Odeh fares's Comments

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At 6:46pm on January 4, 2009, Hayyim Feldman said…
Salaam-shalom Odeh,
Thanks so much for your friend request. I'm sorry I didn't see it until just now; I haven't signed in here for a month or two. I see from your profile that you consider "religion" to be the biggest obstacle to peace. If you've looked at my profile, you probably know I have a different view. Perhaps we will have an opportunity to exchange our thoughts and feelings about it.
At 9:47pm on December 25, 2008, DCi3 said…
At 8:33am on December 11, 2008, odeh fares said…
صباح الخير عيد مبارك على الجميع ةاتمنى ان يعم السلام
hi happy eid
At 5:57pm on December 5, 2008, clu said…

' />

At 5:56pm on December 5, 2008, clu said…

At 6:57pm on December 3, 2008, odeh fares said…
to all off y i hope to be frined to make some thing to peace
At 7:13pm on November 30, 2008, odeh fares said…
السلام في واحة الحرب


ما من شك أن ما تشهده فلسطين ومعها ساحة الشرق العربي في السنوات القليلة الماضية قد أضفى على اللوحة الدرامية مزيداً من التعقيد والتوتر بما يوحي بأن المنطقة ستستمر في حالة غياب الحلول والغوص أكثر في مستنقعات الحروب المحلية البينية والتمزق واستمرار دوامة العنف اللقيط المتشابك المصدر والمتداخل في أدولته والمجهول النهاية وكأن القوى المادية التي تحرك الأحداث وسيقت المنطقة إلى حالة من الفوضى العمة المخيفة،وباتت علية استقراء مستقبل المنطقة صعبة ، من فلسطين إلى العراق إلى لبنان إلى سورية إلى قطر النار المتغير حسب متطلبات استمرار مظاهر عدم الإستقرار وإلى الدرجة التي انعدم فيها حد النهاية وكأن المنطقة قد دخلت نفق مظلم مجهول.
لا أحد يشك في أن مصدر الصراعات كلها في المنطقة هو القضية الفلسطينية و منطق غير إنساني لعملية انتهاك حقوقه وطغيان الموقف المتناقص المزدوج من قضية حقوق الشعب الفلسطيني العادلة التي نصت عليها قرارات الأمم المتحدة حول حل القضية الفلسطينية على أرضية القرارات الدولية وتحديداً القرارات (338_242) ومؤتمر مدريد للسلام الذي نص على "الأرض مقابل السلام" والذي مضى عليه أكثر من ستة عشر عاماً ولم ترجع بعض الأرض بل تمزقت بجدران العزل العنصري والكراهية ولا بعض الحقوق بل غاصت فلسطين أكثر في مستويات جديدة مرعبة من انتهاك حقوق الإنسان وزيادة معاناة الشعب الفلسطيني وسد كل الأبواب السياسية أمامه ، فلا مركزية سياسية الراحل عرفات ومؤتمر مدريد ومعها اوسلو عادت مقبولة ، ولا الديمقراطية الفلسطينية عادت مقبولة ولا حقوق الإنسان عادت محترمة وكأن كل مقاربات الحل هي ضحك على الذقون و استهلاك الوقت ونقل الصراع من مستوى دموي إلى آخر ومن مستوى دولي إلى إقليمي ومنه إلى محلي بين أطراف السلطة الفلسطينية وتضييع القضية في صراعات داخلية مصطنعة ،أي بشكل أدق ليس هناك قرار سياسي دولي بالحل بل هناك استسلام كامل للعبث الذي تفرضه القوة غير المنضبطة والتي تعبث بالفلسطينيين وحياتهم وبتجاهل كامل من كافة الأطراف التي كفلت وتعهدت تنفيذ السلام المفقود.
ونحن على أبواب عهد أمريكي جديد لا بد من بعض الموضوعية في قراءة ما يجري على الأرض وفي أروقه القوى الفاعلة في الصورة العربية الراهنة التي بحكم ترابط الأحداث فيها أصبحت كلاً موحداً في دوامة صراع داخلي خارجي هو أكبر من قدرة الأطراف الداخلية على الحل ، كلاً موحداً مضغوط في م؟أساة الشعب الفلسطيني والعراقي والبقية على الطريق،هل فقدت أنظمة الحكم العربية قدرتها وحتى البوليسية على ضغط الصورة ؟! وهل فقدت المقاومة الفلسطينية بوصلتها وأصبحت تلف في مدارات أخرى بعيدة عن قضيتها الأساسية ؟! وهل فقدت أطراف السلطة الفلسطينية وعيها ولم تعد تميز أهدافها وانحدرت إلى صراع يريده الاحتلال ؟!ومثله ينطبق على العراق وعلى القوى الداخلية التي تتحكم في مسار الأحداث الدامية التي تتم بصمت ومشاركة الكثير من التجار وأصبحوا وقودا ًفي لعبة الموت الدنيئة التي تشهدها المنطقة ؟!
تبدو الصورة ملتبسة لدى كل الأطراف المشاركة والمتشاركة في رسم ملامحها الدامية وأول مؤشرات لبسها هو تعدد الخرائط والمؤتمرات ولحظيتها وعدم رغبة الأطراف الفاعلة فيها من الوصول إلى حل ،وإصرارها على استمرار تدوير المنطقة في الدائرة المأساوية من فلسطين إلى العراق إلى لبنان إلى سورية إلى الدائرة العربية الأكبر التي تراخت مفاصلها ولم تعد تملك حتى قدرة المشاهدة ، وكأن محدداتها المادية والسياسية والجغرافية والإنسانية قد تلاشت وخارت إلى مستوى من القصور والوهن الذي يمثل الدور الفعلي الذي وصل إليه النظام السياسي العامة المصطنعة والتي دخلت معظم التشكيلات العربية فيه وأصبح الجميع رهن معالجات خارجية إلى الآن أثبتت عدم مصداقيتها السياسية والإنسانية وفشل قرارات التغيير والتحول الديمقراطي واحترام حقوق

