
Voice For Peace

The Voice For Peace originated from Bajaur Agency, tribal areas situated on Pak-Afghan border is working for peace in tribal areas. The Voice For Peace thinks that peace is the need of everyone living in this world.

Location: Khar, Bajaur Agency
Members: 110
Latest Activity: Jul 21, 2016

Our Mission

Voice for Peace, based in Bajaur Agency, Pakistan, promotes peace and the rule of law while seeking to extinguish violence, corruption, and terrorism. Voice for Peace promotes education and sustainable employment as tools that can deprive terrorists of new recruits, thus helping develop a more peaceful society. Originally founded with a vision of building schools to serve youth, mothers, and others in Pakistan’s neglected tribal areas, the advent of war has spurred Voice for Peace to expand its mission, cooperating with the United Nations, the Government of Pakistan, and other organizations to help meet the immediate needs of people displaced by systemic violence.
Voice for Peace seeks an end to violence in Bajaur Agency and the world, and is committed to promoting education, sustainable employment, and the rule of law without resorting to violence in any form. Voice for Peace affirms the innate and equal worth of every human being, and calls on every person and organization throughout the world to acknowledge this essential truth in word and action.

Discussion Forum

How can we achieve the peace?

Started by Muhammad Khurshid. Last reply by S A K A R I May 2, 2012. 27 Replies

I am putting this question to all the members of Voice For Peace that how can we achieve the peace. How can we make the Voice For Peace the voice of all human beings?

Pakistan Is In Complete Mess

Started by Muhammad Khurshid. Last reply by GOPI KANTA GHOSH May 21, 2011. 2 Replies

There will be no exaggeration to state here that Pakistan is in complete mess at the moment. The people have been killing each others without any reason. Millions of people have been forced to leave…Continue

Voice For Peace Is Facing The Danger And Threat

Started by Muhammad Khurshid. Last reply by Russell Seager Nov 1, 2009. 8 Replies

Today I am going to request all members of Voice For Peace to keep this voice alive in case I may not remain in this world. At the moment the Voice For Peace is facing threat. Some forces, who want…Continue

Voice For Peace Launches Project For IDPs Settlement

Started by Muhammad Khurshid Aug 6, 2009. 0 Replies

The Voice For Peace is going to launch a project for settlement of internally displaced persons (IDPs) of tribal areas situated on Pak-Afghan border.Millions of people have been forced to leave their…Continue

Tags: Pakistan, Agency, Bajaur, Peace

Comment Wall


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Comment by Leah D (Pixie) on June 29, 2009 at 11:07pm

My Brothers and Sisters,We are All in this together, One World, One People,United for Peace,Love understanding. One Voice "The Price of Silence" is much to High! Peace~Love~Hope

* from my lyrics "A Cry For Peace"
On our land and in all nations
Greed and agression,Man's domination
Threaten our lives with their intolleration
Of their Brothers in foriegn lands
The fate of our world lies in their human hands.

In a race to beat Man's neighbor
Bombs created could destroy all nature
Why then must men strive to compete:
To see who can out do the other Mans fleet?

Around the world this story unfolds
To ensure our safety we are all told.
No Arsenal of weapons will guard those we love
From Man's inhumanity to Man
The World is so full of.
So put down your weapons and open your heart
Of this world we are All a part!

When I look upon the faces
Of All Man from different races
I see the children of one Mother
Brother & Sister we are to one another
One World, one people
One dream of peace
Is this a glimmer of hope
For our Human race?
Comment by Apolonia on June 29, 2009 at 4:24pm
About situation in Pakistan: .

Take action:
Comment by Loving TreeOfLife on June 27, 2009 at 6:28pm
IT IS white buffalo time, this is dedicated to Lady NEDA & MICHAEL Jackson:


I stood to see the mountains,
the flowers and the trees
I said I see your beauty
but where tell me, is me

the mountain said, I am your heart
and the flowers are your soul
the trees said root yourself with me
and be complete and whole

I heard them speak, I saw them be
and my mind knew we are one
my heart however could not feel
the warm hands of the sun

what must I do that I be free
I asked the winds around
go get your flute they said and play
and we will make the sound

the winds and I we played a tune
for all the world to hear
my heart grew soft, my soul spread out
to mountain, flower, tree - far and near

Indian Chant
Comment by Muhammad Khurshid on June 27, 2009 at 6:04pm
My dear friend Clicia Pavan, a lot of thanks for your post about Bajaur Agency, where my dear brother Dr. Pervez Khan, my father and my mother may be resting in their graves. Bajaur Agency is the place where my beautiful wife Fatima and my four little children have been living. I am really grateful to your for excellent post. May God the Great give you all the happiness in this life and in the life hereafter if there is any.
Situation in Bajaur Agency is very very critical as the Pakistan Army has been conducting an operation. More than 4000 people mostly women and children have been killed in the fighting. Some half a million people have been forced to leave their homes as the army has bulldozed almost half of Bajaur Agency. The people mostly women and children have been crying for peace. But who will give them the peace?
I am praying for the peace and happiness of all the whole world. Please add your voice in my prayers for peace in the whole world. May God the Great save all the people from horror of war. May God the Great give you all the happiness in this life and in the life hereafter if there is any.
Comment by Clicia Pavan on June 27, 2009 at 5:06pm

