It seems like every week there's a new miracle drug being marketed that will cause you to lose all the weight you want magically. If you listen to and believe all the claims the commercials make, you would order right away. Unfortunately, they are almost always long on promises and short on delivery. The latest miracle drug sibutramine, brand name Meridia, is a prescription drug and has actually got a lot of positive press. But are sibutramine diet pills safe? answer is yes, buy sibutril now.

Meridia suppresses appetites and several studies have shown that it does have success. Up to 65% of a study group lost over 5% of their total body weight while on it and reported feeling fuller, faster. Some reported keeping the weight off for long periods of time while others felt their weight loss stopped after a year or so.

Other benefits experienced by users of the drug were lower levels of triglycerides and bad cholesterol. Many also saw an increase in HDL or good cholesterol.

The side effects, however, were plentiful with some being potentially very harmful. Common side effects experienced by users of Meridia diet pills were insomnia, headaches, constipation and dry mouth. Serious problems were high blood pressure and heart rate increases. The side effects were considered so dangerous and so possible that the FDA came very close to disapproving it.

Basically a miracle diet drug with no side effects has yet to be invented and maybe never will be. As far as the question, are sibutramine diet pills safe? The answer is maybe, but are you willing to take the risks? As is the case with any prescription pill, research it well and speak to your doctor about it. 

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