
Gaia Mother Earth,Gaia Madre Tierra

Mother Nature, helps to broaden our respect for the environment And our search for balance Because, instead of competing Working together for individual and collective asset. In nature, all the wisdom of God Clicia Pavan

Members: 176
Latest Activity: Jul 21, 2018

How come when I call the Earth the name Gaia, Gaia, we see a woman? I am a woman, so ask a question drop me. Of course! Mother Earth. We are stewards of God's creation, and we are not supposed to abuse her. Unfortunately, to dominate the form of economy that is capitalism, which gobble up everything, including Gaia.
God, man is destroying their natural habitat ---
The forests, rivers gritam stop
Mother Nature, helps to expand our respect for the environment
And our quest for balance between the masculine and feminine energies
For, instead of competing
Working together for the good of individual and collective.
In nature is all the wisdom of God
A legacy of the man ---

Symphony to Gaia!
Among the trees and serene high cloud
my crystal confined in a complete circle
You surges smiling Gaia
with the morning breeze, watching me wake
and I wake up smiling too
for this waking dream that calls me
Agreement and see that nature is awakening in the kisses of love
In the flower blooming
I feel the beauty of nature
The strength of God in the waters running through ravines
falling like a white cloud
Making Nature wake
Birds sing
for you
a love song
That man can understand
who are the Nature
that creates and feeds,
are Gaia Mother Earth
Let's take care of our Mother Nature
It is a legacy of God to us
I feel the magic of life
I feel peace
Clicia Pavan

Sometimes the Earth is represented by the figure of a woman sitting on a rock. The modern allegories describe it or traces of a venerable matron, sitting on a globe, crowned with towers, holding a cornucopia full of fruit. Sometimes appears crowned with flowers, and beside an ox plowing the land, the sheep that are ceva and even lion at the foot of Cybele. In a framework of Lebrum, the earth is personified by a woman who spills the milk from her breasts, while shakes off his robe, and mantle comes a cloud of birds which repealed the air. Gaia was also the prophesy of the original center of divination in ancient Greece: the Oracle of Delphi. The Oracle, considered the navel of the earth, stood where the wisdom of the earth and humanity were.

Gaia is the primordial being from which all other gods originated, but his worship began to decline and was supplanted later by other gods. In Roman mythology is known as Tellus. Gaia is the energy of life itself, the prehistoric Goddess of Mother Earth, is a symbol of unity of all life in nature. His power is found in water and stone, tomb and cave, in terrestrial animals and birds, the snakes and fish, in the mountains and trees.

Gaia Theory, also known as the Gaia hypothesis is a theory which states that the Earth is a living being. According to this theory, our planet has the ability to self-sustaining, ie is able to generate, maintain and change their environment.
The Gaia Theory was created by English scientist and environmentalist James EphraimLovelock in the year 1969. Featured studies of American biologist Lynn Margulis. The name of the theory is a tribute to the goddess Gaia, deity representing the earth in Greek mythology.

When launched, this theory failed to please the traditional community of scientists. Was first accepted by environmentalists and advocates of ecology. But now, with the problem of global warming, this theory is being reviewed and many scientists now accept some traditional ideas of Gaia Theory.
The choice is ours: form a global partnership to care for Earth and one another or risk the destruction of ourselves and the diversity of life. Fundamental changes are needed in our values, institutions and ways of life.
This is our group, we will do the best for him, open forum, write
What do you think about it, we will only post pictures and messages on the subject --

Gaia Madre Tierra
¿Cómo es que cuando llamo a la Tierra el nombre de Gaia, Gaia, vemos a una mujer? Soy una mujer, por lo que una pregunta, mándenme. Por supuesto! La Madre Tierra. Somos mayordomos de la creación de Dios, y no debemos de abusar de ella. Lamentablemente, a dominar la forma de economía que es el capitalismo, que devoran todo, incluso de Gaia.
Dios, el hombre está destruyendo su hábitat natural ---
Los bosques, los ríos gritam parada
La Madre Naturaleza, ayuda a ampliar nuestro respeto por el medio ambiente
Y nuestra búsqueda de equilibrio entre las energías masculina y femenina
Porque, en lugar de competir
Trabajando juntos por el bien individual y colectivo.
En la naturaleza es toda la sabiduría de Dios

