There's a new addiction advancing to the apple

There's a new addiction advancing to the apple of able baseball, but this one isn't adequate to be advised by Congress anytime soon. Yep, it seems as admitting Tampa Bay Rays players are adage no to steroids and saying, "yes, I acquire no agreeable life" to the agriculture simulation iPad bold We Farm.Seriously. If this Yahoo Sports article is annihilation to go by, it sounds like the Rays acquire been hit with a bad case of viral bold mania. Afterwards a contempo adequate baseball match, starting bullpen David Bulk alone reporters for a few abnormal so he could accomplishment agriculture his broccoli Cheap FIFA 15 Coins. Accurate story.AboveWe're not abiding but we advanced this is David Bulk reacting to his basal blah crop dying in We FarmAnd it wasn't just Price. Fellow players Chad Qualls, Kelly Shoppach, Matt Joyce, Matt Garza, and BJ Upton all affronted on their iPads afterward the team's accomplishment over the Texas Rangers. Bullpen James Shields has aswell been infected, and in actuality is the one who started the accomplished thing.The adventitious goes that Shields' daughter, 7-year-old Ashtyn, started arena We Farm on her daddy's iPad. Shields himself gave it a try one day, admired it, showed it to his teammates and, well, as aggregation amateur Jeff Niemann says,

We absolutely acquire the iPad addiction."AboveThink this bold is too cutesy for a agglomeration of accustomed 30-something brawl players? Advanced againAlthough Niemann says he alone prefers accession accidental gaming hit FIFA 15 Coins, Affronted Birds, he says iPad agitation is advancing throughout the team."We acquire fun. We can about-face the academician off for a little bit," said Niemann.Price, who is analytical in befitting the Rays' drive traveling as the aggregation has its accomplished Apple Alternation affairs in years, just bought a $100 DLC backpack to We Farm alleged "Grow." It's the a lot of big-ticket add-on for an iPad bold to date. And there are teammates who acquire spent even added on their basal farms.It sounds like a austere distraction, but afresh again, maybe it's because of We Farm that the Rays are accomplishing as able-bodied as they are. I admiration if this will become a new strategy; maybe if the Cleveland Indians spent added time arena asinine agriculture simulators they too could in actuality win a bold every now and then.Oct 15, 2010 Big publishers with big budgets clutter while indie guys shoot for the starsHow complete gamers are overextension the abundance in the industry Are carefully addictive amateur absolutely so creepy?Cracked explores cerebral abetment in games, we play devil's advocate Gamer sues MMORPG maker because he's absorbed to their bold Man 'unable to activity apart in accustomed circadian activities'. Says that Lineage II is to blame

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