
Gandhi ~ man of peace

"Generations to come will scarce believe that such a one as this ever in flesh and blood walked upon this earth." Albert Einstein

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This group is dedicated to iPeace member Clicia Pavan ~ thank you Clicia!

Video by Cat Forsley

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born on October 2nd 1869 in Porbandar in Gujarat.

Known as 'Mahatma' (great soul), Gandhi was the leader of the Indian nationalist movement against British rule, and is widely considered the father of his country. His doctrine of nonviolent protest to achieve political and social progress has been hugely influential.

On January 30th 1948, he was assassinated in Delhi by a Hindu fanatic.

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Comment by Clicia Pavan on August 21, 2009 at 11:43pm

Gandhi enseñó el amor de Dios, enseñó la igualdad entre los pueblos, independientemente de la posición de color, casta, la religión
Dios no creó al hombre para que pueda
considerar otro hombre como intocables.
Dios de la Verdad y la Justicia no puede
crear distinciones de altas y bajas entre sus propios hijos.
Dios reside en cada forma humana, de hecho, en cada partícula de sus creaciones, en todo lo que está en su tierra,
Gandhi taught the love of God, taught
equality among peoples,irrespective of color position,caste,religion
God never made man that he may
consider another man as untouchable.
God of Truth and Justice can never
create distinctions of high and low among His own children.
God resides in every human form, indeed in every particle of His creations
in everything that is on his earth
Comment by SILVANA on August 21, 2009 at 5:51pm
Comment by SILVANA on August 21, 2009 at 5:51pm
Qualquer comentário que eu fizer,é pouco por tantas belas palavras,já ditas aqui..."Somos eternos apredizes da vida",e sinto-me feliz por ter encontrado,um grupo,com o qual só me faz crescer,apredendo com minha amiga Clicia,a qual tanto admiro,seu interesse e amor por essa grande alma "GANDHI",meu amigo,Gordon,com sua intensa preocupação com essa desigualdade humana,com a PAZ,para toda humanidade!Não podemos perder a essperança nunca,e vamos continuar a olhar e lutar juntos por um mundo,onde a PAZ,vença a guerra e a fome desapareça da humanidade...
Comment by Nidal Khalili on August 21, 2009 at 7:33am
Hello friend, in the mist of all the horror stories of occupation..the few positive ones is what I want to shine a light on..your search to learn the truth shows your amazing spirit of leadership and the compassion you have towards other humans.
I was lucky to the parents I have..and lucky to call you a friend. together we can plant the seeds of peace one seed at a to send u a book called Wise Heart by Jack Kornfield...
Comment by Liona on August 21, 2009 at 7:18am
Clicia. your writings about Gandhi and Jesus touches me deeply. I have so much to learn visiting this group! I am thirsty of knowing more about Gandhi as a living teacher for these times. I also thank you so much for your translations to spanish! love
Comment by Liona on August 21, 2009 at 7:08am
Hi Nidal, I am so glad I found you here! Well... what can I tell you... I am delighted to hear a little more of your story... about you, your father, your makes me understand better the truth about "love your enemies". When you tell the story of the bird and the guard, I can see how we all are, deep inside, connected with Love. And how you father love for the bird... without any expectation, brought someone ... 'the enemy'... to touch his own capacity of love. Well, all this touches my heart and help me understand a little more...Thanks Nidall. Send you my love
Comment by Clicia Pavan on August 21, 2009 at 4:44am

