a letter to my Palestinian brothers in gaza and everywhere

Dear Palestinian brothers,

It is with a heavy heart I write to you today. Gaza is burning. The border with Israel is under fire. Children on both sides of the fence are terrified, traumatized for life, wounded in body and soul. Life!! Life is lost. Blood flows! Pain and tears and anguish abound.

How familiar it all is, my brothers? How well we know these images, this fear clutching our throats, hope slipping away from our hearts?

A new year has begun. I am sitting here near my computer in the dark night, in my home by the sea. This sea that is ours, our Mediterranean sea, our culture, we the people of wandering, we the homeless, the homesick, we the fighters ,the builders, the survivors, our dreams like waves and tide, pulled by the moon and stars to eternity.
Since that fateful day in 1994 when Rabin was murdered a few feet from me, since that awful moment, I have dedicated much of my public life to singing and speaking for peace.

I have seen the peace process rise and fall and rise like the breast of a woman breathing in the night. I have seen opportunities missed, so many missed, so many chances, so much ignorance and stubbornness and bullheadedness, so much beauty trampled under the heavy boot of pride. I have sung and I have spoken, I have argued and I have embraced, I have been moved to tears so many times, I have made the most unlikely friends….friends I would give my right arm for, friends I would run across the border under fire to protect.
And today, today I say this; we have one joint enemy, one awful joint enemy and we must all work together to eradicate it!

That enemy is fanaticism my friends. That enemy is extremism in all its ugly reincarnations and manifestations.
That enemy is all men who put “god” above life, who claim “god” as their sword and shield, who claim “god” is on THEIR side. Jews, Muslims, Christians, all share this black streak. All have fallen to this destructive, horrible fanaticism at some point in their histories and the results have been devastating.

I have often spoken out against fanaticism in my country, for I find it repulsive and unbearable. In government, in settlements, in synagogues, I am passionately against it. I have risked my career and my wellbeing for this belief.
Now I see the ugly head of fanaticism, I see it large and horrid, I see it’s black eyes and spine-chilling smile, I see blood on its hands and I know one of its many names: Hamas.

You know this too, my brothers. You know this ugly monster. You know it is raping your women and raping the minds of your children. You know it is educating to hatred and death. You know it is chauvinistic and violent, greedy and selfish, it feeds on your blood and screams out Allah’s name on vain, it hides like a thief, uses the innocent as human shields, uses your mosques as arsenals, lies and cheats, uses YOU, tortures you, holds you hostage!!
I know this is true my brothers!! I know YOU know the truth!!And I know you cannot say it for fear of life so I will say it for you!! I fear nothing!!

I am privileged to live in a democracy where women are not objects but presidents, where a singer can say and do as she pleases! I know you do not have this privilege (yet…but you will, inshallah, you will…)

I know you are SICK of being held hostage by this demon, this ugly beast, not in Gaza, not in Iran or Iraq or Afghanistan, not anywhere!!! You are a people destined to flourish in peace! Your majestic history is overflowing with creativity, literature science and music, endless contributions to humanity, not crippling, torturing fanaticism, yelling Jihad and Shahid! I see you sometimes, out in the streets, demonstrating with the monsters, yelling ‘death to the Jews, death to Israel!! but I don’t believe you! I know where your heart is! It is just where mine is, with my children, with the earth, with the heavens, with music, with HOPE!! You want nothing of this but you have no choice! I see through your veil of fear my brothers, through your burka! I embrace your hopes for they are mine!

My country has made many many mistakes over the years, I have watched it miss so many opportunities, and as a citizen of this country I am the first to admit it and criticize its foolery. I demonstrate, I vote, I speak out, I sing loud and clear.

But, now, today, I know that deep in your hearts YOU WISH for the demise of this beast called Hamas who has terrorized and murdered you, who has turned Gaza into a trash heap of poverty, disease and misery. Who in the name of “allah” has sacrificed you on the bloody alter of pride and greed.

My brothers, I cry for you. I cry for us too, yes, I cry for my fellow countrymen suffering the bombs in the south and north and everywhere, I cry for the kidnapped soldiers and the murdered ones, for their bereft families, for the innocence lost forever, but I cry especially painfully for you for I know your suffering, I feel you, I feel you!!
I can only wish for you that Israel will do the job we all know needs to be done, and finally RID YOU of this cancer, this virus, this monster called fantacism, today, called Hamas. And that these killers will find what little compassion may still exist in their hearts and STOP using you and your children as human shields for their cowardice and crimes.