Symphony a Gaia!
Entre los árboles y nubes altas serena
mi cristal encerrado en un círculo completo
Usted oleadas sonriendo Gaia
con la brisa de la mañana, me observaba tras
y me despierto sonriendo también
de este sueño despierto que me llama
Acuerdo y ver que la naturaleza se despierta en los besos de amor
En la flor en flor
Siento que la belleza de la naturaleza
La fuerza de Dios en las aguas que corren a través de barrancos
cayendo como una nube blanca
Hacer tras la Naturaleza
Los pájaros cantan
para usted
una canción de amor
Que el hombre puede comprender
que son la naturaleza
, que crea y alimenta,
Gaia es la Madre Tierra
Vamos a cuidar de nuestra Madre Naturaleza
Es un legado de Dios para nosotros
Siento la magia de la vida
Me siento en paz
Clicia Pavan

La Tierra, a veces tomada por naturaleza, tenía varios nombres: Titéia, Ops, Vesta y hasta Cibeles.
A veces, la Tierra está representado por la figura de una mujer sentada sobre una roca. Las alegorías modernas describen o rastros de una matrona venerable, sentado sobre un globo, coronada con torres, con un cuerno de la abundancia lleno de frutas. A veces aparece coronado de flores, y junto a un buey arando la tierra, las ovejas que se CEVA e incluso león a los pies de Cibeles. En un marco de LeBrum, la tierra está personificada por una mujer que derrama la leche de sus pechos, mientras sacude su túnica y manto viene una nube de pájaros que derogó el aire.

Gaia era también la profecía del centro original de la adivinación en la antigua Grecia: el oráculo de Delfos. El Oracle, considerado como el ombligo de la tierra, estaba en la sabiduría de la tierra y la humanidad fueron.
Gaia es el ser primordial del cual todos los otros dioses se originó, pero su culto comenzó a declinar y fue reemplazado más tarde por otros dioses. En la mitología romana es conocido como Tellus. Gaia es la energía de la vida misma, la diosa de la prehistoria de la Madre Tierra, es un símbolo de la unidad de toda la vida en la naturaleza. Su poder se encuentra en el agua y la piedra, la tumba y la cueva, en los animales terrestres y aves, reptiles y peces, en las montañas y los árboles.
Teoría de Gaia, también conocida como la hipótesis Gaia es una teoría que afirma que la Tierra es un ser vivo. Según esta teoría, nuestro planeta tiene la capacidad de auto-sostenible, es decir, es capaz de generar, mantener y cambiar su entorno.
La Teoría de Gaia fue creado por el científico y ecologista James Inglés EphraimLovelock en el año 1969. Estudios destacados de American bióloga Lynn Margulis. El nombre de la teoría es un tributo a la diosa Gaia, deidad que representaba la tierra en la mitología griega.
Cuando se puso en marcha, esta teoría no para complacer a la comunidad tradicional de los científicos. Primero fue aceptado por los ecologistas y los defensores de la ecología. Pero ahora, con el problema del calentamiento global, esta teoría se está revisando y muchos científicos aceptan ahora algunas ideas tradicionales de la Teoría de Gaia.
La elección es nuestra: formar una sociedad global para cuidar la Tierra y unos a otros o arriesgarnos a la destrucción de nosotros mismos y la diversidad de la vida. Se necesitan cambios fundamentales en nuestros valores, instituciones y formas de vida.

Free Sweet People And The Birds Were Singing MP3 | Cell phone ringtones at
Mother earth all that springs from you is life, the birds sing for you a song of gratitude La madre tierra todo lo que nace de ti es la vida, el canto de los pájaros para que una canción de gratitud Love Gaia

Este es nuestro grupo, nosotros haremos lo mejor para él, un foro abierto, escribir
¿Qué piensa usted al respecto, sólo enviar fotos y mensajes sobre el tema --
Clicia Pavan

Who wants to open Discussion Forum---- If you feel free to do so
thank you
Love Gaia!

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Siéntase bienvenido, este es nuestro grupo, no de mi grupo
Clicia Pavan

Prelude . . . Vangelis (HD)

Listen to the voice of nature
Listen to the birds singing
all beauty of a new day
The air is mild
with a smell of ivy
A mysterious Light
radiates from the rocks,
A warm light
brings to your heart
Harmony, Peace
Clicia Pavan

Escucha la voz de la naturaleza
Escuche el canto de los pájaros
toda la belleza de un nuevo día
El aire es suave
con un olor de la hiedra
Una misteriosa luz
irradia de las rocas,
Una luz cálida
trae a tu corazón
La armonía, la paz
Clicia Pavan

iPeace for Haiti Earthquake Survivors

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Gaia has no dogmas and prejudices
iPeace respect the habits of each
This recipe is our Creator Ipeace David Califa
Ipeace a lesson of love, peace, freedom and fraternity
2 Haas avocados species ready to eat (my grocer would not eat so I used the Zen alternatives Ettinger good)

3 or 4 cherry tomatoes (tomato sauce to make the water very well)