الإنسان ، بل أنتجت العكس تماماً وهو التشقق في البنى الاجتماعية والأهلية والشقاق بين الوجهات السياسية وفلتان الغرائز الصراعات المذهبية والعرقية وغياب الحلول السياسية لكل مشاكلها .

إن مقاربات الحل السياسي والإنساني للقضية الفلسطينية هي واضحة ولا تحتاج إلى منجمين ومحللين وخبراء وحقوق إنسان بقدر ما تحتاج الى النية والإرادة السياسية في تطبيق قرارات الأمم المتحدة ذات الصلة والتي التزم بها الطرف الفلسطيني والعربي منفرداً على طول مسار الصراع الدامي ،تحتاج إلى رؤية عميقة وثاقبة ومسؤولة لما وصلت إليه أحول شعوب المنطقة ،تحتاج إلى مقاربات حريصة على الاستقرار والأمن الدوليين لان لهيب النار والبارود المشتعل في المنطقة قد تعداها وينذر بكوارث على الجميع ، تحتاج إلى تبني دولي لأن القوى المحلية كلها قد عجزت عن التفاهم والوصول إلى حل ، تحتاج إلى الإقرار بأن معاناة الشعب الفلسطيني على امتداد أكثر من نصف قرن كافية لتصحيح الخلل الإنساني وإعادة الاعتبار إلى المعايير القانونية والأخلاقية في العلاقات الدولية والتسليم بأن العيش على موت الآخرين هو من المستحيلات التاريخية .

وأخيراً إن السلام بما هو حالة إنسانية بين الأمم والشعوب تاريخيا لا يصنعه الضعفاء المغلوبين على أمرهم والمنتهكة حقوقهم وإنسانيتهم والمشردين في أوطانهم وخارجها بل يصنعه العقلاء الأقوياء اللذين يملكون القوة المادية الأخلاقية والتأثير في السياسة الدولية المصيبة الكبرى أنهم وضمن معطياتهم الحالية لا زالوا حائرين في المؤتمرات وأسرى والسلام مفقود ........!!
At 7:11pm on November 30, 2008, odeh fares said…
An oasis of peace in war

There is no doubt that in Palestine Square, along with the Arab Middle East in the past few years has given the painting more dramatic complexity and tension, suggesting that the region will continue in the absence of solutions and deeper in the swamp of war and disruption of local interface and the continuing cycle of violence foundling source and complex cross-cutting Odavlath And finally the unknown if the physical movement of events were given the region into chaos Aunt frightening, and extrapolation of him is the future of the region difficult, from Palestine to Iraq to Lebanon to Syria to Qatar fire as the changing requirements of the persistence of instability and the absence of the degree to which extent the end, if The region has entered a dark tunnel unknown.