And then… then , maybe, Inshallah, we will again have an opportunity..we will again pick up our broken bodies and souls and walk slowly towards each other, reach out a tired hand, look into eyes filled with tears and with a choked voice say: “Shalom. Salam. Enough. Enough my brother ….

you want some coffee? Here, sit for a while…lets talk….we know the words, we know the songs, we know the road….


With a broken heart still yearning to love,
Your friend,

Jan 5th, 2009

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Comment by Peace_maker on February 1, 2009 at 6:50pm
and then I must say is land and having the other people taking it away from them I can say many things how I feel of this.. but it wud not bring peace but as well the flip side of a coin that would fuel more words from every one when some said Palestine, and the sword will not be given up until there is land given back and have both sides become will be fair with each other making human rights possible and sharing land rights and water and not having one access of politcal power and religion stand in one beliefs as people of a civilized world.. knowing that I have not been there or live there to see it but as I said only heard it on what I had read on ipeace where the info I get is here...
Comment by Peace_maker on February 1, 2009 at 6:36pm
salut toi , to you Kurt:

of all I had read on this letter to my Palestine brothers in Gaza . all I can say is that peace will prevail from all the selfishness that has occur d here......" I only heard the things I read on here that which comes each side. and saw a documentary on what Israel has done. I " can only say to this that what has happen the world nations of people they had not even step in .. but see this carnage taking plac, and let it both sides go at each other and just to see who will come on top. I may tell you all of you who has written on this about the the deaths and destruction that has happen on both sides. that when hate will carry no options but deceit .. it is like that every place when people in families and in governments when a old dog will carry a bone in his mouth that he had dug ed up and carry it around with him it is like that. it is just a example what has happen to me divorce and carrying the past that other ppl from the first wife and her family nevr seem to for get what has happen just carry that like that dog carrying his bone with him and never barred the past it is just a small portion when both sides of the fence will not stop there hatred not one side but the both sides. the end of all wars will perhaps" come and that when God sees there is a enough he will do something and when the old system will repalce the new systems for peace and the new earth will come
Comment by hugo on January 10, 2009 at 6:34am
Hi (Hola) !!! Opino lo mismo que Edith: ¿Por qué sólo se habla inglés en este foro (es casi con exclusividad)? Los hispanoparlantes tenemos mucho de interesante y valioso para decir, pero no parece fácil canalizarlo ... Amor y Paz ... Love and Peace ... (I'll waiting answers to my problem, and of Edith, and all people here ...)
Comment by annet maasland on January 9, 2009 at 5:01pm
For 10 years ago I was in Israel , at the kibuutz and lived there for some months with its diverce population , including israelians with arabic roots.
It was before the second Intifada ,and still " rather peacefull"..

What I saw was hope amongst young people off both sides , young people with so much capacities and abilities , who only wanted to live a happy life ( with each other).

It made me very happy to see all this , and I thought it was possible.
Then a year later the second Intifada started , and I saw it all at home in front off the TV. I cried , and I still do every time the images off the violence and attacks and killing burst into my room through the telly.
It can be such a beautifull country , Israel , land off hope for so long and for so many people.
I have seen it in the eyes off the young ones , I have seen the hope and expactations.
It still must be there , speak out now , show yourselves , it is your life , your future , but you need to do it with eachother.
Shalom , Salam ,
Anna J
Comment by José on January 9, 2009 at 12:18pm
Your letter touched me deeply. But I don't know enough of this conflict to judge either side of the story. I believe that there are so many wounded people here, on both sides. My heart goes out to all of them, because I strongly believe that no one is bad or evil. But people can become one when the circumstances are horrible. And what fears me the most that all of this is caused by religion formed by people and not by any God.
Maybe it's time to leave God out of this.
He has nothing to do with all of this. It's the people who abuse their God for their own purposes. So they can call their atrocities legitimate. I don't believe in any God anymore, but I do believe in mankind. I believe in the healing powers of our souls reaching out to eachother. I live in Holland, so it's easy for me to judge from a place so safe and peacefull. But we feel the hatred here too towards people from other countries. If this goes on, our country too will suffer the consequenses. I am scared, scared for all the people of the world, the children in particular, because they are the future and they will suffer the consequenses of our actions. We are destroying the earth and the people on it. And for the palestinian, jewish and all other children there will be nothing left then to follow the footsteps of their parents because they were brought up this way. I am calling to all parents of the world : set your hatred and differences aside and take your children by the hand : teach them to look further than the outside. Teach them to look inside their souls. I believe that in every soul there is peace. Sometimes buried deep inside; but it's there. We are all children of the earth. Let's cherish and protect it together. And reach out ! We have to live on it together and it belongs to all of us.
Love from José (the Netherlands)
Comment by Dorin on January 8, 2009 at 3:36pm
Noa thank you so much for expressing my feelings regarding that war.

