Ana's Comments

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At 10:26pm on March 16, 2010, Geraldo Maia said…
Es verdad que non comprendes nadie en portugues? Puxa, mas non éstan dificil assim, tudo bien, vou tentar otros poemas en espanhol, son tan próximos, mas tambien bien diversos, lo importante és que sentes mismo asim lo que escrevo e que sinto e me gusta mucho lo que escribes.

At 9:38pm on March 16, 2010, Samier said…
what worries me is not what we teach them !!!! is what they truly feels !!! and its sad !!
At 8:39pm on March 16, 2010, Samier said…
I wish that they can see and feel better life than what we did !!its not their fault that they were born to this sad world !!! I really wish that all the leaders in the world would think !!!! just for one second if they would except that for their kid for one min......not for a life time !! their life (kids ) totally will be different !!! May God helps all
At 7:42pm on March 16, 2010, Geraldo Maia said…
Gracis por tus comentários, querida Ana, si, esqueceram que elamor esla arte de e conocer o que de mejor y más profundo tene lo otro e lo conundem com eso comércio afetivo com que nos dejamos a enganar todos los dias en nustros corazones.
Um presentito para usted, pero desta vez en poruguês.


o melhor lugar é amar
onde o tempo faz sentido
você dança em meu umbigo
eu me lambuzo no riso
do seu prazer
melhor ainda é amar você
caminhar no teu delírio
acarinhar a cantiga
que sai da pele
sorver o som do suor
que abastece a sede
das entranhas
e amar com tanta intensidade
faz da ternura pasto da saudade
faz da manhã o presente do agora
e é tão veloz que tudo mais demora
quando o amor aflora
e faz da flor você.

At 5:52pm on March 16, 2010, Geraldo Maia said…
Tienes razón

El amor da en verdad un miedo inmenso
Aún más cuando es de tal modo
a todo costo puesto en secreto
con mil disfraces y ningún defecto

una dolencia de fácil contagio
algo o alguien que por ser tan frágil
requiere quedar protegido
o un libro que está prohibido

por su contenido subversivo
la noticia de tenor explosivo
de un complot contra el orden vigente

algo que precisa ser detenido
maniatado o entonces para siempre
proscrito del corazón de la gente

At 4:32pm on March 16, 2010, Geraldo Maia said…
Gracias por tua gentileza, querida amiga poeta, és mui hermosa por dentro e por fora, mira, estuve en Cartagena, Colombia, en el Festival de Poesia, e la traduciran algunos de mis poemas, non se trata de la tradución de lo google, non faria isto, claro, estés tranqilla, estoy leindo aos pocos tus poemas, bellos, mui bellos, como tu.

At 1:49pm on March 16, 2010, Geraldo Maia said…
si,Ana,la vantagem de la poesia es que puedmos leirla com lo coracion tambien, non solo com la mente, otra cosa és que in my país tenemos muchas pessoas de países que haban espanhol,pero en los países hermanos de lngua espanhola tenmos pocos basilenos falando português, daí és mas dffícil leir y entender estoidioma, Mas sus poemas on buenos, muchas gracias por elles, voy enviarla alguns poemas traduzidos para el espanhol.

Muchos besos,
At 3:06am on March 16, 2010, Geraldo Maia said…
Oi, Ana, gracias por su atencion y cariño. Usted estás siempre por aqum en tu poesia, en alma suelta n tus palabras, muchas gracias por usted existir adonde quieres que estejas.

At 2:29am on March 16, 2010, Geraldo Maia said…
Bela poesia Ana, muito bom seus poemas, gostaria desabermais de vc, posso? E ler mais poemas.

At 4:35am on March 14, 2010, zm_explorateur said…
At 7:30pm on March 13, 2010, Ravishankar.G said…
The mind and the body are your servants or instruments. You are holding the body just as you are holding a long walking stick in your hand.

Let us help our self to understand that we are not the possessor .

We are proprietor of this body.

Love & Light
At 7:22pm on March 13, 2010, Ravishankar.G said…
God helps those who help themselves. God’s grace will descend only on those persons who exert. The Lord’s grace will descend in proportion to the degree of surrender. The more the surrender, the more the grace....

Love & Light
At 7:16pm on March 13, 2010, Ravishankar.G said…
Thanks Ana,

There is a great Master of Masters, the Indweller of your heart. Turn the gaze inwards, withdraw the senses and seek His help. Rest in Him. Identify yourself with Him. Search Him in your heart.

Love & Light
At 10:26pm on March 2, 2010, Dave Kenyon said…
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As you align with your empowering intentions you create a powerful force for good in your life and in our world. This time calls for a value-added gift from each of us; add yours by being your beautiful genuine self and shining forth the expression of love that is uniquely you! ~Dave Kenyon

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"Heaven on Earth is a choice you must make, not a place you must find."
~Dr. Wayne Dyer
At 4:51pm on March 1, 2010, Dave Kenyon said…
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Begin and end each day with celebration of your beautiful life; what we treasure will be expanded. No matter your outer circumstance; your gratitude will open more and more channels to your flow of abundant prosperity.
~Dave Kenyon
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At 6:25pm on February 27, 2010, Samuel Rodriguez said… myspace graphic comments
Graphics for Weekend Comments

Peace Always!!!


At 11:32pm on February 24, 2010, Dave Kenyon said…
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"Synchronicity is an ever present reality for those who have eyes to see."
~Carl Jung

"Though we can't always see it at the time,
if we look upon events with some perspective,
we see things always happen for our best interests.
We are always being guided in a way
better than we know ourselves."
~Swami Satchidananda

"Synchronistic meetings are like mirrors that reflect something of ourselves.
If we want to grow spiritually, all we have to do is take a good look.
Synchronicity holds the promise that if we want to change inside,
the patterns in our external life will change aswell."
~Jean Shinoda Bolen

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Synchronicity lies beyond the context of our subliminal programs and in the field of unlimited potentials; you are one with the creative energy of the universe. Live your life in the consciousness of co-creation and let your light shine bright. ~Dave Kenyon
At 2:20am on February 17, 2010, Ana said…
David; Thank you for your videos and for your always wise pieces od advice.
Did you see the film " Beyond the Dreams"'? It is really good.
You are always so positive, Dave... Thank you for that.
Big hug.
At 11:01pm on February 16, 2010, Dave Kenyon said…
Empower Yourself Through the Unlimited Power of

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“To bring anything into your life, imagine that it's already there.”
~Richard Bach

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Use the power of your Pure Imagination to empower the dreams of your ideal life; craft your right and perfect life through the images, thoughts and feelings you wish to live your life experiencing. ~Dave Kenyon

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At 9:03pm on February 15, 2010, Dave Kenyon said…
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"Fireflies, often called lightning bugs, are magical symbols of inspiration and hope. They are the promise of accomplishment through hope and efforts. They remind us that we have laid the appropriate groundwork and from it will spring great reward. In the traditional tarot, they would be associated with the Star card."
~Ted Andrews/ Amimal Wise

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"For those to whom the firefly appears, it is time to trust in your own rhythms--physical and spiritual. Our hopes will begin to manifest, and our ability to inspire will grow. Fireflies remind us that there are others who will respond to us and who are like us. They flash with similar creative rhythms. They will make their presence known soon, and they will make our life more creative and healthier." Ted Andrews/Animal Wise

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If the thought of fireflies has illunminated your thinking; know it is time for you to be creative and to collaborate with like-minded others for the betterment of all. ~Dave Kenyon

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