Adam's Calendar......... the oldest made structure on earth?

The Anunnaki myth is ancient, dating back to ancient Sumerian writings in stone. But it persists, thanks to contemporary authors like Zecharia Sitchen and Barbara Hand Clow.

Sumerian Tablets

the rest of videos are on youtube

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Comment by s <3 on October 8, 2009 at 8:12pm

I was sent this today......

You may not be aware that I have spent the last 2 years doing extensive research on the ancient ruins of southern Africa. I will be releasing my new book Temples Of The African Gods in the near future, as a follow-up to Slave Species of god and Adam’s Calendar. It is a compilation of astonishing new research and evidence of an ancient civilisation that simply vanished off the face of the Earth. It seems to be the first civilisation that lived here more than 100,000 years ago. It is also where the Sumerians and Egyptians got most of their knowledge from. This is brand new information that has never been exposed before and will probably cause a great outcry among conservative scholars.

I would like you to help us spread this information to as many people as possible. If you can think of a few friends you can share this with please click here.

Just to whet your appetite, here is one of our most recent discoveries. The oldest carving of a Sphinx ever found. One of the many staggering discoveries at Adam’s Calendar in South Africa. It is carved out of dolerite rock and shows extensive peeling of the outer layers. This means that the statue may have had detailed facial features in its original form. But over 200,000 years of erosion has caused all of that to disappear.

Thanks and keep exploring.
Michael Tellinger
Comment by s <3 on August 30, 2009 at 11:23am
PANSPERMIA – Life Everywhere

I have often wondered why so many depictions of aliens from space carry such resemblance to us humans. All those who claim to have been abducted, or those who have been contacted by aliens, mostly describe them in very similar fashion. The strange thing is that these aliens seem to have features similar to humans and not some other insect-like monster from space. Is it because the individual who claims to have seen these aliens may simply be hallucinating? Or could it be the influence of mass media and the many movies which have graced our screens depicting aliens mostly in a humanoid form? Or could there possibly be a more logical or possibly even scientific explanation for this curious phenomenon? Since we have come to know that the Earth is not the centre of the universe, we can start opening our minds to new possibilities. But like many things we 'seem' to have dis covered in the last two centuries on Earth, we find out that they have already been discovered by our distant ancestors. It is especially true for the subject of astronomy. The ancient Mesopotamians, Egyptians, Greeks, Chinese and Americans, all had a superior knowledge of the cosmos to us. They knew things about the planets and our solar system which we only rediscovered in the latter parts of the 20th century.

One such cosmic phenomenon which was reintroduced into modern cosmology in the 1970's was the ancient Greek concept of Panspermia. This word can be translated as 'seeds everywhere' and its first recorded advocate was a Greek philosopher known as Anaxagoras of Clazomenae in Asia Minor, born about 500 BC. He was from a noble family, but wishing to devote himself entirely to science, he gave up his property to his relatives and relocated to Athens, where he lived in intimacy with Pericles. Shortly before the outbreak of the Peloponnesian War he was charged with impiety, which was, 'denying the gods recognized by the state'. He not only had the honor of giving philosophy a home in Athens, where it flourished for a thousand years, but he was the first philosopher who introduced a spiritual principle which gives matter life and form. Anaxagoras laid down his doctrine in a prose work entitled 'On Nature' of which only fragments are preserved. Anaxagoras postulated the idea of independent elements which coexist in space and air, creating life. He called them 'seeds'. They are the ultimate elements of combination and are indivisible, imperishable 'primordia' of infinite number, and differing in shape, color, and taste. Later writers referred to these seeds as 'omoiomereia' which was an expression of Aristotle, meaning 'particles of like kind with each other and with the whole that is made up of them'.

It is fascinating how the ancient 'gods' seem to make their appearance in the strangest places at the strangest times. And while we are trying to unravel the origins of humankind, a completely different subject, we find that our protagonist's life was greatly influenced by the ancient gods who must have had a great hold over the Greek authorities. The fact that a philosopher was jailed because he disobeyed the gods, goes a long way in supporting the outlandish theory that these gods must have had a real hold over the ancient Kings. In "Slave Species of god" this subject is covered in much greater detail and we find out that their control was absolute.

