Dear Friends, We know the song, Some may even know the words by heart....My interest is ARE WE THE WORDS TO THE SONG? Do we strive each day, or do we make excuses for ourselves, to lash out, to walk by the one in need. Do we stop to ask if we can help, do we give when and where we can, Do we service the soup lines, Do we vote as we should when and where voting is available?
Are we doing all that we can each and every day. Is it on our "to do someday lists".....Are we active in the song itself?

I am honored to walk with such people as I have found here, may our journeys add up to something peaceful, loving, generous and kind for all humankind, animal and living nature in this entire world....We are brothers and sisters of one universe, we are one, Live well, With heart and Love Tina

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Comment by Tina on October 28, 2009 at 11:15am
I do agree Gunilla, The children of the world , who deserve the very absolute best from all of us. All that we say, do and how we treat one another is going to make some of the first and most lasting impressions on their hearts, minds and lives. They are so worthy of our greatest efforts and care...Thank you for joining in .
Comment by gunilla caisson on October 28, 2009 at 12:18am
A very good reflection Tina... Do we really do everything we are capable to..?.
The answer is NO, so let`s start there and let´s start with the children...Through them we can change the world to the better....
Comment by Tina on October 26, 2009 at 7:49am
Dear Janos, What an interesting "Flag" you have picked up on. I entitled this "We The People" To draw attention but also because I think those who are seeking and working for true world peace are "THE PEOPLE" in my world anyway. Yes I am an avid reader. I was raised to be so, was offered a wonderful education in private boarding schools for most of my life and went to nursing school there after. I did not however feel prepared however at the age of eighteen to vote with any kind of sensibility at least!
I grew up in a home with a Republican Mother and a Grandfather who was 50% Sioux Indian and in his mind and heart 100% for all practical purposes. When I met my father I was to find that he was a Democrat and quite liberal in thinking. So as I came into adulthood I felt that I had been exposed to a taste of many different types of thinking. As for who I am?
Well, I am Tina, Human being for the most part, I live in the USA, so I am an American, I am a woman, was a wife for 23 years and a Mother of two and foster mother to three. I am a Grandmother of six beautiful girls, all born to my son.
As to my political beliefs, I sign to no party. I like party's mind you, I am a child of the sixties! (LoL) but in so far as signing up to be any part of any political gang I am not interested. I am a member of the human race. I love all people and in my life, heart, spirit and in every ounce of my being , We the human race are "The People".
It is my thinking that for far too long, countries have separated themselves, states have followed suit, we have counties and towns, countries, and islands...No, stop it, we are all sharing a planet, air, water, mountains, we are all under one sky. The same sun that rises above you also rises above me. I have more than likely held the same coin or paper money as someone far away from me. We share thought's longings and humanity. You have children, so do I! You eat food, so do I, you like to plant a garden, take a walk, read a book, so do I.
We are people, fashioned in the same way, a smile has no language, and a hope knows none! Peace is universal as is suffering.
I do not see that one country has all the correct answers, nor do I see that any sect of people is all knowing or all evil. We are one, I believe it as I believe that I am typing this post right this very second. I do not know how to cause the world to take a time out, however I wish I could. I truly believe in my inner most self that if the majority of people all around the world stopped and sat at a council together without politics, the way of the ancestors, in a circle as equals and as fellow human beings, that rational humans could easily work some of these wars and issues through.
Our children are paying the price for our lack of causing positive change in our lifetime and this tears my heart apart. It is a shameful state that we are leaving to our children and Grand children and regardless of ones faith or sect, leaving this horror is shameful. There is no good to the destruction of the planet, top the utter waste and misuse of resources. There is no pride that we cannot speak peaceably in among our own nations not to mention with others. It is shameful and a disgrace to all that our fathers before us struggled to build and set up for our benefit and security.
I sometime ponder if the human race will ever allow itself to evolve, or will we forever climb up a ways and then back ourselves down the same mountains, time and time again. Issue after issue, time after time, in pure foolishness and hate. I may not be politicly educated , but I do not think one needs to be to see the basics of what is going on in our world and frankly it makes one almost want to loose heart and hope. When you ponder the actual reality of women, men, children, elders literally killing one another over religion, land, personal rights, water, cattle, ect ect. it is shamefully sickening. You would take another life for a slice of land? You would murder many in the name of religion? You would slaughter innocent children to say you were top dog?

We allow human beings to live on the streets as our animals live in a field, at least our animals are fed and watered, have fences for protection and barns to keep out of the harsh elements. We starve people, we kill one another and then we wonder what is wrong in the world??
Hello, world, I did not need to attend any school to see this or to figure out that it NEEDS TO STOP, like yesterday...
Ok so now you know I can be long winded and I haven't even begun to share my heart...I will stop here for tonight, for it is 12:45 am, middle of the night here...Again Janos thank you for the enlightening sharing of thought's and for the patience to gain understanding of one another. Perhaps we should go on tour and show some in the world how with a small amount of desire and tolerance we can have peace. Many blessing I send to everyone, Good night.
Comment by Janos Abel on October 26, 2009 at 7:14am
Thank you for that. Our passionate thoughts will do their own work somewhere. I have to believe that, else I would have to give up all this caring and have a good time for the rest of my days here.
But I can not do that either and have to fall back on the conviction that by thinking and saying what could be, even if not knowing how to bring it about, necessary work is being done. Some people say that that is how the new future is calling us to action.
But that is not entirely just "whistling in the dark". Have you come across Teilhard de Chandin's writing on the Noosphere?