Scallion onion

Spicy fresh pepper (the value of the degree of Ashkenazi)
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Ipeace a lesson of love hope and peace

Discussion Forum

The Magic of Nature,La magia de la Naturaleza

Started by Clicia Pavan. Last reply by Clicia Pavan Jul 17, 2018. 131 Replies

The Magic of Nature,La magia de la NaturalezaIf each person had at least an idea of the magic that exists in nature in the land, air, water and fire, respect for natural forces would be greater. And…Continue

Butterflies are fairies in disguise,are the small inhabitants of Gaia

Started by Clicia Pavan. Last reply by Clicia Pavan Jul 17, 2018. 167 Replies

Butterflies indicate environmental qualityButterflies are fairies in disguise. are the small inhabitants of GaiaButterflies are biological indicators. The variation of quantity and proportion of…Continue

HONEY used for dressing wound

Started by GOPI KANTA GHOSH. Last reply by GOPI KANTA GHOSH Mar 8, 2017. 1 Reply

Honey is amazing liquid, a gift of bees. We know its various virtues since epic days. But modern medicinal system do not have faith on its virtues. About two decades back I referred a project to Nair…Continue

Gaia pays tribute to the March 8 International Women's Day, Water and women have similar nature. They are the expression of emotions

Started by Clicia Pavan. Last reply by Clicia Pavan Mar 5, 2017. 68 Replies

Water and women have similar nature. They are the expression of emotions, hours are gentle…Continue

On this page we will share stories, pictures and moments we experience with the trees. join us and come and tell their story ---- Tree that marked the infancy or other time of life,

Started by Clicia Pavan. Last reply by Clicia Pavan Nov 19, 2015. 30 Replies

On this page we will share stories,pictures and moments we experience with the trees. join us and come and tell their story Tree that marked the infancy or othertime of life,reminiscent of a friend…Continue

Ipecac....the wonder plant for stomach cure

Started by GOPI KANTA GHOSH Oct 10, 2014. 0 Replies

When the British Army occupied North Eastern India, they made their base in Shillong now the capital of Meghalaya. They noticed the local Khasis had no problem but the British personnel suffering…Continue

Misimi teeta a rare herb with many cure

Started by GOPI KANTA GHOSH. Last reply by GOPI KANTA GHOSH Oct 10, 2014. 3 Replies

A rare herb known locally as Misimi teeta in North Eastern India has answer to many cure. It grows wild and can not e grown. Since its virtues are known now its demand is on increase leading to…Continue

HONEY used for dressing wound

Started by GOPI KANTA GHOSH Oct 7, 2014. 0 Replies

Honey is amazing liquid, a gift of bees. We know its various virtues since epic days. But modern medicinal system do not have faith on its virtues. About two decades back I referred a project to Nair…Continue

Kurchi and stomach cure

Started by GOPI KANTA GHOSH Oct 7, 2014. 0 Replies

Dysentery is most dreaded stomache disease in third world caused due to contamination of water. Modern medicines gives relief but temporarily and not without side effect. Kurchi commonly applied in…Continue

Gokhur and problem of prostrate gland

Started by GOPI KANTA GHOSH Oct 7, 2014. 0 Replies

Prostrate gland for men is important since it is three way valve to control urine and semen flow. After certain age this land hardens to create problem. Often attempt is made to interfere with…Continue

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of Gaia Mother Earth,Gaia Madre Tierra to add comments!

Comment by Clicia Pavan on January 9, 2010 at 4:02pm

God and the angels protect you
love Gaia
Comment by Clicia Pavan on January 9, 2010 at 4:00pm

Reinaldo Cruz
La tierra absorbe nuestras ansiedades
y nos conecta con toda la energía del universo.
Dios y los ángeles te protegen
Love Gaia
Comment by Clicia Pavan on January 9, 2010 at 2:00pm
Comment by Clicia Pavan on January 9, 2010 at 1:42pm

Philip Watling
God and the angels protect you
love Gaia
Comment by Clicia Pavan on January 9, 2010 at 1:38pm

God and the angels protect you
love Gaia
Comment by Clicia Pavan on January 9, 2010 at 4:30am

God and the angels protect you
love Gaia
Comment by Clicia Pavan on January 9, 2010 at 2:12am

God and the angels protect you
love Gaia
Comment by Clicia Pavan on January 9, 2010 at 1:43am
many young people start and stop, but she was in search of his ideal
she is older now, she continued with her work to defend the trees around the world
Hey read the story
Comment by Clicia Pavan on January 9, 2010 at 12:44am
thank you
You opened the link?
See the video of it
Comment by Clicia Pavan on January 9, 2010 at 12:41am

God and the angels protect you
love Gaia

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