Davenporteggdonation's Blog (26)

Experience of a Gestational Surrogate Mother in Her Own Words

For women who are giving a thought to become a surrogate mother by gestational surrogacy, it is always better to know the experiences of a surrogate mother and so here is the experience of Ivy MacCurtin of Richmond, Virginia in her own words.

I have three children of my own and I always loved to have more kids. However, I know that many women are not blessed like me. Hence, when after the birth of my third child, I told my husband…


Added by davenporteggdonation on June 14, 2015 at 12:57pm — No Comments

Tips For Making Your Family Comfortable About You Becoming a Surrogate Mother

Family support is of paramount importance for someone who has taken the decision to become a surrogate mother and surrogate agencies also take into consideration the fact that women applying for becoming a surrogate mother have their strong family support or not. Here are some tips to make them more understandable.

•  Communicate clearly - It is always advisable to talk…


Added by davenporteggdonation on May 31, 2015 at 10:10am — No Comments

The Big Questions Pertaining To Gestational Surrogacy That You Must Know

Becoming a surrogate mother is an irreversible process and is not easy for many women. If you have decided to become the one, it means you are a lot more generous in nature and you know all the questions pertaining to the same as it comes with a bunch of responsibilities till the delivery of the baby.

Your current health state

Are you in a sound health to carry a baby?

Do you have a history…


Added by davenporteggdonation on May 24, 2015 at 8:07am — No Comments

Steps for the Medical Surrogacy Process

There are ample medical realities that a surrogate mother should know. Even if you are just thinking of applying to become a surrogate mother, the complete medical process of gestational surrogacy should be understandable to you as becoming a surrogate mother is a life changing experience where you are generously fulfilling the dream of a childless couple.

Doctors will not use your…


Added by davenporteggdonation on May 17, 2015 at 11:09am — No Comments

Embrace Gestational Surrogacy to Experience the Bliss of Motherhood

There is no more profound experience than motherhood on Earth. It is challenging, rewarding and brings a sense of fulfillment that no material comfort can offer. However, many women can not undergo the experience in spite of their best efforts and forever live in a sense of incompleteness.

Some choose to adopt a child legally while some just embrace gestational surrogacy which also offers a biological link between the child and the mother. There are many types of medical…


Added by davenporteggdonation on May 17, 2015 at 7:25am — No Comments

Surrogacy Ilinois

Monetary concerns are real and hard to ignore if you don’t have a huge back balance to fall upon in crucial time. With rising cost of surrogacy treatment all over the world and more cases of infertility, it is evident that going for the most affordable gestational surrogacy treatment is…


Added by davenporteggdonation on March 19, 2015 at 1:17pm — No Comments

A Broad Overview Of Wisconsin Surrogacy

A number of couples find that they are not able to conceive children. They are considered as infertile if they cannot get pregnant even after trying for more than one year. According to a research, around 12% of women are infertile due to some reason or the other. Some couples can be treated with hormone therapies, drugs or surgeries, but others need to exercise advanced techniques, like IVF and donor insemination. Traces of surrogacy can be seen in the ages of Bible too.…


Added by davenporteggdonation on October 21, 2014 at 1:04pm — No Comments

Things you should know about Wisconsin Surrogacy

Surrogacy can be very complicated if you as a couple have no information about the legal and psychological repercussions it can have on you. Surrogacy is a journey that a surrogate mother takes and yet you as a coupale too are a part of the journey as well. It is the duty of the surrogate mother to share all the details, positive and negative with the couple who has commissioned her. However, this is not all as there are…


Added by davenporteggdonation on October 11, 2014 at 3:30pm — No Comments

Flexible Ohio Surrogacy Laws

Surrogacy has been and still is a very controversial subject. Different states tend to deal with surrogacy in different manners. Some of them are strict and do not encourage surrogacy whereas there are states wherein the laws are more humane and quite lenient. In Ohio, surrogacy laws are quite reasonable and thus many childless couples tend to opt for this place in order to get their surrogate mother. There…


Added by davenporteggdonation on September 23, 2014 at 2:00pm — No Comments

Illinois Surrogacy - A New Life Begins at ARR

Though we may be the ones who rush after one target or the other in our professional life, our main target is always to have a good peaceful life. Satisfaction or contentment of having such a life comes from small achievements or when, we take certain steps in our life. One such step is to start a family of our own with our life partner. But, due to many problems that our hectic life schedule has posed modern day couples in Illinois not be able to conceive a child so easily…