Sisters and Brothers, May this war was not for Nothing. We especially us Mothers, Must read the picture and please for your children's sake - choose for life. Don't give power to the terror - It is just Killing you.
What is so complicated to understand and except the Israeli conditions?? Just to keep silence for our people in the south. Believe me, this war could have been prevented long time ago..but obviously stupid, stuck leaders from both sides running our life. At least we've got a democracy so we can change some things..and it's not easy here too.
I truly believe that Mothers with there compassion can lead the education of her children, teach them for Love, Peace,compassion, Giving!! Giving is mutual by the way.
Why don't you sisters rise up your head, claim for a NEW ERA, new LIFE, Sharing, Respecting others for whatever Religion, coulor Gender. Let me tell you something : If you are not going to do it for your people They will not do it for you. They are stuck with Hatery and will not open their hearts, not for their own children.
I am raising my hand, my ears, my mouth and my heart and would love to assist you all WHO ARE WILLING TO ADMIT AND NOT BE AFRAID to stand up against the HAMAS evil forces that will lead you just to hell and not to A true Peace.
It is decision that first of all you should give your power to empower,concentrate, love,Rethink,bring light back into yourself and with your beloved ones, learn the true meaning of sharing, learning, exploring, standing for your own rights! Common, It is time for you to wake up too.
Make changes. obviously what you've been doing, trusting, voted DOESN'T MAKE YOU good.

I am praying for a quite times for you and ourself.
Praying that you will chooce LIFE instead of Teror/ HAMAS. Don't let them full you. they don't really care for your life otherwise they would not hide and build an Undergound City, full of Weapons, YOU ARE RAISING YOUR CHILDREN ON AMMUNITION! for god sake. they should sleep with relaxing songs and not with Cartoon made by HAMAS. choose for a better education, social life, equal right and so many other things to do Instead of concentrating of Killing, Hating LETS REJOICE TOGETHER, lets teach eachother, lets do trades together, lets make this place the best place in the world. It can happen , you know?
Can you think about it Sister?

Shalom, Salam
a mother of a boy (11yrs.)
Tel-aviv, Israel
I am praying for you Mothers to embrace your family with Love, Tender, Hope, Sharing with peace on earth
Comment by Dave Belden on January 8, 2009 at 3:40am
Noa, Your cry of pain is eloquent, we feel it. It resonates with another such cry I read today, a remarkable poem by Jonathan Klate about these events, at http://files.tikkun.org/current/article.php/20090107111925777
Comment by Elad on January 8, 2009 at 1:32am
where are we heading to? people of the world! where are we heading to? why have we suddenly forgotten of God's love and word to his people and we want to do things on our own and in our own means? it can't be like that. what is really going on between Palistinians and Israelis is a devastating element of what i consider dirty "PRIDE' why can't you both resolve to peace? why should innocent people suffer for what they know nothing about? its a shame and a pity when you watch children, women and men die for crime they did not commit. Judgement the bible says is of God almighty but since we have decided to take it into our hands, we should be also ready to face the wrath of God when it comes especially when we commit crimes and take others lives as if we know how they came about. do you know what bothers me the most? it is the fact that we kill in the name of Allah! may God have mercy on the innocent souls but HAMAS should not go unpunished.
Comment by Sam F on January 8, 2009 at 12:56am
you are totaly wrond about what you think about us...we are so smart people..we can see the truth about your country coz we live it every day every sec everywhere in our life,,,
don`t tell me that your country killed the civilians in the UN SCHOOL just to make the palestinian in gaza thier freedom from killing the babies or the womens by F16 and APATCHI..
we have the same land that your goverment took from us in 1948 and its still our land...thier will be no peace with anyone his son or sis or broth or mom or father or one of his familly members or friends has been killed on your goverment hands ever....and i think thier is no familly in palestine or out here didn`t suffer from your country...
you have no idea what your goverment did to the palestinians...your country force us to hate it...
you can see the wall,,CAN`T YOU?????
you can see the babies and the womens killed with cold blood in gaza...CAN`T YOU???
you have seen what happend in south lebanon in 2006 ...DIDN`T YOU????
you have seen what happend to the NATIVITY CHURCH when it was under siege in 2002...DIDN`T YOU??
you have seen the crime happend in GINIEN CAMP in 2002,,DIDN`T YOU???
thats SOME of many crime`S war your country did us US

Comment by Victor Lopez Rossi on January 7, 2009 at 7:44pm
... Free..."

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