Jan's Comments

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At 7:10am on December 26, 2008, Gina Alzate said…
Hi Jan,

I trust your Christmas celebration was filled with much love and joy. Yes, I have been busy attending to continued developments of several projects and one of them is developing shows for World Radio 365. I have not forgotten you and I will keep you posted.

May 2009 bring you your heart's desires, filled with love, joy and peace.

At 1:31pm on December 23, 2008, Loving TreeOfLife said…
Happy & Lightful Seasons Hugs from Angel2Angel,
feel the power of Love which is overfloating on and inside of you,
you are saint, you are worth it!!! Feel free to enjoy:

Blessings all over the world, simply LOVE...

At 2:11am on December 22, 2008, Ana Paula Maielo said…
Hello Jan,
I always like to read your words, it is funy, but it sounds as if I could hear you speaking... Thanks for your always lovely messages and beautiful pictures.

I am very glad you found that book and I must admit I should start reading it again. I read it once and I agree with you that we need to be constantly reminded of be counsciously aware!!

What are you planing to do in your christmas eve/day and for new year?
I will be here in Sydney with my boyfriend and some friends. I generally spend christmas with my family. This year I will miss them... But that is ok! I make it up next year!

Well, swetheart, I need to go, but I leave my hugs and kisses full of light and wish you beautiful time with your wife, family and friends!

See you soon,
At 2:41am on December 19, 2008, lucky spirit said…
hi dear neighbor in NRW :-)
thanx for crossing my pathat the place called here...
in a planet called love...
do you know exactly who you are?...hahaaaaaaaaa
i love your songs...as you can see ;-)

where the hell is lemgo? have to google how closed to mönchengladbach it is ;-)
would be lovely to share minds life dear ... no matter where you are.....hahaaaa

was für ein zu-fall! schön dir hier be-gegnet zu SEIN!
habe eine wunder-volle zeit
stay well and blessed be
lucky spirit*

At 12:25am on December 11, 2008, Ana Paula Maielo said…
Hey Jan,
Sorry, I have hardly signing in IPeace lately. That is why I am taking that long to respond to your messages. I loooooove your pic with your wife. That is so beautiful!!! So, have you got kids?
You know, I was wondering if you know an author called ''Eckhart Tolle''. I read one of his books, called ''the power of now''. Maybe you have heard about or read it. I am just mentioning that because your mind seems to be like mine: works nonstoping. That was very hard for me and used to bring very anxienty. I really changed my life after reading yhis book, in a sense of controling my mind, my thoughts. I do not know if you will understand me, but I am not talking about limiting creativity, sensitiveness, etc. Quite the opposite, these great featurse are now more evident and pure. Anyway, you let me know if you would like to 'try' this book! I think it might highlight your blessed skill for arts!
So, I have been working a lot, trying to enjoy as well and go deep into this experience, although I will always miss my family, friends, country and brazilian food! Hope one day you will visit Brazil!
By the way, I love to hear the songs you loaded in your profile...
Well, we keep in touch and sharing love.
At 4:10am on December 10, 2008, Robert said…
Hey there fellow traveler! Hope you are warm and happy! Peace! ~R
At 10:00pm on December 7, 2008, clarissa said…
Thanks, Jan. Life's been good - very good! Love your work. Clarissa
At 9:38pm on December 7, 2008, sevcancerkez said…
Welcome Jan...i like yours all works..Amazing works..Şahaneeee!!!!
At 1:49am on December 7, 2008, Ali Afifi said…
Welcome dear friend to join my group for questions about Islam and Quran

At 6:55pm on December 4, 2008, Shayo Sulbarán said…

Amigo amor y paz para ti
Tu amiga Shayo
At 7:52am on December 3, 2008, Ana Paula Maielo said…
Featherdale6.jpgHi my lovely friend Jan,
I want to apologize for my absence all this time. I was getting ready to come to Sydney (I think I told you before about that, did I ?) Well, I took a while to setting up things and, therefore, time was an issue for me...
Anyway, I miss home a lot, but soetimes we need to pass through this situations to gain good experiences and reach our objectives.
And what about you? Let me know what you have been doing lately. Unfortunetely I could not see your pic. Maybe some error occured when you uploaded it.
Please, send it to me again. It is a pleasure to see you guys in that GREAT AND SPECIAL day!!
I am sending a pic from a Zoo where you can touch and feed the animals!
Take care, blessings, hugs, light!
At 1:34am on December 3, 2008, Robert said…

Dear Jan, I love your thoughts. So simply put and true! When we truly walk in the oneness with everything and everyone, we are happy, and in that state it is impossible to intend harm to anyone or anything without seeking to harm ourself. Beautiful! Speaking of beautiful, your witchy wife is beautiful!! Hope you are both very happy and truly at peace! Unity with all! ~Robert
At 9:12am on December 1, 2008, Gina Alzate said…
Hi Jan,

I am listening to your songs now. You have a dance quality to the rhythm of your instrumentals.

Let's talk more about having your songs posted on World Radio 365.

Do you already have this on a CD album?

