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- Anders Abrahamsson

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Who Cares ? I Do !! and Here's Why..

Started by Leah D (Pixie). Last reply by Leah D (Pixie) Jan 4, 2015. 10 Replies

Are you ready to show your face for peace?

Started by Saeeid Dastmalchian. Last reply by Saeeid Dastmalchian Oct 28, 2012. 2 Replies

Reading my poems in a recital

Started by Ana. Last reply by Ana Oct 28, 2012. 1 Reply

The Price of Silence

Started by Leah D (Pixie). Last reply by Jouni Sakari Kemppinen May 3, 2012. 2 Replies

To Nuke or not to Nuke ? That's the problem....

Started by Fintan. Last reply by Jouni Sakari Kemppinen May 2, 2012. 1 Reply

Local Business Masters Course............................................

Started by maurie j. campanella. Last reply by Jouni Sakari Kemppinen Apr 26, 2012. 3 Replies

Zeitgeist: Moving Forward, The movie

Started by Leah D (Pixie). Last reply by Leah D (Pixie) Dec 14, 2011. 5 Replies

An Enduring Vision

Started by Leah D (Pixie). Last reply by Leah D (Pixie) Dec 10, 2011. 1 Reply


Started by Ravishankar.G. Last reply by Dave Streater May 4, 2011. 0 Replies

A Tale of Tolerance~ One of Steps To Lasting Peace

Started by Leah D (Pixie). Last reply by Leah D (Pixie) Jul 30, 2010. 7 Replies

Healing The Hearts of Humanity

Started by Leah D (Pixie) Jul 30, 2010. 0 Replies

What Would It Look Like? A Globaloneness Project ~Got Hope?

