George Williston's Comments

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At 3:26pm on June 13, 2010, Eva said…

iPeace is deleted from David Califa the end of June. Here you can find a new home.

You are cordially invited.

Warm regards, Eva
At 4:54am on May 3, 2010, Samuel Rodriguez said…
Hello! Mr. George

Have a peaceful and illuminating week!!!


At 7:21pm on April 26, 2010, Dina said…
Salam (peace), George. Thank you for your visit and your lovely comment. Yes, progressive materialization has led humankind so far from that Source of which we speak. We can deny all we want in this realm...but I have discovered that there are those who seek this way back...and I am truly blessed to have stumbled upon them. A friend of mine posted a multimedia graphic with the mantra that you hear. It's wonderful, isn't it? Hava wonderful week, George!
At 8:19pm on April 17, 2010, Samuel Rodriguez said…
Hi! George
Hope everything is well with you!

Glitter Words
[ - *Glitter Words*]

Find more videos like this on iPeace
With a Big Hug!!!!

At 7:20pm on April 12, 2010, Jose David said…
Dear divine brother George
Here comes my blessings. With immense love and joy I hear your interest in India's spirituality. Jesus' road to India is speculation, because his early life till the age of 30 is not that much recorded. But if you read and understand Bible clearly, you can see a holy soul (holy spirit) entering him while John baptizes him in Jordan river. Hitherto he is Jesus Christ, a double souled person. He started a miraculous public life from there. When on the cross, it is Jesus, the first soul being killed and Christ, the pure soul doesn't suffer. If you want to understand what I say, you have to be deep in karma philosophy or the law of action..
Christ was not killed, (only Jesus crucified) and you can find out the inner meanings of resuurection from this. Christ is still in this world, instrumental in leading Christianity in some way or other. He had prophecied that he will be with us till the end of the world.
One more thing: All founders of great religions are double souled, including Budha. When a pure soul enters in Goutam in meditation, he becomes Budha.
At 1:34pm on March 25, 2010, Charlie Kirkpatrick said…
Hello George. Thank you for the feedback. I will vist your site and send feedback.

Best Regards,
At 6:50pm on March 15, 2010, Douglas 'Ou-ee-ii-jay-ii' Jack said…
Hi George,
Thanks for reference to the New Harmony experiment. I took time to read some pieces on Robert Dale Owen. I find this is quite typical of rural community initiatives upon which both the US and Canada were founded but when we go back in history as you have done in your research, we find the same fragmented colonial settlement pattern being repeated over thousands of years in Asia, the Middle East and Europe in reaction to the feudal, commercial and industrial organisation of cities and empires.

Yet if we go back in time to the indigenous period we find a whole range of checks and balances to harmonise community development. Our urban based participatory cohousing for tolks is to remain in the urban settings where we are and transform them through these indigenous methods of communication and economy.
At 6:09am on March 4, 2010, Douglas 'Ou-ee-ii-jay-ii' Jack said…
Hi George,
Just listened to your other videos learning What Our Hearts are For and History of Endless American War. I appreciate the importance of your historical focus. I'm involved here in support of elders in mapping Mohawk and other first Nation placenames in the greater Montreal Tiohtiake region as part of a look at heritage. Our group is involved in implementing 'indigenous' (Latin = 'self-generating') practices as a blueprint for peace in our time. High among these are the Great Law of Peace based in the Longhouse and String-shell (wampum, esnoguay, seewan, kayoni, quipu and other names across the hemisphere. We are developing Cohousing based in practices of the Longhouse in ecological apartment and townhouse building styles.
At 5:13am on March 4, 2010, Douglas 'Ou-ee-ii-jay-ii' Jack said…
Hello George,
Thank you for your comment on Tree food production as well as the valuable references to Oikos and your own page. I've visited your page and an article on Anglo Saxon war. I like your resume of our Celtic history. It rings true. Very few understand how traditional indigenous tree-led food production is so productive at 100 time that of agriculture. Agri means field which results primarily from the cutting of trees. I can send you an article or you can visit where I have an article called Indigenous Welcome and Orchard Food Production Efficiencies. The references are a bit scrambled in that web-version but tell me afterwards if you want the full version.

When we are talking peace, its important that we understand the role of ecological efficiences because when we destroy th earth's capacities, we also destroy human capacities and relationships.
At 9:04am on February 16, 2010, Christine Quelch said…
Hi George,

Australia also has a big debt. I used to worry about it, but this is one of the things I’ve given up thinking about. My simplistic figure-work indicates that Australia has a national debt of about $30,000 per head of population.
Individually, the personal debt level is also appalling. But no one except me sees it that way. There has been a lot of speculation in land and housing, with it now costing way too much to buy a house, coupled with people being able to get loans that are far too high for my comfort. The house I live in is worth more than 3 times what it was when I bought it 15 years ago. But it is the same house. Nothing else costs much more than before.

