Joe Marshalla's Comments

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At 10:50pm on November 7, 2008, Kaycie said…
i'm sure after your experiences that things are quiet different for you - than for the rest of us trying to get outside the room.

hope i didn't sound as though i'm knocking knowledge or your work - yikes! not at all - very open to whatever will help myself and others obtain liberation. i feel like the furniture in my room just keeps getting rearranged but nothing gets thrown out! well, except my memory - that seems to be going pretty fast. i don't know if that is an age thing or related to all the shifting and energy work......
At 10:42pm on November 7, 2008, Jinx said…
Hi Joe, thanks for the friend request!
At 10:36pm on November 7, 2008, tan eng kiat said…
Hi Joe, thank you for the correction,I;ll try to go to the Diamond Sutra more often.AMITUOFO.
At 10:32pm on November 7, 2008, Kaycie said…
another thought on knowledge - it is great as long as it doesn't become another piece of furniture in the room....

like they say don't mistake the finger pointing at the moon as the moon....

so, you sing too??? nice voice.
At 9:46pm on November 7, 2008, AK said…
Morning Joe !!

thanks for stopping by.. you are very welcome !!

Have a great weekend !


At 8:56pm on November 7, 2008, Kestrel said…
Dear Joe, It's a pleasure to meet you. Thank you for your kind comment on my blog post, and thank you for all the work you have done for this "birth of consciousness"--well put. That's really what this feels like--maybe, in the coming years, we can put an end to the fear of consciousness and intelligence.

At 8:36pm on November 7, 2008, michael macdonald said…
I've been talking with friends about the music scene in Austin, for the last few days. There's a south by south west conference coming? I might get an opportunity to attend. I'm working on a project with a new friend. The idea just occurred this morning, so it's pretty early. Now she's not answering the phone for my big pitch. Austin's happening. I'll be back to check out what you're doing when I get some more time. Very interesting.
At 8:05pm on November 7, 2008, Nash said…
Hi Joe....great to hear from you....-:)
At 8:02pm on November 7, 2008, Iben Larssen said…
Good day Joe, thank you for your wishes, may your day be splendid and blessed


At 8:01pm on November 7, 2008, Barin Mehta said…
Yes, my friend, it is a process of saying hi and hello with a peaceful inner touch... so that really peace spread by itself!
Thanks for saying hi!
At 7:39pm on November 7, 2008, Kaycie said…
Thank you.

very true...seems i'm always drawing to me whatever i need to get out of the room....very much agree with finding what is going to liberate

In gratitude,
At 6:59pm on November 7, 2008, Kaycie said…
Good Morning,
watched your video of the interview on hawaii. Very interesting. Made me want to buy the book.

Raised questions that I have about the levels of existence - the mind is always curious - but then something else comes in and says more knowledge is just that - knowledge (not a bad thing in and of itself) - more searching is just searching - not needed to be here in this moment and to know Truth.

These are the two sides contstantly ping ponging in this body/mind called me :)

doesn't mean I wont buy the book...(tee...hee...)

gotta laugh at myself
At 8:58am on November 7, 2008, Muhamamd Moosa Rind said…
Dear Joe,
Thanks to add me, i am youngest Sindhi language writer from Karachi, Sindh. what is your life vision? and what r u doing knowadays?

At 10:59pm on November 6, 2008, care4u said…
They say a history has been made yesterday. I had some difficulty to explain it to my 8.10y/o grandchild (3rd class). I have asked him: "Do you know what is History" and he confidently said: "events which happened in the far past". "Right", I replied but added that what happened today (Nov. 5, 2008) in the United States is also History and needed a long philosophic explanation about the term History. With this in mind I looked for Obama's speech and created this typographic design:

Those were just words but when those words came from Barack Obama's acceptance speech in Chicago, November 5, 2008, they gained their highest meaning and impact, brought tears in millions eyes and hope to many more. touching even friends (like me) over the sea.
God bless America and the People of America.
At 7:41pm on November 6, 2008, care4u said…
Dear Joe,
Thank you for your warm encouraging words. I'm trying to do at least one good thing (which we call 'a mitzvah' in Hebrew) every day and so far it happens in most of the days. This is, in my view, the basics for making peace and I have no problem in creating friendly relationship with anybody. Whether it's the municipality street cleaner, the garbage service people or the guard on the supermarket entrance. Those are people who serve us and most of us ignore them as if they are clear screen. Here, in iPeace we're surrounded by enormous positive energies, good intentions and wonderful peace people. I'm glad to be among your friends here. Shalom Chaver (friend).
I've noticed some videos on your page but my slow old Mac couldn't run them smoothly. What are they about? would you be able to send some to me?

At 7:21pm on November 6, 2008, Kaycie said…
Thank you re: the mandalas.
Russell Forsyth is having a workshop on mediumship. He has a great crystal bed and provides powerful sessions. I spent time in Brazil at The Casa de Dom Ignacio w/Joao De Deus and was looking for a crystal bed in Texas - that is how I found Russell. His website is He was a a carpenter (maybe still is on the side - don't know) now he does energy work. (funny)

was reading your blog on here about the PDR and SDR (did I get that right, my brain is not really processing well this a.m.). Interesting experience you had. What you write speaks to the nondual teachings. I look forward to having the time to watch the videos and explore some more of your work.

have a wonderful day,
At 6:51pm on November 6, 2008, Nicholas Truske said…
thanks for your hello Joe, i was just now showing my wife, Sara, some of the comments between Nash & Willem Amendt and appreciating :)
Appreciations to you too :))
At 12:41pm on November 6, 2008, WorldPeaceTV said…
Thank you Joe...I would love to hear that, I didn't find the song here..but I am sleep deprived since I was up for two days following the election..I'm still on cloud9 and ecstatic fro Obama!
We can talk anytie you want. btw, I am good friends with anothe Austin-ite here!
At 11:53am on November 6, 2008, Glistening Deepwater said…
Thank you Joe:)
Your work is of immeasurable value and I am grateful to be friends with you.
Love and Light,
At 10:46am on November 6, 2008, Madeleine Weber said…
Thank you Joe for spending time with my passion

Art of Light

All the best to you

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