But back to We The People who have certain inalienable rights which a misguided and fearful elite has denied for a long time---so long that we forgot about it.
So part of the doing is to remember we have those rights in order to find our effective voice. In a distorted form those rights were enshrined in the American Declaration of Independence: the right to Life, Liberty and---here comes the distortion---the pursuit of Happiness (the original third term was Property---means of livelihood).

So, dear Tina, you planted a flag with the title of this blog, it caught my eye, and here we are in conversation about a deep issue:
Why is life so much more difficult than need be?
I suggest that the concept behind "We, The People" is this question of forgotten rights rather than we the people, together, doing god to each other will make the world better. (Really hope I am not sounding argumentative or dismissive of helping people in need here and now).
The good news is that superior worked solutions exist, but not enough of us are aware of them and demand their implementation.
I have not gathered yet if you are a reader, but assure you that the elements of a Possible Good World exist as a result of many decades of "pondering" by many friends of humanity. Any easy introduction, as I already mentioned, is The Good Society by J.K. Galbraith.
Well, it is 4pm in London and I have quite forgotten about my bedtime. So it is good night to me and good morning to you.
Comment by Tina on October 26, 2009 at 4:08am
A most sincere "Amen", to all that you have posted above my friend. I want more than anything to aide in any way or means possible to find and activate solutions too, I truly do and I have done all I know and am continuing even in my own current condition to reach out, speak out and be a part of the solution. In the meantime I am hold the ladle of soup for those who are suffering, due to the governments and large coporations not doing hteir part to help solve these world issues. Not to say that it is up to "only" them to fix these things, however it is my thinking that they are a large part of the struggles of those suffering in the world.
As we continue to press forward and on, Janos, as we cry out and vote when it is available, as we write our letters and make our voices heard, let us also offer the band aides that we can for those who suffer only have the ability to find a cup of soup, if you get my meaning, they are forlorn, feel forgotten and are unable to help themselves, until something in and of the world is changed.
I think we do have the same goals, however just as in sports we all have a position to play, and no matter the position we are all a PART of the same team, we must play our part well and to it's fullest potential.
I am open to any meaningful solutions to any one of the thousands of problems facing our world and keeping us from progressing.
I do not think that life should be as difficult as it has been made to be. The world system is not working, the governments are not working and so many are suffering, dying and hopeless. Give me the tools and I will die trying to build the new and improved world for all, so that ALL people may live in peace and with so much less suffering and pain...
Me, I am one with the world, all are my brothers and sisters and I am one with life itself. I may not hold the answers but I am a heck of a worker bee when given a direction....Many blessings to you Janos, and thank you for communicating with me. Peace and Hope, Tina
Comment by Janos Abel on October 26, 2009 at 3:51am
Hello Tina,
I think we are on the same wavelength but do not yet fully understand each other's language.

By pondering I mean a process that ends in a clear understanding and decision about what needs to be done regarding some significant issue in addition to immediate treatment of the symptom.

I definitely did not mean to question the value of the kind of "activism" you describe. Only I mean that after the necessary "first aiding" and acts of kindness, the causes of peoples suffering need to be addressed---not necessarily by you in addition to what you are doing but by another team caring enough to want to put an end to the causes of unnecessary suffering.

Staying, for simplicity of clarification, with soup kitchens, "What needs to be done in order for soup kitchens to be no more?" leads to a relalisation that something is missing in the way the economic system is serving, or failing to serve, society (as J.K.Galbraith clarifies in his book The Good Society),

Now, if it comes to saying that there is not much individuals can do about "the system", then we have a fairly delicate communication task in front of us:
Life is a lot harder than it needs be and it is the "system" that makes it so, not individuals failing to care enough about one another. That is what Galbraith's The Good Society argues.
Comment by Tina on October 26, 2009 at 2:28am
I must ask Friend, Janos, If "pondering" is enough? While some sit and ponder, others war and argue the issues, while still others are being starved, beaten, shot and burdened beyond what is acceptable.
While some sit and ponder, others talk things to death and nothing changes, children go hungry without covers to sleep under the park bench, while still others are still fighting thinking they can force their ways onto others.

So I ask of you my brother of earth, is pondering enough? I ponder also of many, many things, as I am serving the soup s in the soup lines, carrying blankets along the back streets where human beings are cold and nutrition bars to the hungry there also.
I ponder so much as I am writing letters to soldiers who are lonely for home, packing snacks and puzzle books, tissues and candy for them, some fighting for causes they don't believe in. Yes Janos I ponder also, while I am trying to do my speck for the world.

One of the things that I ponder friend, is what if every Person in the world who was not living on the streets or tormented by the struggle to live life, did one kind, charitable, loving act for two others in the world? May I ask would we need to be doing so much "pondering then"....Peace and blessings Brother of the earth, Tina
Comment by Janos Abel on October 26, 2009 at 2:14am
...Do we service the soup lines, Do we vote as we should when and where voting is available?.... The work really start when we recognise what we are up against:

Why are there soup kitchens in the first place? What needs to be done in order for soup kitchens to be no more?

What do we do when voting is not available yet we feel our voice must be heard?

What do we say to those who believe that five or six of us out out of seven are a burden on the earth because the carrying capacity is at most one billion humans?

Pondering the answers to these questions is part of we, the people, "doing our bit".
Comment by Tina on October 25, 2009 at 6:18am

We are the life of the universe, shall we destroy ourselves, our brothers and sisters who are one with us in this life, on this journey. Or...Shall we rise up and take charge of our hearts, words, and actions, right this world and allow it to begin with me?
Comment by Tina on October 25, 2009 at 5:56am

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