We don’t see much about Obama, so he is still looking good in our eyes. He is due to visit Australia in March, which will be considered a big event for our government.

Palestine is dear to my heart, because of the experiences of some elderly relatives. I would like very much to see Palestinians free and independent, whatever that ultimately comes to mean, within my lifetime. I think it will happen, because there are now so many people who are concerned about what is happening in the Holy Land. I am very surprised by the groundswell of support for Palestine, because 20 years ago, it could not have been imagined.

I always like to tell myself, ‘things are getting better’, but it is getting harder to convince myself that it is so.
At 3:49am on February 16, 2010, fiona H Taylor said…
By the way, here is a link to their official website!
At 3:47am on February 16, 2010, fiona H Taylor said…
Hi George! Sorry to be on the slow side to answer your question about I Muvrini - it's good to hear you like them! I have copied this from a page called "Learn about Corsica" "Polyphony - A significant, though not the only aspect of Corsican traditional music is polyphony (many voices): unaccompanied (a capella) singing by small groups of three to eight or nine people. It is closely associated with the island's identity and its rebirth coincided with the resurgence (riaquistu) of national political ambition in the seventies. Thirty years on polyphony is widely celebrated as the country's cultural expression - more than any other art form./i> . . There is so much more to them, I would say they fall into the World Music category, among others. I would really encourage you to google them? Best of luck with it and enjoy!

Best wishes
At 12:49am on February 14, 2010, Christine Quelch said…
How are you? Last time you said something to me you were very unhappy about how the Health Bill was evolving. Any promising changes?

I think this Bill is important both for the health of Americans, and because it will signify a change of attitude, that is even more important.
At 8:14pm on February 4, 2010, tariq said…
DEar Mr. George Williston, Well i dont know more a small smeel about his pipline you are talking , but if you know more than i do pls exchange with my cause i would love also to inform you if i get more onformation pls keep in touch.thanx,khan
At 9:36am on January 27, 2010, Christine Quelch said…
Hello George, Lovely to hear from you.
I would like very much to know more about the progress of the American health care bill. I’m keen for this bill to be successful, because it will be good for everyone, not just poor people. In Australia, we have reasonably good health care for everyone, not perfect, but it is acceptable.
One of the things that keeps down the overall cost of health care in Australia is that we have a tiny government department that does all the shopping for drugs for all hospitals in Australia, once a year. The people in this department know what drugs work best, and they barter for best price. The American drug companies HATE this department, and they tried to block the free trade deal with Australia (when Bush was around), because they reckoned this department was not playing fair. For a while, I thought they would win, but do you know, we do not subsidize any of our farmers, so it is practically impossible to say we are not free traders.

The Barrak photo suits me well because I would love to see a free and independent Palestine. I know about Palestine only because I have relatives, now mostly gone, who lived there until ’48. I think the actual ‘photo’ is a copy of an old revolutionary poster which originally had a girl on it. This is the best I could find on a quick google images search:
Use the word “poster + ” if you want to search further.

‘Revolutionary’ propaganda posters had a fascinating art style all of their own. Some of the Chinese stuff is good, certainly entertaining.

Everywhere on the internet I come across comments where people are bitterly disappointed with Barrak. I understand, but, for the moment, I am going to suspend my judgement, politics can be like a card game, it is only when you reveal your final hand that you win or loose. Maybe I am an eternal optimist, but I will hang out for a while longer...
At 1:08am on January 17, 2010, Melitta said…
Hi George,
I just the chance to read your brief essay on "This Tribe of Mine" website what you wrote:
Is pretty much what the Rainbow Gathering is all about.I can see why you liked so much the doc."Warriors of the Rainbow".
At 4:06am on January 16, 2010, Motorcycle Hippy Al said…

"Sorry" about the visualization, but I Love to use them to express My True feelings.Hope this finds You & Yours in Good Health & Spirits. Namaste.

"Happy Trails"
At 7:27pm on January 14, 2010, Ali Afifi said…
I welcome your friendship in peace, love and light and welcome dear friend to join my social network for questions about Islam and Quran if u are interested or if there are any misunderstandings or misconceptions about them.

Visit The Truth
At 7:09pm on January 12, 2010, Naresh Kadyan said…
At 2:03am on January 12, 2010, Vaughan Jones said…

Thanks for responding. I'd be happy to forward mine to you. Obviously the copyright is registered to me, so no hassle. To do so I'll need your email address. Please send it to me on my email address; - I will then attach the ebook(only about 40 A4 pages in length) in a message to you. You can then open it in Adobe Reader, because it is a PDF file, and then read it on your monitor or print it out to read a hard copy if you so prefer.

I'd rather not attach it openly on a social network message like Ning, or any other.

Thanks man,


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