Started by Leah D (Pixie). Last reply by Leah D (Pixie) May 15, 2010. 12 Replies

"A Cry for Peace " A Poem (lyrics) & Story

Started by Leah D (Pixie). Last reply by Leah D (Pixie) Mar 8, 2010. 14 Replies

Instant Gratification And It's Negative Implications

Started by Maricel Piercey. Last reply by MADI SIMMONS Jan 5, 2010. 1 Reply

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Comment by Peace_maker on December 19, 2008 at 3:58am
I feel this is the right idea what Lynn is trying to say as well as all of you are saying here The world as we know it has to change with all of us together to have all of us heal from what has happen I do believe in the world of energy of love and light. the world can adapt by moving it slowly for all habits to seize slowly like a drug that people are used being on.. with good guidance and care for some that needs to adapt in it s process ..healing the people from drugs sex and violence and war. greed and hatred.
Comment by Lynn Mystic-Healer on December 18, 2008 at 3:47am
Dear Ones Can you help this happen?
Hi Edward,I am so sorry to hear about your life problems.I am so sorry about all the people who are suffering from PTSD from wars and other life traumas and other emotional disabilities also.I too have spent many years suffering. I long to teach the world about my channeled Soul Activation Process from my Spiritual 911 Healing Handbook.We are all connected via our holy breath to divine love and light Soul energy that is omniscient, omnipotent and has omnipresent HOLY Spirits, deceased relatives, totems, guardian angels, and divine healing light waiting to help us! I long to teach people how and why to use their intergalactic Soul (psychic-love and light energies) to overcome any emotional or chronic physical problems, and find their soul purpose. You can see my website for more info...
We are in a spiritual emergency on this planet and all the answers lie within each person's own unique eternal Soul energies. My guides told me to help those suffering from emotional problems or those in crisis. The Spiritual 911 Healing Handbook was written to help develop new earth jobs to transform our social services, at risk youth programs and adjunct preventive health care programs.
I am looking for help to get this SET(Spiritual Emergency Training) into every peace city to create new jobs for the lightworkers, peacemakers, indigos, crystal children, and energy healers and heart healers.
We need new jobs that focus on the Soul power connections of each person;so that, we can bring world healing, unity and peace to this planet from inside out.
Congressman Dennis Kucinich founder of the US Peace Dept. believes in this simple spiritual hypnotherapy healing method that can also be used for non violence training.
I need lightworkers to unite, write the US PEACE DEPT. and the cities for Peace (on line) and the City councils---300 CITIES HAVE PASSED PEACE RESOLUTIONS AND ARE LOOKING FOR PEACE PROJECTS and HAVE DECLARED THEY WILL TAKE THE MONEY DIRECTLY FROM THE PENTAGON.... Most lightworkers already use or know parts of this Soul healing process (inner guidance therapy, type of Reiki, angel work, breath work, psychic powers, past lives, future times, medical hypnotherapy,channeling, etc)-- Anyway, my dream is to help get these new earth Soul Activation jobs created that actually pay people to help them go within to find the Soul-utions for their emotional or chronic physical problems directly from their higher love and light Soul power connections! There is a spiritual answer to every human problem or crisis and the Soul Activation Process can help find all these answer we need now. individually and collectively.. to bring in a Soul Centered planet that uses higher thoughts and focus on more divine love and light ACTIONS from direct Soul Connections that will help dispel this planet's old ego mind trainings and darkness. Help people find their Soul Purpose ( Thou Shalt not kill is a commandment for MUSLIMS AND CHRISTIANS) and all religions. All human beings have a wonderful humanitarian Soul Purpose that we must help them AWAKEN to and help them stay focused on. The Soul Activation Process will teach a simple (for all ages 4 and up) and all races and all religions a new way to cope with life problems via a higher, intelligent, ancient, wisdom of love and light. We are all just human beings that have life challenges, lessons, family, career, health challenges, past life karma, AND wonderful hidden gifts to focus on to share.....All the answers are within EACH OF US! I too need The Soul Activation Process done to me (like massage) whenever my EGO GETS SICK, MAD, REACTIVE, LIMITED, STRESSED, SAD, STUCK OR HOOKED INTO OTHER FEARFUL STATES... WE ARE ALL CONNECTED VIA OUR HOLY BREATH! All is in divine order. We are awakening... We are co-creating and bringing in the planet of the light! All human beings have a SOUL THAT CAN BE ACTIVATED AND USED TO HELP one another heal, unite, transform and bring us world peace!!! We have jobs that focus on the killing wars, drug wars, old long term drug therapies, gangs, building more jails, and fighting terrorism. Whatever we focus on grows---- IT IS TIME FOR NEW Soul Focused jobs! Human Rights--- time for all children of the light to gather and create new earth jobs that focus on love and light (all positive) Soul Power Connections to our intergalactic Source that wants to help us alleviate the old dark, hurtful, fearful, limited, sick, reactive ego mind trainings! I am looking for sponsors to help us too. I have a donation button on my website--WORKSHOP PAGE--- and I am creating a SET (Spiritual Emergency Training) Love and Light Soul Center/ foundation and NEW SOCIAL NETWORK groups also... We need people to write letters and emails and make calls to help get these new Soul healing jobs created to reform our social services, at risk youth programs and new adjuncts for preventive health care services. Many people who have disabilities can still learn this simple method for emotional healing using the Soul Activation Process and help create these new jobs we need on this planet.
Peace via new love and light Soul Activation jobs,Lynn Mystic-Healer- AND THOUSANDS OF LIGHTWORKERS and new age healers ready to be of more
Comment by GIUSEPPE MARIVO on December 17, 2008 at 6:01pm
Yes, Michael, we are the ferment (1%) for the TOTAL GLOBAL big and final TRANSFORMATION...
Comment by GIUSEPPE MARIVO on December 17, 2008 at 5:53pm



1 - To establish only one NATION of FREE BEINGS, recognizing themselves as what they are, accepting themselves as what they are, loving themselves as what they are: PURE LIGHT!.

2 - To establish only one RACE comprised of spiritually equal beings within the external multiplicity and to clear the pathway for the Divine Archetype of Man and Woman; the Androgynous Light.

3 - To establish only one RELIGION, comprised of consciously enlightened beings derived from the source-light of the FATHER-MOTHER-LOVE, thereby eliminating separatism between all Beings.

4 - To establish only one CURRENCY, thereby establishing the RHYTHMIC BALANCED INTERCHANGE of loving reciprocity between All Beings.

5 - To establish only one SCHOOL where one learns to Love and recognize the Divine Essence in each person. Since the Cohesive Force of Love is the Principle of Origin, the fluidity of Divine Wisdom fulfills each Being with Radiant Light.

6 - To establish only one FAMILY free of racial, genetic and ideological separatisms, each Being embraced for what he is: son of the FATHER-MOTHER-LOVE, thus Being a co-participant in the Universal Family.