No one doubted that the source of all conflicts in the region is the Palestinian issue and not the logic of the process of the violation of human rights and the tyranny of the dual position on the issue of diminishing the rights of the Palestinian people just established by the United Nations resolutions on resolving the Palestinian issue in light of international resolutions, especially resolutions (338_242) and the Madrid peace on the text of "land for peace" and which now more than six years was due some land but torn walls of racial segregation and hatred in some of the rights of Palestine, but got more terrifying new levels of human rights violations and increasing the suffering of the Palestinian people and close all doors Political him, not a central political him, and the Madrid and Oslo, returned with an acceptable Palestinian democracy has not accepted or human rights are respected and returned if all approaches to the solution is laughable deception and time-consuming and the transfer of bloody conflict to another level and international level to regional and from there to Local between the parties to the Palestinian Authority and the waste issue in the internal conflicts artificially, or more accurately there are no international political solution, but there is full surrender to tamper with the force imposed by the undisciplined and that abuse of Palestinians, lives, and in total disregard of all Parties that have pledged to implement the peace lost.

We are on the threshold of a new era of U.S. there must be some objectivity in reading what is happening on the ground and in the corridors of the Arab actors in the picture by the interdependence of the current events have become united in both the cycle of internal conflict is the largest outside the ability of the parties internal solution, both a standard compressed At? Sorrow Palestinian and Iraqi people and the rest of the way, do the Arab regimes have lost their ability to police pressure on the picture?! Will lost the Palestinian resistance and became ITS damage to the orbiting far from my core?! Do the parties have lost their awareness of the Palestinian Authority no longer distinguish its goals and descended to the conflict want the occupation?! And ethics applicable to Iraq and the internal forces that control the course of the bloody events taking place in silence and the involvement of many traders and fuel are in the game of the sordid death in the region?!
The picture is ambiguous to all parties involved in the design and shared features of indicators bloody and the first is to wear multiple maps, conferences and Hzitha and the unwillingness of actors to reach a solution, and its insistence on continuing the region in the recycling of the tragic cycle of Palestine to Iraq to Lebanon to Syria to the Arab largest Mphasalha lax that no longer have the ability to watch, as if the determinants of physical, political, geographical and human has faded and got a level of defects and fatigue is a real role to which the general political system, which entered the artificial formations most Arab and are more subject to external processors now proved that Credibility of the political and humanitarian decisions and the failure of change and democratization and respect for human rights, but the contrary is produced cracks in the social structures and civil and political discord between destinations and disorder instincts sectarian and ethnic conflicts and the absence of political solutions to all problems.

The approaches of political and humanitarian solution to the Palestinian issue is clear and needs to mines, analysts and experts and human rights as much as they needed to faith and political will in implementing the relevant United Nations resolutions and the commitments by the Palestinians and the Arabs alone along the path of bloody conflict, you need to see deep and hard and responsible Reached the turn peoples of the region, approaches need to be keen on the stability and security because of gunpowder and flames of fire burning in the region and threatens disaster applies to everyone, needs to adopt an international force because all the local had failed to reach understanding and a solution needs to recognize that the suffering The Palestinian people for more than half a century to correct the imbalance sufficient humanitarian and rehabilitation to legal and ethical standards in international relations and to recognize that living on the death of others is impossible history.

Finally, the peace is the humanitarian situation among nations and peoples historically not made vulnerable defenseless and violated their rights and their humanity and displaced persons in and outside the home, but is made wise by the powerful have the physical strength and moral influence in international politics funny is that they present within Mattyatem still completely lost in the conference and prisoners of war and peace Missing ........!!
At 10:00pm on November 26, 2008, odeh fares said…
مساء الخير للجميع اتمنى لكم ان امضيتم اسبوعا ممتع في خدمة السلام والعدالة
hi to all i hope that all off y good week
At 1:31am on November 24, 2008, clu said…

At 1:31am on November 24, 2008, clu said…

' />

me what do u think
At 7:31pm on November 23, 2008, Devanayagi Parameswaran said…
Salutations my divine Odeh

Welcome and thanks for joining the Living Goddess Tradition page in iPeace. We hope that we can be supportive in your spiritual journey.

For Peace to prevail again both woman and man must seriously re-evaluate the position of women in contemporary societies. In the early times there has been a society based around a Goddess Religion. Society of the time was peaceful, agrarian lifestyle. As such, we must first work toward removing gender imbalance, which is still glaringly obvious in modern society.