At 4:11am on November 24, 2008, Gina Alzate said…
Hi Jan,

Thank you for letting me know of your music. I'll listen to your songs and I'll get back with you.

At 11:31pm on November 19, 2008, Loving TreeOfLife said…
With LoveHugs, Elke.


[..] In Liebe kommen wir aus allen Richtungen der Erde und bringen das Wissen vieler Kulturen mit. Wir streben nach Verständigung, Wachstum und Veränderung für uns selbst, für unsere Nationen, für die Welt.
Das ist unsere Absicht. Hier, zu dieser Zeit, erschaffen wir eine neue Welt, wir weben eine neue Wirklichkeit. Wir beten um die Hilfe der heiligen Energien unserer Welt und bitten sie, Zeuge zu sein.

LUFT – Winde aller vier Richtungen, Winde, welche die Sterne bewegen.
WASSER – Regen, Flüsse, Quellen.
FEUER – unsere Sonne, Blitze, die durch den Himmel tanzen.
ERDE – unsere Mutter, ihre Böden, ihre Felsen, ihre Berge.
UNSERE BRÜDER – vierbeinige, geflügelte, schwimmende, kriechende und krabbelnde Wesen.
UNSERE SCHWESTERN – das stehende Volk, von den größten Bäumen bis zu den kleinsten Blümchen.
UNSERE MENSCHLICHE RASSE – von unseren Ahnen, die als Erste über dieses Land gingen, bis zu unseren Kindeskindern und sieben Generationen weiter: vor allem euch rufen wir an.
WIR SELBST, hier und jetzt, bezeugen und bestreben es. Wir sind hier, um eine neue Wirklichkeit zu weben. Bei jedem Gewebe entsteht die Schönheit durch die Kette, den Schuss und das Muster. Als Grundlage für die Kette bringen wir menschliche Energie und die Erfahrungen unterschiedlicher Kulturen mit; die Stärke und den Stolz unserer Gesellschaften und unserer Familien; unsere Geschichte; unsere Bemühungen, unseren Weg zu manifestieren. All dies verknüpfen wir miteinander und fädeln es auf unseren Webstuhl als Kette, als das, was unserem Gewebe seine Form verleiht. Darauf weben wir dann den Schuss der Reise unseres jeweiligen Tages, den Faden der Schönheit, der Augenblick um Augenblick gesponnen wird, jeden Schritt der Integrität, mit dem unser Tun aus Zeit Geschichte werden lässt.
Und das Muster? Das Muster, das den Rest der Menschheit zum Verständnis und zur Veränderung ruft? Dieses Muster entsteht durch unsere Lehrer und durch unsere Absicht. Wir richten unsere Absicht darauf, eine Welt zu erschaffen, in der jeder Geist, jeder Mensch, jedes Tier, jede Pflanze und jedes Mineral in Harmonie, Gleichgewicht, Gesundheit und Freude leben kann. Wir bitten unsere Lehrer, uns zu einem Handeln anzuleiten, das dieser Absicht entspricht. Wir streben danach, in uns selbst die Göttlichkeit zu manifestieren, die diese neue Wirklichkeit erschaffen wird. Dies ist unsere Zeit. Wir sind aufgerufen. Gemeinsam weben wir eine neue Welt!>>

Von Mary (Nachname unbekannt) aus dem Buch „Schlange des Lichts“, Autor Drunvalo Mechizedek, 1. Auflage: Sept. 2008, ISBN 978-86728-064-8
At 1:58am on November 17, 2008, Clemens said…
Liebe ist immer gegenwärtig, in der Welt, in der Natur, in uns. Was sich verändert, ist unsere Erkenntnis von ihr.

Schicke dir ein herzliches Lächeln aus der Natur, lieber Jan.
alles Liebe,

At 1:20am on November 15, 2008, Loving TreeOfLife said…
Und was wir alleine nicht schaffen, da schaffen wir dann zusamm'n...
LovePower on:

At 1:12am on November 14, 2008, Loving TreeOfLife said…
Es macht mich glücklich, wenn ich Dich glücklich mache...
Herz tanzt, Herz umarmt, Herz fließt über, denn wird dauernd
aufgefüllt, wohin also mit all der ganzen Liebe ... fließen, sie muss fließen ... sonst gibt nur Staus, die tun nicht gut, die sind unnatürlich .... LOVE has to FLOW!!!! :-))) Huggies & LoveFlow, Elke

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
At 3:31am on November 13, 2008, Ana Paula Maielo said…
Hello my friend!
Yes, it has been a while...
Your words are always magic, your photos also always wonderful, a gift, actually...
I am good, thanks. I have been a little bit busy the last weeks since I am preparing to leave home. So, part of me is a bit sad, but I know I need to go. I have a goal to achieve there...
And what about your contemplations? Once you have time, you tell me more about them..
Blow you kisses
At 1:21am on November 13, 2008, Loving TreeOfLife said…

find and share recovery images at anonymousspace.com

LoveHuggies & gute Nacht, morgen ist ein schöner Tag! :-)))

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