7 - To establish only one LANGUAGE in order to rid each being from multiple indigenous languages. To reassert, through the emanation of Love, the Electrostatic Communication from Being to Being. (page 1486-91)

Sharing, in Order, Light and Love,
Giuseppe Marivo
Comment by tim max on December 17, 2008 at 1:20am
lot kiss for all
Comment by Eliana Gilad on December 16, 2008 at 6:07pm
Whatever it is that you are doing right now, please stop for a moment to acknowledge yourself for being the wonderfully beautiful, unique being that you are!

Please enjoy a gift of holy music for the holidays

Eliana Gilad
Ancient Healing & Transformational Music
Comment by DrMillionaire on December 16, 2008 at 4:29pm
Pure Unconditional Love

Pure Unconditional Love is the most powerful vibration, force, Energy, in the entire Universe, in all spheres of life and reality. Without the all-pervading power of Unconditional Love the entire Universe could not and would not exist. If Unconditional Love where to be withdrawn, the entire Universe would collapse in an instant.

Unconditional Love should never be confused simply with sentimental love, attraction between two people, sexual love or lust, love of family or friends, or where the word “love” is used very loosely as a sign of friendship, affection or simply as an expression of endearment.

Unconditional Love is best described as a state of Energy, vibration, a powerful force, ultimately the very highest expression of Energy and vibration of all emanating as it does from the very highest, purest, most perfect and most Divine Energy of The Source, The First Cause, of God, a vibration sustaining all creation within the entire Universe without which there would be nothing.

In order to live in complete harmony with the Universe and become an open channel of expression of God, it is necessary to attune to a personal state of Unconditional Love in order that our body, Soul and Spirit can resonate in harmony with this same Divine vibration of Energy.

In order to maximize our abilities of manifestation, healing, and other inner abilities, and to truly live in Spirit, this state, or vibration is not something we should simply be aware of, or claim to practice, but rather something we should actually feel and become as an integral part of our very being.

Many people might claim to practice Unconditional Love, but very often this is very far indeed from reality, it is not merely about feeling good towards yourself or others, romantic love, showering everyone with affection or other such sentimental behavior, although of course these are perfectly harmless and even good things to do when appropriate, it is rather a much higher and ongoing state of being rather than mere words or a temporary or notional display of emotion, or affection.

True, Pure Unconditional Love is the very Energy behind all creation from the very beginning out of which God created and sustains the entire Universe in all spheres of life and reality;

Pure Unconditional Love is therefore the very highest and most Divine expression of God.

Those who wish total peace and complete harmony with the Universe, and wish to maximize the practice, effectiveness and benefits of their abilities should strive to become the individual epitome of Pure Unconditional Love and become an integral part of your very being.

Unconditional Love really does mean “unconditional” in every possible sense, that is to say without any conditions of any sort attached. Of course it is not always possible to achieve this overnight, it is rather a process commencing with a total and sincere resolve, integrated into daily life, and practiced increasingly with genuine and complete dedication, until Pure Unconditional Love is fully realized in every aspect of your life and being; body, Soul and Spirit.

Before setting a date in which to commence practicing and becoming at one with Unconditional Love, it is first necessary to contemplate and meditate deeply about exactly what it really means and how you will proceed with, and ultimately achieve your objective. It is necessary to fully understand the true nature of Unconditional Love to the point where it is not something you ever need to consciously think about, but is rather an integral aspect of your very being.

To practice Unconditional Love is to see and love the Divine essence of absolutely everyone and everything without any exceptions, not only the superficial shell that is the temporal physical vehicle by which to experience earthly matter, but in particular the immortal Spirit within, the true image of God.

You must know beyond any doubts in your very heart and Soul that everyone without exception, regardless of race, creed, culture, personality, individuality, characteristics and earthly status is an integral and equal aspect of God, our Divine creator who has given us all the precious gift of immortal life.

You cannot be selective about “Unconditional” Love. You must radiate and be this highest vibration to everyone and everything including those who you might have previously perceived of not being worthy of such love, including but not limited to terrorists, murders, bank robbers, difficult neighbors, annoying co-workers, and all of those with whom you might have had or are still having major disagreements, or generally have simply not got along with in the past for whatever reason that might be; the reason simply does not matter.

