
Palestine-Israel Peace Forum

Here we want to talk every thing about peace between Palestinian and Israelian people

Location: hollylands
Members: 228
Latest Activity: Dec 12, 2011

A rarely heard voice from Israel - that of peace activists. Patty Debonitas speaks to Eva Ferrero, an anti-war activist and voluntary observer at checkpoints on the recent Gaza conflict, elections and the blankout of anti-war protests by national and international media. What do activists encounter in the settlements and from the Israeli authorities?

If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.” Bishop Desmond Tutu

Discussion Forum

The Tragedy in Gaza

Started by Shimon Z. Klein. Last reply by luisella valeri Apr 6, 2009. 2 Replies

Jenin Youth Orchestra-Music for Peace

Started by myron joshua. Last reply by clu Apr 3, 2009. 2 Replies

to promote peace

Started by Asaf Mar 20, 2009. 0 Replies

Revolution of Peace

Started by clu. Last reply by Leonard Ouimette Feb 16, 2009. 3 Replies

Doing for Peace

Started by Irit Hakim-Keller Feb 11, 2009. 0 Replies


Started by Marisol Fernandez. Last reply by Douriana Jan 25, 2009. 6 Replies

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Comment by Majed Abusalama on February 28, 2009 at 2:09pm
dear all my friends in this form,

very happy to see all the relationships between the israelian and palestinian to share peace togther.

now iam trying to build the bridges between Gaza youth and israel youth.
please come to join with us in our group in facebook.

Create human relationships
Share pain and hope
Transfer a message of peace.

help us to send this groups to all the people in the world spacailly for the youth in Gaza and Israel.

we are trying our best to do well for peace in the world and Palestine, israel.

in peace with hope
majed abusalama
photogragher journalist
human rights and peace activist
socail worker
Comment by Grete Soleng on February 28, 2009 at 1:19am
Today the norwegian foreignminister visited Gaza for the first time after the war.He says that the systematic destructions Israel made in Gaza seems like clearly breaches against the international laws.He told that he met people who had lost their families and houses;all trades are purposeful destructed and one american school was bombed several times.
The EU commition have today agreed to give 436 million Euro to first aid for Gaza.The money will be used to cover humanitarian needs,building up and reconstructions and helping children who are traumatised after the war.But-their biggest problem is still the israelian blocade of Gaza.....
Comment by luisella valeri on February 28, 2009 at 12:40am
Joanna, if you encounter Majed, please, a big hug to him!
Have a good voyage! The, Itaian women of DN (=BW) hope to go to Gaza in may.
Please, when come back relate to us the relations with the palestine women!
Thanks! Smiles and kisses Luisella
Comment by Grete Soleng on February 27, 2009 at 1:50am
Joanna,I wish you a good trip to Gaza. Tell the people that they have a lot of supporters all over the world and that they will always be in our hearts.
Love and peace
Comment by Joanna Zilsel on February 24, 2009 at 7:43pm
Many thanks, Grete--Tromso sounds like a really wonderful city! All the info about the delegation is in the press release, below. I'm very busy preparing for the trip so my comments are brief!

Medea Benjamin, CODEPINK co-founder, 415-235-6517
Jean Stevens, CODEPINK national media coordinator, 508-769-2138

50 international delegates to arrive in Gaza with gift baskets for Gazan women
Vows to camp on border if blocked, demand its opening

WHAT: 50 international delegates to camp out at Gaza border until allowed inside; plan to meet with women's groups, call for end to blockade
WHEN: March 6 to March 12, 2009
WHERE: March 6, leaving Cairo; March 7, Rafah, Egypt border crossing into Rafah, Gaza

WASHINGTON -- A 50-member international delegation will attempt to cross the Egyptian border into war-torn Gaza early next month, carrying 2,000 gift baskets to pay tribute to the women of Gaza on International Women's Day, March 8.

Set to depart Cairo March 6, the impressive delegation -- which includes acclaimed author Alice Walker, former state department official Ann Wright, CODEPINK co-founder Medea Benjamin and 47 others from around the world -- expects Egyptian authorities will allow them to cross into Gaza March 7. The delegation, organized by the U.S. women's peace group CODEPINK and coming at the invitation of the Gaza Gender Initiative of the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), is the first delegation of its size and kind to attempt to enter Gaza since July 2007, when Israel imposed the blockade.

If Egyptian authorities deny the group's entrance, the group will camp out at the border until they get in, said delegation organizer Benjamin. Hundreds of aid workers, lawyers, and convoys carrying humanitarian aid have been denied entrance by Egyptian authorities at the Rafah border.

Once inside Gaza, the delegation will spend several days meeting with Palestinian women's groups, delivering aid to relief groups and witnessing the devastation from the 22-day Israeli invasion.

"We have not, as a planet, been seeking to change the world so that this insanity cannot continue," said delegate Alice Walker, Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist and poet. "Going to Gaza is our opportunity to express solidarity with the people there, to demonstrate the concern we feel each day for the suffering endured. To remind the people of Gaza and ourselves that we belong to the same world. We can bring our witness, one of life's strongest gifts."