In all of this, for peace to prevail, women must be worshiped as a Goddess, as she too is part of the Great Mother Goddess, thus making her worthy of being worshiped. When society was based around a Goddess Religion, women were worshiped as Goddesses.

The important of the Goddess as a symbol of motherhood has to be felt and understood. All being ever been born or ever to be born will experience its mother as “numinous” (suffused with a feeling of Divinity). A women’s love must be absolutely free from selfishness, otherwise it does not produce proper motherhood, as the mother influences the future generation. If the fire has no flame it cannot give light, and smoke comes out of it, which is troublesome for the future generation. Such is selfish love.

Love and wisdom create harmony between man and woman; but these being absent, harmony ceases to exist. Without harmony, one cannot have peace. Ardh-narishwara, hermaphroditic deity incorporating male (Shiva) and female (Shakti) qualities, symbolic of the bipolarity of the human body. In The Living Goddess Tradition, the right side of the body considered male and the left side female. This is true for both men and women. Love can only exist, when one connects with one’s soul, and then realize the God (male), Goddess (female) within. Men’s fascination with women as a source of life, has been known from the beginning of time, yet men in modern society, due to his rushed life have forget the art of worshiping a woman as his Goddess, for his betterment. Woman on the other hand are busy to make their mark in the world, have forget that they are the life giving essence, the same essence as the Great Goddess of Creation, Para-Sakthi.

Let us together find peace within and then world peace.
It is indeed a great pleasure hearing from you. To know more about our work please visit the following pages listed below.
We have set-up three social networks to help balance the gender imbalance.

1. The Living Goddess Tradition: http://goddesstradition.ning.com/
The Living Goddess Tradition is very much alive in India, and it time to take this very way of life to the West. In the past 2,000 years, Christians, Judaism, and Muslims, and most recently the Communists, conspired to wipe out our memories clean of tens of thousands of years of Goddess spirituality, and thus women lost their sacredness. It is time for women to reclaim their sacredness, and to worship all women again as the Living Goddess. Mother Earth has to become the domain of the Mother Goddess, only then will peace and harmonious living prevail as it was before the monotheist religions

2. The Mahavidya School (Children of India) http://mahavidya-girl-school.ning.com
We like to create a safe, loving environment for the next generation of Mothers to gain the tools and confidence to bless their communities with the Grace and Love of the Divine Mother, as Living Goddesses. For when a Mother is divine the home is heaven. When she is not, all hell breaks loose!

3. Shri Param Eswaran and Para-Tan Sound Healing.
"Para-Tan sound healing a part of Tantra, used by Tantrika to attain emotional freedom, regain self-esteem, eliminate issues of grief and anger, and prevent themselves from becoming victims of prostate cancer for men, breast cancer and ovarian cancer for women, chronic fatigue, depression, menstrual disorder, anxiety, sexual blocks and other emotionally related illness

Hope to see you at our network, giving me the opportunity for me to share with you my vision.

May the Divine Mother cradle you in Her Love and Light


Sri Devanayagi Parameswaran

"Love is like the fire; it glow is devotion, its flame is wisdom, its smoke is attachment, and its ashes detachment. When love’s fire produces its flame it illuminates the soul".( Hazrat Inyat Khan)
At 5:29pm on November 23, 2008, James Wishart said…
hi to you too!
At 1:39am on November 23, 2008, gil dor said…
peace is a way, not a goal! peace is not justice! justice is a weapon, a sword in the service of the "righteous". justice is just-ice. unconditional empathy and love for all humans may melt it down to water. what?-er is eternal doubt. a self doubt that makes one humble and ready for the way of peace. peacefully and fearlessly we should give up "sacred" truisms and beliefs. we should shed pieces of our identity like snake skin to emerge brightly into the future. we is both you and me.
At 3:18pm on November 22, 2008, odeh fares said…
من عرف ويلات الحرب يعرف معنى السلام بقناعة تامة
At 3:18pm on November 22, 2008, odeh fares said…
مرحبا يسعدني ان انضم الى فريق او مجموعة السلام
وكما بسعدني ان اعمل من اجل السلام
سيما ونني عانيت من غير السلام
At 3:16pm on November 22, 2008, GUESS? said…

Hello Odeh!

Welcome, and thanks for joining iPeace, it's great to have you on board with us! We hope you'll find your experience here valuable, enriching and effective.

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Peace and Love
Kaye and all the iPeace Welcome Team.

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