Tree Thunderchild's Comments

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At 3:47am on December 16, 2008, Lars Lennart Fjeldstrom said…
Thanks a lot for the long message - it was amazing to see you on a hourse back! When weather allows I use a bicycle, otherwise I take the train when it is necessary to transport myself. I live in a small countryside village (1000 people) in Denmark, but I come from Gothenburg (big nasty city) in Sweden. For some months in 2004 and 2005 I lived outside Gellivare in the very north of Sweden (Laponia) and Laponia in Sweden is very much like Alaska - there is very few people, you sit in a train hour after hour and never see a house, a road or a car - but there is plenty of moose, bear (brown bear, not grizzly), wolves jerv and los - and many people never go out in the forest without having a rifle for defense in their hand. That is paranoia - for sure cars kills more people than wolves, bears, los and jerv together ( I doubt that wolves ever have killed a man) - but nobody have a rifle in a city to defend themselves against cars!
If somebody in Laponia sinks down in a swamp (half of Laponia is unstable wetground) people say it must have been the wolves or a bear!
If it was animals - sooner or later somebody would find the body.
I think that bears and wolves are much better than the horrifying rumors - polar bears can attack people, but brown bears are more peaceful. And wolwes - they use to be AFRAID of people! A dog is a wolf - men comes from apes, and dogs comes from wolves.
Nowadays there is a few hundered wild wolves in south of Sweden - and they are protected, killing is forbidden. And many people almost do not dare to send their children to school - and illegaly kill wolves.
But nobody point a gun at a car!
A bullet in a tie would decrease the use of gas ... (just joking!)
I think it is very important to save the nature - we have cut down half of all trees in the world, and much of it goes to goddam advertisment nobody reads.
We have exterminated half of the nature, and half of all species on earth.
The contain of protein in wheat powder was 16% 50 years ago - and now it is 8%.
All nutrician ends up in the see, and how long will it go before nothing can grow?
Ant then pullotion, hormon disturbing chemicals and plastic and heavy lead alloys collecting in increasing quantities in food chains generation by generation.
If people don't stop - for sure - there will be no life on earth next century!
You are a very clever man that have understood a lot - and if everybody was like us, maybe life on earth could survive.
Have a nice day, and thanks a lot for taking care of mother nature!
Your friend Lars ennart Fjeldstrom
:-D :-D :-D
At 2:35am on December 16, 2008, ken said…
thanks for the comment i was young[13] when i first decided that i had learned everything that people could teach me ,so i left and lived on the streets or in the woods but i got lazy and decided i liked my cushin topped mattress more then i liked the sun hitting me on the face first thing in the morning when i here you talk about the way you live i know i made a mistake
At 10:57pm on December 15, 2008, luisella valeri said…
Tree, thanks for your words in my page.
In this period I haven't much time as you.
In Italia artisan people are respected because they works with heart and soul and this take a time and a space that are not as in an industrial program organized with the basys of money, the obsession of most dollar or euro profit. Industrial things are without soul, earth,life, are just mechanic, tecnology only for an use without coscience of the total connection. Like the food: when industrially selected and cultivated, has not love and life because has not total connection with the sun, the moon, the sky, star, wind, rain, insect, animal, songs of birds, earth with mineral and vegetal and little animal, the human care and! Just only when I eat this natural food I'm enriched of life, of the natural creativity in continual coming and going in the flow of the life.
Man that reduces all to money and industrial time hasn't this coscience; he is a techical man and he has lost the most important part that makes him an human made with star dust and coscience connected with ALL ONE.
So, I wont to tell we all we have to consacre every human fact and doing with human hands when made with heart and soul, because is the only real we need, full of love (connections) and life. Honour to you, artisan Tree!
At 12:23pm on December 15, 2008, Franck dobermann said…
hey Tree
Many Thanx for the add,
we are all connected ,

Peace and Light, Always


At 8:28am on December 15, 2008, Mayukh said…
Its actually shockin that u havn,t heard of islamic terrorism! well i can eloborate on that.. the thing is these people who call themselves "true islamic" believe that they r the greatest people in the world n they want to dominate it n put forth their ideology n banish anythin else. They take anything thats not muslim n ravage it! they are not true muslims! they make the whole religion look bad n now v generalise all muslims that way. its too vast a topic for me to type out! :) so check this out. it'll answer ur doubts! :-

