You may say I'm a dreamer. or what kind of iPeace we want.

I received a message from Stephanie:

If anyone is on our minds these days.....guess who it is.
Why don't you keep an online journal to let us know how YOU are doing.
We are all curious to know. You work miracles, keep us going and growing.
And you??

Why not? 85 messages in iPeace and same amount of emails can wait.

First, I am tired, very tired. I have been working 16 hours days since the beginning of the Gaza war trying to keep the iPeace space, free as it is, under some sort of control.
I feel and understand the pain, anger, shock and horror that bring many of us to express themselves. Yet at the same time we need to set guidelines to keep iPeace a place of peace.

I am very sad and frustrated because of this futile war. I say futile because it will not bring peace. It will bring more hate, lifelong pain and despair. It will bring more distrust and fear. And if we let it, it will kill hope.

I am also angry because I see iPeace being exploited by hate mongers, racists and propaganda peddlers. I spend hours on end reading blogs, discussions and mass messaging. Among words of encouragement, unity and warmth, I also find a lot of manipulation, half truths, hate and outright lies. The war on public awareness is been battled in iPeace. The victims of this war are all of us, especially those who don't know the elusive facts of this 100 year old conflict.

This war is futile too, because hating Israel or the Hamas more will not bring peace or justice, nor will it bring back the dead. There is only one way, the peace way, iPeace way. I have no doubt that our way will prevail.

I feel hope when I read the correspondence between Majed, who is trapped in bombarded Gaza to Myron, an Israeli who lives in a settlement in the west bank. I know that they are also talking on the phone. Any member who takes part of this thread can feel the power of the friendship being formed. It's a friendship stronger than any dividing wall. This makes me feel accomplished. We made it possible.

My heart sings when I read your poetry, look at your visual art, listen to your music, see you forming new friendships and celebrating diversity. We are almost 15,000 today, we come from over 180 countries, we own the culture of the world and we believe in our power to effect change.

What comments you write on my page fills me with energy every day. Here's a little sample:

David -- I've been thinking about you -- often. I was just now noting that iPeace is up past 14,000 members now. You have touched a nerve, and are convening a lot of hope. We all owe you a lot of thanks -- I hope you can feel that, because I know that thousands of people appreciate what you have done, and the way you have done it.

David, Thankyou for your tireless efforts. Inspirational. At times the path seems tough and fruitless, but not hard compared to those brothers and sisters suffering. We must continue to work hard for Peace...we must be supportive and united in our efforts. So much good will and can we truly harness this energy to make a It is urgent.

David, the warmest of heart wishes to you pre - iPeace day.

So many people have told me how deeply iPeace has changed their lives, how much respect they feel present here. How empowering it is. How unique it is. Read the comment on my page from Douglas. These are difficult times. Like the roots of a tree... stay firm in your vision.

With all the pain we feel today and will probably feel in the coming days, we must keep iPeace peaceful and resent anyone who tries to spoil it.

This is your iPeace. This is what you wrote about it:

iPeace is a new borderless movement of peaceful and nonviolent people united by and advocating the common humanity of all mankind.

iPeace is an open channel for communication. iPeace is the opposite of isolation, fear and ignorance.
iPeace is inspiration. Coming from a region, where mistrust prevails, there are often moments of no hope, no faith, no optimism. iPeace is like a torch I want to make burn as brightly as possible - a torch that reflects love, respect, hope, acceptance, giving ... and peace on earth. The more we work together the brighter the light will be to hand over to future generations.

It reaches to the depth of my soul , in poetry, i can convey my inner spirit , my tears , iPeace set me free , gave me love and friends united in one , a bond of love and mutual understanding.

iPeace is a vibrantly alive creative hub of caring passionate people from everywhere, with computer skills, education, and vision. The world urgently needs creative approaches to its ancient problems, and the international energy of this place is exciting, potent, and capable.

iPeace what does it mean to me: to me it means there is love, giving, receiving, peace, happiness in the world. We should to thrive for all iPeace stands for if we are go on living in harmony. I love you all.

I find myself dropping into iPeace for a bit of tranquility. I love the connection and communication between friends and the respect that is woven into the very fabric that holds iPeace together.

iPeace means that all of a sudden, it is actually possible that one can feel connected as human beings, different races, religions, all drawn towards one peaceful word: PEACE. The opportunity to speak our voice, united, peacefully, towards one goal, that in getting along, in a world that was, most likely, meant to be lived in just this way.

iPeace is my harbor in good and bad times

iPeace is the new building blocks for a better place
'BUILD and they will COME' ...

iPeace is a meeting place for people of goodwill.

iPeace to me is Sanctuary. There are many threads in this Tapestry of Vision. The Vision is one of Interconnection and Peace. Sanctuary is sacred space; we are building that place of refugee and renewal in this strange new medium.

iPeace for me started from one self to the other with tolerances and affections.
Being compassionate and total understandings in each cause so as the effects.
iPeace is a new modern and intelligent way to connect the world without boundaries to share and observe opinions towards whats happening to the world today. It is an active electronic blood stem working towards a common vision for world PEACE for all living beings.

iPeace stands for me as my and everybody's loving "I.nmost P.ersonal E.ndeavor for A.uthenticity, C.ontenance and E.mpathy" in the world....
Pure intellectual knowledge without the global wisdom of our HEARTS and our SOULS is a "dead end".

iPeace is a refuge from the storm,
from the madness in this world,
It's a place to call home.
a place for hearts to reach each other,
reconnect,inspire,share love
and work together.
One dream,one heart,one world!!!

iPeace, for me, is an avenue in which we all can stroll down and speak to our fellow man the message we all so desperately need to hear. It is the valley that streams our beacons of Light from we who are 'LightHouse's'. Spreading overstanding of what must be and be heard. "YOU" are the 'i' in iPeace.