The delegation will pay tribute to the women of Gaza on the United Nations' International Women's Day , which calls on the world to focus on the needs and contributions of women. CODEPINK felt inspired to dedicate the day to Gaza women just two months following the devastating Israeli assault on the occupied land that killed more than 1,300, including 437 children, and injured more than 5,000.

On February 20, CODEPINK put out a call to its members to help fund $10 gift baskets for the women of Gaza. In two days, the group collected enough donations to take gift baskets to 2,000 women.

"We have been overwhelmed by response toward our initiative," Benjamin said. "We thought we'd take 15 people on the delegation to Gaza and we have 50. We thought we'd take 200 gift baskets, and we're taking 2,000! American women feel tremendous compassion toward the women of Gaza and are ready for a U.S. policy based on respect for the human rights of all people in the region."

Benjamin and Wright returned from a trip to Gaza earlier this month where they witnessed the terrible devastation (read Wright's piece on her trip on Air America here . They found Gazans anxious to have foreign delegations visit, witness and learn about their plight and push for an end to the blockade.

"The Israeli attack came after 18 months of a crippling blockade that had already left the Palestinian population hungry, sick, weak, and suffering from a catastrophic situation," Wright said. "We must not only provide massive humanitarian aid, but lift the blockade that is keeping the people of Gaza under siege."

For more information and interviews, please call Medea Benjamin, CODEPINK co-founder, at 415-235-6517 or Jean Stevens, CODEPINK media coordinator, at 508-769-2138.
Comment by Grete Soleng on February 24, 2009 at 5:32pm
We have,through many years,donated a lot of money to a workshop in Gaza who are making artificial limbs to those who need it. Several people in Palestina have lost both arms and legs in attacs from Israel and it`s important to give them a meaningful life.
Through this last war we have had a lot of demonstrations here. People are going in processions with torches. People are giving appeals and speeches an I think most of them are giving money to donate.The Palestinian committee,which I`m a member of,have through a lot of years donated to Gaza. During the war people all over Norway have donated and many of them are now members of the committee. I guess some of the reasons that we are doing so much is that we are the friendshiptown,and because of that are feeling related to them-and also because Mats is working here. We believe we own a piece of him!!! When are you leaving for Gaza? I really wish I could joine you. It`s a marvellous idea.
Comment by Joanna Zilsel on February 24, 2009 at 7:27am
Grete, I heard Mats Gilbert interviewed on DemocracyNow! (, and he explained many of the things you wrote about. What happened in Gaza is truly horrifying. I didn't know that Tromso is the friendship city of Gaza. I am curious to know if the citizens of Tromso are doing anything specific to support the people of Gaza? Many thanks for sharing your thoughts, Grete. peace, Joanna
Comment by Grete Soleng on February 23, 2009 at 10:31pm
Thanks to Medea Benjamin.
I`m from Tromsø,a city in the north of Norway. We are the norwegian friendshiptown of Gaza, and Palestina will always be in our heart. One of the doctors who was working at Shifa hospital during the war,Mats Gilbert,is working in the University hospital in Tromsø and he has told a lot of all the cruelties they experienced in Gaza. The Israelian were using weapons who gave unknown damages. Marc Galacso,a Human right weaponexpert,say they are also using Spike rockets whitch are heathseeking and have cameraes. They are very precisely,so he said the israelian know exactly who they are hitting. They have collected a lot og metalfragments from different weapons. They are now sent to Norway for analyzing.The Spikes are not allowed using against civilians.
Our 2 doctors are now writing a book from their time in Gaza. It might come out in some months and will be published in norwegian,english and arabic.
I really hope for peace,but I have to say I`m not very optimistic since Netanyahu became the new primeminister.....
Love to all of you
Comment by luisella valeri on February 23, 2009 at 9:58pm
Joe Brownrigg, yesterday in a conference for the leaving of a medical team to Gaza, with the presence of a refusnik from Israel, an old jewish woman alive from holocaust told us quite the same you wrote, and asked how to do therapy to a people composed of 95% of persons.
With the feminine mothers love, as in the fine and important film documentaru "Mother" of Barbara Crepisti, where Israeli and Palestin mothers say: "If we can do, all the pople can it". II hope all you may see this wonderful video who teache so much to all us, about Circle Parents.
As a woman, as a mother, as a grandmother, I hope and I try, every day in all my life.
Smiles Luisella
Comment by Joe Brownrigg on February 23, 2009 at 7:23pm
Mahmood, I value what you have written and I'd like to add to it.

We know that a person who is an abuser in a domestic household usually was abused as a child. In turn, his or her child is abused and that child's child has a good chance of becoming an abuser. There is no NECESSITY of the generational transfer of abuse, but it is a strong tendency.

Would this not explain much on a societal level in Palestine-Israel? As much as I get enraged by the abuse of Palestinians, maybe I (and we) should look on this as a social problem...and treat the abuser as well as the abused! ? ?


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