Can u please tell me more as to how u came about this idea of "being with d animals"! what were u in ur 1st 20 years?!n so true is the fact that u can never trust what d media or the govt tell us! i like your metaphor about the butterfly! :)
ps. People dont want to "simply choose"! :)

At 5:22pm on December 13, 2008, Johnnie said…
Is it all right if I call you Tree...I will check out your group...I knew that you would understand the Thought Reception an inventor you know how much those like Edison and DaVinci were so tied in with reception...I believe it is getting harder each day because of the pace of most peoples life..and if you tell people that Jesus was a receiver of Universal Truths just like so many sometimes pisses them off...I always say...worship the message...not the would not order a pizza...hug the delivery boy and throw away the and I both seem to be hiding out in the woods and Loving it....with this great miracle of communication at our finger tips...keep in touch and good bless you...Johnnie
At 9:08am on December 11, 2008, Tree said…
The same always find the others. I am feeling well in the forest. Hi, TREE!
With love Tree from the Czech mountains called Jeseníky(Ash Mountains)
At 6:26am on December 8, 2008, patty said…
Dear Mr. TT, Thank you so much for your kind words. I also enjoyed reading about your ideals and how connected you are with Mother Earth and your sorundings. You are living a remarkable life and its keeping you in touch with the universe. Its a pleasure meeting you!
At 7:00pm on December 6, 2008, Nancy Kaye said…
Dear T.T., Thanks for sharing your story. Have you written about it? Seems to me to be something of great interest. Let me know if you would like some idea sharing about writing it, if that interests you.
I have lots and lots of Susan stories, that I have not written about.
Currently I am in the starting stages of a book about communication, from my experience coaching and training clients globally. I am also assisting 3 people on writing their books. Namaste, Nancy
At 5:44pm on December 5, 2008, Nancy Kaye said…
Hello T.T.,
Thanks for the note. You did a great job of communicating.
It is always so... when it is heart generated. If you need any guidance in that direction, I am here to assist. I went to Alaska to Susan Butcher's wedding. Do you know who she is/was? I designed her wedding dress, and was her friend. Namaste, Nancy
At 1:50am on December 5, 2008, Nancy Kaye said…
Hello Tree Thunderchild. I love who you are. Happy Holidays! Stay warm. Namaste, Nancy
At 11:54am on December 2, 2008, Diamant said…
Good Morning :-)

Hehe so those pictures was to big :-) I will see what I can do about making them smaller brother. One of them is actually really cute. It is of one reindeer family. And one of them is white, that I have heard is an holly animal among the sami-people that lives here. I just have seen a white reindeer to times in my life. I love animal and birds. I have some nice and strong experience with eagles.

I have to tell you a story about a funny fox I saw some weekends ago. As my father and I was driving to one of Norway's most beautiful island named Senja, we were crossing right in a crossroad while passing a gas station. Suddenly I see this red fox comming out of the wood right by the gas station name Statoil. I say to my father " look at that fox going on the gas station" my father say " It has to be a stupid fox, that is not afraid" I say " no it is not, it just has been fed by humans I believe". And then the fox walks under the lights of the the gas station. There are some cars and some people there. The fox just pas them as it was the most natural thing to do. and then cross the road and vanish into the wood on the other side of the road.hehe I sure see the message it brought with him. And it also made me smile because I was so amazed by seeing this fox walking on the gas station on a Friday evening. It was one of a kind experience. I feel close to nature and has been that since I was a little girl. I love the way the nature communicate if you are willing to listen.

I am glad to hear about your life brother. And I think you are one special person, a strong surviver, one of a kind. To be close to nature gives me the feeling of totally freedom. I hope nature will treat you and your horse real good this winter. Do you have wolfs ?
Love to hear from you and the nature were you are.
Keep going strong Brother Tree. I am also here for peace and to share the love I feel for life and nature.
All best wishes and a good warm hug to you and your best friend.
Wish you a beautiful day!
Peace & Love
At 5:26am on December 2, 2008, stephanie said…
Thank you for checking. No, we just had cooool weather. I deleted the rat race after speking tohim on it,..I just thought sending cards would be nice, but,naaay,..I don't wanna get involved in more than I can handle...I too, as you could be just fine in a little heated camper in the woods and storming!That'd be a good rush. I could totally live as a wild woman,very happily.I'd be delighted to befriend you. Your woerds are deep and well thought out. I admire that!:) Peace
At 10:26pm on December 1, 2008, Willem Amendt said…
Dear Tree, this is the link to the publication:

I would like you to know that i've lived outsite of society, close to nature for about 30 years in self build trailors, and when you talk about freedom i know what you're talking about. Tomorrow, i'll sent my reply to your comment. Rest well my friend, Willem
At 4:28pm on December 1, 2008, stephanie said…
It's wonderful to have made your aquaintence..I hope your computer stops freezing up on you. I'm freezing right now. Here in OK it's really cold, in the 20's. Well itmaybe not cold to some, but to me, it's like a blizzard cold. I'm not too fond of cold weathe.lolr
At 3:30pm on December 1, 2008, Diamant said…
Hi Brother Tree :-)
I am so glad you have been visiting my profile here. When I logged in this morning it was something leading me to your page. So for sure we know each other. Wow so great :-)My heart feels so warm just know, It is like it seeing again someone you are really close to :-) My first thought after I had read your words was, I want to visit this man. I am so glad to name you Tree also, because I love trees. wow brother so good to see you. My heart is so happy now. I live in North Norway in a little town. So in the land of the midnight sun and the northern lights, the majestic mountains and the beautiful nature filled with life and love, I am here your earth sister :-) Give your beautiful friend and good horse a warm hug from me. And good and warm hug from my heart is sent over to you.
Peace and Love

At 8:44am on December 1, 2008, Willem Amendt said…

Dear Tree, thank you so much for your story, it really moved us (my wife too) It's so good to know you. Today i'm going to publish your story. I have translated it but i will publish it in English to prevent things getting lost. This weekend i participated in a two day teaching from a high Tibetan lama. (photo)One of the subjects was karma. It probably will not mean much to you but we discussed throwing and rounding off karma. Your story is a prime example of the latter karma. In buddhism this means that your love for your wolves will lead them to be born as human beings in their next incarnation where you might meet their spirits in human form.
At 1:54am on December 1, 2008, Ty said…
You live a great life, one beyond my comprehension prior to the last 5 years. But now, now I see it as clear as if it were right in front of me. Thank you
At 1:04am on December 1, 2008, Kelly said…
Yes, we are on the same page about many things. I agree, it's time for evolution, not revolution. These are more than just semantics. There is a difference between transformation, and incremental improvement.

You also speak exactly to what I'm doing when you say that we can model in virtual space what can then be made manifest. Technically, it's sort of like the Sketch Up software Google is offering, bundled with Google Earth. What I'm building pulls this sort of stuff in, and combines it with socio-economic relationship features, with the intention to make creation of these new realities as easy as using sites like this one.

Ok, I see your Paradise on Earth group now. I look forward to joining the discussion. Here's my two cents: in my view, economics is the common denominator of world problems. I look at it like Maslow's need hierarchy. I think people naturally evolve to address higher aspects of being, as basic needs are met.

I believe what we need is a world in which we can all fulfill ourselves as much as desired materially, through a wide variety of choices of lifestyle. I don't believe this leads to materialism, but out of it. Ultimately, free creative people with universal access, in a context where everyone has universal access, will realize that creation, and healthy relationships, and learning and evolving are actually the basis happiness.
At 7:41pm on November 30, 2008, Ty said…
T. T.
I was hoping to get products up by wed. or thurs at the latest, it has been a long year since I started this, I was an industrial electrician before Uncle Sam put me back into uniform in 03. When I came out, I vowed to use the skills I had in my civilian job to make an effort to stop this madness. The website and sales of renewable/alternative energy sources is just the start, I have brought 3 other individuals in this with me from different parts of the country who share my passion on this and have alot of experince in their respect fields. Together, we plan on bringing large and small power projects to life, we already have 1 individual who wants Eninthal to head up a large wind and solar project on the plains of Colorado and I am to meet with a local politician here in Western New York on putting wind power and solar in Niagara Falls State Park. They would be inserted as light poles and for solar, car shed shade areas.

I would be interested to know what you think of these ideas. You can reach me more directly at

Thanks for your message, it makes me feel proud to know others are out there.

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