Talebans of northwest Pakistan declare cease-fire Bajaur is one of the country called tribal agencies, semi-autonomous regions along the border with Afghanistan.
Over 400 thousand people had to leave the Bajaur fighting, where the army destroyed five thousand in its pursuit of Taliban, which is mixed with the civil population to the innocent? Children?
Consequences of war may be chaos, disintegration, and apathy violência.o scene after the war is apocalyptic. Destruction, death, hunger, disease
All this caused some dictators in the world that will use the name of God, holy wars? Expert warns of the risk of increasing national and international conflicts
God does not want it for the world, who are you to be judge and executioner?
And back again? Ladies of war, hope that you give to the world after destroying kill?
drought, water shortage and desertification, and conflict agitate the use of land and cause further migration motivated by environmental factors is time. the man to unite, rather than destroy? We give our support to Bajaur, a little hope, they know that in the world who want peace and do everything for her, using the non-violence preached by Jesus and Gandhi
Clicia Pavan
Comment by Muhammad Khurshid on June 27, 2009 at 10:10am
A big welcome to all the new members in Voice For Peace. I hope here you will find peace and happiness. May God the Great give you all the happiness in this life and in the life hereafter if there is any. If possible write a few words in favour of peace as your words will strengthen the Voice For Peace. Please spread the voice for peace to the whole world. Please use your influence in making the spreading the Voice For Peace. Again a big welcome to all the new members in the group.
Comment by David Sparenberg on June 25, 2009 at 5:21am

You are the Enemy. We have hated, killed and died: our bodies muscled into postures of aggression, our minds imprisoned in incessant terror. We have engaged in slaughter across flaming deserts, in frozen wastelands; mutual destroyers, in burned out cities of smoldering rubble, in lifetimes of bloodshed, in eons of ashes.

Today I throw away my weapons. The systems are being dismantled; the machinery of madness is wrenched asunder. Are you hungry, my enemy? Here is food, my friend. Do you need shelter? Let us build together. How are you parents, your white haired elders? I can give medicine. What of your children, do they need education? We can teach stories; paint rainbow bridges of alternative directions; hand them a future free from the fears of our past, free from false answers.

Let us share this hour: speak quietly to one another, give the gift of unveiled glances; listen to heartbeats, raindrops of wonderment, mortal respiration. After so much terror, communion, communion like this; like softness of a kiss, like bread freshly baked and the simplicity of water; is refreshing, liberating our tortured, maimed and bloodied souls.

Most important of all—my enemy, my new friend—here is my hand, both hands, clean of propaganda, empty of deception, warmly open. More important than that—this is my face, my face without mask, my eyes to look into. I want… my Enemy, my Friend… I need to trust you, for you now, before it is too late, before it is later than the darkness, also, as well and equally, to trust me—to meet me on common ground. Outside of the cancer wards of power and back rooms of genocide and the cold crimes of hatred.

Let us now—now, which is always where we are—let us stop gnawing on the bitter roots of envy and vengeance. Let us stop feeding our innards on the poison fruits of the tree of Cain. But rather, let us answer for one another and say, “I give in peace and receive in peace. And war no more.”

David Sparenberg

*“Answers” was first written around 1984. It was published in TRANSNATIONAL PERSPECTIVES, Geneva, Switzerland, subsequently in THE NEW TIMES, Seattle. It was revised and reformatted on December 2, 2008.
Comment by Elisabetta Errani Emaldi on June 24, 2009 at 4:54pm

Comment by Clicia Pavan on June 23, 2009 at 2:32pm
The taleban progress towards Buner, a rocky valley about 100 kilometers from the Pakistani capital Islamabad, has sounded the alarm of the international community in April, but today the government asks the people to return to their homes, after a military operation that left a landscape of destruction. The most intense fighting in this valley of steep green mountains ended a month ago, but the scars of war are still evident, the second was able to prove the agency Efe on a tour of the Army and the Pakistani authorities to the region. Report of the EFE. Visit UOL News http://noticias-23-06-2009
Comment by Muhammad Khurshid on June 23, 2009 at 12:47pm
Thank you very much my dear friend Clicia Pavan for your posting in the Voice For Peace. Actually the people in tribal areas are in pain as deaths and destruction have been affecting them mentally physically. Thank you very much for feeling the pain of displaced persons. May God the Great give you all the happiness in this life and in the life hereafter if there is any.

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