into me telling you what I did is hi diet I E essentially like a preschooler is the easiest way to describe us I am so beyond picky with food and my main food groups are grilled cheese Mac and cheese chicken nuggets sandwiches solid things like that very very basic things on I could eat the same and I do eat the same suffer every night for a month and Thomas akin I just switch over to something else piece a guy like a typical day of meals for me would be cereal for liso cleanse breakfast a ham and cheese sandwich nothing all sonic for lunch and man pasta for dinner us how I’ve just eat my whole life I'm healthy I'm not dying I go to the doctor regularly I'm the doctors have said since I was like five that my taste would expand someday on 24they have not if there's anyone else out there that if like me like four year old this diet tips may be extremely helpful to you I think people will most be interested in is the fact that I did not lose any of this week thru exercise I mean my new year's resolution last year in January that I was going to lose weight I make that resolution every single year and every year it’s like I start off with the workout routine it fizzles out within a couple weeks are I start starving myself and I get sick of it and it's always been that way but finally last year what honestly pushed me to the edge in this is really sad to say but it's just flat-out brutally honest was I could not stand to look at myself anymore ohm there was a gap of time where I was not taking any pictures of myself I was hiding from the camera did not want to be in pictures that last year New Years Eve when I was in a bunch pictures out with people and then those pictures got up Lauren I was looking at them I was like old my god this is discussing this is the biggest I've ever band this needs to change so first week in January I went out and bought a scale I had not weighed myself and I don’t know how long and I was like let's just see where this numbers at saw it was horrified assumed pretty much was pretty sure it was the biggest I never bad and was like re: let's work on us the other.

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