When panspermia was reintroduced in the 70's by a handful of serious scientists, it was met with loads of criticism and the kind of ridicule which has been experienced by most visionaries throughout human history. But fortunately they could point to Louis Pasteur who in 1864 shocked the scientific world with his landmark experiment, disproving the concept of spontaneous generation. Pasteur's discovery also had a practical impact on medicine, proving that germs are the primary causes and carriers of disease.

If this principle had been accepted as the fundamental theory on the origins of life way back then, today we may still be unsure how life on Earth began, BUT at least we would approach the question differently. We would assume that life here had to be 'seeded' somehow and we would investigate the possible mechanisms for such seeding. Is it possible for bacteria and other microscopic organisms to come to Earth from space? Can they survive harsh conditions, radiation, extreme temperatures for long periods of time? Maybe even millions of years? All this has now been proven beyond any doubt and generally accepted by the scientific world.

But to argue the possibility of life arriving on Earth from space requires some proof of life in space…and if it does exist, how does it reach Earth…and once it has reached Earth what kind of role can it possibly play in the creation of life, evolution or the speeding up of evolution.

This is what Hoyle and Wickramasinghe proved in the early 70's. By using spectroscopic analyses of light from distant stars, they showed that there was evidence of life in the interstellar dust. This dust exists throughout space as leftover matter from the creation of stellar systems and contains microscopic organism like bacteria. It is also possible that there may be viruses and other organic material present in this so-called dust. It got there as a result of cosmic collisions of space bodies like planets and even supernovas, which is when a star explodes spreading its content over vast distances of space. By definition this really means that the universe must be filled with life of all kinds.

Given its size and age of the universe, there have been cosmic collision occurring for billions of years and life must exist everywhere throughout space. Space dust settles on Earth every second of every day, carrying with it all kinds of organisms, sometimes deadly to humans.

This also means that comets, asteroids and meteors become the carriers of life as they travel through space picking up these microscopic organisms, which could even include larvae and spores. When they crash into planets like Earth, they deposit these seeds of life, initiating a whole new chain reaction of evolution and life. There will be much more information available when the results from NASA's Stardust project are revealed.

Read more about NASA's Stardust project:
Comment by s <3 on August 23, 2009 at 1:18pm
Gold - The endless obsession!
Jewelry or scientific wonder?

Our failing ozone layer and seemingly irreversible climate change will force our environmentalists to put their brand new thinking caps on.

The answer to the question how gold, or any other material for that matter, would be dispersed into the atmosphere as a protective shield is not simple. But it is also not a new idea. Global environmentalists have postulated a number of such ideas over the years which included various substances and materials, in an attempt to deal with our own failing ozone problem. We have to submit that we do not know everything at this stage of our evolutionary path, but there are probably many ways in which a substance like gold could be treated to possibly achieve this goal. We are yet to discover this.

The tales from Sumerian tablets tell us that a group of ancient astronauts arrived on Earth in search for gold; not because they wanted to wear more flashy bracelets, but because of a dire necessity for survival on their own planet.

I deal with the properties of gold in "Slave Species of god" to a large extent but it only scratches the surface. Gold is truly a most remarkable metal and while the amazing healing properties of colloidal silver are well documented in history, we are probably yet to discover the many amazing properties of colloidal gold in the future. The fact remains that humankind has been obsessed with gold since the earliest of times in pre-history. WHY? It certainly was not to create sought-after jewelry, this old reasoning by historians is absurd and has no historical merit nor validation. And why was 'God' so obsessed with gold from Genesis 2? When he promises to take his 'chosen' people to the land of 'milk and honey' because the 'gold is good' ?

