Eyeglasses at Fashion Shops OnlineDo You Want To Read More About Eyeglasses? Check this Out!Anybody suffering from eye related problems, both physical and medical, knows that squinting, headaches and/or eyestrain is just not pleasant not to mention that itching, scratching and dryness that occurs when you are not taking care of your eyes properly.

Firstly, let's start with the basics near sightedness and far sightedness; also known as myopia and hyperopia. In short, near sightedness or myopia, is defined in lay terms as things in the distance appear blurred and one can only see clearly (or relatively clearly) from Cheap Ray Bans up close. The first signs of this are squinting; eye strain and headaches. A simple fix is a pair ofprescription glasses.

On the other hand, far sightedness, or hyperopia is when people can see distant objects clearly but objects close up are blurred. If you are farsighted, you may have eye strain, headaches and often feel like you're going squint when you work with things close up. For both ailments, prescriptioneyeglasseswith lenses that are made up accordingly to your specific needs and specific strengths, are the perfect solution.

Going one further, people both farsighted and nearsighted may also suffer from something called, 'astigmatism' which is basically when your cornea is curved (in the shape of a football rather than the shape of a basketball) and therefore, you see things blurred because your eye cannot focus clearly no matter what the distance. This is often an inherited problem and not something that can be prevented. In addition, the strength of the curve may increase over time, so this needs to be tested at every optometrist visit. Again, prescription eyeglasses and prescription sunglasses, are a great solution! Your doctor may prescribe glasses with no sphere and only correction for the astigmatism which will be indicated in your prescription's cylinder and axis.

Moving along, presbyopia is an eye problem most commonly occurs in the middle age years around age 40, whereby one can see well at a distance, but cannot focus on objects close up. Where this is different to far sightedness is that people require the ability to see close up and far away in one instance. Therefore,multifocal glassesare produced with an inner changing gradient of lens power that is produced according to the wearer's specific needs. In all progressive glasses, the gradient begins with the wearers Oakley Sunglasses Online distance prescription and then moves down to the wearers maximum prescription needs. Therefore, the wearer will have one prescription at the top part of the lens and another further down, in the case of bifocal glasses; whereby with other multifocal spectacles such as trifocals, the lens will include three different strengths.

Other common problems include:

Strabismus (Cross eye) when the eyes are not properly aligned or not straight. It is essential that this be diagnosed as early as possible because failure to treat Ray Ban Outlet Online this problem may result in complete loss of vision in that eye or lazy eye; as well as terrible embarrassment caused by the look of the eye. Treatment can include a variety of options, depending on the extent of the problem. Some of these include glasses, eye patches, drug treatments, eye exercises, botulinum toxin and in the worst cases, surgery.

Amblyopia (Lazy Eye) is another common eye problem, mainly caused by the fact that another problem was not dealt with Ray Ban Sunglasses in childhood. If not dealt with early enough, such Cheap Ray Ban Sunglasses an eye can lead to complete blindness. The earlier treatment is started, the higher the rate of success and it must address both the condition itself and its cause. Because the brain and eye are not working as they should, the treatment trains the brain to use visual signals from the weak eye. Some methods used are: wearing an eye patch; using eye drops; wearing glasses; or, in the worst cases, surgery.

Colorblindness, medically known as Color Vision Deficiency, is when people have difficulty identifying certain colors. Unfortunately, there really is no cure for this and the sufferers tend to just accept it and live out their lives as normal.

Blindness according to experts, the leading cause of blindness is a vitamin A deficiency, however, complications from premature births are also on the list such as congenital cataracts, retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) and so on.

In short, although they are not suitable for the solution of every eye problem, eyeglasses remain one of the top solutions for the symptoms of eye problems worldwide and when told to buy opticalglasses, like bifocal glasses, patients should sit down immediately with their updated eyeglasses prescription and find the trendiest pair of online eyeglasses available for them.

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