Luisella valeri's Comments

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At 12:54am on January 20, 2009, vittoria benedetti said…
Si sono molto impegnata sulla questione Dal Molin. Per quanto riguarda la Palestina abbiamo raccolto soldi anche sabato, ci sono all'interno del gruppo donne a cui faccio parte ( donne in rete per la pace) che quest'estate sono andate in Palestina quindi hanno contatti. Se si uniscono le forze forse è meglio.
Le foto del mare sono state fatte in Danimarca.
Dovrei parlare meglio l'inglese ma mi darò da fare
At 10:48am on January 12, 2009, Tree Thunderchild said…
Hi, just a quick note for you that I did not mean to go "off" like that in 'savetheearth'
And for sure please do not feel it was what you said that brought me to.... express... myself in the way that I did.
Truth is, I am quitting smoking (cigarettes not just firewood, smile) but even after my nerves calmed down I felt this time like leaving my post up instead of taking them down.
Please know I think of you with a smile each and every single day!
Thank you for being my friend, for being a friend of all life on earth (including humans).
Thank you for being you.
And I still feel highly honored to know such a beautiful soul, and I thank our creator, for your health, and for your being in this world!
I wish my way with words was is skilled as are yours and I could say things with less words, and feel I was saying them right,

Then I would be able to know how to tell you,
That I love you, my friend.....
At 4:27pm on January 11, 2009, Dylan Cook said…
Hey thanks for the great music...what's he saying? He's got a sexy voice and the music is upbeat...also I think you mean Give Peace A Chance, not change.
At 2:20am on January 11, 2009, Dylan Cook said…
I liked the flag you posted in ipeace music...we use the same for Bridges For Peace, which holds an anti war protest in Damariscotta on Sunday
At 12:31pm on January 10, 2009, *Giusy* said…
Cara Luisella,

grazie per il benvenuto! Mi ci vorrà una vita per conoscere tutta la produzione artistica di Faber che considero un maestro di 'buona vita' ed il cantautore più grande che abbiamo mai avuto, segue Gaber. Sentiti libera di mandarmi tutte is suggerimenti che vuoi. Adesso la mia situazione non me lo consente, in passato ho lavorato molto con i bambini di 'aree meno fortunate' della mia città. Credo che tutto cominci da lì, nel seminare piccoli semi positivi e 'gioisosi' nel loro fertile terreno, radici che anche se apparentemente sepolte nel tempo, prima o poi riemergeranno dalla loro buona coscienza.

Un caro abbraccio ed un invito di amicizia.
Buon weekend
At 12:44am on January 9, 2009, Bryony brightoceanstar said…
Thank you for the exceptionally beautiful image. x
At 4:17pm on January 8, 2009, Luciana said…
Provvederò appena possibile, ne ho di bellissime! Sono ancora nuova del sito e non sono una bomba con il computer :-) Stasera mi metto d'impegno e ci provo. Tu abiti a Genova se non sbaglio. Ho amici da quelle parti, chissà che non vi conosciate.
At 1:20pm on January 8, 2009, Majed Abusalama said…
just i can tell you , when saw all my friends in IPEACE next me , i told alot of people about IPEACe and i translate soem of your messeges to arabic langauge untill i can tell the palestinians in Gaza , about we are not alone, when i saw you and alot of my friends here next me , iam not alone , iam courage because you are next me, be in touch , thanks alot my friend from Gaza
At 12:13am on January 8, 2009, Bryony brightoceanstar said…
and it worked!! wonderful - I have a new skill.
At 12:13am on January 8, 2009, Bryony brightoceanstar said…

I LOVE THE BEES!!!! What a beautiful post - on Majed's page! A practical question; how do you put images into your comment - it is just a copy and paste? I will try that. I've just tried something with the little picture button - let's see if it works.

At 11:56pm on January 7, 2009, Bryony brightoceanstar said…
Dear Luisella

I too am very sad to hear the news about Majed's uncle.

We have been raising money here in the UK for Medical Aid for Gaza - through a number of established charities such as InterPAL and MAP. Many thousands of GBP have been raised at the demonstrations and rallies that are calling for a ceasefire. I was at one in Preston, which is only a small town/ city, here in the North West, and there were 3000 people there.

I understand that there is now more aid being allowed through into Gaza, by the Israelis, but it feels crazy that nothing was allowed in for months previously.

I send blessings, Love

At 11:44pm on January 7, 2009, myron joshua said…
Wonderful image of the bee..
Diving in head first..
But the lucky bee is diving into a beautiful flower...

At ipeace we are also like bees..going from flower to flower
spreading good, rich impregnate other flowers
Sometimes, without even noticing..
We add life and color.
At 9:51pm on January 7, 2009, myron joshua said…
Yes, it is very upsetting.

I thought that Majed had some projects he was considering..and not necessarily immediate emergency help.

Did you discuss this with him?
At 9:21pm on January 7, 2009, Lothar Seifert said…
Tashi Delek Luisella,
Thank you for your message. I am happy to confirm the contact.
Here you will find many photos of children in Nepal, if you want to see.
and Face of Nepal
Best regards from Lothar

At 8:38pm on January 7, 2009, myron joshua said…
Luisella, I just spoke to Majed..bad news..his uncle was killed yesterday when walking the streets.
We spoke a lot..he mentioned you and the possibility of raising funds.
Maybe we can do something..It will mean a lot to him, even if there are other channels that would be effective too.
At 1:45pm on January 6, 2009, myron joshua said…

Let us take the Train to Peace...
Warm Coffee in hand
The Sweet Aroma
Into a pleasant future
At 1:13am on January 6, 2009, ken said…
i seem to remember a long time ago when isreal was just getting started that the people now in gaza wanted isreal to pay for the lands they now have maybe they ment money not blood and tears
At 10:31pm on January 5, 2009, ken said…
there are plenty of people who see hamas at fault personaly i keep asking how much it would cost to buy gaza for the future this is the only real answer for this country? they can't even feed themself'sthey get their power from isreal [gaza for sale 500 billion]
At 5:17pm on January 1, 2009, Garry Driehuizen said…

Sorry if I did not react earlier to your mails but sometimes I get a bit confused for i am a member and friend of somany groups that i can hardly cope. Everything and everybody is so interesting but I try to keep up.Thanks for your wonderful mail and i too wish U a very Happy and healthy 2009 and may peace be in the world. Namaste Garry
At 2:51pm on December 31, 2008, domenica64 said…

Ti auguro un anno
fatto di momenti speciali
fatto di momenti per te.
Dove raccoglierti
meditare e pensare.
Dove sognare, realizzare
o anche semplicemente
solo amare.
Ti auguro un anno pieno
di abbracci, di sogni
di coccole e di baci.
E Tanta Tanta Serenità
Buon Anno 2009.
We hope a year
made of special moments
made of moments for you.
To collect
meditate and think.
Where to dream, achieve
or simply
only love.
We hope a full year
of kisses, dreams
Quick and kisses.
And Tanta Tanta Serenity
Happy New Year 2009.

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