The value of gold as an item of clothing or ornament only emerged many thousands of years after mankind was seemingly working with the metal and excavating it from mines and refining it from ore. Why would they go to such trouble? Who taught humankind the process of ore extraction thousands of years before so-called civilization even began to blossom on Earth?

Much has been written about alternate states of the metal and the inexplicable properties it displays under such conditions. There is a state in which gold apparently behaves unlike any other substance we know and displays highly un-natural properties, to the point that it defies the laws of gravity. I stress that I am only the messenger and not the source, but this will most certainly be the subject of a forthcoming article with more meat to bite into, and I would urge everyone to do their own research as well.

Some two months ago I was interviewing a retired South African banker who in his day headed up probably the most powerful monetary fund in SA. In his position he was very close to the major decision makers in the gold industry. He confirmed that he was privy to a meeting between a group of top scientists and business men from South Africa; USA and Iran, who secretly met to discuss how gold could be used in the atmosphere to deal with a number of environmental issues on Earth. I will scratch more and share my findings with you all.

Comment by s <3 on August 16, 2009 at 11:16am
The Gospel or the Truth

The English language has a wonderful way of using unrelated words to represent a specific meaning, when such words are used in our daily conversations. Gospel, is one such word that has commonly replaced most other superlatives when trying to express the highest level of truth, confidence or credibility.

The past few weeks has seen a new attack on the word "gospel" as the world turned with great interest towards the newly unveiled "Gospel of Judas". National Geographic presented the translations to a seemingly stunned world not quite sure how to deal with this "new truth" from the last days of Jesus Christ. This 1700 year old and rather tatty document contains a debate between Jesus and Judas and paints a somewhat different picture about events surrounding the last supper. "Judas said to him, "I know who you are and where you have come from. You are from the immortal realm of Barbelo. And I am not worthy to utter the name of the one who has sent you." This will certainly not please the hardcore biblical scholars and sounds rather similar to the 'clan' of immortal gods that set out to create humankind as described in the Sumerian tablets.

Those that have read "Slave Species of god" will be familiar with the life and teachings of Jesus before he arrived back in Canaan to begin the last three years of his teaching. In the East he was known as St. Issa and in the Americas he was referred to as the "Great White Robed Master" or the "Pale One" or the "Pale Great Master" and other names like "The Prophet".

But Jesus was constantly surrounded by angels, ever-ready to strike in his defense. And he often refers to his angels that can either come to his rescue or perform some other miraculous feat. And the new Gospel is no exception: "And a luminous cloud appeared there. He said, 'Let an angel come into being as my attendant.'… "A great angel, the enlightened divine Self-Generated, emerged from the cloud. Because of him, four other angels came into being from another cloud… (Gospel of Judas. A link to the full Gospel is at the bottom of this email)

The question begs… who were these so-called angels? Why did they constantly appear when there was trouble brewing or when it was about to hit the fan? As in Sodom!
As can be seen, this idea is clearly continued in this new "Gospel of Judas" as Jesus refers to angels appearing out of clouds in the sky. He also refers to a greater universal being that controls all these angels and a being that has not been seen among men and angels. Not dissimilar to what we read in the Sumerian tablets. A really shocking revelation is when Jesus refers to another realm of 'more advanced beings'.

"They said to him, "Master, where did you go and what did you do when you left us?"
Jesus said to them, "I went to another great and holy generation." His disciples said to him, "Lord, what is the great generation that is superior to us and holier than us, that is not now in these realms?" When Jesus heard this, he laughed…no host of angels of the stars will rule over that generation, and no person of mortal birth can associate with it, because that generation does not come from… The generation of people among you is from the generation of humanity…" When his disciples heard this, they each were troubled in spirit."

Then we read about 12 luminaries who ruled, in the same way that all ancient mythologies have exposed us to their pantheon on 12 gods. "Adamas was in the first luminous cloud that no angel has ever seen among all those called 'God.'" Is Jesus referring to a larger number of "gods" that ruled the world?