Every single one of these people without exception is also an equal aspect of God, an expression of God, and to hate them is also to hate God, yourself and the entire Universe in all of its magnificent spheres and dimensions of life and reality.

Every single one of these people without exception has the same ultimate destiny, and one day even the people considered to be the most evil of humans on Earth will ascend back to our Divine Creator.

God never, ever discriminates against his children anymore than any human being would discriminate against their own children, and therefore as true sons and daughters of God no human being should ever discriminate against any other human being.

Many might say, “but we are only human after all”. Yes, but therein is an extremely important point; people might well believe and think as if they are “only human”, however in reality, we are God and God is us, and one day upon attaining such a level of perfection everyone will realize the opportunity to assist in the harmonious operation of the entire Universe in all dimensions, spheres and realms as “God people”.

When you begin to practice being Unconditional Love, you must pour the high Energy vibration of it into everything and everyone, your entire surroundings without any hesitation or condition.

You will very quickly discover that Unconditional Love is very expansive and pervasive due to being an integral aspect of the group human Mind, and very soon people around you will begin to receive and to assimilate the vibrations of the Energy of Unconditional Love they are receiving from you, and will respond accordingly. People will seem to become much happier and more peaceful around you, smiling more, and being generally more relaxed.

As the people around you respond in this way, they will in turn radiate much more peaceful, harmonious feelings, again which will in turn be absorbed by people around them, and very soon your being Unconditional Love will directly or indirectly touch the hearts of many people.

In this way it does not take too many people to raise the entire world to this most Divine vibration, with profoundly positive consequences. While practicing Unconditional Love, be vigilant for and reject all negative or unloving thoughts immediately they occur.

Remember; a very important aspect is also unconditional forgiveness. Always unconditionally forgive those who have wronged you, however bitter or resentful you might feel, and project Unconditional Love in place of any anger or resentment while also remembering to learn any lessons you can from the situation.

It is very important to remember and to know that Unconditional Love is much more than a sentiment or something you might say to yourself, such as “I practice Unconditional Love”; it must radiate from the Heart and be an absolute knowing without thought or effort.

It must literally be a state of being, inseparable from your Soul, Spirit and your Higher Self, your Divine self, connected directly with the most Divine vibration of Energy of The Source, The First Cause, of God.

Always know that Unconditional Love is projected by God through your Higher Self, your immortal Spirit, to your Subconscious Mind, conscious Mind and physical body, through which you send the vibrations to everyone and everything.

Very soon your vibration and very Being will be raised to a new level, and you will begin to instinctively understand how to overcome limitations in your life. The door will open for many more possibilities you would ever have considered or thought possible before.

Your abilities of creating your own reality, healing and many other powers of the Mind will open wide to you without effort. Not only will you be positively affecting other people, you will also be raising the vibration and therefore Energy within your own life, experiencing a new level of happiness, peace and harmony with the world, Universe and all those around you.

The first few days of practicing Pure Unconditional Love might prove to be difficult, but as you persevere over the course of weeks and months it will become a way of life, and you will never want to return to the lower Energy vibration of your previous state ever again.

While relaxing or meditating, focus on your heart chakra, the center of Unconditional Love in your Etheric or Energy Body, and see it glowing, sending out its rays to the world. Take every opportunity to perform the Twin Hearts meditation as detailed in this book, sending Pure Unconditional Love to the entire world.

The more you become the epitome of Pure Unconditional Love and perform the Twin Hearts meditation, the more your heart chakra will expand and glow brightly; you will very clearly feel the warmth and the peace as your heart chakra vibrates to the highest Energy vibration of all, the Divine vibration of God.

After some time you will feel and know beyond any doubt you are connected directly to this ultimate, Divine source of the vibration, and know beyond any doubt whatsoever you are an integral aspect of this source; such a level of realization is extremely important to the development of many positive abilities and for ongoing growth and evolution along the sacred path back to God, The Source of this highest and most Divine vibration.

In time you will become a much calmer, happier, peaceful person, which will be reflected in your life. You will feel and know you are in tune with the Divine Source of the very highest vibration of all, which will in turn manifest into your life in many positive ways.

You will sleep more peacefully and soundly, and your dreams might well be much more vivid, harmonious and intense, opening you to a fuller understanding of your true purpose.

