Memories of My Army and Vietnam Experiences - Part 9

lebron soldier 7 Within my previous article I described a somewhat humorous event while using the Montagnard people each of us were working together with the Army Special Forces in Phu Yen's highlands. However, the very fact of being in the heavily infested VC area hasn't been so funny. Before leaving the Special Forces phase of my memories of Vietnam, I want to mention the point that we in the states are fortunate to own men such as these who're prepared risk their lives for the country and our freedom. I learned very quickly that these the male is quite different from the majority of people. There will be something that draws them to danger and doing something worthwhile with their lives. I stumbled upon that a majority of of these prefer to be where we were holding in Vietnam rather than being range in the States. Each Special Forces enlisted man and officer that we talked with declared that they couldn't wait to return to Vietnam. They will return home for a few months so return.

Oh - one other thing that I remember concerning the Special Forces experience was being at their camp when General Westmoreland visited them. When his two Huey helicopters landed every one of us lined up to salute and acknowledge his visit. Westmoreland spoke with every one of us that have been present in those days. I can't remember our brief conversation, but seeing him there made me believe that he was an effective leader who was simply ready to enter into hostile territory to see firsthand the concepts taking. It wasn't Westmoreland who lost the war - it was our politicians, the war protesters, as well as the media, who dropped it. Therefore, 47 thousand Americans died and possibly two million Vietnamese were seriously wounded or lost their lives. If i was focused on winning the war, it may have ended during the year that we was there.

kobe 9 Since these articles are describing my memories from almost fifty years ago, I'm struggling to recall many details, but one event sticks out quite vividly. Eventually we received word which a company on the 101st Airborne Brigade was ambushed and two of their second lieutenant platoon leaders have been killed within the action which was still ongoing. As a result, all second and first lieutenants (which I had just become) locally were asked if they would volunteer for being flown into the tenderloin as replacements. For incentive anyone who volunteered could well be awarded the silver star medal. I am unable to present to you how gut wrenching this request would have been to us. I figured I will go but fear and the reality from the situation caused me to hesitate. Fortunately two lieutenants -- who have been career military -- stepped forward generating my decision in my opinion. As it been found, all these lieutenants survived and - I suppose - received their silver stars. For career serviceman, a silver star goes far toward career advancement. For me, it wouldn't have helped with my civilian career.

It mat be more gut wrenching than being asked to enter a battle situation was serving to be a member of a stretcher brigade. Our doctor as well as other available personnel from your Tuy Hoa hospital served as medical volunteers in the makeshift tent hospital for the outskirts of town; while others in addition to the most our civil affairs team served as stretcher carriers and medical attendants. One Huey helicopter to another - bearing the Red Cross insignia - flew to a designated landing zone close to the makeshift tent hospital -- to drop off wounded 101st Airborne personnel. Imagine exactly what it was like for many people to see these teenage boys being made possible with many wounds which are so gruesome that I've chosen to never describe just what it appeared to be. While you may have seen movies and newsreels that depict events along these lines - keep in mind that when I say, you don't know just what it was like unless you have been there. The truth is, as I review can be earning ! seeing these wounded and dying teenagers I cringe at the thought ones being among my grandsons. The purchase price that they can and their families have to have paid is indescribable.

Although I used to be recently married at the time, and my lady was very concerned for my wellness, the individual that probably suffered by far the most was my mother. It turned out after that the stretcher brigade incident which i received word from your Red Cross that my father had just a break down stroke and was in critical condition. My mother had contacted the Red Cross to view when they might get me home -- and they also did. I was given a 20 day leave to come back home and maybe see my father the past time. That's not me likely to come in some of the information regarding my trip home, but my father did survive the stroke. He did become paralyzed on the one hand, with his fantastic speech became slurred. He was no longer able to work, and died a long period later.

nike zoom hyperfuse By far the most eventful part of my trip home was my trip back. Having become accustomed to managing danger, the trip time for an unsafe situation was very hard personally. Leaving his dad and friends to the second time was traumatic to say the least, question I knew I needed to accomplish it -- I merely did. While i Landed at Tan Son Nhut airbase around the outskirts of Saigon I desired to pay the night within a Vietnamese hotel before leaving for Tuy Hoa the very next day. Again -- being alone in a very dangerous city like Saigon was scary, nonetheless it proved OK.

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