The problem is that this Gospel, like many others before it has been deemed to be less valuable than the material it was written on. This new Gospel contradicts the New Testament in many ways and has already caused large numbers of religious leaders around the world to discredit it. But we should not be surprised at this behaviour as many so called Apocryphal books have received the same treatment in the early days of Christianity when the New Testament was being compiled by men with personal agendas.

The Apocrypha (hidden things/writings) is a collection of books written mostly by authors of other books of the Bible, but the Apocrypha were not included in any of the Bibles. They deal with Christian and Biblical themes, some from the times of the Old Testament, others from the times of the New Testament. There are many Apocryphal books that were not deemed fit by the 'editors' of the New Testament to be included, mainly because the message they carry is often in direct contradiction to the agenda of the editors, who were Roman Emperors and their appointed religious sidekicks.

This is a list of some Apocrypha, there are over 40 linked to the New Testament:
14 Gospels, by Thomas, James, Peter, Bartholomew; 15 Acts, by Andrew, Peter, Matthew, John, Thomas, Paul... 6 Revelations, by Paul, Thomas, John, Virgin Mary, Stephen, Peter... Acts of John, Acts of Paul, Acts of Paul and Thecla, Acts of Peter, Apocalypse of James (I), Apocalypse of James (II), Apocalypse of Peter, Apocalypse of Philip, Apocalypse of Stephan, Apocalypse of Thomas, Apocryphon of John, Epistle of Pontius Pilate, Gospel of Nicodemus, Gospel of Perfection, Gospel of Philip, Gospel of Peter, Revelation of Peter, Protevangelium of James, Gospel of the Birth of Mary, Gospel of the Hebrews, Gospel of the Infancy of Jesus Christ, Gospel of Thomas, Gospel of Truth, History of Joseph, Letter of Paul to the Alexandrians, Testament of the Lord, Wisdom of Jesus.

The real work surrounding these books began with Flavius Valerius Constantinus – 272 - 337 AD, commonly known as Constantine the Great, he became known as the first 'Christian Emperor' of the Roman empire and began the Empire's unofficial sponsoring of Christianity, which was a major factor in the survival and spread of the religion. He founded the city of Constantinople (Istanbul) as the new capital of the Eastern Empire which became the home of Christianity, filled with large numbers of churches and temples. He also proclaimed that Sunday would be the day of worship.

The First Council of Nicaea, which was called by Constantine in 325 AD, was the first ecumenical (worldwide) conference of bishops of the Christian Church. The participating bishops were given free travel and lodging. The council, which was also called a synod, dealt with the problems created by the Aryan controversy, concerning the nature and status of Jesus. The Aryans had their own views of who Jesus really was. We must remember that Jesus spent most of his growing life, since the age of 12 or 13 in the East, under the influence of several eastern religious philosophies and Aryanism was just one of them. Finally the Synod decided against the Aryans and voted in favour of Trinitarianism, which suddenly made Jesus part of the Father and the Holy Spirit. This was a whole new twist to the New Testament and the H oly Trinity was born. Another outcome of the council was an agreement by the bishops of all the Churches, to celebrate Easter on the same day. Is that not a little strange?

These were the wild and wonderful early days of Christianity, when most of its foundations were laid. The editing of the Bible's New Testament began to take shape, but it would take another 800 years before the final version was decided upon. This long process is filled with controversy because many books were omitted while others were amended before they were included. It was during this period that one of the first recorded references to the Catholic Church emerged. This Catholic denomination of Christianity continued to expand into what it has become today. The largest and most powerful wing of the Christian Church.

Food for thought it certainly is. Who were all those angels milling around? Who were the other gods? Where was the other realm with immortal beings? And who was Jesus, that he deserved such constant angelic protection? Once again we find that scientific discoveries seem to fly in the face of mainstream religion and rather support the alternative 'truth' about our history.

Michael Tellinger
20 April 2006.

Read the full Gospel of Judas:
Comment by s <3 on August 9, 2009 at 4:57pm
Chromosome Fusion
Evidence of DNA manipulation in our distant past?

