Some really great support and advice and.....

It's amazing how to come like came out to tell me a story cuz heavy struggle but first since he was 15 Yasser 22 so I mean that's the age range a ballista yeah and for how did it go to liked imagine god she's the shit no one total at fifteen years old to be strong for 22 that like at the whole life change like your 15 hurt when you still you're struggling bulimia have no one to turn to bed that's a long time to very long time and not have anyone really to talk to about it and yeah darkness that you fell yes she is she was kind of the perfect example I think that elicited and we feel is away and actually I'm but she doesn't see the number which I thought was really Natural Garcinia Cambogia smart underlies the heart he said you know when this next go I don't want you to be concentrate on the numbers and I think that was smart partly because believe that people that go through eating disorders day they can be so fixated on a number I just went ahead and number they want to see their way coming off their personalities are you know the type yeah words like I need to be perfect Indeed you start developing that like what's the number like what can I do to get there so yeah that he did that is very smart ass as she head weight and her goal was to be at 2:46 but she wasn't 266 is she still lost 40 pounds you don’t lose the sixty but she lost the forty and I thought it was just might that his next goal for her was to kind of create balance hey he's got on the go with six and fix was to do you think healthy for six days don't work out and do the right things for six days a week yeah what's false might have Chris it because that's where and you know what that's a lifetime goal that’s a lifetime because we can't always be so fixated on being a certain way in our bodies going to change as we get older and then you can focus on each day eating what you need TE getting in your activity and take it day by day that's less taking it day by day and not well what can I look like in if I you know starve myself a week yeah that's not going to help Yap so before we continue on we actually have a lesser on the phone Elisa Rush Khan how are you know higher I'm going crazy okay and we're so happy to hear from you thank you so much for reaching out and telling us he wanted to come on we are so excited total to. out absolutely could so right now.

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