Added by davenporteggdonation on September 18, 2014 at 10:53am — No Comments

Chicago Egg Donation is a Blessing in Disguise

With the rise in the number of in-vitro fertilization surgeries, egg donation has become a very common practice. While there are a lot of controversies regarding this procedure, Chicago egg donation may be considered a blessing in disguise. The procedure of Chicago egg donation requires the donor to consume certain medications to stimulate the production of multiple mature eggs by the ovaries. The mature eggs are then removed from the donor…


Added by davenporteggdonation on September 6, 2014 at 9:48am — No Comments

Finding solution through Surrogacy

In the world of today, where almost everything has a solution, so does childlessness. One of the major procedures of alternate childbirth procedure is surrogacy. In this process, a woman carries the child for other parent/parents, and is legally bound to hand over the child to the parents. Many parents opt for surrogacy these days. While in some cases, it is because the woman is unable to conceive a child or provide it…


Added by davenporteggdonation on September 6, 2014 at 8:57am — No Comments

Choosing the right donor with Las Vegas egg donation agency

Selecting an egg donor is a very hard decision right next to choosing the right Las Vegas egg donation agency. Here are a few considerations that would help you to choose the right donor from Las Vegas egg donation agency.

Known or unknown

Some tend to choose a known donor so that they would be aware of all the details about the…


Added by davenporteggdonation on September 6, 2014 at 8:17am — No Comments

How to choose the right Las Vegas surrogacy agency?

Choosing to use surrogacy is a very big and life changing choice. You would need the right and the best Las Vegas surrogacy agency to make it, the right decision. There are a lot of surrogacy agencies in and around your locality. The question is, which is the best Las Vegas surrogacy agency?


Choosing a Las Vegas…


Added by davenporteggdonation on September 6, 2014 at 7:37am — No Comments

Surrogacy – Follow the rules

A lady who wants to be a surrogate mother needs to have some qualities or say must fulfill some criteria. This is must in order to ensure that a healthy baby can be delivered by her. The person or say, the couple who is hiring her and is expecting a baby from her must have the confidence that they would get someone to complete their family.

The first condition to be fulfilled for Surrogacy is that the lady who wants to be a surrogate…


Added by davenporteggdonation on September 5, 2014 at 2:48pm — No Comments

Donate Your Eggs To A Childless Couple & Contribute To Our Ohio Surrogacy Program

Motherhood is blissful, but not all women are fortunate to feel this bliss naturally. Earlier, they remain childless throughout their lives or adopt a child to feel the pride of motherhood. However with the advancement in medical field, new alternatives have emerged. Surrogacy is a popular assisted method of reproduction using a third party. There are now many agencies that encourage as well as facilitate the process of egg donation for the…


Added by davenporteggdonation on September 5, 2014 at 2:21pm — No Comments

Embrace Wisconsin Surrogacy & Have Your Little Bundle Of Joy

Infertility is today a serious problem for millions of couples and the best part is that no longer you are supposed to have a life of suffering silently as surrogacy is an excellent reproduction method that can bring out your life from this forever. Yes, there are always a bundle of apprehensions, fear and many more things going in the mind when someone suggest you to for surrogacy, but experts at Wisconsin Surrogacy program…


Added by davenporteggdonation on September 5, 2014 at 1:48pm — No Comments

Reno Egg Donation – Who can do it?

Egg donation is done for those who cannot have a baby on their own. But who are the ones who can donate egg. This is a question not much people ask. It is never so that each and every woman who desires to donate her egg can do so. The quality of the egg decides which program a particular egg would be fit for. The criteria are set for Reno Egg Donation. These criteria are set…


Added by davenporteggdonation on September 5, 2014 at 1:24pm — No Comments

Go & Donate Your Eggs for Nevada Egg Donation Program

Nevada Egg Donation program is a renowned program run by an agency Alternative Reproductive Resources (ARR) in the United States. The agency is not only a pioneer one in the whole country regarding egg donation programs but also the most successful one. Healthy women in Nevada are coming forward to donate their eggs and this is because of the endeavor of Nevada Egg Donation program that…


Added by davenporteggdonation on September 5, 2014 at 1:00pm — No Comments

Complete Your Family With Reliable Las Vegas Surrogacy Program

Your family may seem incomplete to you at times due to many reasons of which not having a kid in the family is the most common one. Las Vegas Surrogacy program is a blessing for such couples. Changing lifestyle and sometimes hereditary diseases led to infertility or inability to carry a fetus in the uterus. In such cases, reliable Las Vegas Surrogacy program can play a vital role in completing your incomplete family and offering you immeasurable…


Added by davenporteggdonation on September 5, 2014 at 12:22pm — No Comments

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