The Human Genome Project has dished up some real surprises to scientists. The first surprise was the vast percentage of the human DNA that is inactive. It is estimated that at least 97% of our DNA is in actual fact a waste of space, as it does not contain any active genes that actually carry the code for any of our physical makeup. Then within the genes there are Introns – parts that do not carry any code; and Exons - sections that carry some sort of genetic code. The full length of our DNA is made up of some 20 000 genes that have now been identified. These genes carry the blueprint for the structure of our entire body. What is very puzzling is the fact that Homo sapiens, as the supposed pinnacle if civilized evolution on this planet, should have such large parts of unused DNA. We seem to have the longest DNA molecule amon g all other species, but we use the smallest part of it in proportion to the other species. In other words, all the other creatures use much more of their DNA than humans do. Some species use as much as 98% of their DNA.

This flies directly in the face of the principles of evolution. Humans should have the most complex and evolved DNA of all creatures, to have reached levels of civilization seemingly much higher than any other species on Earth over millions of years of evolution. What is even more curious is the predicted number of genes in species. The numbers seem to increase steadily from basic organisms to the most advanced. We would expect that humans should end up having most genes, but strangely this is not the case. Here are some examples of the predictions for total number of genes in species. Fruit Fly 21 000; Zebrafish 50 000; Chicken 76 000; Mouse 81 000; Chimp 130 000; Human 68 000.

Can you see the problem here? The Chimp is our closest know genetic relative and yet it has almost twice as many genes as humans. And then we get to the anomaly of the chromosomes. Our DNA is broken up into 23 pairs of chromosomes. By comparison, all apes have 24 pairs. One would expect that Homo erectus, our immediate evolutionary precursor would then also have had 24 chromosome pairs.

Just one year ago on 6 April 2005, researchers from the National Human Genome Research Institute announced that "A detailed analysis of chromosomes 2 and 4 has detected the largest "gene deserts" known in the human genome and uncovered more evidence that human chromosome 2 arose from the fusion of two ancestral ape chromosomes" as reported in Nature. It is also the second largest chromosome we possess and it seems to make no sense why 2 primordial chromosomes should have merged to make us human, if this new chromosome gives us no apparent advantage for survival.

So when we read in the Sumerian tablets that humans were cloned as a sub-species between Homo erectus and a more advanced human-like species that arrived on Earth some 400 000 years ago, it suddenly makes a little bit more sense. The tablets describe how our maker removed certain parts of the "Tree of life" to trim the ability of the new "creature" and how they struggled to make the perfect "primitive worker" so that it could understand commands but not be too smart to question their existence. Similar suggestions of genetic cloning are made in The Koran and Hindu Laws of Manu.
The Koran:
• Ya Sin: "Is man not aware that We created him from a little germ?"
• The Believers - God says almost verbatim what the Sumerian tablets tell us. "We first created man from an essence of clay; then placed him a living germ in a secure enclosure. The germ we made a clot of blood, and the clot a lump of flesh. This we fashioned into bones, then clothed the bones with flesh…"

Laws of Manu:
• 19. But from minute body (-framing) particles of these seven very powerful Purushas springs this (world), the perishable from the imperishable.

• 20. Among them each succeeding (element) acquires the quality of the preceding one, and whatever place (in the sequence) each of them occupies, even so many qualities it is declared to possess.

Notice the reference to "We" by the creator. The cloning of humans as a more primitive worker or "lulu amelu" suddenly does not seem so far fetched and the strange genetic anomalies seem to support some genetic manipulation in our distant past. The modern-day researchers go further to say that this "fusion" of our chromosome 2 is what makes us human.
Are we getting closer to proving that humans were created by his MAKER as slaves to work in the early gold mines on Earth? It certainly seems like it.

Michael Tellinger.
Comment by s <3 on August 2, 2009 at 9:09pm

interview with Michael, first few minutes are about other subjects but gets to interview with Michael about 10 mins in

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