

This is group of people who wants FREEDOM TO TIBET.And that H.H Dalai Lama returns to his home,Lhasa.

Members: 284
Latest Activity: Jun 18, 2012

Discussion Forum

European Parliament Resolution on Tibet

Started by Christopher Stewart Jun 18, 2012. 0 Replies

Why Beijing has already lost

Started by Christopher Stewart Jun 15, 2012. 0 Replies

Monthly Ritual for June 2012

Started by Christopher Stewart Jun 8, 2012. 0 Replies

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Comment by Tree Thunderchild on April 4, 2009 at 3:03am
I posted this in a very small group about Burma which since my earliest of days has captured my heart, though it may not be so 'popular' as Tibet to others, no less, it is something within me, that holds Bruma's people a special place within me that I do not know how to describe.

These words could just as easily be changed from
Aung San Suu Kyi to: Dalai Lama
And Burma to: Tibet
please forgive the sort of 'cross post' but I wished to share this with the group because of how well it also applies here, to Tibet.
Free Aung San Suu Kyi and the people of Burma

If able to I would love to visit Burma, but, like this?
If I am a person of peace, dose the Junta not put such, behind bars and in camps? Keep me from being able to talk with family, or country?
I love the "people" of Burma.
I wish to learn the religion better, from those who practice the path of peace.
What is the target of destruction?
The heart of Burma?
What I love the most about its people?
Why then would one wish to be a tourist?

Why then would one wish to purchase things from this country?
Who would I be supporting, the people? Or the Junta?

As the peoples lives are altered, so too I alter mine.
I alter what I buy, were I visit.
I do this concerning ALL nations,
but Burma ever since I can remember has held my heart......

Because of the heart of the people.
And if these are people of peace, and those are the target of its own military?

They seek to destroy,
...... the essence of the countries greatest asset.
Comment by Tree Thunderchild on April 3, 2009 at 12:38am
I do e-commerce sites.
I charge for the hosting on my servers of them.
I give to my clients a discount if they do not sell mostly goods made in China.

I do not like to do things like see things made in China and not buy them,
even if it means going without them while I seek a more local supplier.
Nor to end up having to pay often more than 2 times as much for them.

But it is my only peaceful way to protest.

But I do not want to protest!

Friends working together,
can get farther than those who do not.
I do not wish to boycott all goods made in China.

I do wish, for China, to show, it is more of a friend to peace.
And can work together for that cause.
Because without peace there is not prosperity for all.
And with the prosperity of the people,
more commerce takes place.

This is not good economics, for someone who makes a living
on free trade, and the prosperity of the people.
So I would rather find different suppliers,
the cost may be greater in the short term?
But better for the world in the long term,
if I support, those, who support and defend peace.
Rather than seek to silence the voices of those of peace.
Pure simple math of economics that peace is more profitable.
For everyone.

I would rather nations that uphold peace to prosper,
those are the ones I seek to do business with,
to help them to grow, and prosper.

Without free speech,
there is then the path to poverty.
That's bad for economics.
And how I make my living.
I will not support, what would put me out of work.
by making those who are the people,
poor and uncreative.
like painting a painting, but told not to express anything.
I see no value, in trying to silence the voice of peace,
but to listen attentively to who supports peace and who does not.
So I may know who I am conducting GOOD business with.
Comment by Tree Thunderchild on April 2, 2009 at 7:18am
I cannot view nor make videos, nor am I a student.
But events of the past several months have changed how I do things (I do e-commerce, and some of that is/was with China).
I would like to be able to add some text to a place that would be the best place to do this at, could someone provide a link for me to go to, so I may do so?
(ps I will have to look also at Africa if they do not let the Dalai Lama in)

I seek to use what power I have only to support those of peace.
Not those who's response to cries for peace, are with aggression to tell them to be silent.
We need the world, to see (and thank you to all in Tibet and elsewhere who I feel put themselves at great risk, to provide these images and videos!!!), that those who see with eyes (I 'feel' more than I see or read of what is going on) can be so moved.

Injustice will not end,
Until those who are affected the least,
are just as compelled to do something,
as those who are affected the most.

Tree Thunderchild.
Comment by Gordon J Millar ~ The Global We on April 1, 2009 at 9:23am
Dear Friends,

Many of you recently signed our letter from Archbishop Desmond Tutu regarding the Dalai Lama.

The Archbishop wishes to thank you. Please see his personal message below.

"Keep it up. You are the people who make freedom happen."

