Does Weight Loss Surgery in India Work for Teens?

Obesity has become a common problem among teens. The volume of dangerously obese teens has increased dramatically, which contribute a big share in total overweight youth population. Despite the fact that weight loss surgery India is very expensive, and insurance companies do not often cover this procedure, you need to be proactive, and try to keep tabs on your weight or your teen’s weight to avoid surgery. However, a variety of surgical options are available for surgery, and most of them offer best possible results.

 Some major options in surgery are lap band, gastric bypass, gastric sleeve and mini gastric bypass. Teens who are severely obese and at risk of serious medical condition such as diabetes, heart disease, sleep apnea, and others are recommended to undergo such surgery.

Does It Really Work?

Many parents argue whether the weight loss surgery in India is the right option. Many studies suggest that these surgeries are both safe and effective for teens. While some experts say that surgery is not an option for most teenagers, suggesting that teens can reduce weight and achieve ideal weight by changing their lifestyles and diet. They just have to include more physical activity for weight reduction.  Since several studies have shown benefits of weight loss surgery for morbidly obese teens, the surgery has finally got acceptance as an effective weight reduction strategy for teen population.  

For abnormally overweight teenagers who are not able to lose weight with diet and exercise plan alone then they need to finally opt for weight loss surgery to help them fight against the stubborn stomach bulge and improve their lifestyle. However, parents and teens both need to be both physically and emotionally mature before undergoing the operation. Just like adult, teens also have two types of weight reduction surgery- restrictive or combined restrictive and Malabsorptive procedures.

Restrictive weight loss surgery is less invasive, in which the size of stomach is reduced to limit the food intake. This type of surgery makes the patient full even after consuming very small amount of food. The restrictive weight loss surgery procedures include the gastric band, the gastric balloon and the gastric sleeve. The combined restrictive process is comparatively more complicated for teenagers. This weight loss surgery in India includes the Roux-en-Y bypass, and reduces the food consumption by reducing the absorption of nutrient and calories by the digestive system.

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