Your raised vibrations might well also open you to many higher-level abilities such as Astral Projection, clairvoyance and psychic abilities, although these should never be a primary motivation.

Remember, unconditional means truly unconditional, whether it relates to yourself or others.

During the first few days and weeks maintaining Pure Unconditional Love might well prove to be a variable experience, especially for those who are still working on transcending the ego. The ego will protest at every turn and will demand its own way. Perseverance is the key; acknowledge the protests and efforts of your ego to upset your equilibrium, but without ever giving into to it. In the fullness of time your ego will have to accept your desires and cease to protest and place obstacles in your way.

Above all, never become disheartened or give up altogether. Always know it is your Divine right as a true Son or Daughter of God, made in the true Spiritual image of God to be Pure Unconditional Love at all times, and thereby doing your part in keeping the fabric of the Universe intact.

Also, always remember the love God has for you is Pure Unconditional Love; God never, ever, ever judges anyone, no matter where a person is on the path, or however “bad” or “evil” they are perceived to be by judge mental people on Earth.

God always embraces Pure Unconditional Love for all of His/Her Children and creations within the entire multi-dimensional Universe, which has been recognized throughout the millennia as one of the ultimate mysteries of life and of the Universe, and yet most people in this stage of their evolution do not recognize or attempt to become as one with Unconditional Love.

Those who do recognize Unconditional Love and live their lives accordingly will realize these profound truths; it can shake you free from the influence of the ego and allow you to enjoy a new freedom and state of being which most people might find unimaginable. Only those who become Pure Unconditional Love will know the absolute truth of this reality.

Is it easy to do. Hell No!

To conclude this section, here is a passage contained within Corinthians of the Christian bible. While this is text is contained within religious source, it is nevertheless extremely appropriate.

“And now I will show you the most excellent way.
If I speak in the tongues of men and of Angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal.

If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing.

If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing.

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrong.

Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Love never fails. But where there are prophesies they will cease, where there are tongues they will be stilled, where there is knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part. But when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears.

When I was a child I talked like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me. Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror, then we shall see face to face.

Now I know in part, then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.

And now these three remain; Faith, Hope and Love. And the Greatest of these is Love.

Have a wonderful day and remember to live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, share and be the best to yourself.

Much Love.

Herbert Gordon
Comment by mjfaustino arsatelier on December 16, 2008 at 12:11pm
Hello everybody! It is always nice to be here among you all! Thanks Dave for the invite! I wish you all a Merry and Peaceful Christmas! mjf
Comment by DrMillionaire on December 16, 2008 at 6:31am
Dancing With God

When I meditated on the word Guidance,

I kept seeing "dance" at the end of the word.

I remember reading that doing God's will is a lot like dancing.

When two people try to lead, nothing feels right.

The movement doesn't flow with the music,

And everything is quite uncomfortable and jerky.

When one person realizes that, and lets the other lead,

Both bodies begin to flow with the music.

One gives gentle cues, perhaps with a nudge to the back

Or by pressing lightly in one direction or another.

It's as if two become one body, moving beautifully.

The dance takes surrender, willingness,

and attentiveness from one person

And gentle guidance and skill from the other.

My eyes drew back to the word Guidance.
When I saw "G:

I thought of God, followed by 'u" and "i."

"God, 'u" and "i" dance."

God, you, and I dance.

As I lowered my head, I became willing to trust

that I would get guidance about my life.

Once again, I became willing to let God lead.

My prayer for you today is that God's blessings

And mercies be upon you on this day and everyday.

May you abide in God as God abides in you.

Dance together with God, trusting God to lead

And to guide you through each season of your life.

So, dance !!