"Believe in Truth,think Truth and live Truth. How-so-ever triumphant untruth may seem to be, it can never prevail against truth." ashrams he founded in South Africa and India. As self-supplying communities his ashrams welcomed everybody as long as the rules of a simple and peaceful life were obeyed. "Whoever joins me must be ready to sleep on plain floor, wear simple clothes, get up early, live from undemanding nutrition and even clean his toilet."
Throughout many years of travelling Gandhi taught self-help, inner and outer purity, and a respect towards all living beings, cultures and religions.
The same as drops of water make an ocean, so we, too, through friendship, become an ocean of friendliness. The shape of the world would indeed be transformed if all of us live in a spirit of love and amity with one another. Simple gestures became symbols throughout the world: fasting and praying were the two most powerful "weapons" of Mahatma because they peacefully united big crowds; and took the wind out of the sails of his opponents. A peaceful march, a handful of sea-salt and a spinning wheel turned out to be the powerful means to finally rock the empire.
Movement opposed to ignorance. Respect opposed to enduring acceptance. Lived love towards all living beings opposed to indifference and violence. Perhaps Mahatma Gandhi's greatest merit was actively to live non-violence, truth and faith. He did not avoid conflicts when it came to taking steps against deplorable state of affairs. "Life spent in service is the only fruitful life".(Vinoba Bhave)
"Cree en la Verdad, la Verdad y la Verdad que viven. ¿Qué tan mentira siempre triunfante puede parecer, no puede prevalecer contra la verdad".
ashrams fundó en Sudáfrica y la India. Como autoabastecimiento comunidades sus ashrams bienvenida a todo el mundo, siempre que las reglas de una vida sencilla y pacífica por las autoridades libias. "Quien se une a mí debe estar dispuesto a dormir en el piso de fricción, desgaste de la ropa simple, se levantan temprano, en vivo desde la nutrición poco exigente y hasta limpiar su baño".
A lo largo de muchos años de viajar Gandhi enseñó auto-ayuda, la pureza interior y exterior, y un respeto hacia todos los seres vivos, las culturas y religiones.
Al igual que las gotas de agua hacen un océano, por lo que, también, a través de la amistad, convertido en un mar de amistad. La forma del mundo se transformaría de hecho si todos nosotros vivimos en un espíritu de amor y amistad con otros. Simples gestos se convirtieron en símbolos de todo el mundo: el ayuno y la oración son las dos más poderosas "armas" de Mahatma porque pacíficamente unidos a grandes multitudes, y tomó el viento de las velas de sus oponentes. Una marcha pacífica, un puñado de sal marina y una rueda que gira resultó ser el medio eficaz para finalmente roca del imperio.
Movimiento que se opone a la ignorancia. El respeto se opuso a la aceptación duradera. Vivió el amor hacia todos los seres vivos frente a la indiferencia y la violencia. Tal vez el mérito mayor de Mahatma Gandhi fue a vivir activamente la no violencia, la verdad y la fe. El no evitar conflictos a la hora de tomar medidas contra el deplorable estado de cosas. "La vida dedicado al servicio es la única vida fructífera". (Vinoba Bhave)
Comment by Clicia Pavan on August 20, 2009 at 10:56pm
The man needs find his ashrams, How Gandhi found his...
Love,peace, hope
Comment by Houcine Brahmi on August 20, 2009 at 10:00pm
If there's somebody through the contemporary history that his presence nowadays is a necessity is the most pacifist "Mahatma Ghandhi"
Currently, nearly in all corner of our planet of about hundred thousand or same millions of people suffer because of wars, violences, economic and political instabilities and of varied social unrests. In several countries, notably the developping countries, leaders include themselves as being owners of their countries (wealths and populations) what stimulated the violence, the oppression, favoritism and the hate between and against citizens.
For this reason, how much we need " Mahatma Ghandhi " ,
With my blessings and respect
Comment by Clicia Pavan on August 20, 2009 at 3:48am

Nonviolence is the greatest force at the disposal of mankind. "This message is the timeless essence of Gandhiji which can be applied to the problems facing humanity in the 21st century. The apparently simple objective is to realize that every action of every human being has. When the interior light that illuminates the whole world burns. The message of Jesus Christ, which is essentially the message of love, figure, according to Gandhiji, in his call on the mountain. The same message that it is the law of love, it is argued in the Bhagvad Gita. Gandhiji does not differentiate between the two. He felt that the sermon described in a wonderful language and graphic form, the Gita reduced to a scientific formula. Deriving equal happiness and comfort of both.
Gandhiji was firmly convinced that the message of Jesus as expressed in his sermon on the mount was not for his twelve disciples only peaceful, but it was for all suffering humanity. Just as he believed that Jesus does not belong exclusively to Christianity, but the entire world, but to all races and people, this vision of Gandhi and beautiful, the universal love of Jesus with all races and beliefs --- ..God how many angels of light have come here on earth to tell the man does not destroy nature, not killing, not making war, not get the purity of children, do not pollute the water -- --- God how many still need to come ?????
Namaste --- Clicia Pavan

La no violencia es la fuerza más grande a disposición de la humanidad. "Este mensaje es la esencia intemporal de Gandhi que se puede aplicar a los problemas que enfrenta la humanidad en el siglo 21. El objetivo aparentemente sencillo es darse cuenta de que cada acción de cada ser humano tiene. Cuando la luz interior que ilumina el mundo entero se quema.
El mensaje de Jesucristo, que es esencialmente el mensaje de amor, la figura, según Gandhi, en su llamamiento a la montaña. El mismo mensaje de que es la ley del amor, se argumenta en el Gita Bhagvad. Gandhi no diferencia entre los dos. Sentía que el sermón se describe en un lenguaje maravilloso y de forma gráfica, el Gita reducido a una fórmula científica. Derivado de igualdad felicidad y la comodidad de ambos.
Gandhi estaba convencido de que el mensaje de Jesús, como expresó en su sermón de la montaña no era para sus doce discípulos que sean pacíficas, pero era para toda la humanidad el sufrimiento. Justo cuando creían que Jesús no pertenece exclusivamente al cristianismo, sino al mundo entero, sino a todas las razas y personas, esta visión de Gandhi y de belleza, el amor universal de Jesús con todas las razas y creencias-- - los ángeles de Dios cuántos de luz han llegado aquí en la tierra a decir que el hombre no destruye la naturaleza, no matar, no hacer la guerra, para no conseguir la pureza de los niños, no contaminan el agua -- - --- Dios cuántos más que venir ?????
Namaste --- Clicia Pavan

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