Unlike those social networks which expose the baser side of human nature, iPeace is a shining light for human nobility. iPeace reflects the universal desire for peace and brotherhood.

iPeace brought a rush of fears
until I saw they were mine
I dug and soared the iPeace fields
And found this place Divine

There's not a word or vision of
that doesn't show concern
for all the corners of the earth
The journeys we have learned

I know I'm safe I feel it so
no harshness this I know
This peace I embrace in cyber space
A place I can call home..

The Secret of Peace

Only when this inner still
descends upon my soul
can I hear the world weep
for all its children’s pain.

Peace is a quiet place in our minds where there is no war or greed or poverty or cruelty...the important thing is to make that quiet place reality, and not only a utopian idea. I believe it will be possible one day.

Now, is it not our responsibility to keep iPeace peaceful?

Join iPeace, Invite others

Views: 58


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Comment by General Mojo on January 7, 2009 at 7:58am
Dear David,
they may say you're a dreamer
but you're not the only one,
my friend
hold on
Comment by Mike Morin on January 7, 2009 at 5:40am

Thank you for the the great work you do.

Understand, that there has never really been peace on earth, certainly from the times of the History and pre-history of Man. The human race is facing great peril, so don't let the Gaza setback get you down.

Both "sides" believe that they need to remain vigilant. For the oppressed to see that we are all one people, it will take some economic concessions (not necessarily land) or better put the willingness to share and cooperate, by the oppressors.

For the oppressors to recognize the ingredients for peace, they need to admit to themselves that they are oppressors, and that it is they who are more the aggressors, more so than the so-called "terrorists".

We live in a time approaching cataclysmic peril, but we also have the means of communications that are far unprecedented in all of time (as we know it). The work you do is a tremendous example of that capability.

Don't give up, and don't feel down. We need you and your work.

Workin' for peace and cooperation,

Mike Morin
Comment by Trisha on January 7, 2009 at 4:59am
Know that your very soul is blessed ten fold for your hard work you do here.I pray that we as a world never lose sight or feelings of hope,You are right when you say the war will not bring peace. But as we love and share and shine our lights together,this world knows of hope and peace. Please keep up your wonderful spirit for you are loved.
Comment by Jean VIORA-PERRIN on January 7, 2009 at 3:52am
courage !?.. Jean
Comment by David Gould on January 7, 2009 at 2:33am
David reading these words I hope you will take the advice offered early take the breaks you need to sustain yourself for the work you do here on ipeace.
I don't think you will ever know how many lives you have transformed by the power of what ipeace is.
ipeace is a place you created for us to connect, and for each of our tiny lights to shine as one huge growing light.
You are right it is sometimes hard not to be manipulated by the media into the trap of hatreds...
but ipeace reminds us that we are here because of love for each other,
because we belong to each other,
ipeace is a place where we can
reach out and clasp each other
and know we hold our brother or sister
Comment by Sandman on January 6, 2009 at 11:54pm
I love the poem, thank you.
I truly believe that is up to all of us, no matter any anger, frustation, or more that is felt----------after all we all are human. BUT----------if those of us who really believe in peace cannot, even through force of will if necessary, work to be examples then what hope is there? What progress is being made? What rationality is being demonstrated?
In spite of our words if we become like those who think war and killing lead to peace then who do we dishonor (other than our selves, as if that is not enough!) and who's words do we dishonor even as we claim to be believers in the words of peace, the teachers of peace, and the actions of peace?
During this latest Hamas/Israel war I have struggled to hold my tongue in the condemnation of both sides. I have refrained from expressing my self on iPeace (or anywhere else) as I did not want to throw out words that defeat what we all want and what we work for-----------I have tries to live by the example I have tried to set in my life, the example set by so many of you, and the example set by so many of those whose words and action I look toward for inspiration.
Hate, half-truths------------there is no room here for that and for those that espouse them. Nor should there be.
Let all of us honor the man that started iPeace, honor ourselves, and honor the force and will of peace itself, and honor all of those innocents paying the price for the actions of those who believe that war is the way by coming together, NO MATTER OUR DIFFERENCES and let us all make a renewed commitment to why we are here.
David I do not know you, but you have created a place where I no longer feel alone in what I believe and where I, along with others I suspect, can feel hope and renewed commitment to peace, and to others likewise committed.
I have thought of you often during these times. Do not give up hope or faith----I have never done so and will never do so-you are not alone my brother as many of us are here and around the world.
Much love to all of you------------and may we all renew our committment to peace and to one another in our common journey, struggles and all.
Comment by Stephanie on January 6, 2009 at 10:22pm
Isn't this a wonderful group of appreciative people!
Comment by Dimitris on January 6, 2009 at 9:40pm

My candle with yours. We make this big difference. Thank you David
Comment by Eva on January 6, 2009 at 9:39pm
"The one who does not know how to get angry is a fool,
but the one who does not want
to get angry is a wise person."

Peace, Love, light, power and confidence!
Comment by janflora on January 6, 2009 at 9:34pm
Peace to you brother...glad you are safe and so glad you are here for all of us! hope you get some sleep soon :)

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