World Changers
Comment by Lynn Mystic-Healer on December 16, 2008 at 5:42am
Dearest Fellow Lightworkers, Psychics, new age healers and Peacemakers,
I Pray for World Healing and Peace and new Soul Activation Jobs for this planet!
I long to teach the world about my channeled Soul Activation Process from my Spiritual 911 Healing Handbook.We are all connected via our holy breath to divine love and light Soul energy that is omniscient, omnipotent and has omnipresent HOLY Spirits, deceased relatives, totems, guardian angels, and divine healing light waiting to help us! I long to teach people how and why to use their intergalactic Soul (psychic-love and light energies) to overcome any emotional or chronic physical problems, and find their soul purpose. You can see my website for more info...
We are in a spiritual emergency on this planet and all the answers lie within each person's own unique eternal Soul energies. My guides told me to help those suffering from emotional problems or those in crisis. The Spiritual 911 Healing Handbook was written to help develop new earth jobs to transform our social services, at risk youth programs and adjunct preventive health care programs. One weekend intensive and all lightworkers can do these new jobs.
I am looking for help to get this SET(Spiritual Emergency Training) into every peace city to create new jobs for the lightworkers, peacemakers, indigos, crystal children, and energy healers and heart healers.
We need new jobs that focus on the Soul power connections of each person;so that, we can bring world healing, unity and peace to this planet from inside out.
Congressman Dennis Kucinich founder of the US Peace Dept. believes in this simple spiritual hypnotherapy healing method that can also be used for non violence training and unity of all races and religions.
I need lightworkers to unite, write the US PEACE DEPT. and the cities for Peace (on line) and the Cities for peace-- councils---300 CITIES HAVE PASSED PEACE RESOLUTIONS AND ARE LOOKING FOR PEACE PROJECTS and HAVE DECLARED THEY WILL TAKE THE MONEY DIRECTLY FROM THE DEFENSE DEPT..... Most lightworkers already use know parts of this Soul Activation process (inner guidance therapy, type of Reiki, angel work, breath work, psychic powers, past lives, future times, medical hypnotherapy,channeling, etc)-- Anyway, my dream is to help get these new earth Soul Activation jobs created that actually pay people to help them go within to find the Soul-utions for their emotional or chronic physical problems directly from their higher love and light Soul power connections! There is a spiritual answer to every human problem or crisis and the Soul Activation Process can help find all these answers we need; Now, individually and collectively.. to bring in a Soul Centered love and light planet that uses higher thoughts, multidemsionsal focus on more divine Soul Purpose ACTIONS from direct Soul Connections that will help dispel this planet's old ego mind trainings and darkness. Help people find their Soul Purpose ( Thou Shalt not kill is a commandment for MUSLIMS AND CHRISTIANS) and all religions. All human beings have a wonderful humanitarian Soul Purpose that we must help them AWAKEN to and help them stay focused on. The Soul Activation Process will teach a simple (for all ages 4 and up) and all races and all religions a new way to cope with life problems via a higher, intelligent, ancient, wisdom of love and light. We are all just human beings that have life challenges, lessons, family, career, health challenges, past life karma, AND wonderful hidden gifts to focus on to share.....All the answers are within EACH OF US! I too need The Soul Activation Process done to me (like massage) whenever my EGO GETS SICK, MAD, REACTIVE, LIMITED, STRESSED, SAD, STUCK OR HOOKED INTO OTHER FEARFUL STATES... WE ARE ALL CONNECTED VIA OUR HOLY BREATH! All is in divine order. We are awakening... We are co-creating and bringing in the planet of the light! All human beings have a SOUL THAT CAN BE ACTIVATED AND USED TO HELP one another heal, unite, transform and bring us world peace!!! We have jobs that focus on the killing wars, drug wars, old long term drug therapies, gangs, building more jails, and fighting terrorism. Whatever we focus on grows---- IT IS TIME FOR NEW Soul Focused jobs! Human Rights--- time for all children of the light to gather and create new earth jobs that focus on love and light (all positive) Soul Power Connections to our intergalactic Source that wants to help us alleviate the old dark, hurtful, fearful, limited, sick, reactive ego mind trainings! I am looking for sponsors to help us too. I have a donation button on my website--WORKSHOP PAGE--- and I am creating a SET (Spiritual Emergency Training) Love and Light Soul Center/ foundation and NEW SOCIAL NETWORK groups also... We need people to write letters and emails and make calls to help get these new Soul healing jobs created to reform our social services, at risk youth programs and new adjuncts for preventive health care services. Many people who have disabilities can still learn this simple method for emotional healing using the Soul Activation Process and help create these new jobs we need on this planet. We must get these new EARTH TRANFORMATIONAL HEALING, NON-VIOLENCE jobs to start at $45.000/yr. -ASAP!
Peace via new love and light Soul Activation jobs,Lynn Mystic-Healer- AND THOUSANDS OF LIGHTWORKERS and new age healers ready to be of more

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