Check out and learn how the simple act of meditating with a least two other people on a regular basis is the most powerful act you can perform for our planet. There are more than 600 Transmission groups in 40 countries worldwide meeting on a regular basis. This act of service can change the world right now!

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Hi Ruach,
I appreciate your comment and I just read your profile. It is beautiful and very much along the line of what I feel. I just finished raising two children (both in college) and am ready to get into some volunteer work. What kind of work do you do with these groups?
At my office we run what we call a The healing Circle every Wednesday night..We are a group of light workers that meditate weekly for love of the universe.. Through meditation we connect with other light workers and develop in ways that are un-imaginable at times..Very very powerful energies..
Please count us in, my husband John Soderblom runs the group.You can find him on iPeace
Shalom and Shanti
How can I connect with your group
Hi Julie,
I am so happy to hear your interest and that you are actively working now through your group on healing our planet. Our group meets on Thursday nights at 6:30 EST and Saturday mornings at 9:30. If you meditate at those times, you will be connecting with our group.
Here is a link to the original founders of this practice which has been going on for several decades. It provides more information - they suggest creating your own local group with 3 as a minimum, forming a triangle. If you are not able to do so, we might also form a mental triangle with each other as they suggest at the link.. The most important aspect of connecting is to say the Great Invocation, that is what focuses the energies.
Please let me know in what way you are interested in connecting after you read this!
Hi Ruach,
Yes, the Lucis Trust is of the same intention as Share International that also carries on this work through Benjamin Creme, who is British. I am very impressed that you have read a few of her books ... I have read only one so far but I have read several of Benjamin's (they say he is easier to read and understand). I am really quite new to this approach but it rings true to me ... so much so that I am dedicating myself to it.
Your work sounds powerful and necessary. I started out my spiritual quest many years ago in a similar way ... through a women's circle in which we honored Native American traditions and often used drums. We also created a tradition using the talking stick of "telling our story" in sacred space to let out the truth of ourselves and heal and deepen our relationship to each other. Amazingly enough, just this past month, I suggested this process for a group here in St. Augustine, FL (where I live now, I lived in Seattle for the women's circle work). This group is mixed, men and women with all sorts of spiritual orientations dedicated to evolving into the new age, and they LOVE it and our first story came from a male in our group. So, it can happen ... keep up the good work!
Incredible !A few years back when we originally started our meditation group we began watching our members go through amazing healing . Therefore we began calling it the Healing Group.. And after a while we began sensing other groups connecting during our meditation time.. without realizing that other groups were doing the same thing we were doing.. We eventually called ourselves the Circle of Light..

We stopped the group for a few years and have recently begun it once again and after 6 weeks , we have felt other energies working in the light once again..We are a group of four and steady , each week spirit guides yet another enlightened worker to our group..Before learning of your group I had a interesting experience in meditation.

It began in circle ...In meditation I saw with my minds eye four people standing behind each person in our group and I kept hearing ommmm shanti shanti...ommmmmm shanti shanti etc.I then saw a lotus flower in the center of the circle it opened showing me a door , so I entered and walked into a tunnel , I walk through to be brought into a cave room full of people the room was lit up in energy light....when I came back to the room we were meditating in ( still in meditation) I then saw with my minds eye 8 people standing behind the four of us in meditation , they were in a circle too around and behind us and there arms were out to there sides all connecting , they were saying Ommmm, Ommmm and I saw rays of rainbow colors shooting all around the room and I knew we were connecting with other healing circles around the world once again.. and then I found you..Blessed Be..I am honored
Beautiful! You describe in a wonderful way how this works. And that there is a gift of service to humanity in practicing transmission meditation, but also a gift of healing to ourselves. Naturally, because we are all one!!
Thank you! I am honored as well! Namaste!
You say that meditation with other people is the most powerful act one can perform for our planet. Please explain. If possible, how such meditation can help to solve the serious problems that the world now faces. I would like to learn how and why.
Hello Dr. Akwuba,
I say this after learning about transmission meditation --- what it does and how it works. I have read several books to understand the process as it is described verbally but, most importantly, I have experienced the meditation itself for several months now. Everything I have learned and felt confirmed what I have already discovered after studying the teachings of the Self Realization Fellowship and all of it rings true for me. So, I start from this premise: Essentially, that there is a new spiritual age dawning under the guidance of the Spiritual Hierarchy of Masters of Wisdom. Their guidance will allow humankind, within the confines of our own free will, to right what is wrong in this world. During transmission meditation, we allow their energy to flow through our bodies and they guide this energy to where it is most needed (something I cannot presume to know myself). This is why I feel this meditation is the most powerful act one can perform for our planet ... because it is assisting the Masters of Wisdom and in particular, Maitreya, the World Teacher ... those who have gone before us in evolution, those who have perfected themselves, and who are showing us the way. It is a necessary step to allowing and inviting in the evolutionary energy that the world needs in this new age. For for information, a great place to start is I trust this helps explains my statement :)
Beautifully said
You see that is the problem.. there are not enough groups working in the light..
We call our group The Healing Group ..we originally started it as just a meditation group but as the years progressed and our group connected more we found without even trying people in the group were experiencing remarkable healings..Thus we now call it the Healing group
Yes, a wonderful name ... the Healing Group. We are healing ourselves and the planet. And we DO need more groups working in the light ... especially now!!!!!


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