little progress to show from his years in power.

There is high-level recognition that violence in Congo could spread, having a destabilizing impact on the whole region. UN diplomats, led by Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon, have stressed that a political solution — not a military one — is the only way to end the violence, and they are urging the presidents of Congo, Rwanda, Uganda, Burundi, Kenya and Tanzania to work together to restore stability. The instability, along with Congo’s vast mineral and timber riches have drawn in neighboring armies who have joined local insurgencies as well as local commanders of the national army to exploit the mines and to keep mine workers in near-slavery conditions.

The United Nations has some 17,000 peacemakers in Congo (MONUC), the UN’s largest peacekeeping mission, but their capacity is stretched to the limit. Recently, the General in command of the UN forces, Lieutenant General Vicent Diaz de Villegas of Spain resigned his post after seven weeks — an impossible task. Their mission is to protect civilians, some 250,000 of which have been driven from their homes since the fighting intensified in late August 2008. The camps where displaced persons have been living have been attacked both by government and rebel forces — looting, raping, and burning. UN under-secretary general for peacekeeping, Alain Le Roy, is asking for an additional 3,000 soldiers, but it is not clear which states may propose troops for a very difficult mission. While MONUC has proven effective at securing peace in the Ituri district in north-eastern Congo, it has been much less successful in the two Kivu provinces.

The eastern area of Congo is the scene of fighting at least since 1998 — in part as a result of the genocide in neighboring Rwanda in 1994. In mid-1994, more than one million Rwandan Hutu refugees poured into the Kivus, fleeing the advance of the Tutsi-led Rwandan Patriotic Front, now become the government of Rwanda. Many of these Hutu were still armed, among them, the “genocidaire” who a couple of months before had led the killings of some 800,000 Tutsi and moderate Hutu in Rwanda. They continued to kill Tutsi living in the Congo, many of whom had migrated there in the 18th century.

The people in eastern Congo have lived together for many centuries and had developed techniques of conflict resolution, especially between the two chief agricultural lifestyles: that of agriculture and cattle herding. However, the influx of a large number of Hutu, local political considerations, a desire to control the wealth of the area — rich in gold, tin and tropical timber — all these factors have overburdened the local techniques of conflict resolution and have opened the door to new, negative forces interested only in making money and gaining political power.

UN peace-keeping troops are effective when there is peace to keep. What is required today in eastern Congo is not so much more soldiers under UN command, than reconciliation bridge-builders, persons who are able to restore relations among the ethnic groups of the area. The United Nations, national governments, and non-governmental organizations need to develop bridge-building teams who can help to strengthen local efforts at conflict resolution and re-establishing community relations. In the Kivus, many of the problems arise from land tenure issues. With the large number of people displaced and villages destroyed, it may be possible to review completely land tenure and land use issues.

World citizens were among those in the early 1950s who stressed the need to create UN peace-keeping forces with soldiers especially trained for such a task. Today, a new type of world civil servant is needed — those who in areas of tension and conflict can undertake the slow but important task of restoring confidence among peoples in conflict, establishing contacts and looking for ways to build upon common interests.

Rene Wadlow, Representative to the United Nations, Geneva, Association of World Citizens
At 11:47pm on November 17, 2008, Sam said…

Olá, amiga!

Estava sem vir ao site um tempinho. Te desejo, de coração, uma linda e harmoniosa semana! Beijos

"As coisas estão todas interligadas
Ninguém machuca uma flor
sem ferir uma estrela!"

At 10:49pm on November 15, 2008, NaThanael said…

You Are the Light ~ You are the Wisdom ~ You are the Power ~
~ You are the Glory of God ascending through All ~

Thank You beloved spirit for the sacrifice you made by coming to this earth to work together with us on the Great Work of Ascending the Planet & the Universe.

Let me be the messenger that reminds you the Promise of Lemuria ~ The promise of Atlantis
~ The Promise of Ascension ~

~♥~ You will be healed ~♥~ You will return to Innocence ~♥~ You will find Joy ~♥~ You will return to Bliss ~♥~

I will send The Sun. ~☯~ I will send The Light. ~☯~ I will send The Grail. ~☯~ I will train The Lightworkers.~☯~ I will train The Warriors.~☯~ I will train The Avatars.~
They will bring you the paths and you will find your way

This is God’s promise.
This is our promise.


Lightworker ~ Energyworker ~ Avatar ~ Master ~ Angel ~ God

At 3:16am on October 16, 2008, Sam said…

" Ao irradiar amor e boa vontade para os outros abrirei o canal para que venha a mim o amor de Deus.
O amor Divino é imã que atrai para mim todo o bem"

Paramanhansa Yogananda

(Onde Existe Luz, pág. 162 )
At 5:05pm on October 4, 2008, Sam said…
Senhor, Deus da paz. Tu que criaste os homens para serem herdeiros da Tua glória, nós Te bendizemos e agradecemos porque nos enviaste Jesus, Teu Filho bem-amado. Tu fizeste dEle, no mistério da Sua Páscoa, o realizador da nossa salvação, a fonte de toda paz, o laço de toda fraternidade.
Agradecemos pelos desejos, esforços e realizações que Teu Espírito de paz suscitou em nossos dias, para substituir o ódio pelo amor, a desconfiança pela compreensão, a indiferença pela solidariedade. Abre mais ainda nosso espírito e nosso coração para as exigências concretas do amor a todos os nossos irmãos, para que sejamos, cada vez mais, artífices da paz. Lembra-Te, ó Pai, de todos os que lutam, sofrem e morrem para o nascimento de um mundo mais fraterno. Que para os homens de todas as raças e línguas venha Teu reino de justiça, paz e amor.

Papa Paulo VI

Ótimo fim de semana, querida.
At 3:24pm on October 2, 2008, Sam said…

Senhor pacifica os corações e humaniza o seu rebanho,
através da transformação mental, advinda do entendimento
espiritual. Ainda que os injustos brotem como erva e os malfeitores florescem,
Tu és a face da Justiça que jamais confunde o justo com os ímpios. A compaixão e o amor originam-se da paz interior, emanam para o exterior e são fundamentais para a sobrevivência da espécie. A compaixão é delicada e pacífica, dela resultando a paciência e a tranqüilidade. Mas é também o agir.
No agir, tem-se que ter a virtude do equilíbrio, do discernimento, do não prejulgamento, da sabedoria para que não comprometa a sua paz, e a dos outros.
Calar-se pela virtude da humildade, exercitando a cautela no seu parecer e proceder para não errar. Ser bom é falar com o coração e não fazer da subjetividade egóica, um parecer fundado em alicerces de falsos testemunhos, faltando com a verdade em benefício de um em prejuízo dos demais e do seu próprio. Falar sobre a Paz, tendo paz no coração. Falar de amor, por amor a todos . Falar em justiça, para todos. Se pacífico é ser um pacificador. Jamais um julgador!


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