"It warms my heart to see so many of my fellow Nobel Laureates, stars, leaders, and people from around the world put their signature on paper, so to speak, to stand behind our friend the Dalai Lama.

"We have just seen a shameful example of South African leaders becoming timid in the face of Chinese "might" and their own economic interests, and refusing this incredible, peaceful being entry to our county --for a peace conference!

"It's an embarrassment that this could happen in a country that has known how dark life can be when your human rights are being smashed. And we, of all people, know what it means when someone in another part of the world stands up for your rights and freedom.

"So it's a joyful thing, to turn around and see you -- people from all countries, from all walks of life, who are willing to step forward, put their name down, and say "wait a minute, I object to this mistreatment!"

"It lets me know, once again, that good will ultimately prevail in this world.

"Keep it up. You are the people who make freedom happen."

Archbishop Desmond Tutu

Please sign here everyone!


Comment by maryse on March 26, 2009 at 10:08am
The video I saw on artist for tibet about the violence against the Tibetans and the death of one man who was sevely beaten brings tears and sadness. Lets all never give up this struggle for the Tibetan people. Our voices can ring clear and loud without fear. Let us support the Tibetan people who cannot freely voice their rage, sadness and even thier hopes. Long Life to His Holiness the Dalai Lama
Comment by Paula on March 22, 2009 at 7:46pm

Comment by NisimoA Rose is aRose isaRose... on March 22, 2009 at 7:34pm
Che bello il tuo commento Elisabetta! Grazie per aver potuto leggere parole dı verita' e gioia.Di speranza.
Comment by Elisabetta Errani Emaldi on March 22, 2009 at 5:18pm

Tolleranza zero!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Basta con la dittatura Cinese contro i Tibetani!!!!!!!!

Tolleranza ZERO!!!!!!!!!!!

Poesia di Elisabetta Errani Emaldi

Tu dittatore

Così tornerò ai bagliori dell'alba,
lasciando impronte d'amore e pace
sull'uomo addolorato nei campi, villaggi e città,
perché tu dittatore condannato dalle tue azioni
sarai sconfitto dalla forza dell'amore.

Tu col tuo pensiero accecato da odio,
orgoglio e ignoranza,
hai bagnato di sangue una nazione,
bruciato i villaggi,
deportato vecchi e bambini,
stuprato le donne, e assassinato
senza pietà.

Tu dittatore senza anima,
hai chiuso le porte del tuo cuore all'ispirazione
divina, tu guerriero del male contro il mondo
sarai sconfitto dall'esercito dell'amore.

Tu anima nera, sputata dal demonio,
non distruggerai lo spirito dell'uomo e le leggi divine,
ma sarai trascinato dal turbine della sofferenza
nel labirinto dell'espiazione.

Così tornerò ai bagliori dell'alba
lasciando impronte d'amore e
di pace su spiagge,
campi, villaggi e nazioni del mondo e tu,
dittatore spietato,
percorrerai le vie della disperazione
trafitto dalla verità divina.

Tu dittatore

Così tornerò ai bagliori dell'alba,
lasciando impronte d'amore e pace
sull'uomo addolorato nei campi, villaggi e città,
perché tu dittatore condannato dalle tue azioni
sarai sconfitto dalla forza dell'amore.

Tu col tuo pensiero accecato da odio,
orgoglio e ignoranza,
hai bagnato di sangue una nazione,
bruciato i villaggi,
deportato vecchi e bambini,
stuprato le donne, e assassinato
senza pietà.

Tu dittatore senza anima,
hai chiuso le porte del tuo cuore all'ispirazione
divina, tu guerriero del male contro il mondo
sarai sconfitto dall'esercito dell'amore.

Tu anima nera, sputata dal demonio,
non distruggerai lo spirito dell'uomo e le leggi divine,
ma sarai trascinato dal turbine della sofferenza
nel labirinto dell'espiazione.

Così tornerò ai bagliori dell'alba
lasciando impronte d'amore e
di pace su spiagge,
campi, villaggi e nazioni del mondo e tu,
dittatore spietato,
percorrerai le vie della disperazione
trafitto dalla verità divina.
Comment by Paula on March 14, 2009 at 11:49pm
Olá Nuno,
Tentei, mas não é possível aceder ao vídeo.
Comment by Nuno Jardim on March 14, 2009 at 9:39pm
Hi friends,
Please take a few of your time to see this video made by two portuguese friends who are in Dharamsala. It's the short version of "Tibetan Torch".

And please spread it.

Nuno Jardim

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